12 research outputs found

    Evolution of Latin American research concerning taekwondo and its impact on sports: bibliometric approach

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    Resumen: La presente investigación tiene por objetivo principal desarrollar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica iberoamericana relativa al taekwondo publicada en las principales bases de datos hispanohablantes y lusohablantes. La muestra está compuesta por artículos de investigación relativos al taekwondo, extraídos de las bases de datos Dialnet, SciELO y Redalyc, publicados en español o portugués, sin importar la fecha de su publicación. La búsqueda y extracción de información fue realizada en marzo de 2014.Los resultados indican que se han escrito 44 artículos científicos desde 1995 hasta el 2013, de manera irregular en el tiempo. Las áreas más estudiadas corresponden a la psicología, la biomecánica, la medicina del deporte y la fisiología, sumando un 70,5%. Las revistas más utilizadas corresponden a publicaciones que no estudian las artes marciales o deportes de combate como tema principal. Los países que más investigan corresponden a España, Cuba, Brasil y México, que producen más del 80% de lo publicado en Iberoamérica. Por último, los países con mayor productividad parecieran conseguir los mejores resultados en juegos olímpicos, situación que refuerza la idea de que futuros estudios deberían centrar su atención sobre la relación entre investigación y resultados deportivos en taekwondo.Abstract: The aim of the present study was to develop a bibliometric analysis of the Hispanic scientific literature about taekwondo published in the main Spanish and Portuguese-speaking databases. The sample of study was composed by taekwondo-related research articles, retrieved from Dialnet, SciELO and Redalyc databases, written in Spanish or Portuguese without considering their publication date. Information search and retrieval was performed on March 2014. A total of 44 research articles have been written from 1995 to 2013, scattered over this period. Most studied research fields were psychology, biomechanics, sports medicine and physiology (70.5%). The journals publishing these articles were not specialized on martial arts and combat sports. Moreover, Hispanic countries more concerned about taekwondo research are Spain, Cuba, Brazil and Mexico, which are responsible for the publication of more than 80% out of total. Finally, countries with the greatest amount of taekwondo publications seem to obtain the highest results in Olympic Games, so future studies should be focused on the relationship between research and sport results in taekwondo

    Effects of Physical Activity Governmental Programs on Health Status in Independent Older Adults: A Systematic Review

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    ABSTRACT: This systematic review analyzes the evidence of the effects of physical activity governmental programs oriented towards the health of independent older adults. Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection databases were used for data mining and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) recommendations were followed. Five studies (n=2,545 participants) fulfilled the established inclusion criteria. The physical activity programs had beneficial effects on the older adults? quality of life, fall risk, activities of daily living, physical activity levels, nutritional risk, body mass index, arterial pressure, resting heart rate, blood glucose, triglycerides and/or cholesterol, but did not significantly alter their body fat mass percentage. Programs involving diverse physical capacities seem to be more effective for healthy aging. It is recommended that governments start to disseminate the outcomes of these programs within society and the scientific community

    Effects of active exergames training on physical functional performance in older females

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    Objective: To analyze the effects of 8 weeks of an active exergames training program on walking speed, static balance, timed up-and-go test, and sit-to-stand performance in older females. Methods: Two groups of participants were formed by block design randomization as follows: (i) control group (n=12; age, 74.1±7.9 years); (ii) 8 week exergames training group (n=13; age, 75.6±9.1 years). Training was undertaken three times per week, including athletic, bowling and table tennis exergames. Each exergame had a duration of 8 min, with 2 min of recovery between exergames. The intensity of the training sessions was controlled using the 10-point rating of perceived exertion scale. Results: Group×time interactions were observed for the 4 m walking speed test, static balance test, timed up-and-go test and the 5-repetition sit- to-stand test (all p<0.01; d=0.46 0.80). Conclusion: Exergames training improve physical functional performance in older females. These results should be considered when designing appropriate and better training programs for older adults, since active exergames training it is an affordable and low-cost alternative for community centres and preventive health units working with this population

