128 research outputs found

    Análisis de citas en la revista Adicciones

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    Correspondencia a Rafael Aleixandre Benavent: [email protected]ón: El análisis de citas permite conocer determinados patrones de consumo de información de los profesionales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las referencias bibliográficas de la revista Adicciones en 1999 y 2000. Material y Método: Las referencias se clasificaron en tipos documentales, países de origen, año de la cita, revistas y sus áreas temáticas. Como indicadores de envejecimiento de la literatura se calculó la vida media de las publicaciones citadas y el índice de Price. Resultados: Se analizaron 2.119 referencias, siendo los artículos de revista el tipo más citado (63%), seguido de los libros (33,5%). Las citas a publicaciones norteamericanas acapararon el 39,1%. Un núcleo central de cinco revistas recibieron más de treinta referencias, entre las que destacan las de adicciones y psiquiatría. Discusión: La enorme difusión alcanzada por la literatura científica norteamericana produce unos índices de citación de literatura europea bajos, en detrimento de la atención debida a la propia producción investigadora. El hecho de que la segunda revista más citada sea la propia revista fuente expresa la confianza que los autores otorgan a Adicciones y contribuye a reforzar su interés para lectores y futuros investigadores.Introduction: Citation analysis permits ascertaining determined information consumption patterns of professionals. The objective of this work is to analyse the bibliographical references in the Spanish journal, Adicciones, during 1999 and 2000. Material and Method: The bibliographical references were classified under the headings of document type, country of origin, citation date, journals and subject field. The average life of the publications cited and the Price Index were calculated, as indicators of the obsolescence of the literature Results: 2,119 references were analyzed, with articles in journals being most cited (63%), followed by books (33.5%). Citations of American publications accounted for 39.1%. There is a central nucleus of five journals, including those on addiction, and on general psychiatry, which received more than thirty citations. Discussion: The enormous dissemination of American scientific literature leads to a low European literature citation index, to the detriment of due attention to our own research. The fact that the second most cited journal is Adicciones is an indication of the reliance of authors on this journal and, at the same time, contributes to reinforcing its interest for readers and future researchers

    Uso de la fibra sintética en el concreto estructural para edificaciones

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    In 2016 the research begins, looking for a material with the premise of increasing the strength of the concrete without this being directly proportional to the relationship with the cost. After consulting several sources, it was evidenced that the use of fibers in the world was increasing. Before the studies carried out by other researchers, it was hypothesized that the use of synthetic fibers in vertical structures was too limited. The consultation of sources about the physical chemical properties of these fibers was initiated, thus posing a possible solution to the problem of improving resistance versus reasonable cost. The beginning of the use worldwide in the matter of synthetic fibers goes back to Japan, place of several companies that manufacture and commercialize this material as reinforcement of the concrete. The research transported us to more than 10,000 kilometers, taking us to the University of Michigan, where the director of research Dr. Víctor Li, also advanced in the study of the behavior and uses of synthetic fiber reinforced concrete, several emails and conversations with the research center, gave the motivation to believe that the chosen path was the right one.En el 2016, se inicia la investigación buscando un concreto con mayor resistencia sin aumentar significativamente su costo. Al consultar varias fuentes se evidenció que el uso de las fibras en el mundo estaba aumentando. Ante los estudios realizados por otros investigadores, se plantea la hipótesis de que el uso de las fibras sintéticas en las estructuras verticales era demasiado limitado; así, se inició la consulta de fuentes acerca de las propiedades físicas y químicas de esta fibra. El inicio del uso a nivel mundial en materia de fibras sintéticas se da en Japón, lugar de varias empresas que fabrican y comercializan este material como refuerzo del concreto. La investigación llevó a la Universidad de Michigan, donde el director de investigaciones, el doctor Víctor Li, también avanzaba en el estudio del comportamiento y usos del concreto reforzado con fibra sintética, lo cual brindó la motivación para creer que el camino escogido era el correcto

    Factores que limitan el crecimiento del sector restaurantes de tres, cuatro y cinco tenedores en el centro histórico de la ciudad del Cusco

