6,082 research outputs found

    Pre-peak ram pressure stripping in the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4501

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    VIVA HI observations of the Virgo spiral galaxy NGC 4501 are presented. The HI disk is sharply truncated to the southwest, well within the stellar disk. A region of low surface-density gas, which is more extended than the main HI disk, is discovered northeast of the galaxy center. These data are compared to existing 6cm polarized radio continuum emission, Halpha, and optical broad band images. We observe a coincidence between the western HI and polarized emission edges, on the one hand, and a faint Halpha emission ridge, on the other. The polarized emission maxima are located within the gaps between the spiral arms and the faint Halpha ridge. Based on the comparison of these observations with a sample of dynamical simulations with different values for maximum ram pressure and different inclination angles between the disk and the orbital plane,we conclude that ram pressure stripping can account for the main observed characteristics. NGC 4501 is stripped nearly edge-on, is heading southwest, and is ~200-300 Myr before peak ram pressure, i.e. its closest approach to M87. The southwestern ridge of enhanced gas surface density and enhanced polarized radio-continuum emission is due to ram pressure compression. It is argued that the faint western Halpha emission ridge is induced by nearly edge-on ram pressure stripping. NGC 4501 represents an especially clear example of early stage ram pressure stripping of a large cluster-spiral galaxy.Comment: 22 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Ram pressure stripping of the multiphase ISM in the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4438

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    Ram pressure stripping of the multiphase ISM is studied in the perturbed Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4438. This galaxy underwent a tidal interaction ~100 Myr ago and is now strongly affected by ram pressure stripping. Deep VLA radio continuum observations at 6 and 20 cm are presented. We detect prominent extraplanar emission to the west of the galactic center, which extends twice as far as the other tracers of extraplanar material. The spectral index of the extraplanar emission does not steepen with increasing distance from the galaxy. This implies in situ re-acceleration of relativistic electrons. The comparison with multiwavelength observations shows that the magnetic field and the warm ionized interstellar medium traced by Halpha emission are closely linked. The kinematics of the northern extraplanar Halpha emission, which is ascribed to star formation, follow those of the extraplanar CO emission. In the western and southern extraplanar regions, the Halpha measured velocities are greater than those of the CO lines. We suggest that the ionized gas of this region is excited by ram pressure. The spatial and velocity offsets are consistent with a scenario where the diffuse ionized gas is more efficiently pushed by ram pressure stripping than the neutral gas. We suggest that the recently found radio-deficient regions compared to 24 mum emission are due to this difference in stripping efficiency.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, A&A, accepted for publicatio

    Hot gas in Mach cones around Virgo Cluster spiral galaxies

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    The detailed comparison between observations and simulations of ram pressure stripped spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster has led to a three dimensional view of the galaxy orbits within the hot intracluster medium. The 3D velocities and Mach numbers derived from simulations can be used to derive simple Mach cone geometries for Virgo spiral galaxies. We search for indications of hot gas within Mach cones in X-ray observations of selected Virgo Cluster spiral galaxies (NGC 4569, NGC 4388, and NGC 4501). We find extraplanar diffuse X-ray emission in all galaxies. Based on the 3D velocity vectors from dynamical modelling a simple Mach cone is fitted to the triangular shape of NGC 4569's diffuse X-ray emission. Assuming that all extraplanar diffuse X-ray emission has to be located inside the Mach cone, we also fit Mach cones to NGC 4388's and NGC 4501's extraplanar X-ray emission. For NGC 4569 it is hard to reconcile the derived Mach cone opening angle with a Mach number based on the sound speed alone. Instead, a Mach number involving the Alfv\'enic speed seems to be more appropriate, yielding a magnetic field strength of 3\sim 3-6 μ\muG for a intracluster medium density of n104n \sim 10^{-4} cm3^{-3}. Whereas the temperature of the hot component of NGC 4569's X-ray halo (0.5 keV) is at the high end but typical for a galactic outflow, the temperature of the hot gas tails of NGC 4388 and NGC 4501 are significantly hotter (0.7-0.9 keV). In NGC 4569 we find direct evidence for a Mach cone which is filled with hot gas from a galactic superwind. We suggest that the high gas temperatures in the X-ray tails of NGC 4388 and NGC 4501 are due to the mixing of the stripped ISM into the hot intracluster medium of the Virgo cluster.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The influence of the cluster environment on the large-scale radio continuum emission of 8 Virgo cluster spirals

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    The influence of the environment on the polarized and total power radio continuum emission of cluster spiral galaxies is investigated. We present deep scaled array VLA 20 and 6 cm observations including polarization of 8 Virgo spiral galaxies. These data are combined with existing optical, HI, and Halpha data. Ram pressure compression leads to sharp edges of the total power distribution at one side of the galactic disk. These edges coincide with HI edges. In edge-on galaxies the extraplanar radio emission can extend further than the HI emission. In the same galaxies asymmetric gradients in the degree of polarization give additional information on the ram pressure wind direction. The local total power emission is not sensitive to the effects of ram pressure. The radio continuum spectrum might flatten in the compressed region only for very strong ram pressure. This implies that neither the local star formation rate nor the turbulent small-scale magnetic field are significantly affected by ram pressure. Ram pressure compression occurs mainly on large scales (>=1 kpc) and is primarily detectable in polarized radio continuum emission.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The magnetic fields of large Virgo Cluster spirals

