652 research outputs found

    Changes in the Cell Squad of Iliac Lymph Nodes of White Rats in Case of Longterm Influence of Nalbufin

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    The article presents data on the change in the cellular composition of the lymph nodes of the white rats, males of reproductive age, who received intramuscular opioid analgesics - nalbuphine every day for six weeks. The weekly dose of nalbuphine was gradually increased, creating a model of physical opioid dependence according to the patent of Ukraine No. 76564 U. All experimental animals were divided into 8 groups.Morphometric method was used to determine the relative number of cells of the lymphoid series - small, medium and large lymphocytes, blasts and plasmocytes in the cloak zone and the embryonic center of the secondary lymphoid nodes and brain strands of the lymph nodes. Morphometric studies were performed using a system of visual analysis of histological preparations.It was established that nalbuphine in the lymph nodes causes reactive and destructive changes: the number of large lymphocytes increases in all structural components of the lymph node with a maximum after 4 weeks, respectively, the relative number of small lymphocytes decreases in the nucleus centers and brain tracts, the relative number of plasmocytes in the brain strains increases sharply . In all structural components of the lymph nodes hemocapillaries and venules are dilated and full-blooded, around vascular edema and partial damage to the walls of the microvessels.One week after the discontinuation of nalbuphine, the relative number of lymphoid cells in the structural components of the lymph nodes does not return to the indicators of intact animals, no reversible changes are noted

    Емфаза як категорія комунікативної структури речення (Emphasis as a category of communicative sentence structure)

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    У статті досліджується тлумачення терміну емфаза у мовознавчих студіях, її основні ознаки та засоби вираження. Емфаза розглядається як сукупність мовних засобів, які формують або модифікують комунікативний смисл речення, забезпечуючи підсилення прагматичного ефекту. Обґрунтовується, що дослідження емфази пов’язане з вивченням комунікативних інтенцій мовця. У комунікативній лінгвістиці емфаза розглядається як одна з категорій комунікативної структури речення, яка пов’язана з вираженням сильних почуттів того, хто говорить, з приводу описуваного. Особлива увага приділяється значенню емфази у комунікативній структурі речення. (In the article is investigated the definition of the term emphasis in the linguistic studies, its main features and means of expression. After analyzing the dictionaries’ entries that give the definition of emphasis, we can conclude that it has these two main features: 1) expression, 2) clarification or guidance. Each of these characteristics has its own means of expression. Emphasis is considered as a set of linguistic means, which form or modify a communicative meaning of the sentence, providing the intensification of pragmatic effect. It is substantiated that the research of emphasis is related to the study of communicative intentions of the speaker. Special attention is given to the value of emphasis in the communicative sentence structure. In communicative linguistics emphasis is regarded as one of the categories of communicative sentence structure associated with the expression of strong feelings that people say about something being described. Linguists introduce the interpretation of emphasis as a natural phenomenon emotionally colored speech that involves the element accentuation of the expression. Emphatic constructions are defined as constructions by using which we emphasize certain information by the means of intensity and expressiveness. Emphatic components occur at all levels of speech, implementing their lexical-semantic potential.

    Adaptive Variability of Cognitive Modelling of Lexical Semantics

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    The article is devoted to the issues of cognitive modelling of the semantics of English nouns denoting a criminal. The article deals with the question of the variable representation of cognitive information due to adaptive potential of knowledge representation structures depending on the language level and the essence of the phenomenon under study. The results of the analysis of lexical units and their actualization in the literary text are presented. Particular attention is paid to the structures of knowledge representation like frame, prototype, cogniotype and stereotype. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the work implements a cognitive approach to the study of the semantics of units and the content and structural aspects of the text. Within the framework of this approach, cognitive structures of different levels are involved. The conclusion is made about the complementarity of these structures and about the possibility of their simultaneous functioning. In addition, the paper attempts to formulate rules and principles of cognitive text research. The relevance of the research is caused by the attempt to identify the laws of categorization and conceptualization of reality reflected in the language. The results of cognitive research, usually presented in the form of models or schemes, facilitate subsequent comparison of ways of categorization in other languages, as well as the identification of common universal laws of human cognition and the principles of its reflection in semantics

