1,647 research outputs found

    Generating families of surface triangulations. The case of punctured surfaces with inner degree at least 4

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    We present two versions of a method for generating all triangulations of any punctured surface in each of these two families: (1) triangulations with inner vertices of degree at least 4 and boundary vertices of degree at least 3 and (2) triangulations with all vertices of degree at least 4. The method is based on a series of reversible operations, termed reductions, which lead to a minimal set of triangulations in each family. Throughout the process the triangulations remain within the corresponding family. Moreover, for the family (1) these operations reduce to the well-known edge contractions and removals of octahedra. The main results are proved by an exhaustive analysis of all possible local configurations which admit a reduction.Comment: This work has been partially supported by PAI FQM-164; PAI FQM-189; MTM 2010-2044

    Post-crisis social rights and social security law in Spain

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    The last crisis had a strong impact in Spanish economy. As a consequence, and underrecommendation of the EU, the successive Governments since 2008 till the end of 2014 have passed“emergency legislation” that affected social rights and Social Security System, introducing amendmentsand “cuts” on them. Contrary to what occurred in other countries (that have made Finance Acts, thebudget, or even Parliamentary Acts the fundamental ways to conduct such reforms) in Spain, the RoyalDecree-Law (RDL), a “legislative” type text (serving as an Act of Parliament) has prevailed. The reforms,amendments and “cuts” (in some cases) caused by the crisis have highlighted the weakness of the theoryof supra-legal character of the Spanish Constitution (whose writing would be compulsory for the publicauthorities, and even for the Parliament). The main amendments and “cuts” have focused on fight againstfraud in Social Security, unemployment benefits (contributive and non contributive levels), the revaluationor increase of pensions (“Sustainability factor in the pension System” formula has been passed byAct), retirement agreements with workers affected by redundancy plans (economic dismissal), age ofretirement (that will get 67 progressively in the next years), early retirement and partial retirement, thetax burden which affects the contribution base in the general scheme (Régimen General); the techniqueused for rising this consist of including in the quoted base concepts (monetary, benefits in kind) that weretraditionally excluded from taxation. It is true that during these years 2008 to 2014 protective measuresfor the unemployed and to promote self-employment have been passed by the Spanish Governments andParliament, but they cannot dodge the fact that the social rights have been seriously affected

    Methodology for the metric restoration of the historical cartography applied to Francisco Coello's cartografic series of the Royal Site of Aranjuez

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    Hojas Kilométricas (Kilometric Sheets). Specifically, the study focuses on those sheets referring to the city centre and surrounding area of the Royal Site of Aranjuez, a town in the south of the Province of Madrid. The aim of this study is to restore the actual size and measurements of scanned images of the Hojas Kilométricas. This would allow us, among other things, to reestablish both the format and scale of the original plans. To achieve this goal it is necessary to rectify and then georeference these images, i.e. assign them a geographic reference system. This procedure is essential in the overlaying and comparison of the Hojas Kilométricas of the Royal Site with other historical cartography as well as other sources related to the same area from different time periods. Subsequent research would allow us, for example, to reconstruct the time-evolution of the urban area, to spot new construction and to pinpoint the locations of any altered or missing buildings or architectural features. In addition, this would allow us to develop and integrate databases for GIS models applicable to the management of our cultural heritage

    Nuevos y viejos procesos socio-espaciales en méxico, del liberalismo al neoliberalismo

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    El siglo XIX fue determinante en la Historia de México, no sólo porque en él se realiza la independencia política del país, sino porque a lo largo de él, en medio de un marasmo social, político y militar, del régimen liberal logra surgir un país. Como lo reconoce Octavio Paz en el Laberinto de la Soledad, “México nace en la época de la Reforma. En ella y por ella se concibe, se inventa y se proyecta”. Esta idea que es válida tanto para reconocer la conformación de México como un Estado nacional, como para entender la configuración social y económica que caracterizarán al país a partir de entonces, lo es tanto o más para comprender las condiciones socio-espaciales que caracterizan hoy nuestra realidad urbana. Desde el régimen liberal no sólo se vislumbró la idea de romper las ataduras económicas, políticas y sociales con el viejo régimen, insertando a México en la lógica del desarrollo capitalista y conformando un Estado moderno en el sentido sociológico del término, con la creación de instituciones públicas en oposición a las tradiciones decimonónicas de raigambre colonial, sino que se crearon las condiciones que determinarían la forma en la que se producirá la Ciudad en México.El libro que nos entregan Juan José Gutiérrez, Alberto Villar y José Juan Méndez, investigadores de la FAPUR–UAEM, tiene dos virtudes. La primera aparece porque ponen a debate un fenómeno: la urbanización en México, que se ha convertido en un asunto central en el desarrollo del país; es decir, nos ofrecen argumentos sólidos sobre uno de los procesos que se ha vuelto determinante para el presente y para el futuro de la sociedad. La segunda porque soporta su investigación y su discurso en una perspectiva histórica que deja claro cómo los procesos socio-espaciales son el resultado de las transformaciones que ha tenido la sociedad mexicana a lo largo de los últimos dos siglos, a grado tal, que se vuelven determinantes de lo que ahora enfrentamos: la híper-urbanización y la metropolización explosivas, desordenadas e insustentables

