387 research outputs found

    Longer and less overlapping food webs in anthropogenically disturbed marine ecosystems: confirmations from the past

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The human exploitation of marine resources is characterised by the preferential removal of the largest species. Although this is expected to modify the structure of food webs, we have a relatively poor understanding of the potential consequences of such alteration. Here, we take advantage of a collection of ancient consumer tissues, using stable isotope analysis and SIBER to assess changes in the structure of coastal marine food webs in the South-western Atlantic through the second half of the Holocene as a result of the sequential exploitation of marine resources by hunter-gatherers, western sealers and modern fishermen. Samples were collected from shell middens and museums. Shells of both modern and archaeological intertidal herbivorous molluscs were used to reconstruct changes in the stable isotopic baseline, while modern and archaeological bones of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens, South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis and Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus were used to analyse changes in the structure of the community of top predators. We found that ancient food webs were shorter, more redundant and more overlapping than current ones, both in northern-central Patagonia and southern Patagonia. These surprising results may be best explained by the huge impact of western sealing on pinnipeds during the fur trade period, rather than the impact of fishing on fish populations. As a consequence, the populations of pinnipeds at the end of the sealing period were likely well below the ecosystem's carrying capacity, which resulted in a release of intraspecific competition and a shift towards larger and higher trophic level prey. This in turn led to longer and less overlapping food webs.Fundacio´n BBVA funded this research as part of the project ‘‘Efectos de la explotacio´n humana sobre depredadores apicales y la estructura de la red tro´fica del Mar Argentino durante los u´timos 6000 an˜os’’ (BIOCON08-194/09 2009-2011). Agencia Nacional de Promocio´n Cientı´fica y Tecnolo´gica (Argentina) provided additional funding through the project ‘‘Ana´lisis del uso de los recursos tro´ficos y su relacio´n con cambios en la abundancia en tres predadores tope del Mar Argentino’’. FS has been supported by an FPU Fellowship granted by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacio´n, Cultura y Deporte (AP 2009- 4573). Half of the cost of the publication of this article has been funded by the University of Barcelona. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Producción de ortofotos históricas para la generación de base de datos temáticas. Cartografía de usos y cobertura del suelo. REDIAM

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    Con objeto de dotar de una base de información multitemporal a la Infraestructura de Información Ambiental de Andalucía y en especial la cartografía de Usos y Coberturas Vegetales del Suelo, es necesario partir de la información histórica disponible y concretamente de los vuelos fotogramétricos históricos a partir de los cuales generar las Bases de Referencia Territoriales Históricas. Para ello, desde la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía (Rediam) se ha llevado a cabo la ortorrectificación de vuelos con cobertura completa regional: Vuelo americano de 1956; Vuelo Interministerial de 1977-78 (comúnmente denominado IRYDA) y Vuelo General de 1984-85. Este artículo describe el proceso y metodología desarrollados para la obtención de Bases de Referencia a partir de la ortorrectificación de varios vuelos de todo el ámbito regional, cuyo desarrollo tiene ciertas variaciones respecto al proceso fotogramétrico clásico debido a que se trata de documentación histórica. Los productos obtenidos se integran en el Catálogo de Información Ambiental para su aplicación directa en la obtención de cartografía temática y su difusión a través del Canal de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía: Servicios OGC (WMS), Visor de Descargas de Imágenes del territorio,…Historical photogrammetric flights, which were used to generate historical reference maps, have been used in order to add multitemporal information to Infraestructure for Environment Information in Andalusia and especially to the cartography about land covers and uses. The Andalusian Environmental Information Network (Rediam) has carried out the orthorectification of whole regional coverage flights: the American flight (1956), the Inter-ministerial or IRYDA flight (1977-78) and the General Flight of Spain (1984-85). This paper describes the process and methodology developed to obtain reference maps from the orthorectification of different whole regional coverage flights. The process is different from the classic photogrammetric process given that historical documentation is used.The final products have been integrated in the Environmental Information Catalog for their straight application in the obtaining of thematic cartography and their diffusion through the Andalusian Environmental Information Network Channel: OGC Services (WMS), territorial information viewers,

    Estudio de áreas afectadas de inundación en las cuencas del Guadalquivir y Guadalete a partir de imágenes radar del satélite terrasar-x. REDIAM