    Research of Rational Concentration of Oilseed Crops Meals in the Sandy Dough Semi-finished Product

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    The work studies the rational concentration of meals of soya, sunflower and milk thistle in a sandy dough semi-product for improving healthy properties of ready products (biological value, stomach peristalsis, metabolism, saturation with vitamins and mineral substances). Analytic studies were conducted and advantages of using meals in dough products were determined. The chemical composition of meals was determined, and the optimal composition for satisfying the human need that is in ratio 3:4:3 was calculated. The quality of meals was estimated, and their organoleptic parameters were analyzed. The sensor analysis of sandy semi-products of oilseed crops meals was realized. It was established, that adding of the meal composition instead of flour in amount 20 % is an optimal solution for using in a sandy dough semi-product.There was established the influence of meals of oilseed crops on organoleptic parameters of developed sandy semi-products. Advantages and defects of using the aforesaid meals were established. Ways of improving the outlook and consistence of shortcakes were offered. Ways of further studies were established

    Sleep-wake misperception. A comprehensive analysis of a large sleep lab cohort

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    OBJECTIVES Sleep-wake misperception has mainly been reported in insomnia patients. Conversely, the present study aimed to assess the prevalence and correlates of sleep-wake misperception in a large cohort of patients with various sleep-wake disorders, all diagnosed along the third version of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders. METHODS We retrospectively included 2738 patients examined by polysomnography, who in addition estimated upon awakening their total sleep time, sleep onset latency and Wake after sleep onset (WASO). We computed subjective-objective mismatch by the formula (subjective - objective value)/objective value ×100; negative and positive values indicated under- and overestimation, respectively. RESULTS In the entire sample, the magnitude of under- and overestimation of total sleep time was similar, but varied significantly between diagnostic groups, with insomnia and insufficient sleep syndrome showing the most pronounced underestimation and REM parasomnia and circadian rhythm disorders showing the most pronounced overestimation of total sleep time. In all diagnostic categories, a majority tended to overestimate their sleep onset latency and to underestimate the amount of WASO. Younger age was independently correlated with underestimation of total sleep time and WASO, and with overestimation of sleep onset latency. Overestimation of sleep onset latency independently correlated to an increased latency to N3 sleep stage on polysomnography. CONCLUSIONS While sleep-wake misperception is highly prevalent in all sleep-wake disorders, significant differences exist in magnitude of under- and overestimation between distinct diagnostic groups

    Prevalence and predictors of fatigue in glioblastoma: a prospective study

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    Background The main goal of this study was to assess frequency, clinical correlates, and independent predictors of fatigue in a homogeneous cohort of well-defined glioblastoma patients at baseline prior to combined radio-chemotherapy. Methods We prospectively included 65 glioblastoma patients at postsurgical baseline and assessed fatigue, sleepiness, mean bedtimes, mood disturbances, and clinical characteristics such as clinical performance status, presenting symptomatology, details on neurosurgical procedure, and tumor location and diameter as well as pharmacological treatment including antiepileptic drugs, antidepressants, and use of corticosteroids. Data on fatigue and sleepiness were measured with the Fatigue Severity Scale and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, respectively, and compared with 130 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Results We observed a significant correlation between fatigue and sleepiness scores in both patients (r = 0.26; P = .04) and controls (r = 0.36; P < .001). Only fatigue appeared to be more common in glioblastoma patients than in healthy controls (48% vs 11%; P < .001) but not the frequency of sleepiness (22% vs 19%; P = .43). Female sex was associated with increased fatigue frequency among glioblastoma patients but not among control participants. Multiple linear regression analyses identified depression, left-sided tumor location, and female sex as strongest associates of baseline fatigue severity. Conclusions Our findings indicate that glioblastoma patients are frequently affected by fatigue at baseline, suggesting that factors other than those related to radio- or chemotherapy have significant impact, particularly depression and tumor localizatio


