75 research outputs found
Control de sistemes no holònoms mitjançant la forma normal de Goursat
La principal contribució d'aquest treball és donar les eines i les pautes necessàries per
a la linealització per realimentació dels sistemes no holònoms de dues entrades a través del disseny de la forma normal de Goursat. Dissenyarem controladors, de manera
que les trajectòries solució passin per unes certes condicions inicials i nals imposades.. Pels braços robòtics tridimensionals a l'espai, i, per tant, no sotmesos a forces externes com la gravetat, les equacions resultants formen un sistema de control no holònom. Si a cada articulació s'hi posa tres motors, els sistema té tres graus de subactuació.A la literatura s'ha dissenyat i controlat sistemes d'auest estil amb dos motors extres a la base a fi que tingui només un grau de subactuació. Es tracta de trobar les condicions a fi que es puguin planificar i fer seguiment de trajectòries en el cas de dos graus de subactuació
Menstrual problems and lifestyle among Spanish university women
ABSTRACT: Menstrual problems affect many young women worldwide, conditioning both their academic performance and quality of life. This study sought to analyse the prevalence of menstrual problems and their possible relationship with lifestyle among Spanish university women, as part of a research project (UniHcos Project) involving a cohort of 11 Spanish universities with 7208 university students. A descriptive analysis was performed using the bivariate chi-square test and the Student’s t-test together with a binary logistic regression, in which the dependent variable was ‘suffering from menstrual problems’. Menstrual problems were identified in 23.8% of the students, representing women who paid more visits to the doctor and to emergency rooms, and who consumed more painkillers and contraceptives. In relation to dietary preferences, menstrual problems were 1.39 (CI 95% 1.22–1.61; p = 0.000) times more likely among women classified as high-risk alcohol users according to the AUDIT questionnaire, and 1.187 (CI 95% 1.029–1.370; p = 0.019) times greater among those who consumed sweets daily, 1.592 (CI 95% 1.113–2.276; p = 0.011) times more frequent among those who eat fish daily, and 1.199 (CI 95% 1.004–1.432; p = 0.045) times greater among those who were dieting. Menstrual problems affect many college students and potentially modifiable lifestyle variables exist which may influence their prevalence. It would be interesting to develop programmes to promote women’s health in the university context.This research was funded by the National Drug Plan, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain (Grant numbers: 2010|145 and 2013|034) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Grant number: PI16/01947)
Menstrual Problems and Lifestyle among Spanish University Women
[EN] Menstrual problems affect many young women worldwide, conditioning both their academic performance and quality of life. This study sought to analyse the prevalence of menstrual problems and their possible relationship with lifestyle among Spanish university women, as part of a research project (UniHcos Project) involving a cohort of 11 Spanish universities with 7208 university students. A descriptive analysis was performed using the bivariate chi-square test and the Student’s t-test together with a binary logistic regression, in which the dependent variable was ‘suffering from menstrual problems’. Menstrual problems were identified in 23.8% of the students, representing women who paid more visits to the doctor and to emergency rooms, and who consumed more painkillers and contraceptives. In relation to dietary preferences, menstrual problems were 1.39 (CI 95% 1.22–1.61; p = 0.000) times more likely among women classified as high-risk alcohol users according to the AUDIT questionnaire, and 1.187 (CI 95% 1.029–1.370; p = 0.019) times greater among those who consumed sweets daily, 1.592 (CI 95% 1.113–2.276; p = 0.011) times more frequent among those who eat fish daily, and 1.199 (CI 95% 1.004–1.432; p = 0.045) times greater among those who were dieting. Menstrual problems affect many college students and potentially modifiable lifestyle variables exist which may influence their prevalence. It would be interesting to develop programmes to promote women’s health in the university context.S
Social Representation of Dementia: An Analysis of 5,792 Consecutive Cases Evaluated in a Memory Clinic
Abstract. Background: Different interpretations of cognitive impairment and dementia due to differences in health structures, such as cultural differences could affect the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. it is reasonable to expect that the social and family impact of the disease and coping strategies will differ among societies. Objective: The general aim of this study is to understand the social representations of dementia, its associated practices, and the effects they imply. Methods: People diagnosed with clinical dementia and their families were assessed from 2005 to 2015 in the memory clinic of the Fundacio ́ ACE, Institut Catala` de Neurocie`ncies Aplicades in Barcelona, Spain. Results: 9,898 people were examined and 5,792 were diagnosed with dementia. For those with a caregiver (71%), the decision-making fell on the person with dementia in 16.2% of the cases; and for those without a caregiver, in 26.4% of the cases the family did not perceive the deficits as a disease, which led to multiple risk situations (74.6%). Conclusions: The recognition of dementia as part of aging is common among families. Consequently, risk situations may arise and diagnosis and access to treatment may be delayed. The incorporation of a social appraisal to the diagnostic process is a necessity to evaluate these situations