    Perfil antropométrico y hábitos de actividad física de estudiantes Mapuches de una escuela rural de Temuco, Chile

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    Introduction: The nutritional status of children can be a predictor of health in adulthood element, the Mapuche population has a non-Mapuche population that increased prevalence of obesity in Chile. The aim of this study was to determine the anthropometric profile and physical activity habits of Mapuche students of a particular charter school in the rural of Temuco city.Material and Methods: The design is not experimental, descriptive, transversal, with a quantitative approach. The sample included all students of the educational establishment Mapuches (n=23), in both sexes. He underwent anthropometric assessment ISAK and total time physical activity was estimated by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, short version in Spanish (IPAQ-A). To correlate the variables a partial correlation was used.Results: The students average about 35.4% of fat mass, muscle mass 34.1%, 11.4% of residual mass, 12% of bone mass, 7% of residual mass and somatotype 4.9–5.1–1.8 that meso-endomorph classified as balanced. Regarding the total time physical activity, students reach 2225.9 minutes/week, your energy expenditure is 9592.1 (METs/min/week) and stay seated equals 228.6 minutes per week, finally negative correlation was found between BMI and total time of physical activity.Conclusions: The students have a mostly standard anthropometric profile, but with a troubling obesity rate. His activity level is high, placing them as active subjects according to normative tables.Introducción: El estado nutricional de los niños puede ser un elemento predictor de salud en la edad adulta, la población Mapuche presenta una prevalencia mayor de obesidad que la población no-Mapuche en Chile. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar el perfil antropométrico y los hábitos de actividad física de estudiantes Mapuches de una escuela rural particular subvencionada de la ciudad de Temuco.Material y Métodos: El diseño es no experimental, descriptivo, transversal, con un enfoque cuantitativo. La muestra incluyó a todos los estudiantes Mapuches del establecimiento educacional (n=23), en ambos sexos. Se les realizó una evaluación antropométrica con ISAK y se estimó el tiempo total de actividad física a través del Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física, versión corta en español (IPAQ-A). Para correlacionar las variables se utilizó una correlación parcial.Resultados: Los escolares alcanzan un promedio de 35,4% de masa adiposa, 34,1% de masa muscular, 11,4% de masa residual, 12% de masa ósea, 7% de masa cutánea y un somatotipo de 4,9–5,1–1,8 que los clasifica como mesoendomorfos balanceados. En cuanto al tiempo total de actividad física, los escolares alcanzan 2225,9 minutos/semana, su gasto energético es de 9592,1 (METs/minuto/semana) y su permanencia sentados equivale a 228,6 minutos a la semana, finalmente se encontró correlación negativa entre IMC y tiempo total de actividad física.Conclusiones: Los escolares presentan un perfil antropométrico mayormente normal, pero con una elevada prevalencia de obesidad. Su nivel de actividad física es alto, situándolos como sujetos activos de acuerdo a tablas normativas

    Diferencias morfológicas y de condición física en futbolistas adolescentes según posición de juego: una revisión sistemática