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    Summary. Drug addiction is an important medical and social problem that affects the quality, duration, condition and health of a person. However, drugs are used not only by drug addicts, these drugs are widely used in medical practice, so the study of their effects on the human body is of great importance. The aim of the study – to learn and compare submicroscopic changes of lymphocytes in the thymus and iliac lymph nodes with long-term effects on the body of rats nalbuphine. Materials and Methods. A model of physical opioid dependence was created on 52 outbred white male rats according to patent No. 76564 U "Method for modeling physical opioid dependence in rats". Animals were divided into 8 groups, each with 5 animals, which were daily injected intravenously with nalbuphine according to the scheme: group 1 – 5 intact rats, groups 2–7, in which rats were administered the drug (1st week – 8 mg/kg, 2nd week – 15 mg/kg, 3rd week – 20 mg/kg, 4th week –  25 mg/kg, 5th week – 30 mg/kg, 6th week – 35 mg/kg), group 8 – drug withdrawal, control – 12 rats. Iliac lymph nodes and thymus were removed weekly by anesthesia of rats by intraperitoneal anesthesia with sodium thiopental – 25 mg/kg. Sections were made on a UMTP-6M ultramicrotome using a diamond knife (DIATOM) and double-contrast with Reynolds and uranyl acetate was performed. Sections were examined on a TEM-100 electron transmission microscope and photo-documented using a SONY-H9 digital camera. Results. Six-week administration of the drug leads to severe destructive-degenerative changes in the parenchyma of both the thymus and iliac lymph nodes. Most lymphocytes in the parenchyma of both organs have pyknotically altered nuclei, the contours of the nuclear envelope are blurred, in places it is damaged, the nucleus is dominated by condensed chromatin; in some places deep intussusception of the nuclear envelope leads to fragmentation of the nucleus and the formation of osmophilic fragments. Often occur in cells in a state of apoptosis. Intercellular spaces in both organs are expanded, perivascular hypostasis is noted. Withdrawal of nalbuphine does not lead to cell regeneration in the studied organs. Conclusions. Six-week administration of the drug causes profound destructive-degenerative changes in thymic lymphocytes and iliac lymph nodes, indicating the decompensatory processes in the studied organs.Резюме. Важливою медико-соціальною проблемою, яка впливає на якість, тривалість, стан і здоров’я людини, є наркоманія. Проте наркотичні речовини вживають не лише наркозалежні, ці препарати широко застосовуються в медичній практиці, тому дослідження їх впливу на організм людини має велике значення. Мета дослідження – вивчити та порівняти субмікроскопічні зміни лімфоцитів у тимусі та клубових лімфатичних вузлах при довготривалій дії на організм щура налбуфіну. Матеріали і методи. Модель фізичної опіоїдної залежності створювали на 52 безпородних білих щурах-самцях згідно з патентом № 76564 U «Спосіб моделювання фізичної опіоїдної залежності у щурів». Тварин поділили на 8 груп, в кожній по 5 тварин, яким щоденно внутрішньом’язово вводили налбуфін за схемою: перша група – 5 інтактних щурів, друга–сьома групи, в яких щурам вводили препарат (1-й тиждень – 8 мг/кг, 2 тиждень – 15 мг/кг, 3 тиждень – 20 мг/кг, 4 тиждень – 25 мг/кг, 5 тиждень – 30 мг/кг, 6 тиждень – 35 мг/кг),  восьма група – відміна препарату. Контроль – 12 щурів. Клубові лімфатичні вузли та тимус забирали щотижня шляхом знеболювання щурів внутрішньочеревним наркозом тіопенталом натрію – 25 мг/кг. Зрізи виготовляли на ультрамікротомі УМТП-6М за допомогою алмазного ножа (ДІАТОМ) та проводили подвійне контрастування за Рейнольдсом та уранілацетатом. Досліджували зрізи на електронному трансмісійному мікроскопі ТЕМ-100 та фотодокументували їх за допомогою цифрової камери SONY-H9. Результати. Шеститижневе введення препарату призводить до тяжких деструктивно-дегенеративних змін паренхіми як тимусу, так і клубових лімфатичних вузлів. Більшість лімфоцитів у паренхімі обох органів мають пікнотично змінені ядра, контури ядерної оболонки нечіткі, місцями вона ушкоджена, в ядрі переважає конденсований хроматин; подекуди глибока інвагінація ядерної оболонки призводить до фрагментації ядра та утворення осміофільних фрагментів. Часто трапляються у клітині в стані апоптозу. Міжклітинні простори в обох органах розширені, відмічається навколосудинний набряк. Відміна препарату «Налбуфін» не призводить до відновлення клітин у досліджуваних органах. Висновки. Шеститижневе введення препарату викликає глибокі деструктивно-дегенеративні зміни в лімфоцитах тимусу та клубових лімфатичних вузлах, що свідчить про декомпенсаторні процеси у досліджуваних органах