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    Las intensas precipitaciones acaecidas en los meses invernales del presente año hidrológico 2009-2010 en toda la región andaluza, han propiciado se produzcan inundaciones en diferentes ámbitos de la región y más concretamente en ámbitos cercanos a las llanuras de inundación de diferentes cuencas hidrográficas. En este sentido es imprescindible estudiar el alcance de la lámina de agua producida por estas crecidas y desbordamientos proporcionando esta situación la mejor oportunidad de cartografiar este aspecto, obteniéndolo directamente y no en base a modelos de simulación. Con este fin se ha hecho uso de la Teledetección mediante la tecnología Radar para la adquisición de imágenes de varios ámbitos de interés, a partir de las cuales se ha obtenido la localización y caracterización de las áreas afectadas. El presente artículo describe los trabajos realizados para la obtención de cartografía de áreas afectadas de inundación en fases de emergencia en cinco ámbitos de la región andaluza, en donde el grado de afección ha sido especialmente relevante, concretamente en la Cuenca Guadalquivir (Andújar- Villa del Río; Alcolea-Córdoba; Palma del Río-Lora del Río; Alcolea del Río-Sevilla) y en la Cuenca del Guadalete.The intense precipitations happened in the winter months of the present hydrological year 2009-2010 in the whole Andalusian region, have propitiated water floods they take place in different environments of the region and more concretely in near environments to the flood plains of different river basins. In this sense it is indispensable to study the reach of the sheet of water taken place by these grown ones and overflows providing this situation the best opportunity to cartography this aspect, obtaining it directly and not based on simulation models. With this end the Remote Sensing by means of the technology Radar for the acquisition of images of several environments of interest, starting from which it has been obtained the localization and characterization of the affected areas. The present article describes the works carried out for the obtaining flood mapping affected areas in emergency phases in five environments of the Andalusian region where the affection degree has been specially excellent, concretely in the Guadalquivir Basin (Andújar-Villa del Río; Alcolea-Córdoba; Palma del Rio-Lora del Rio; Alcolea del Rio-Seville) and in the Guadalete Basin

    Effect of low temperature nitriding of 100Cr6 substrates on TiN coatings deposited by IBAD

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOIn this paper we studied the influence of pre-treating the surface of 100Cr6 steel by ion beam nitriding at low temperature (380 degrees C) on the surface topography and wear resistance of thin TiN coatings deposited by reactive ion beam assisted deposition. The specimens were characterized by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The wear resistance of the TiN-coated specimens was evaluated by means of ball on disc tests. The results showed that application of a preliminary ion beam nitriding treatment slightly increased the surface roughness but improved the wear resistance of the 100Cr6 steel due to the formation of a diffusion zone containing the gamma'-Fe4N nitride combined with the TiN coating.In this paper we studied the influence of pre-treating the surface of 100Cr6 steel by ion beam nitriding at low temperature (380 degrees C) on the surface topography and wear resistance of thin TiN coatings deposited by reactive ion beam assisted deposition. The specimens were characterized by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The wear resistance of the TiN-coated specimens was evaluated by means of ball on disc tests. The results showed that application of a preliminary ion beam nitriding treatment slightly increased the surface roughness but improved the wear resistance of the 100Cr6 steel due to the formation of a diffusion zone containing the gamma'-Fe4N nitride combined with the TiN coating.1815458CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOSem informaçãoThis work was supported by the NanoCom Network Project, 7th Framework Program – IRSES – Project Nr. 247524. SSV, FA and HP are CNPq fellows

    Effective and economic storage of pigeonpea seed in triple layer plastic bags

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    Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] seed stored in triple layer Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage (PICS) bags for eight months retained germination and seed integrity significantly better than seed stored in traditional gunny bags. PICS bags prevented major damage caused by bruchids (Callosobruchus maculatus F.), while grain stored in gunny bags suffered severe losses. The aflatoxin levels in stored seed were low and not significantly different between the two storage systems. The levels of O2 in PICS bags artificially infested with C. maculatus dropped rapidly during the first month of storage while the levels of CO2 increased. Even in absence of bruchids (noninfested seed) PICS bags preserved seed germination for extended periods of time better than gunny bags; possibly due to the higher and more stable relative humidity inside the PICS bags. Higher seed germination would result in improved plant stands in the field and subsequent higher yields and increased productivity. Thus, PICS bags have shown potential to positively impact the economy of pigeonpea farmers in the semi-arid tropics

    Complementary Effects of Interleukin-15 and Alpha Interferon Induce Immunity in Hepatitis B Virus Transgenic Mice

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    In chronic hepatitis B (CHB), failure to control hepatitis B virus (HBV) is associated with T cell dysfunction. HBV transgenic mice mirror many features of the human disease, including T cell unresponsiveness, and thus represent an appropriate model in which to test novel therapeutic strategies. To date, the tolerant state of CD8+ T cells in these animals could be altered only by strong immunogens or by immunization with HBV antigen-pulsed dendritic cells; however, the effectors induced were unable to suppress viral gene expression or replication. Because of the known stimulatory properties of alpha interferon (IFN-α) and interleukin-15 (IL-15), this study explored the therapeutic potential of liver-directed gene transfer of these cytokines in a murine model of CHB using adeno-associated virus (AAV) delivery. This combination not only resulted in a reduction in the viral load in the liver and the induction of an antibody response but also gave rise to functional and specific CD8+ immunity. Furthermore, when splenic and intrahepatic lymphocytes from IFN-α- and IL-15-treated animals were transferred to new HBV carriers, partial antiviral immunity was achieved. In contrast to previous observations made using either cytokine alone, markedly attenuated PD-L1 induction in hepatic tissue was observed upon coadministration. An initial study with CHB patient samples also gave promising results. Hence, we demonstrated synergy between two stimulating cytokines, IL-15 and IFN-α, which, given together, constitute a potent approach to significantly enhance the CD8+ T cell response in a state of immune hyporesponsiveness. Such an approach may be useful for treating chronic viral infections and neoplastic conditions

