144 research outputs found

    Proyecto aplicado en la formulación de un modelo de agroforestería apícola aplicable a la zona perimetral al paramo en vereda Soatama Chocontá

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    La apicultura es una actividad de importancia económica, pecuaria y de seguridad alimentaria donde esta provee un importante aporte en la polinización la cual permite la réplica de especies, la producción de frutos y semillas en la vereda de Soatama la explotación pecuaria y agrícola se realiza bajo modelos de producción convencional donde se tiene una alta utilización de áreas deforestadas en consecuencia de la ampliación de la frontera agrícola donde la ganadería bovina y el uso de la tierra para el establecimiento de monocultivos resta espacios de flora nativa, es por esta razón que la actividad apícola representa una alternativa viable que puede amortizar el impacto y contribuir en la generación de recursos económicos, donde, su producción implica la necesidad de siembra y conservación de los árboles florales donde por medio de procesos de polinización se puede potenciar la capacidad de réplica de especies florales con fines productivos para así obtener beneficios en doble vía donde se genera recursos económicos y se desarrolla una actividad productiva que permite fortalecer el componente arbóreo. La realización del proyecto implica formular un modelo de alternativa de producción apícola basado en agroforestería donde se debe realizar diferentes fases entre las cuales se encuentran la formulación en torno a adecuación e implementación de colmenas de abejas y por otra parte un proceso que permita la identificación de especies, sus modelos de reproducción y siembra de plantas florales nativas bajo modelos organizados de cerca viva, recuperación de espacios deforestados y preservación de especies existentes.Beekeeping is an activity of economic, livestock and food security importance where it provides an important contribution in pollination which allows the replication of species, the production of fruits and seeds. In the village of Soatama, livestock and agricultural production is carried out under conventional production models where there is production in deforested areas as a consequence of the expansion of the agricultural frontier where livestock and monoculture production subtracts spaces of native flora, it is for this reason that beekeeping represents a viable alternative that can amortize the impact and contribute to the generation of economic resources, its production implies the need for planting and conservation of flowering trees where, through pollination processes, the replication capacity of bees can be enhanced. floral species with productive purposes in order to obtain benefits in two ways each time economic resources are generated, a productive activity is developed that allows strengthening the tree component. The realization of the project implies formulating an alternative model of beekeeping production based on agroforestry where different phases must be carried out, among which are the formulation around the adequacy and implementation of bee hives and on the other hand a process that allows the identification of species, their models of reproduction and planting of native floral plants under organized models of living fence, recovery of deforested spaces and preservation of existing species

    Quantitative approaches for evaluating the influence of films using the IMDb database

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    [EN] Why do films certain remain influential throughout film history? The purpose of this paper is to attempt to answer this question. To do so, we adopt some quantitative approaches that facilitate an objective interpretation of the data. The data source we have chosen for this study is the Internet Online Movie Database (IMDb), and in particular, one of its sections called "Connections", which lists references made to a film in subsequent movies and references made in the film itself to previous ones. The extraction and analysis of these networks of citations allows us to draw some conclusions about the most influential movies in film history, identifying their distinguishing features, and considering how their popularity has evolved over time.This work is part of the Project "Active Audiences and Journalism. Interactivity, Web Integration and Findability of Journalistic Information". CSO2012-39518-C04-02. National Plan for R+D+i, Spanish Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessCanet Centellas, FJ.; Valero Navarro, MA.; Codina Bonilla, L. (2016). Quantitative approaches for evaluating the influence of films using the IMDb database. Communication & Society. 29(2):151-172. https://doi.org/10.15581/

    New RED-type TCP-AQM algorithms based on beta distribution drop functions

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    In recent years, Active Queue Management (AQM) mechanisms to improve the performance of TCP/IP networks have acquired a relevant role. In this paper we present a simple and robust RED-type algorithm together with a couple of dynamical variants with the ability to adapt to the specific characteristics of different network environments, as well as to the user needs. We first present a basic version called Beta RED (BetaRED), where the user is free to adjust the parameters according to the network conditions. The aim is to make the parameter setting easy and intuitive so that a good performance is obtained over a wide range of parameters. Secondly, BetaRED is used as a framework to design two dynamic algorithms, which we will call Adaptive Beta RED (ABetaRED) and Dynamic Beta RED (DBetaRED). In those new algorithms certain parameters are dynamically adjusted so that the queue length remains stable around a predetermined reference value and according to changing network traffic conditions. Finally, we present a battery of simulations using the Network Simulator 3 (ns-3) software with a two-fold objective: to guide the user on how to adjust the parameters of the BetaRED mechanism, and to show a performance comparison of ABetaRED and DBetaRED with other representative algorithms that pursue a similar objective

    Integration of multisensor hybrid reasoners to support personal autonomy in the smart home.