Alcohol use and family-related factors among Spanish university students: the unHicos project
Background: During adolescence and youth there are relevant changes in the consolidation, gain or loss of consumption habits and lifestyles and the family factors has a fundamental role to development these habits. The study of the consumption of toxins, such as alcohol intake, is crucial at this stage due to the repercussions that said consumption presents in adulthood. Therefore, the objective of our study was to evaluate the associations between alcohol consumption patterns and related family factors (family functioning, family history of alcohol consumption) in Spanish university students. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study, carried out in first-year university students from 11 Spanish universities. Through an online questionnaire, alcohol consumption (risky consumption and intensive consumption or binge drinking), family functioning and history of alcohol in the family were evaluated. Risky alcohol consumption and binge drinking were assessed using the AUDIT test, and family functioning was assessed using the family APGAR questionnaire. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed, as well as the Chi-Square test and Student's T-Test, and non-conditional logistic regression models were carried out to examine this association. Results: The prevalence of risky alcohol consumption identified in the 10,167 respondents was 16.9% (95% CI = 16.2–17.6), and that of BD was 48.8% (95% CI = 47.9–48.8). There is a significant association between risky alcohol consumption and family functioning in students of both sexes, with greater consumption in the face of severe dysfunctional support (men OR = 1.72; p < 0.001 and women OR = 1.74; p < 0.001) and family history of consumption (p = 0.005). Regarding the binge drinking pattern, no statistically significant differences were observed. Conclusions: Risky alcohol consumption in university students is associated with dysfunctional family support, unlike the binge drinking pattern, where there is no such association. The findings of this study show the importance of creating prevention programs focused on the family approach in university students, which include alcohol screening in the population with a family history of this substance, and greater social support from health services.This work was supported by the National Drug Plan, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain (Codes: 2010|145, 2013|034 and 2020|030) and project PI16/01947
Alcohol use and family-related factors among Spanish university students: the unHicos project
[EN] Background During adolescence and youth there are relevant changes in the consolidation, gain or loss of consumption habits and lifestyles and the family factors has a fundamental role to development these habits. The study of the consumption of toxins, such as alcohol intake, is crucial at this stage due to the repercussions that said consumption presents in adulthood. Therefore, the objective of our study was to evaluate the associations between alcohol consumption patterns and related family factors (family functioning, family history of alcohol consumption) in Spanish university students. Methods Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study, carried out in first-year university students from 11 Spanish universities. Through an online questionnaire, alcohol consumption (risky consumption and intensive consumption or binge drinking), family functioning and history of alcohol in the family were evaluated. Risky alcohol consumption and binge drinking were assessed using the AUDIT test, and family functioning was assessed using the family APGAR questionnaire. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed, as well as the Chi-Square test and Student's T-Test, and non-conditional logistic regression models were carried out to examine this association. Results The prevalence of risky alcohol consumption identified in the 10,167 respondents was 16.9% (95% CI = 16.2–17.6), and that of BD was 48.8% (95% CI = 47.9–48.8). There is a significant association between risky alcohol consumption and family functioning in students of both sexes, with greater consumption in the face of severe dysfunctional support (men OR = 1.72; p < 0.001 and women OR = 1.74; p < 0.001) and family history of consumption (p = 0.005). Regarding the binge drinking pattern, no statistically significant differences were observed. Conclusions Risky alcohol consumption in university students is associated with dysfunctional family support, unlike the binge drinking pattern, where there is no such association. The findings of this study show the importance of creating prevention programs focused on the family approach in university students, which include alcohol screening in the population with a family history of this substance, and greater social support from health servicesSIThis work was supported by the National Drug Plan, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain (Codes: 2010|145, 2013|034 and 2020|030) and project PI16/01947
Psychoeducational intervention in psychology students on suicide through a lecture and the implementation of an emotional kit
[EN] Suicide is a global health problem that has been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite its great psychosocial relevance, there are a large number of myths about suicide.
