48 research outputs found

    N. Strejilevich, Una sola morte numerosa

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    In the book Una sola morte numerosa Nora Strejilevich shares with the reader her personal commitment to convey a painful memory, as direct witness of one of the darkest moments of the history of Argentina.

    Martín Kohan Sempre giugno

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    Martín Kohan Sempre giugno(Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2014, 144 pp. ISBN 978-88-6760-196-7,traduzione e prefazione di Luigi Patruno

    La investigación como actividad didáctica en la clase de Español como Lengua Extranjera: Instrumentos para el desarrollo de una competencia pragmalingüística contrastiva intercultural en estudiantes de L2

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    [EN] The present study aims, through an experimentation, to verify the effectiveness of didactic methods and approaches useful for students to initiate dynamics of development of a pragmatic competence in the field of the FL teaching-learning process. For this purpose, we want to observe if a didactic reflection activity integrating both aspects belonging to the pragmalinguistic sphere and to the sociopragmatic sphere, can give rise to a potential awareness and consciousness about verbal behaviors as well as conversational norms and modes observed from the type of contact, that the activity offers students, with the target speech community. Dealing with the encounter of two sociocultural systems, which is what the learning of a foreign language in practical terms is, this type of didactic action becomes imperative, due to the fact that the interpretation of the experiences and situations everyone faces in the world, pass through a primary and automatic filter which determines a cultural-oriented conception of every linguistic and contextual aspect. Regarding the present study, the interpretative differences between the Spanish and the Italian systems, in terms of perception of what is considered as polite/impolite, adequate/inadequate during communicative act, are the main research lines examined with a contrastive approach. The aim is to evaluate to what extent such cultural-oriented conceptions and perspectivizations, resulting from norms which are shared among the members of the same speech community, can affect, and at the same time explain, pragmatic phenomena and socially accepted verbal behavior which characterizes a certain speech act. Testing this hypothesis, on the basis of the analysis of perceptive data related to politeness strategies and related to the concept of verbal behavior adequacy towards a specific situational context, is of particular interest between the Italian and Spanish systems, given a perceived affinity between them, which can lead to misunderstandings and pragmatic ―incidents‖ (Calvi 2004; Guil Povedano 2007; Bailini 2016). This work aims to observe the affinity gradient between the Spanish and the Italian system taking as reference parameters provided by the model proposed by Haverkate (1996; 2003), which relativizes politeness strategies on the basis of two different cultural macro-areas of the world, and by the model proposed by Bravo (1999; 2005), which determines parameters for a reading of in-group interactional modes. If pragmatic issues are a direct consequence of a sociopragmatic perspectivization, it becomes essential to find a didactic approach which can be effective in transmitting the ―linguistic form/structure - functional pragmalinguistic value‖ relation. At the same time, the didactic approach should provide a first contact with the target speech community, which can offer a system of reference of those natural and inborn correspondences between pragmalinguistic resources and sociopragmatic values. Getting closer to the FL-Culture system requires the ability to read the norms of the target speech community and of the contextual situation from an emic perspective (Duranti 1997). The teaching action must set both the transmission of pramalinguistic and sociopragmatic information related to the FL sociocultural system as a goal, to make the student aware of the use of form and structures which result adequate according to the target speech community standards. To reach this goal, the present study seeks to test an input processing mode base on an inductive implicit system, which employs input enhancement techniques as support and guideline for the input processing. As an additional goal, the method aims to reduce negative pragmatic interferences. The audiovisual material completes the prospect, being the source of the sociopragmatic information. We think that working with a sort of ―hybrid‖ material, half-way between an FL linguistic activity and a survey about sociocultural issues, carried out autonomously by student-informers, can lead also to reflections about the potential connection between research and didactic application in the FL teaching-learning field

    Una mirada crítica sobre Lengua Madre Una conversación con María Teresa Andruetto (23 de diciembre de 2013)

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    Una mirada crítica sobre Lengua MadreUna conversación con María Teresa Andruetto(23 de diciembre de 2013)por Costanza Borghi, Serena Cappellini, Sara De Simone,Alma Martini, Valentina Paleari, Marco Pozzoni,Annamaria Rodio, Beatrice Tresold

    Martín Kohan Sempre giugno

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    Martín Kohan Sempre giugno (Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2014, 144 pp. ISBN 978-88-6760-196-7, traduzione e prefazione di Luigi Patruno

    Hacia un entorno más auténtico en el aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera. El enfoque experiencial