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    The deployment of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm requires designing and integrating user-centered smart environments to assist people in their daily life activities. This research paper details an integration and validation of multiple heterogeneous sensors with hybrid reasoners that support decision making in order to monitor personal and environmental data at a smart home in a private way. The results innovate on knowledge-based platforms, distributed sensors, connected objects, accessibility and authentication methods to promote independent living for elderly people. TALISMAN+, the AmI framework deployed, integrates four subsystems in the smart home: (i) a mobile biomedical telemonitoring platform to provide elderly patients with continuous disease management; (ii) an integration middleware that allows context capture from heterogeneous sensors to program environment¿s reaction; (iii) a vision system for intelligent monitoring of daily activities in the home; and (iv) an ontologies-based integrated reasoning platform to trigger local actions and manage private information in the smart home. The framework was integrated in two real running environments, the UPM Accessible Digital Home and MetalTIC house, and successfully validated by five experts in home care, elderly people and personal autonomy


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    Se registran los helmintos intestinales de ocho tiburones pertenecientes a cuatro especies: Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827) (n=1), Galeocerdo cuvier (Péron y LeSueur, 1822) (n=1), Isurus oxyrhinchus Rafinesque, 1810 (n=3) y Squatina dumeril (Lesueur, 1818) (n=3), capturados por la pesca artesanal en Chachalacas, Veracruz, en octubre-noviembre de 2014 y octubre de 2015. Cada intestino se colocó en una bolsa de plástico con formaldehído al 10% y se transportaron al laboratorio. Se determinaron 20 especies pertenecientes a seis órdenes. Se colectaron 619 individuos helmintos, de estos, 615 son cestodos de 18 especies y cuatro nematodos de una especie. Los órdenes Trypanorhyncha y Phyllobothriidea registraron el mayor número de especies con siete y cinco, respectivamente. El número de especies de helmintos por especie de tiburón varió de cuatro en S. dumeril a seis en I. oxyrhinchus. Todos los tiburones estuvieron parasitados con al menos una especie de parásito. El mínimo de helmintos parásitos registrados en un tiburón fue de uno (I. oxyrhinchus y S. dumeril), mientras que G. cuvier registró el mayor número con 253 individuos. Los cestodos Aberrapex sp. Jensen, 2001; Calyptrobothrium sp. Monticelli, 1893 y Paraorygmatobothrium sp., se registraron una sola vez en S. dumeril, I. oxyrhinchus y G. cuvier con un solo individuo, mientras que Thysanocephalum thysanocephalum (Linton, 1889) Braun, 1900 registró el mayor número con 233 individuos en G. cuvier. El cestodo Disculiceps pileatus (Linton, 1891) Joyeux y Baer, 1936 se registra por primera vez en C. plumbeus. Los hábitos alimenticios y la especificidad hospedatoria son factores importantes que influyen en la composición de especies de helmintos parásitos en estos tiburones. Con estos datos ampliamos la distribución geográfica y el registro de nuevos hospederos en México

    Analysis of Engine Thermal Effect on Electronic Control units for “Robot Fleets for Highly effective Agriculture and Forestry Management” (RHEA)

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    The procedures carried out in order to perform the analysis by engine thermal effect on the electronic control units installed on a ground robot fleet were studied in this work. The objective is to characterize the temperatures on the engine tractor environment for different tasks. In this way, it could be possible to estimate the environmental conditions that the cabinets will be exposed to. Those cabinets, in which the electronic controls of sensors, actuators and power supplies will be stored, will be located aboard the ground robot unit