The aim of the study was to raise awareness of basic aspects of suicide through attractive
teaching methodologies that combine the virtual and face-to-face environments and that
allow the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to assess, intervene and prevent the
suicide to be integrated in a cooperative manner. Ninety-two students from the Psychology
Degree at the University of Valencia participated (M=21.04; SD=1.81). First, they
completed a battery of questions about myths and realities of suicide; then, they received the
training; and, finally, they completed the battery again. The results showed that students
obtained a higher mean number of most psychologically accepted responses answers in the
identification of myths and realities after the training (t=-5.87, p<.001). The presence of
myths related to suicide among university students is evident. It is also concluded that the
theoretical-practical training presented in this study could be a useful tool to enhance the
acquisition of knowledge and skills in students about suicide assessment, prevention and
intervention.[ES] El suicidio consituye un problema de salud mundial que ha sido agravado por la pandemia de COVID-19. A pesar de su gran relevancia psicosocial, existe un elevado número de mitos acerca del suicidio. El objetivo del estudio fue dar a conocer aspectos básicos sobre el suicidio a través de metodologías docentes atractivas que combinan el entorno virtual con el presencial y que permiten integrar de forma cooperativa los conocimientos teórico-prácticos necesarios para evaluar, intervenir y prevenir el suicidio. Participaron 92 estudiantes del Grado de Psicología de la Universitat de València (M=21,04; DT=1,81). Primero, completaron una batería de preguntas acerca de mitos y realidades del suicidio; a continuación, recibieron la formación; y, finalmente, completaron la batería de nuevo. Los resultados mostraron que el alumnado obtuvo una media de respuestas psicológicamente más aceptadas más elevada en la identificación de mitos y realidades tras la formación (t=-5,87; p<,001). Se evidencia la presencia de mitos relacionados con el suicidio entre el estudiantado universitario. Asimismo, se concluye que la formación teórico-práctica presentada en este estudio podría ser una herramienta útil para potenciar la adquisión de conocimientos y competencias en el alumnado acerca de la evaluación, la prevención y la intervención en el suicidio.Lacomba-Trejo, L.; Valero-Moreno, S.; De La Barrera, U.; Schoeps, K.; Mónaco, E.; Tamarit, A.; Rodríguez, E.... (2022). Intervención psicoeducativa en estudiantes de psicología sobre el suicidio mediante una conferencia y la realización de un botiquín emocional. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 707-717. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1592570771
Discriminación y su relación con las conductas de riesgo y la salud percibida en estudiantes universitarios españoles: un estudio transversal
[ES] Fundamentos: La discriminación durante los momentos vitales, como el periodo universitario, puede generar un alto impacto en la conducta y en el estado de salud de las personas. El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la posible asociación de la discriminación con la salud percibida y con distintas conductas de riesgo, así como describir las diferencias de género en estudiantes universitarios españoles. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con datos de estudiantes universitarios de primera matrícula de primer curso de 11 universidades españolas (n=9.862). Se valoró la discriminación, la salud percibida, el consumo de alcohol, el hábito tabáquico, el consumo de sustancias ilegales, el tiempo de ocio conectado a internet, la práctica de relaciones sexuales de riesgo, la función familiar, el riesgo de problemas de salud mental y el riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Se obtuvieron las prevalencias con sus intervalos de confianza al 95% y para las variables cuantitativas la media y desviación estándar. Se calcularon las Odds Ratio con los intervalos de confianza al 95% para conocer la relación entre la discriminación y las otras variables. Resultados: Se encontró asociación entre la discriminación y una regular o mala salud percibida (OR: 1,7; p=0,0001), el consumo de sustancias ilegales (OR: 1,3; p=0,002), el uso problemático de internet (OR: 1,3; p=0,004), la disfunción familiar (OR: 1,8; p=0,0001), el riesgo de problemas de salud mental (OR: 1,9; p=0,0001) y de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (OR: 1,5; p=0,0001). En cuanto a las diferencias de género, se apreciaron mayores prevalencias de discriminación en hombres con estado de salud percibida como regular o peor (OR: 2,2; p=0,0001), disfunción familiar (OR: 1,8; p=0,0001), riesgo de problemas de salud mental (OR: 2,2; p=0,0001) y de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (OR: 1,9; p=0,002). Las mujeres, además de las variables anteriores, mostraron asociación de la discriminación con el consumo de sustancias ilegales (OR: 1,3; p=0,005) y el uso problemático de internet (OR: 1,4; p=0,002). Conclusiones: Los hallazgos del estudio subrayan que existe asociación entre la discriminación y las conductas de riesgo de los estudiantes universitarios españoles. A su vez, la discriminación se asoció con una mala o regular salud percibida, siendo esta relación similar tanto en hombres como en mujeres. | Background: Discrimination during vital moments, such as the university period, can generate a high impact on people’s behavior and health. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible association of discrimination with perceived health and with different risk behaviors, as well as to describe gender differences in Spanish university students. Discrimination during vital moments, such as college, can have a high impact on people’s behavior and health. