509 research outputs found

    Reformism and Evaluation in the Field of Social and Political Sciences. Consequences for the Academic Community, Projects, People

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    After the introduction of the most recent University evaluation reforms, this article aims at presenting the first findings of a research project on these reforms and the evaluation processes carried out so far in the field of social and political sciences. In particular, the research wishes to investigate the relational dynamics, the behaviors and the values of the academic profession with special attention to the scientific activity, but without putting aside the implications for the teaching, management and the “third mission” activities. Inserted in the line of studies on higher education and evaluation well consolidated in Italy, the research is characterized by the added value  of  connecting the criticaltheoretical level to the empirical one

    Profili, competenze, percezioni delle professioni dell'area politico-sociale dal punto di vista dei datori di lavoro

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    Il saggio riferisce i risultati di una ricerca condotta dalle autrici fra il 2015 e il 2016 all'interno di un gruppo di lavoro del Prin 2010/2011 "Le professioni dello spazio pubblico oltre la crisi". Nello specifico, il campo di azione dell'indagine qui narrata è circoscritto al match tra le organizzazioni produttive e i laureati di tre settori disciplinari delle scienze sociali emblematici delle professioni dello spazio pubblico: Scienze Politiche, Sociologia, Comunicazione. Il punto di vista indagato è quello dei potenziali stakeholder di queste lauree, dirigenti e manager di imprese, enti pubblici e organizzazioni non profit. Il corpus empirico è costituito da una ventina di interviste realizzate per l'occasione ad testimoni privilegiati di enti nazionali e internazionali

    Newspaper apps for tablets and smartphones in different media systems: A comparative analysis

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    [Abstract] This article proposes a comparative analysis of the newspaper apps developed for tablets and smartphones within different media systems. It studies the multimediality, interactivity and commercialization models adopted by newspaper publishers and journalists for these apps. The theoretical framework embraces two main topics: the media system models, starting from Hallin and Mancini’s proposal, and the characteristics of the media systems, particularly in the countries selected for this sample, focusing on the digital and mobile media scenario. In order to collect comparable data from a common source, we have selected indicators from Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2016. The total number of app versions analysed came to 148 (81 for smartphones and 67 for tablets) from 20 newspapers in 10 different countries. One conclusion is that newspapers’ commitment to the tablet and smartphone, in general, tends to be conservative and far from independent of pre-existing print and web-based media. This article shows how media systems have become more complex in the digital scenario, in which apps are an important, but not exclusive, aspect. So, it is necessary to take into account trends in news globalization and ‘convergent journalism’. Finally, this research confirms that crossplatform management and multichannel strategies are still weak, which has consequences for the innovation of app editions

    Prospettive de iure condendo in materia cautelare personale

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    Sommario1. Premessa. – 2. La (parzialmente abdicata) volontà di ridefinire le esigenze cautelari. – 3. I prospettati (e discutibili) interventi sull’art. 275 c.p.p. – 4. I ritocchi normativi alla disciplina degli arresti domiciliari. – 5. Il futuribile in materia di misure interdittive. – 6. Le modifiche all’art. 292 c.p.p. e alla disciplina del riesame. – 7. Le novità in tema di appello e di ricorso per cassazione de libertate

    Il “doppio binario cautelare”: la tormentata disciplina degli automatismi stabiliti dall’art. 275 comma 3 C.P.P = Pre-trial detention and twin-track strategy: the troubled regulation of the automatisms established by Art. 275 para 3 C.C.P

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    - DOI: https://doi.org/10.22197/rbdpp.v7i3.631Analisa a chamada "dupla via da precaução" contida no Art. 275, parágrafo 3 do CPP (bem como no Artigo 12.º n.º 4-bis do Decreto Legislativo n.º 286, de 25 de julho de 1998), que prevê alguns desvios aos regulamentos gerais relativos às condições de aplicação e aos critérios de escolha das medidas cautelares pessoais