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    Introduction: The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the studies that evaluate morphological and physical fitness differences in young soccer players according to playing position.Material and Methods: For its elaboration, the PRISMA-P protocol was followed, the PubMed/MEDLINE database was used, and the Downs &amp; Black methodological quality assessment was applied. Six studies met all the selection criteria, adding 784 soccer players (229 defenders [DF]; 271 midfielders [MF], 168 forwards [FW] and 69 goalkeepers [GK]) with a mean age of 16.2 years.Results: The analyzed studies indicate, that GK and DF have a height, body weight, endomorphic component and body fat higher than MF and FW, except for one study that reports higher values for body weight in FW and DF with respect to MF. In relation to physical fitness, the maximum squat exhibited higher values for FW compared to MF; cardiorespiratory fitness was higher in DF and MF when compared with GK and abdominal muscle resistance was greater in MF compared to DF. Conclusion: The GK and DF show greater height, body weight and body fat than the MF and FW. While physical fitness indicates that FW show greater lower body strength, MF and DF achieve greater cardiorespiratory fitness and MF present greater abdominal muscle resistance when young soccer players are analyzed according to playing position.Introducción: El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática fue analizar los estudios que evalúan las diferencias morfológicas y de condición física en futbolistas adolescentes según posición de juego.Material y métodos: Para su elaboración se siguió el protocolo PRISMA-P, se utilizó la base de datos PubMed/MEDLINE y se aplicó la evaluación de calidad metodológica de Downs &amp; Black. Seis estudios cumplieron con todos los criterios de selección, sumando 784 futbolistas (229 defensas [DF]; 271 mediocampistas [MC], 168 delanteros [DL] y 69 porteros [PT]) con una edad media de 16,2 años. Resultados: Los estudios analizados indican que los PT y DF poseen una altura, peso corporal, componente endomórfico y grasa corporal mayor que MC y DL, excepto un estudio que reporta valores más altos para peso corporal en DL y DF respecto a MC. En relación a la condición física, la sentadilla máxima exhibió valores más elevados para DL respecto a MC; la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria fue superior en DF y MC al compararlos con PT y la resistencia muscular abdominal fue mayor en MC respecto a DF. Conclusión: Los PT y DF ostentan mayor altura, peso corporal y grasa corporal que los MC y DL. Mientras que la condición física, indica que los DL demuestran mayor fuerza del tren inferior, los MC y DF consiguen mayor capacidad cardiorrespiratoria y los MC presentan mayor resistencia muscular abdominal cuando se analizan futbolistas adolescentes según posición de juego

    Effects of different doses of high-speed resistance training on physical performance and quality of life in older women: a randomized controlled trial.

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    Objective: This study aimed to compare the effects of two frequencies of high-speed resistance training (HSRT) on physical performance and quality of life of older women. Methods: A total of 24 older women participated in a 12-week HSRT program composed of either two or three sessions/week (equated for volume and intensity). Women were randomized into three arms: a control group (CG, n=8), a resistance training group performing two sessions/week (RT2, n=8), and a resistance training group performing three sessions/week (RT3, n=8). The training program for both experimental groups included exercises that required high-speed concentric muscle actions. Results: No baseline differences were observed among groups. Compared with the CG, both training groups showed similar small to moderate improvements (P<0.05) in muscle strength, power, functional performance, balance, and quality of life. Conclusion: These results suggest that equated for volume and intensity, two and three training sessions/week of HSRT are equally effective for improving physical performance and quality of life of older women

    Association of sedentariness and health promoting lifestyles in older adults Actividad física y perfil de estilos de vida promotores de la salud en adultos mayores chilenos

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    © 2017, Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved.Background: Part of having healthy lifestyles should be a regular practice of physical activities. Aim: To evaluate the association between the practice of physical activity and healthy lifestyles in older people. Material and Methods: The Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile survey was applied to 1688 older people living in the community, aged 72 ± 7 years (61% women). This survey includes questions about regular physical activity. Results: Twenty four percent of surveyed participants declared to practice physical activities at least three times per week, without gender differences. Sedentariness increased along with age. There was a negative association between low physical activity and healthy lifestyles (odds ratio (OR): 3.2 confidence intervals (CI): 2.3-4.5). There was also an association between sedentariness and low self-realization (OR 2.4 CI: 1.8-3.3), low responsibility with health (OR 1.6 CI: 1.2-2.1), low concern abou

    Asociación entre características antropométricas y funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad física