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with data from first-year university students from 11 Spanish universities (n=9,862). Discrimination, perceived health, alcohol consumption, smoking, consumption of illegal substances, leisure time connected to the Internet, risky sexual relations, family function, risk of mental health problems and risk of eating disorders were assessed. Prevalences with their 95% confidence intervals were obtained and for quantitative variables the mean and standard deviation were calculated. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine the relationship between discrimination and the other variables. Results: An association was found between discrimination and fair or poor perceived health (OR: 1.7; p=0.0001), consumption of illegal substances (OR: 1.3; p=0.002), problematic internet use (OR: 1.3; p=0.004), family dysfunction (OR: 1.8; p=0.0001), risk of mental health problems (OR: 1.9; p=0.0001) and eating disorders (OR: 1.5; p=0.0001). Regarding gender differences, higher prevalence of discrimination was observed in men with health status perceived as fair or worse (OR: 2.2; p=0.0001), family dysfunction (OR: 1.8; p=0.0001), risk of mental health problems (OR: 2.2; p=0.0001) and eating disorders (OR: 1.9; p=0.002). Women, apart from the previous variables, presented association of discrimination with consumption of illegal substances (OR: 1.3; p=0.005) and problematic internet use (OR: 1.4; p=0.002). Conclusions: The study findings underline that there is an association between discrimination and risk behaviors among Spanish university students. In turn, discrimination was associated with poor or fair perceived health, this relationship being similar in both men and women.SIPlan Nacional sobre DrogasInstituto de Salud Carlos II
Evolution of Quality of Life and Treatment Adherence after One Year of Intermittent Bladder Catheterisation in Functional Urology Unit Patients
Objective: To determine patient difficulties and concerns when performing IBC (Intermittent Bladder Catheterisation), as well as the evolution of adherence, quality of life, and emotional state of patients one year after starting IBC. Method: A prospective, observational, multicentre study conducted in 20 Spanish hospitals with a one-year follow-up. Data sources were patient records and the King's Health Questionnaire on quality of life, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Perceived adherence was measured using the ICAS (Intermittent Catheterization Adherence Scale) and perceived difficulties with IBC were assessed using the ICDQ (Intermittent Catheterization Difficulty Questionnaire). For data analysis, descriptive and bivariate statistics were performed for paired data at three points in time (T1: one month, T2: three months, T3: one year). Results: A total of 134 subjects initially participated in the study (T0), becoming 104 subjects at T1, 91 at T2, and 88 at T3, with a mean age of 39 years (standard deviation = 22.16 years). Actual IBC adherence ranged from 84.8% at T1 to 84.1% at T3. After one year of follow-up, a statistically significant improvement in quality of life (p <= 0.05) was observed in all dimensions with the exception of personal relationships. However, there were no changes in the levels of anxiety (p = 0.190) or depression (p = 0.682) at T3 compared to T0. Conclusions: Patients requiring IBC exhibit good treatment adherence, with a significant proportion of them performing self-catheterisation. After one year of IBC, a significant improvement in quality of life was noted, albeit with a significant impact on their daily lives and their personal and social relationships. Patient support programmes could be implemented to improve their ability to cope with difficulties and thus enhance both their quality of life and the maintenance of their adherence
Predictors of Global Non-Motor Symptoms Burden Progression in Parkinson’s Disease. Results from the COPPADIS Cohort at 2-Year Follow-Up
COPPADIS Study Group.[Background and Objective] Non-motor symptoms (NMS) progress in different ways between Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. The aim of the present study was to (1) analyze the change in global NMS burden in a PD cohort after a 2-year follow-up, (2) to compare the changes with a control group, and (3) to identify predictors of global NMS burden progression in the PD group.[Material and Methods] PD patients and controls, recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016 to November 2017, were followed-up with after 2 years. The Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS) was administered at baseline (V0) and at 24 months ± 1 month (V2). Linear regression models were used for determining predictive factors of global NMS burden progression (NMSS total score change from V0 to V2 as dependent variable).[Results] After the 2-year follow-up, the mean NMS burden (NMSS total score) significantly increased in PD patients by 18.8% (from 45.08 ± 37.62 to 53.55 ± 42.28; p < 0.0001; N = 501; 60.2% males, mean age 62.59 ± 8.91) compared to no change observed in controls (from 14.74 ± 18.72 to 14.65 ± 21.82; p = 0.428; N = 122; 49.5% males, mean age 60.99 ± 8.32) (p < 0.0001). NMSS total score at baseline (β = −0.52), change from V0 to V2 in PDSS (Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale) (β = −0.34), and change from V0 to V2 in NPI (Neuropsychiatric Inventory) (β = 0.25) provided the highest contributions to the model (adjusted R-squared 0.41; Durbin-Watson test = 1.865).[Conclusions] Global NMS burden demonstrates short-term progression in PD patients but not in controls and identifies worsening sleep problems and neuropsychiatric symptoms as significant independent predictors of this NMS progression.This research was funded by Fundación Española de Ayuda a la Investigación en Parkinson y otras Enfermedades Neuro-degenerativas (Curemos el Parkinson; www.curemoselparkinson.org).Peer reviewe
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