    La coercizione clandestina: la libertà personale dello straniero in arrivo

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      Il saggio è dedicato al “trattamento” riservato agli stranieri in arrivo sul territorio italiano, e descrive le più diffuse pratiche volte a ostacolare l’esercizio, da parte loro, del diritto all’asilo. Dai respingimenti “nascosti” al trattenimento negli hotspot o nelle transit zone degli aeroporti internazionali, l’A. analizza in chiave critica le limitazioni della libertà personale degli stranieri in arrivo, spesso operate “clandestinamente” ed eludendo le garanzie previste dalla Costituzione italiana e dalla CEDU

    Primer Note: A novel set of EST-SSR markers in Tamarix: a resource to characterize this genus

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    AbstractBoth the negative and positive ecological impact of Tamarix plants is controversial, and thus a more comprehensive understanding is necessary. Tamarisks are invasive in many countries but the inter-specific transferability that characterizes simple sequence repeats (SSRs) could be harnessed to track the spread of specific genotypes or to study invasive populations. Thirteen polymorphic SSR markers, derived from expressed sequence tag (EST), were identified by first screening 26 samples of T. aphylla, T. jordanis, T. nilotica, and T. tetragyna and then 33 unidentified tamarisks from Yotvata, Israel. The mean number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 14 and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.415. These EST-SSR markers will undoubtedly be useful in the genetic characterization of the genus Tamarix due to their high cross-species transferability which enables the estimation of the genetic diversity among and within different species, that are adapted to the same desert habitat under severe environmental constraints

    Neutrophil unsaturated fatty acid release by GM-CSF is impaired in cystic fibrosis

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    Dysregulated inflammation in cystic fibrosis (CF) is attributed to an altered production of inflammatory mediators derived from polyunsaturated lipids. In comparison to the arachidonic acid (AA) cascade, little is known about the modulation of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) membrane release. We compared data on neutrophil DHA- and AA- release from both control (CT) and patients with CF using [3H]AA or [14C]DHA as a markers for, respectively, AA and DHA- release. Granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor stimulated DHA release from CT, but not CF, neutrophils. Comparison showed that both [14C]DHA and [3H]AA liberated after stimulation was higher in CT than in CF neutrophils. Since bioactive mediators derived from DHA are resolving factors and those derived from AA are both pro- and anti- inflammatory, these results suggest that CF is associated with a reduction of the release of PUFA-precursors of lipooxygenated resolving mediators. This leads to the hypothesis that defects in the resolving factors production could contribute to the inflammatory dysregulated processes in CF. Furthermore, the methodology used may help to improve knowledge on the regulation and resolution of inflammation

    Novel insights into pericarp, protein body globoids of aleurone layer, starchy granules of three cereals gained using atomic force microscopy and environmental scanning electronic microscopy

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    In this study, we applied Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (ESEM-EDS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) analysis of three different cereal caryopses: barley, oat and einkorn wheat. The morphological structures, chemical elemental composition and surface characteristics of the three cereals were described. Regarding the morphology, barley showed the thickest pericarp, providing a strong barrier to digestion and absorption of nutrients. The aleurone layer of each cereal type contained protein body globoids within its cells. Large type-A and small type-B starchy granules were revealed in the endosperm of barley and einkorn wheat, whereas irregular starchy granules were found in oats. The starchy granule elemental composition, detected by ESEM-EDS, was rather homogenous in the three cereals, whereas the pericarp and protein body globoids showed heterogeneity. In the protein body globoids, oats showed higher P and K concentrations than barley and einkorn wheat. Regarding the topographic profiles, detected by AFM, einkorn wheat starchy granules showed a surface profile that differed significantly from that of oats and barley, which were quite similar to one another. The present work provides insights into the morphological and chemical makeup of the three grains shedding light on the higher bio-accessibility of einkorn wheat nutrients compared to barley and oats, providing important suggestions for human nutrition and technological standpoints