247 research outputs found

    Hazards of volcanic lakes: analysis of Lakes Quilotoa and Cuicocha, Ecuador

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    International audienceVolcanic lakes within calderas should be viewed as high-risk systems, and an intensive lake monitoring must be carried out to evaluate the hazard of potential limnic or phreatic-magmatic eruptions. In Ecuador, two caldera lakes ? Lakes Quilotoa and Cuicocha, located in the high Andean region >3000 a.s.l. ? have been the focus of these investigations. Both volcanoes are geologically young or historically active, and have formed large and deep calderas with lakes of 2 to 3 km in diameter, and 248 and 148 m in depth, respectively. In both lakes, visible gas emissions of CO2 occur, and an accumulation of CO2 in the deep water body must be taken into account. Investigations were carried out to evaluate the hazards of these volcanic lakes, and in Lake Cuicocha intensive monitoring was carried out for the evaluation of possible renewed volcanic activities. At Lake Quilotoa, a limnic eruption and diffuse CO2 degassing at the lake surface are to be expected, while at Lake Cuicocha, an increased risk of a phreatic-magmatic eruption exists

    Impacto Financiero Y La Rotación De Personal En Las Áreas De Mercadeo Y Operaciones: Empresa Multinacional De Venta De Vacaciones Prepagadas En El Ecuador/Financial Impact and the Rotation of Personnel in the Marketing Areas and Operations: Multinational

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    El talento humano es determinado como el aporte más valioso en toda empresa, principalmente en las empresas de servicio, por lo que uno de los principales retos es potenciar al talento, buscando estrategias que identifiquen las necesidades y motivaciones que permita brindar agradado, desarrollo profesional y personal a los colaboradores. La ineficaz motivación y el poco compromiso que posee el personal genera un impacto en la rotación de personal lo que se verá reflejado a nivel financiero de la compañía; se ha identificado que la continua y excesiva rotación de personal es perjudicial para el cumplimiento de los objetivos empresariales, así como los costos que se genera en los procesos de reclutamiento, selección, inducción, capacitación, entre otros; y también al momento de la desvinculación. El principal objetivo del estudio es determinar el impacto financiero de la rotación de personal de las áreas de mercadeo y operaciones en una Empresa Multinacional de Venta de Vacaciones Prepagadas en el Ecuador. Ya que la incertidumbre, inestabilidad, genera alta rotación en especial a los nuevos postulantes, y los antiguos trabajadores que réquiem de estabilidad para el cumpliendo de sus objetivos profesionales. En la rotación de personal la organización debe incurrir en un conjunto de desembolso diarios obligatorios por Ley en la desvinculación del personal saliente demás de los requeridos para el reclutamiento y contratación de quienes cubrirán las vacantes presentadas. Human talent is considered the most valuable contribution in every company, mainly in service companies, so one of the challenges is to maximize the talent looking for strategies to identify needs and motivations that allow providing gratified, professional development, personal. Ineffective motivation and commitment that has little staff has an impact on the turnover which will be reflected in financial terms, has been identified as the continued and excessive staff turnover is detrimental to the fulfillment of business objectives, as the costs generated in the process of recruitment, selection, induction, training, among others; and also at the time of termination. The main objective of the study is to determine the financial impact of staff turnover in the areas of marketing and operations in a multinational company selling Prepaid Vacations in Ecuador. As uncertainty, instability, high turnover generated in particular to new applicants, and former employees who requiem stability for fulfilling their career goals. Turnover in the organization must incur a set of mandatory daily payout by law in the decoupling of outgoing personnel other than those required for the recruitment and hiring of those who fill the vacancies presented. Palabras Clave: Talento humano, rotación de personal, costos, reclutamiento y contratación. Keywords: human talent, turnover, recruiting and hiring costs

    Analysis and Design of Wastewater Treatment

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    The work proposes the reuse of wastewater from the Faculty of Agronomic Engineering of the Technical University of Manabí, located in the Lodana parish in the city of Portoviejo, to irrigate the diversity of plantations that exist in the institution as a banana, cocoa and lemon. In the work, the results of the physical-chemical and bacteriological analysis carried out on the residual water generated in the institution are offered, being able to verify that it does not meet the parameters required to be used in the irrigation of crops. The technical scheme of the proposed treatment system is shown, specifying the structure of the zeolite filter. The calculations made for the technical and structural design of each of the devices that make up the proposed treatment system are provided. The analysis of the performance of the system that is illustrated with a series of data reflected in tables is exposed and where an efficiency between 84% and 88% can be verified. A review of compliance with environmental regulations is carried out and an economic analysis is provided on the cost of the investment for the introduction of the system in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the Technical University of Manabí

    Exploratory study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons occurrence and distribution in manure pyrolysis products

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    The occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been investigated in the products derived from the pyrolysis of pig manure at low temperatures (<550 °C) in a fixed bed reactor. The focus was on the sixteen PAH identified as priority pollutants by the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA). The pyrolysis does not generate a significant additional amount of EPA-PAH to that existing in the original pig manure, under the operational conditions studied (<550 °C). While the total EPA-PAH yield does not indicate a notable dependence on the pyrolysis temperature, the EPA-PAH distribution among the three pig manure pyrolysis products as well as the speciation changed significantly with the temperature. The proportion of heavy PAH species increased as the temperature increased. The initial EPA-PAH in the manure samples plays a significant role in both their concentration and speciation in the biochar. The relationship of the EPA-PAH concentration and speciation in the biochar with those of the raw material was corroborated with a cow manure sample and the biochars obtained from its pyrolysis. For this reason, feedstocks with low EPA-PAH concentrations are recommended in order to obtain biochars with concentrations below the maximum allowed threshold established for their use as a soil enhancer by the International Biochar Initiative (IBI) and in the European Biochar Certificate