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    Resumen - A partir de los planteamientos de Dewey, Lewin y Kolb, teóricos de una pedagogía que se funda sobre la experiencia en cuanto entidad credora de significados, se reflexiona en el trabajo acerca de los beneficios que la unión profunda e imprescindible entre conocimiento abstracto y acción concreta representa para obtener un aprendizaje duradero. El objetivo del trabajo es el de exponer un posible camino hacia la aplicación de las líneas teóricas del denominado “aprendizaje/enfoque experiencial” (líneas tradicionalmente pensadas para una puesta en práctica en el ámbito de las ciencias exactas) a la enseñanza de las leguas extranjera, en lo específico de la lengua española. Se propone por tanto, a modo de ejemplo representativo, una actividad para la clase de E/LE elaborada sobre la base de la integración al enfoque por tareas de principios derivados del enfoque experiencial, síntesis viable para una didáctica de segundas lenguas que se caracterice como “experiencial”.Abstract – Starting from Dewey, Lewin and Kolb approach, theorists of a pedagogy which sets its basis on experience as a meaning creator entity, you’ll find in this paper a reflection about the benefits the deep and essential union between abstract knowledge and concrete action can bring to a process of durable learning. The aim of the paper is that of presenting a possible way to the application of theoretical guidelines of the so-called “experiential learning approach” (guidelines that have always been traditionally applied to hard science fields) to the foreign language teaching, especially Spanish Language Teaching. The paper proposes, for this purpose, as a representative example, a didactic activity for the SFL class drawn up on the basis of the integration to the task-based approach of experiential learning approach derived principles. This wants to represent a viable synthesis for a second language didactic which portrays itself as “experiential”.

    La Linguistica Cognitiva: un’applicazione didattica per l’insegnamento dello spagnolo come lingua straniera

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    La Linguistica Cognitiva:un’applicazione didattica perl’insegnamento dello spagnolo come lingua stranieradi Valentina PaleariRELATORE: prof.ssa Elena LandoneCORRELATORE: prof.ssa Emilia PerassiCORSO DI LAUREA: Laurea Magistrale in Lingue e Letterature Europee ed ExtraeuropeeUNIVERSITA’: Università degli Studi di MilanoANNO ACCADEMICO: 2014-201

    Donde no habite el olvido. Herencia y transmisión del testimonio. Perspectivas socio-jurídicas

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    La violación de las más elementales reglas de la democracia y del estado de derecho, la tortura, la desaparición, el asesinato y las violaciones de género fueron prácticas corrientes de la historia de América Latina que vivió dictaduras cívico-militares en los años 70. Las transiciones políticas de los años 80-90 promovieron reformas institucionales para reforzar la democracia recuperada y procesos de justicia transicional en nombre de la verdad, memoria, justicia y reparación, las cuales se han tomado como modelo para el reciente proceso de paz en Colombia. El presente volumen recoge ensayos de estudiosos italianos y extranjeros que reconstruyen desde perpectivas socio-jurídicas estos procesos. Las formas de testimonio que se perfilan son obras diferentes de las de ‘literatura testimonial’ en el sentido estricto del término, porque surgen de las aulas judiciales y de los informes de las comisiones de verdad, y se imponen como verdades respaldadas por la actuación de la jurisprudencia, que las defiende de los asaltos del olvido y de la impunidad

    donde no habite el olvido. Herencia y transmisión del testimonio: perspectivas socio-jurídicas

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    La violación de las más elementales reglas de la democracia y del estado de derecho, la tortura, la desaparición, el asesinato y las violaciones de género fueron prácticas corrientes de la historia de América Latina que vivió dictaduras cívico-militares en los años 70. Las transiciones políticas de los años 80-90 promovieron reformas institucionales para reforzar la democracia recuperada y procesos de justicia transicional en nombre de la verdad, memoria, justicia y reparación, las cuales se han tomado como modelo para el reciente proceso de paz en Colombia.El presente volumen recoge ensayos de estudiosos italianos y extranjeros que reconstruyen desde perpectivas socio-jurídicas estos procesos. Las formas de testimonio que se perfilan son obras diferentes de las de ‘literatura testimonial’ en el sentido estricto del término, porque surgen de las aulas judiciales y de los informes de las comisiones de verdad, y se imponen como verdades respaldadas por la actuación de la jurisprudencia, que las defiende de los asaltos del olvido y de la impunidad.Textos de: Marzia Rosti; Silvia Buzzelli; Andrea Speranzoni; Naiara Posenato; Andrés Rossetti; Angela Di Gregorio; Rosa Maria Grillo; Maria Gabriella Dionisi; Ana Forcinito; Barnardita Llanos; Katia G. Karadjova; Elena Monicelli, Luisa Campuzano; Erminio Corti; Adriana Rosas Consuegra; Florencia Santucho