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    Existe escasa informaci&oacute;n respecto a la relaci&oacute;n entre los par&aacute;metros antropom&eacute;tricos y la funcionalidad motriz en sujetos activos e inactivos. En ese sentido, la presente investigaci&oacute;n pretende determinar la relaci&oacute;n entre las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la puntuaci&oacute;n de funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad f&iacute;sica. La muestra incluy&oacute; 63 sujetos (20 mujeres), distribuidos en tres grupos: grupo f&iacute;sicamente activo (GFA, n=21), grupo deportista (GD, n=21) y grupo f&iacute;sicamente inactivo (GFI, n=21). Las variables estudiadas correspondieron a la composici&oacute;n corporal, per&iacute;metro de cintura (PC), &iacute;ndice de masa corporal (IMC), &iacute;ndice cintura-cadera (ICC) y funcionalidad motriz a trav&eacute;s del Functional Movement Screen (FMS). Se aplic&oacute; Anova una v&iacute;a, el test de Pearson y un modelo de regresi&oacute;n lineal m&uacute;ltiple, considerando un p &lt;0,05. Los resultados indican correlaciones moderadas e inversas entre la puntuaci&oacute;n FMS y la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, Zadiposidad, masa adiposa (kg) e IMC en el GFI (-0,52 &le; r &le; -0,62), y con la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, masa adiposa (kg y %) en el GFA(-0,54 &le; r &le; -0,60). Los cambios en la puntuaci&oacute;n del FMS se explican principalmente por la suma de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, la Zadiposidad, la masa grasa (kg), el porcentaje de masa grasa y el PC. En conclusi&oacute;n, las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la funcionalidad motriz se encuentran asociadas en sujetos chilenos f&iacute;sicamente activos (GFA) e inactivos, mostrando una relaci&oacute;n inversa entre el puntaje del FMS con los par&aacute;metros de la composici&oacute;n corporal relacionados con la adiposidad.There is little information about the relationship between anthropometric indexes and motor function in active and inactive subjects. In that sense, this research aims todetermine the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and motor function score in Chilean subjects with different levels of physical activity. The sample included 63 subjects (20 women), allocated into three groups:physically active group (GFA, n=21), athlete group (GD, n=21) and physically inactive group (GFI, n=21).The variables studied were body composition, waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and motor functionality using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). A One-way ANOVA, Pearson&rsquo;s correlation test, and a multiple linear regression model were applied, considering P &lt;0.05.The results showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.52 &le; r &le; -0.62)between FMS score and sum of skin folds, Z-score fat, fat mass (Kg), BMI in the GFI. Similarly, in the GFA the FMS showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.54 &le; r &le; -0.60) with the sum of skin folds, fat mass (Kg&amp; %). Changes in the FMS score were mainly explained by the sum of skin fold, Z-score fat, fat mass (kg), percentage of fat mass and WC. In conclusion, anthropometric characteristics are associated with motor function in physically active (GFA) and inactive Chilean subjects, showing an inverse relationship between the FMS score and adiposity parameters of body composition

    Asociación entre características antropométricas y funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad física