    Local Development Applied to Energy Scheme

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    Manabí is a province with great potential, either in the agri-food sector or in the renewable generation of energy. However, the limitations inherited from traditional development models prevent achieving the sustainable development of this territory. This paper proposes a development model at the local level, aimed at achieving equity and, through the use of renewable energy sources and other potentials present in specific territories, to improve the quality of life and reduce the risks of societies present there. Through geographic information systems, it was possible to generate and display on maps information related to the energy demand at the provincial and cantonal levels, as well as the province's energy behavior considering the population density

    Prácticas de comercialización y consumo en Tandil : El circuito del salame y queso

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    Este trabajo explora los circuitos cortos de comercialización en la ciudad de Tandil (sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires), teniendo en cuenta la valorización y las prácticas de compra de los consumidores de productos regionales, particularmente salame y queso. El término circuito corto se relaciona con un consumidor que conoce la procedencia del producto que va a comprar (ya sea por su etiqueta o porque el vendedor se lo comunica o por estar visitando una localidad con trayectoria en productos regionales). Por ello, en este trabajo se caracterizan los comercios especializados en ventas de productos regionales de Tandil y se observan las prácticas de compra venta. En esa interacción del mundo de la compra y la venta, se analizan las percepciones de los consumidores y su construcción de imaginarios y calidad de los quesos y chacinados, en particular, el salame con Denominación de Origen (DO). Si bien, más de la mitad de los consumidores analizados son turistas, todos asocian la calidad de los productos regionales con la producción artesanal y local. La observación en los locales comerciales permitió constatar que co-existen múltiples valorizaciones de productos y formas de comprar.Mesa 25: Economía social solidaria y tercer sector. De la emergencia a la estrategia: más allá del “alivio a la pobreza”Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Prácticas de comercialización y consumo en Tandil : El circuito del salame y queso

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    Este trabajo explora los circuitos cortos de comercialización en la ciudad de Tandil (sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires), teniendo en cuenta la valorización y las prácticas de compra de los consumidores de productos regionales, particularmente salame y queso. El término circuito corto se relaciona con un consumidor que conoce la procedencia del producto que va a comprar (ya sea por su etiqueta o porque el vendedor se lo comunica o por estar visitando una localidad con trayectoria en productos regionales). Por ello, en este trabajo se caracterizan los comercios especializados en ventas de productos regionales de Tandil y se observan las prácticas de compra venta. En esa interacción del mundo de la compra y la venta, se analizan las percepciones de los consumidores y su construcción de imaginarios y calidad de los quesos y chacinados, en particular, el salame con Denominación de Origen (DO). Si bien, más de la mitad de los consumidores analizados son turistas, todos asocian la calidad de los productos regionales con la producción artesanal y local. La observación en los locales comerciales permitió constatar que co-existen múltiples valorizaciones de productos y formas de comprar.Mesa 25: Economía social solidaria y tercer sector. De la emergencia a la estrategia: más allá del “alivio a la pobreza”Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Phytotoxicity of sewage sludge biochars prepared at different pyrolysis conditions

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    6 Pags.- 8 Figs.- 3 Tabls. Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Pyrolysis of sewage sludge was carried out at three different lab-scale reactors and conditions: an Auger reactor for sewage sludge pyrolysis at low temperature (300ºC), a stirred batch reactor (530ºC) and a fluidised bed reactor (530ºC). The starting material is anaerobically digested and thermally dried sewage sludge from a wastewater treatment plant located in Spain. A preliminary study to assess the feasibility of application to soil of the three biochars was performed using two germination tests and a greenhouse experiment. Water soluble compounds from biochar did not affect seed germination, but volatile compounds reduced germination of more sensitive seeds. Biochar applied to soil at agricultural rates (20 t/ha) reduced growth and development of a corn crop. No differential effects of the three pyrolysis conditions were found.The Authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) for the Project CTQ2013-47260-R.Peer reviewe

    Sostenibilidad Fiscal y Biodiversidad del Ecuador

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    With Ecuador's Constitution of 2008, a series of legal and institutional instruments have recognized the role of the natural heritage for the sustainability of the economic system and society's welfare. However, these regulatory developments do not have a financial counterpart in the long term. This article explores the fiscal sustainability regarding environmental matters based on the financing needs for biodiversity conservation during the period 1970-2015. Based on the analysis of public environmental expenditure and the budget for Management of biodiversity, and estimating the investment costs in biodiversity foreseen for the implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy, we generate an indicator that allows the measurement of the financial gap for the protection, restoration and proper management of biodiversity. According to the results, the resource gap needed to protect biodiversity from 1970-2015 is equivalent to 190.34% of GDP in 2015, representing US$ 191 billion in 2015. The article concludes with policy recommendations.Con la Constitución del Ecuador de 2008 una serie de instrumentos legales-institucionales han reconocido el rol del patrimonio natural para la sostenibilidad del sistema económico y del bienestar de la sociedad. Sin embargo, estos avances normativos no tienen una contrapartida financiera en el largo plazo. Este articulo explora la sostenibilidad fiscal en materia ambiental a partir de las necesidades de financiamiento de la conservación de la biodiversidad durante el período 1970-2015. Partiendo del análisis del gasto público ambiental y del presupuesto destinado a la gestión de la biodiversidad, y estimando los costos de inversión en biodiversidad previstos para la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional de Biodiversidad, generamos un indicador que permite medir la brecha financiera para la protección, restauración y manejo adecuado de la biodiversidad. De acuerdo con los resultados, la brecha de recursos necesarios para proteger la biodiversidad en el periodo 1970-2015 equivale al 190.34 % del PIB de 2015, lo que representa 191 mil millones en dólares del 2015. El artículo concluye con recomendaciones de política