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    Because of its proximity the Virgo Cluster is an excellent target for studying interactions of galaxies with the cluster environment. Both the high-velocity tidal interactions and effects of ram pressure stripping by the intracluster gas can be investigated. Optical and/or \ion{H}{i} observations do not always show effects of weak interactions between galaxies and their encounters with the cluster medium. For this reason we searched for possible anomalies in the magnetic field structure in Virgo Cluster spirals which could be attributed to perturbations in their gas distribution and kinematics. Five angularly large Virgo Cluster spiral galaxies (NGC 4501, NGC 4438, NGC 4535, NGC 4548 and NGC 4654) were the targets for a sensitive total power and polarization study using the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg at 4.85 GHz. For two objects polarization data at higher frequencies have been obtained allowing Faraday rotation analysis. Distorted magnetic field structures were identified in all galaxies. Interaction-induced magnetized outflows were found in NGC 4438 (due to nuclear activity) and NGC 4654 (a combination of tidal tails and ram pressure effects). Almost all objects (except the anaemic NGC 4548) exhibit distortions in polarized radio continuum attributable to influence of the ambient gas. For some galaxies they agree with observations of other species, but sometimes (NGC 4535) the magnetic field is the only tracer of the interaction with the cluster environment. The cluster environment clearly affects the evolution of the galaxies due to ram pressure and tidal effects. Magnetic fields provide a very long-lasting memory of past interactions. Therefore, they are a good tracer of weak interactions which are difficult to detect by other observations.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Arrest stress of uniformly sheared wet granular matter

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    We conduct extensive independent numerical experiments considering frictionless disks without internal degrees of freedom (rotation etc.) in two dimensions. We report here that for a large range of the packing fractions below random-close packing, all components of the stress tensor of wet granular materials remain finite in the limit of zero shear rate. This is direct evidence for a fluid-to-solid arrest transition. The offset value of the shear stress characterizes plastic deformation of the arrested state {which corresponds to {\em dynamic yield stress} of the system}. {Based on an analytical line of argument, we propose that the mean number of capillary bridges per particle, ν\nu, follows a non-trivial dependence on the packing fraction, ϕ\phi, and the capillary energy, \vareps. Most noticeably, we show that ν\nu is a generic and universal quantity which does not depend on the driving protocol.} Using this universal quantity, we calculate the arrest stress, σa\sigma_a, analytically based on a balance of the energy injection rate due to the external force driving the flow and the dissipation rate accounting for the rupture of capillary bridges. The resulting prediction of σa\sigma_a is a non-linear function of the packing fraction ϕ\phi, and the capillary energy \vareps. This formula provides an excellent, parameter-free prediction of the numerical data. Corrections to the theory for small and large packing fractions are connected to the emergence of shear bands and of contributions to the stress from repulsive particle interactions, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, g figure

    The magnetic fields of large Virgo cluster spirals: Paper II

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    The Virgo cluster of galaxies provides excellent conditions for studying interactions of galaxies with the cluster environment. Both the high-velocity tidal interactions and effects of ram pressure stripping by the intracluster gas can be investigated in detail. We extend our systematic search for possible anomalies in the magnetic field structures of Virgo cluster spirals in order to characterize a variety of effects and attribute them to different disturbing agents. Six angularly large Virgo cluster spiral galaxies (NGC4192, NGC4302, NGC4303, NGC4321, NGC4388, and NGC4535) were targets of a sensitive total power and polarization study using the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg at 4.85GHz and 8.35GHz (except for NGC4388 observed only at 4.85GHz, and NGC4535 observed only at 8.35GHz). Magnetic field structures distorted to various extent are found in all galaxies. Three galaxies (NGC4302, NGC4303, and NGC4321) show some signs of possible tidal interactions, while NGC4388 and NGC4535 have very likely experienced strong ram-pressure and shearing effects, respectively, visible as distortions and asymmetries of polarized intensity distributions. As in our previous study, even strongly perturbed galaxies closely follow the radio-far-infrared correlation. In NGC4303 and NGC4321, we observe symmetric spiral patterns of the magnetic field and in NGC4535 an asymmetric pattern. Magnetic fields allow us to trace even weak interactions that are difficult to detect with other observations. Our results show that the degree of distortions of a galaxy is not a simple function of the distance to the cluster center but reflects also the history of its interactions. The angle between the velocity vector and the rotation vector of a galaxy may be a general parameter that describes the level of distortions of galactic magnetic fields.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Fermi acceleration and suppression of Fermi acceleration in a time-dependent Lorentz Gas

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    We study some dynamical properties of a Lorentz gas. We have considered both the static and time dependent boundary. For the static case we have shown that the system has a chaotic component characterized with a positive Lyapunov Exponent. For the time-dependent perturbation we describe the model using a four-dimensional nonlinear map. The behaviour of the average velocity is considered in two situations (i) non-dissipative and (ii) dissipative. Our results show that the unlimited energy growth is observed for the non-dissipative case. However, when dissipation, via damping coefficients, is introduced the senary changes and the unlimited engergy growth is suppressed. The behaviour of the average velocity is described using scaling approach

    Phase Separation in Binary Fluid Mixtures with Continuously Ramped Temperature

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    We consider the demixing of a binary fluid mixture, under gravity, which is steadily driven into a two phase region by slowly ramping the temperature. We assume, as a first approximation, that the system remains spatially isothermal, and examine the interplay of two competing nonlinearities. One of these arises because the supersaturation is greatest far from the meniscus, creating inversion of the density which can lead to fluid motion; although isothermal, this is somewhat like the Benard problem (a single-phase fluid heated from below). The other is the intrinsic diffusive instability which results either in nucleation or in spinodal decomposition at large supersaturations. Experimental results on a simple binary mixture show interesting oscillations in heat capacity and optical properties for a wide range of ramp parameters. We argue that these oscillations arise under conditions where both nonlinearities are important