    Evaluation and Accreditation System of External Internship Tutors - SEATPE

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    [ES] La Universidad de Valencia ha implementado desde 2012 un Sistema de Evaluación y Acreditación de Tutores de Pasantías Externas (SEATPE) a través de su Fundación Universidad-Empresa, ADEIT, bajo la dirección del Vicerrector de Empleo y Programas Formativos. Los objetivos principales de este sistema son mejorar la calidad de la tutoría de pasantías externas implementando mecanismos para reconocer el buen trabajo de los tutores y aumentar el compromiso de las empresas y entidades con la capacitación práctica de nuestros estudiantes. Está dirigido a los dos perfiles de tutores: académicos y empresas. Los tutores que acceden al SEATPE obtienen una "Mención de calidad" en el caso del tutor académico y una "Acreditación" en el caso del tutor de la empresa. Hasta ahora hemos realizado cinco llamadas y 500 tutores de pasantías han obtenido su acreditación o mención de calidad.Valero Aleixandre, MA.; Barberá Gregori, MA.; Pérez Boullosa, A.; Montoro Sánchez, Y.; Ridocci Quiles, M. (2020). Evaluation and Accreditation System of External Internship Tutors - SEATPE. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):643-649. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11120OCS64364930-05-202

    Continuous Cultivation as a Tool Toward the Rational Bioprocess Development With Pichia Pastoris Cell Factory

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    The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffii) is currently considered one of the most promising hosts for recombinant protein production (RPP) and metabolites due to the availability of several tools to efficiently regulate the recombinant expression, its ability to perform eukaryotic post-translational modifications and to secrete the product in the extracellular media. The challenge of improving the bioprocess efficiency can be faced from two main approaches: the strain engineering, which includes enhancements in the recombinant expression regulation as well as overcoming potential cell capacity bottlenecks; and the bioprocess engineering, focused on the development of rational-based efficient operational strategies. Understanding the effect of strain and operational improvements in bioprocess efficiency requires to attain a robust knowledge about the metabolic and physiological changes triggered into the cells. For this purpose, a number of studies have revealed chemostat cultures to provide a robust tool for accurate, reliable, and reproducible bioprocess characterization. It should involve the determination of key specific rates, productivities, and yields for different C and N sources, as well as optimizing media formulation and operating conditions. Furthermore, studies along the different levels of systems biology are usually performed also in chemostat cultures. Transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolic flux analysis, using different techniques like differential target gene expression, protein description and 13 C-based metabolic flux analysis, are widely described as valued examples in the literature. In this scenario, the main advantage of a continuous operation relies on the quality of the homogeneous samples obtained under steady-state conditions, where both the metabolic and physiological status of the cells remain unaltered in an all-encompassing picture of the cell environment. This contribution aims to provide the state of the art of the different approaches that allow the design of rational strain and bioprocess engineering improvements in Pichia pastoris toward optimizing bioprocesses based on the results obtained in chemostat cultures. Interestingly, continuous cultivation is also currently emerging as an alternative operational mode in industrial biotechnology for implementing continuous process operations

    Specific growth rate governs AOX1 gene expression, affecting the production kinetics of Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffii) P-driven recombinant producer strains with different target gene dosage

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    The P-based expression system is the most widely used for producing recombinant proteins in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffii). Despite relevant recent advances in regulation of the methanol utilization (MUT) pathway have been made, the role of specific growth rate (µ) in AOX1 regulation remains unknown, and therefore, its impact on protein production kinetics is still unclear. The influence of heterologous gene dosage, and both, operational mode and strategy, on culture physiological state was studied by cultivating the two P-driven Candida rugosa lipase 1 (Crl1) producer clones. Specifically, a clone integrating a single expression cassette of CRL1 was compared with one containing three cassettes over broad dilution rate and µ ranges in both chemostat and fed-batch cultivations. Chemostat cultivations allowed to establish the impact of µ on the MUT-related MIT1 pool which leads to a bell-shaped relationship between µ and P-driven gene expression, influencing directly Crl1 production kinetics. Also, chemostat and fed-batch cultivations exposed the favorable effects of increasing the CRL1 gene dosage (up to 2.4 fold in q ) on Crl1 production with no significant detrimental effects on physiological capabilities. P-driven gene expression and Crl1 production kinetics in P. pastoris were successfully correlated with µ. In fact, µ governs MUT-related MIT1 amount that triggers P-driven gene expression-heterologous genes included-, thus directly influencing the production kinetics of recombinant protein