    Aprendizagem ativa em curso da pós-graduação da engenharia civil segundo o modelo cíclico da aprendizagem autorregulada / Active learning in postgraduate course of civil engineering according to cyclic self-regulated learning model

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    O mercado atual de engenharia civil, especificamente na área de transportes, exige novos conhecimentos, competências e métodos efetivos de aprendizagem. Este artigo avalia o uso de estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada, por meio da Aprendizagem Ativa, através de um estudo de caso realizado na disciplina “Fundamentos de Serviços Logísticos” do programa de pós-graduação de engenharia civil, área de concentração transporte, da FEC-Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Unicamp. Os participantes foram 30 alunos com idade média 26 anos, mestrandos, doutorandos e de graduação. A maioria (60%) assistiu às aulas no modo presencial e o restante online. Cada aula durou três horas. Quatro estratégias de aprendizagem foram aplicadas nas aulas: Grupo de Observação e Grupo de Verbalização, Grupo de Oposição, Kahoot e “Design Thinking”. A pesquisa seguiu o modelo cíclico de aprendizagem autorregulada. As tarefas de cada aula eram enviadas aos alunos com antecedência de quatro dias. Os alunos faziam as apresentações no início das aulas e no final, os pesquisadores implementavam uma das estratégias. Avaliações verbais eram feitas no fim das aulas, exceto para a estratégia Kahoot, que tinha sua própria avaliação. As estratégias adotadas apresentaram resultados efetivos quanto à participação e engajamento dos alunos nas tarefas. Houve críticas sobre falhas na conexão com a Internet que dificultou o desenvolvimento mais apropriado do Kahoot.  Estas ações serão replicadas envolvendo outros professores, outras disciplinas em casos futuros com o objetivo de aumentar a eficácia dos professores quanto ao uso de estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada

    Block of NMDA receptor channels by endogenous neurosteroids: implications for the agonist induced conformational states of the channel vestibule

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    N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) mediate synaptic plasticity, and their dysfunction is implicated in multiple brain disorders. NMDARs can be allosterically modulated by numerous compounds, including endogenous neurosteroid pregnanolone sulfate. Here, we identify the molecular basis of the use-dependent and voltage-independent inhibitory effect of neurosteroids on NMDAR responses. The site of action is located at the extracellular vestibule of the receptor's ion channel pore and is accessible after receptor activation. Mutations in the extracellular vestibule in the SYTANLAAF motif disrupt the inhibitory effect of negatively charged steroids. In contrast, positively charged steroids inhibit mutated NMDAR responses in a voltage-dependent manner. These results, in combination with molecular modeling, characterize structure details of the open configuration of the NMDAR channel. Our results provide a unique opportunity for the development of new therapeutic neurosteroid-based ligands to treat diseases associated with dysfunction of the glutamate system

    Induction of gp120-specific protective immune responses by genetic vaccination with linear polyethylenimine-plasmid complex

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    The induction of IFN-gamma-secreting CD8+ T cells and neutralizing antibodies to HIV-1 are both key requirements for prevention of viral transmission and clearance of pathogenic HIV. Although DNA vaccination has been shown to induce both humoral and cellular immune responses against HIV antigens, the magnitude of the immune responses has always been disappointing. In this report, we analyze the ability of polyethylenimine (PEI)-DNA complex expressing an HIV-glycoprotein 120 (gp120) antigen (PEI-pgp120) to induce systemic CD8+ T cell and humoral responses to the gp120 antigen. The administration of PEI-plasmid complex resulted in rapid elevation of serum levels of IL-12 and IFN-gamma. Furthermore, a single administration of PEI-pgp120 complex elicits a number of gp120-specific CD8+ T cells 20 times higher than that elicited by three intramuscular injections of naked DNA. Interestingly, we found that systemic vaccination with PEI-pgp120 induced protective immune responses against both systemic and mucosal challenges with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing a gp120 antigen. The data also demonstrated that the depletion of macrophages with liposome-encapsulated clodronate completely abolished gp120-specific cellular response. Overall, our results showed that a single administration of PEI-pgp120 complexes, eliciting strong immune responses, is an effective vaccination approach to generate protection against systemic and mucosal viral infections