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    En esta tesis se identifica los principales factores que limitan el crecimiento en el sector restaurantes de tres, cuatro y cinco tenedores en el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad del Cusco. Para ello, se realizó una exploración cualitativa a través de 19 entrevistas a profundidad a los dueños, gerentes, administradores y/o especialistas en rubro de restaurantes de tres, cuatro y cinco tenedores en el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad del Cusco. Los resultados sugieren que los principales factores que limitan el crecimiento del sector restaurantes son la inseguridad y conflictos sociales que se presentan en huelgas y paros, otro factor limitante es el escaso personal capacitado, si bien existen centros de estudio e institutos que brindan especialización vinculada al rubro restaurantes, esta especialización es enfocada en un conocimiento teórico haciendo falta experiencia y aún más importante la calidad de servicio al cliente, probablemente esto pueda ser un aspecto personal más que de la instrucción, pero evidentemente es uno de los principales problemas. Asimismo, se identificó que el tiempo que demora el trámite para la instalación o apertura de un nuevo restaurante es un factor que limita su crecimiento, debido a que la demora es extensa y se convierten en trámites burocráticos. Entidades como el Municipio Provincial del Cusco, DIRCETUR, APDAYC, Defensa Civil y el Ministerio de Cultura, tienen diversas exigencias y cada una de estas dilatan el tiempo total de los trámites necesarios y no existe una centralización o unificación de dichos requerimientos. En el estudio se concluye que existen factores limitantes para el crecimiento del sector restaurante, las cuales fueron recopiladas de las opiniones de los entrevistados y se espera sean de ayuda para las actuales y futuras empresas del sector.This thesis identifies the main factors limiting the growth in the restaurant sector three, four, five forks in the historic center of the city of Cusco. For this purpose, a qualitative survey was conducted through 19 in-depth interviews to the owners, managers, administrators and / or specialists in the heading of restaurants three, four and five-star in the historic center of the city of Cusco. The results suggest that one of the main factors limiting the growth of the restaurants sector are insecurity and social conflicts that arise in strikes and stoppages. Another limiting factor is the insufficient trained staff, although there are research centers and institutes that provide specialization category related to restaurants, this specialization is focused on theoretical knowledge by lack of experience and more importantly the quality of customer service, probably this may be a personal aspect that instruction but is clearly one of the main problems. These two factors limit presented in operating restaurants. This study also identified as factors limiting growth, considering installing or opening a new restaurant, the time it takes the steps in making these bureaucratic institutions such as Municipality, DIRCETUR, APDAYC, Civil Defense and Ministry of Culture, have different requirements and each of these adds to the total time of the necessary procedures and there is no centralization or unification of these requirements. The study concludes that there are limiting factors for growth of the restaurant industry, which were compiled from the opinions of those interviewed and are expected to be of help to present and future companies.Tesi

    Design and Implementation of a Smart Sensor for Respiratory Rate Monitoring

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    This work presents the design, development and implementation of a smart sensor to monitor the respiratory rate. This sensor is aimed at overcoming the drawbacks of other systems currently available in market, namely, devices that are costly, uncomfortable, difficult-to-install, provide low detection sensitivity, and little-to-null patient-to-patient calibration. The device is based on capacitive sensing by means of an LC oscillator. Experimental results show that the sensor meets the necessary requirements, making feasible the proposed monitoring system with the technology usedMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación y Unión Europea FPA2010-22131-C02-02Consejo Andaluz de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P08-TIC-04069 y P10-TIC- 631

    Neuropsychiatric disorders in the people living with HIV : a narrative review

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    Introducción: el sistema nervioso central es uno de los órganos afectados, de manera directa e indirecta, por el VIH; adicionalmente, los trastornos psiquiátricos son más frecuentes en esta población. Objetivo: comprender la patogénesis, las manifestaciones clínicas y el manejo de las enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas en la población con VIH. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Medline, Embase, SciELO, LILACS y PsychInfo utilizando término libres y MeSH. Resultados: los trastornos neuropsiquiátricos generan un impacto negativo en el tratamiento y seguimiento de los pacientes con VIH, lo cual disminuye su adherencia al tratamiento y aumenta las dificultades en su manejo integral. Llamativamente, existe una falta de estudios latinoamericanos en esta área.1-18Introduction: HIV is the infectious disease with the biggest worldwide impact in the last decades. For this reason, the control of this disease was included in the millennium objectives of the UN. There has been a long time interest for studying the psychiatric comorbidities in these patients due to its impact in survival. Methods: A research in the data bases Medline, Embase, SciELO, LILACS, and PsychInfo was made using free terms and MeSH terms. Results: The neuropsychiatric disorders have a negative impact in the treatment and control of HIV positive patients, reducing their adherence and increasing the difficulties in the comprehensive treatment. There is a deficit in studies that could clear up this relationship in Colombian population

    Breast reconstruction: a review

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    Surgeons in the late 19th - 20th century performed radical mastectomies as the only possible treatment for breast cancers. Since then, the medical-surgical/scientific community has been constantly encouraged to develop and study different less invasive alternatives in breast reconstruction. Over time, locoregional perforator flap options have served as practical alternatives to implant-based reconstruction and abdominal flaps, especially in the setting of patients who have received radiation therapy or have a history of failed reconstruction, as they effectively fill the missing volume and respect the musculature of the donor site. Breast reconstruction using strategies with one of the different locoregional flaps can preserve the musculature and innervation of the post-mastectomy site, which manages to reduce possible adverse events. In addition to evaluating the anatomical characteristics of the defect and affected quadrant, it is essential to assess the patient's body constitution and the skills of the surgical team as well as microsurgery training when designing a reconstructive plan. Different research protocols should be developed in the study and development of new medical-surgical therapeutic alternatives; we suggest joint development with tissue engineering