    Design of the educational environment for STEM-oriented learning

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    The article examines the impact of market requirements on the educational system, technological development of society and changes in the economic development of the country. The main directions of changes in European educational policy and their formalization in the framework of competences have been reviewed. The considered practices of organizing educational space in Ukraine and other countries allowed determining the structure of the interaction of participants in the educational environment of STEM-oriented training: administrative and managerial component, cooperation between education and business structures, scientific and methodological support, technological factor, popularization and human factor. The article gives a definition of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning. According to each of the points of this structure, the peculiarities of their implementation in Ukraine have been presented: steps to implementation at legislative level have been taken, a list of measures aimed at popularizing and supporting STEM-education has been developed, a way of the dissemination of these ideas has been outlined and the list of already existing developments and implementation practices has been made. The conditions required for the development of educational STEM-environment have been defined. The article presents the model of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning developed at the STEM-school of Kherson State University. The description of the project activity of the teacher and students in the context of the creation of educational environment of STEM-oriented learning is given. Also, the article offers examples of interdisciplinary projects. Their implementation requires that the teacher have a good theoretical foundation in mathematics, physics, technology and programming

    Reduced Regional NREM Sleep Slow-Wave Activity Is Associated With Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease

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    Growing evidence implicates a distinct role of disturbed slow-wave sleep in neurodegenerative diseases. Reduced non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep slow-wave activity (SWA), a marker of slow-wave sleep intensity, has been linked with age-related cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease pathology. However, it remains debated if SWA is associated with cognition in Parkinson disease (PD). Here, we investigated the relationship of regional SWA with cognitive performance in PD. In the present study, 140 non-demented PD patients underwent polysomnography and were administered the Montréal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) to screen for cognitive impairment. We performed spectral analysis of frontal, central, and occipital sleep electroencephalography (EEG) derivations to measure SWA, and spectral power in other frequency bands, which we compared to cognition using linear mixed models. We found that worse MoCA performance was associated with reduced 1–4 Hz SWA in a region-dependent manner (F2, 687 =11.67, p < 0.001). This effect was driven by reduced regional SWA in the lower delta frequencies, with a strong association of worse MoCA performance with reduced 1–2 Hz SWA (F2, 687 =18.0, p < 0.001). The association of MoCA with 1–2 Hz SWA (and 1–4 Hz SWA) followed an antero-posterior gradient, with strongest, weaker, and absent associations over frontal (rho = 0.33, p < 0.001), central (rho = 0.28, p < 0.001), and occipital derivations, respectively. Our study shows that cognitive impairment in PD is associated with reduced NREM sleep SWA, predominantly in lower delta frequencies (1–2 Hz) and over frontal regions. This finding suggests a potential role of reduced frontal slow-wave sleep intensity in cognitive impairment in PD