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    Existe escasa informaci&oacute;n respecto a la relaci&oacute;n entre los par&aacute;metros antropom&eacute;tricos y la funcionalidad motriz en sujetos activos e inactivos. En ese sentido, la presente investigaci&oacute;n pretende determinar la relaci&oacute;n entre las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la puntuaci&oacute;n de funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad f&iacute;sica. La muestra incluy&oacute; 63 sujetos (20 mujeres), distribuidos en tres grupos: grupo f&iacute;sicamente activo (GFA, n=21), grupo deportista (GD, n=21) y grupo f&iacute;sicamente inactivo (GFI, n=21). Las variables estudiadas correspondieron a la composici&oacute;n corporal, per&iacute;metro de cintura (PC), &iacute;ndice de masa corporal (IMC), &iacute;ndice cintura-cadera (ICC) y funcionalidad motriz a trav&eacute;s del Functional Movement Screen (FMS). Se aplic&oacute; Anova una v&iacute;a, el test de Pearson y un modelo de regresi&oacute;n lineal m&uacute;ltiple, considerando un p &lt;0,05. Los resultados indican correlaciones moderadas e inversas entre la puntuaci&oacute;n FMS y la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, Zadiposidad, masa adiposa (kg) e IMC en el GFI (-0,52 &le; r &le; -0,62), y con la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, masa adiposa (kg y %) en el GFA(-0,54 &le; r &le; -0,60). Los cambios en la puntuaci&oacute;n del FMS se explican principalmente por la suma de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, la Zadiposidad, la masa grasa (kg), el porcentaje de masa grasa y el PC. En conclusi&oacute;n, las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la funcionalidad motriz se encuentran asociadas en sujetos chilenos f&iacute;sicamente activos (GFA) e inactivos, mostrando una relaci&oacute;n inversa entre el puntaje del FMS con los par&aacute;metros de la composici&oacute;n corporal relacionados con la adiposidad.There is little information about the relationship between anthropometric indexes and motor function in active and inactive subjects. In that sense, this research aims todetermine the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and motor function score in Chilean subjects with different levels of physical activity. The sample included 63 subjects (20 women), allocated into three groups:physically active group (GFA, n=21), athlete group (GD, n=21) and physically inactive group (GFI, n=21).The variables studied were body composition, waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and motor functionality using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). A One-way ANOVA, Pearson&rsquo;s correlation test, and a multiple linear regression model were applied, considering P &lt;0.05.The results showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.52 &le; r &le; -0.62)between FMS score and sum of skin folds, Z-score fat, fat mass (Kg), BMI in the GFI. Similarly, in the GFA the FMS showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.54 &le; r &le; -0.60) with the sum of skin folds, fat mass (Kg&amp; %). Changes in the FMS score were mainly explained by the sum of skin fold, Z-score fat, fat mass (kg), percentage of fat mass and WC. In conclusion, anthropometric characteristics are associated with motor function in physically active (GFA) and inactive Chilean subjects, showing an inverse relationship between the FMS score and adiposity parameters of body composition

    ¿Bandas elásticas o equipos de gimnasio para el entrenamiento de adultos mayores?

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of six weeks of resistance training with the use of elastic bands (EB) to the use of traditional gym equipment (TGE) on maximum strength, body composition, manual grip, blood pressure, glycemia blood, agility, dynamic balance, flexibility, and peak aerobic consumption in older adults. This is an experimental study that evaluated two groups of older adults, one with EB (n=7) and another with TGE (n=5). A significant increase in maximal strength (EB: p=0.043 and TGE: p=0.018), peak aerobic consumption (EB: p=0.008 and TGE: p=0.038) and lower train flexibility (EB: p=0.021 and TGE: p=0.027), and a decrease of fat mass (EB: p=0.028 and TGE: p=0.021) were found. In conclusion, both training produce similar effects on neuromuscular, anthropometric, and metabolic variables in older adults. Therefore, using EB showed as effective as ETG in the training of older adults.El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los efectos de seis semanas de entrenamiento de resistencia muscular con el uso de bandas elásticas (BE) respecto al uso de equipos tradicionales de gimnasio (ETG) sobre la fuerza máxima, composición corporal, prensión manual, presión arterial, glicemia sanguínea, agilidad, equilibrio dinámico, flexibilidad y potencia aeróbica máxima (VO2pico) en adultos mayores. Estudio experimental que evaluó dos grupos de adultos mayores, uno con BE (n=7) y otro con ETG (n=5). Se reportó en ambos grupos un aumento significativo de la fuerza máxima (BE: p=0,043 y ETG: p=0,018), VO2pico (BE: p=0,008 y ETG: p=0,038) y flexibilidad del tren inferior (BE: p=0,021 y ETG: p=0,027), y una reducción de la masa adiposa (BE: p=0,028 y ETG: p=0,021). En conclusión, ambos entrenamientos producen efectos similares sobre variables neuromusculares, antropométricas y metabólicas en adultos mayores. Por lo tanto, usar BE fue tan efectivo como los ETG para entrenar adultos mayores