    Urgent urinary diversion by intrinsic or extrinsic obstructive disease of the urinary tract. Percutaneous nephrostomy versus ureteral stent

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    Introducción: La obstrucción de la vía urinaria es una patología urgente que se presenta con relativa frecuencia y que en determinados casos requiere de derivación urinaria inminente. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los resultados y complicaciones en pacientes con obstrucción de la vía urinaria superior tras derivación urinaria con stent ureteral versus nefrostomía percutánea. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo desde 1 Enero de 2011 a 31 Diciembre de 2012 incluyendo 134 pacientes (65 hombres, 69 mujeres) de edad media 61.2 ± 17.4 años procedentes de Urgencias y requirieron derivación urinaria urgente. Se analiza según el tipo de derivación urinaria diferentes parámetros etiológicos, estancia hospitalaria, evolución clínica y analítica y complicaciones. Resultados: De los 134 pacientes, en 89 casos se optó por colocación de stent ureteral y en 45 casos de nefrostomía percutánea. Los pacientes en los que se colocó nefrostomía percutánea eran más añosos y presentaban unos niveles más elevados de creatinina respecto al grupo de stent ureteral de forma significativa. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la evolución clínica o analítica entre una u otra derivación, únicamente en la estancia hospitalaria que fue mayor para los pacientes con nefrostomía debido a la mayor edad, mayores cifras de creatinina al ingreso y mayor comorbilidad. Conclusión: No existen diferencias en los resultados y complicaciones entre stent ureteral y nefrostomía, si bien consideramos el stent ureteral como primera opción ante una obstrucción aguda de la vía, reservando la nefrostomía para casos de obstrucción maligna, sepsis con alteración de parámetros inflamatorios y mayor comorbilidad.Introduction: Obstruction of the urinary tract is a relatively frequent disease and sometimes requires urgent urinary derivation. The objective of this study was to compare outcomes and complications in patients with upper urinary tract obstruction after urinary derivation with ureteral stent or percutaneous nephrostomy. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 in 134 patients (65 males, 69 females) with a mean age of 61.2 ± 17.4 yrs who came to our emergency department requiring urgent urinary derivation. Data were gathered on the type of urinary derivation, aetiology, length of hospital stay, clinical and analytical results and complications. Results: A ureteral stent was placed in 89 of the 134 patients and percutaneous nephrostomy in the remaining 45. Creatinine levels and age were significantly higher in the percutaneous nephrostomy versus ureteral stent group. No inter-group differences were found in clinical or analytical outcomes. The hospital stay was longer for the percutaneous nephrostomy patients, attributable to their higher mean age, admission creatinine level, and comorbidities. Conclusions: No differences in outcomes or complications were found between ureteral stent and percutaneous nephrostomy placement. Ureteral stents may be preferable in patients with acute tract obstruction and nephrostomy preferable in patients with malignant obstruction or sepsis with altered inflammatory parameters and a greater comorbidity burden

    Population Pharmacogenomics for Precision Public Health in Colombia

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    While genomic approaches to precision medicine hold great promise, they remain prohibitively expensive for developing countries. The precision public health paradigm, whereby healthcare decisions are made at the level of populations as opposed to individuals, provides one way for the genomics revolution to directly impact health outcomes in the developing world. Genomic approaches to precision public health require a deep understanding of local population genomics, which is still missing for many developing countries. We are investigating the population genomics of genetic variants that mediate drug response in an effort to inform healthcare decisions in Colombia. Our work focuses on two neighboring populations with distinct ancestry profiles: Antioquia and Chocó. Antioquia has primarily European genetic ancestry followed by Native American and African components, whereas Chocó shows mainly African ancestry with lower levels of Native American and European admixture. We performed a survey of the global distribution of pharmacogenomic variants followed by a more focused study of pharmacogenomic allele frequency differences between the two Colombian populations. Worldwide, we found pharmacogenomic variants to have both unusually high minor allele frequencies and high levels of population differentiation. A number of these pharmacogenomic variants also show anomalous effect allele frequencies within and between the two Colombian populations, and these differences were found to be associated with their distinct genetic ancestry profiles. For example, the C allele of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs4149056 [Solute Carrier Organic Anion Transporter Family Member 1B1 (SLCO1B1)∗5], which is associated with an increased risk of toxicity to a commonly prescribed statin, is found at relatively high frequency in Antioquia and is associated with European ancestry. In addition to pharmacogenomic alleles related to increased toxicity risk, we also have evidence that alleles related to dosage and metabolism have large frequency differences between the two populations, which are associated with their specific ancestries. Using these findings, we have developed and validated an inexpensive allele-specific PCR assay to test for the presence of such population-enriched pharmacogenomic SNPs in Colombia. These results serve as an example of how population-centered approaches to pharmacogenomics can help to realize the promise of precision medicine in resource-limited settings