    A validated clinical approach for the management of aspergillosis in critically ill patients: ready, steady, go!

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    The clinical relevance of recovering Aspergillus species in intensive care unit patients is unknown. Diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is extremely difficult because there are no specific tests sensitive enough to detect it. The rapidly fatal prognosis of this infection without treatment justifies early antifungal therapy. A clinical algorithm may aid clinicians to manage critically ill patients from whose respiratory specimens Aspergillus spp. have been isolated. This new tool needs to be validated in a large cohort of patients before it can be recommended

    A Multiinstitutional Spanish Master’s Program in Ecosystem Restoration: Vision and Four-Year Experience

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    Since 2006, an innovative, multiinstitutional Spanish Master in Ecosystem Restoration (MER) is jointly offered by four major public universities in Madrid. In view of the high student demand—about 900 applications this academic year for only 30 places, a remarkable 75% rate of professional poststudy employment in a period of economic crisis, and the high number (> 40) of prestigious organizations involved in the program, we consider the MER program, although still young, to be very promising for the long term. We explain the process to create the MER and achieve the results obtained thus far. We describe its organization, report its vital statistics in terms of students, and identify some strengths and weaknesses observed to date. The MER program has evolved as a network of knowledge and experience that links universities, lecturers, researchers, students, private and public companies, NGOs, and administration centers. Our aim is to help other groups that may want to launch similar graduate-level ecological restoration degree programs

    Opinions of Argentinean neonatologists on the initiation of life-sustaining treatment in preterm infants

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    Background: In June 2014, the Argentinean Ministry of Health published guidelines for the management of neonates born at the limit of viability (≤25 weeks of gestation). We explored the opinion of neonatologists in Buenos Aires, Argentina, regarding the initiation of life‐sustaining treatment (LST) in critically ill neonates, focusing on the effect of sociocultural factors on their opinion. Methods: An anonymous survey was designed to explore the opinions of Argentinean neonatologists on whether or not to initiate LST in newborns born prematurely. Five hundred eighty neonatologists from 36 neonatal units were invited to participate, and 315 specialists from 34 neonatal units completed the survey (response rate 54%). The survey was conducted between June 2014 and February 2015. Results: At 22 weeks, 9.5% (30/315) of the neonatologists answered they would begin LST on neonates born, 42.5% (134/315) at 23 weeks, 37% (117/315) at 24 weeks, 7% (22/315) at 25 weeks, and 4% (12/315) at ≥26 weeks. Cumulatively, then 96% of participants stated they would start LST at 25 weeks of gestation or less. On multivariate analysis, a “transcendent” value of life and lack of consideration of the local legal framework for making medical decisions in the delivery room were statistically associated with an opinion in favor of initiation of LST in neonates born at the limit of viability. More than 50% of the Argentinean neonatologists surveyed answered they would initiate treatment at a gestational age of less than 23 weeks, despite the fact that the recommendations of the Argentinean Ministry of Health are to only give comfort care for these neonates. The opinion of most Argentinean neonatologists surveyed thus differs from that recommended by the guidelines of Argentina. Conclusion: The most frequent opinion of Argentinean neonatologists was to initiate LST in neonates at the limit of viability. Certain factors, in particular the sense of a transcendent meaning to life and lack of consideration of the local legal framework for making medical decisions in the delivery room, seem to influence the decision to start LST.Fil: Silberberg, Agustín. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: Villar, Marcelo Jose. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas; Argentina. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Silvio. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas; Argentin

    PGAS Model for the Implementation of Scalable Cluster Systems

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    This paper introduces an extended version of the traditional Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model, for the implementation of scalable cluster systems, that the HyperTransport Consortium Advanced Technology Group (ATG) is working on. Using the Simics and GEMS simulators, we developed a software module that approximates the behavior of a PGAS cluster. This approach mainly provides the simplest mechanism to evaluate how much the PGAS infrastructure will affect overall the application performance. The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of the ATG’s PGAS model for running applications with high memory requirements. Such a model, will let manufacturers build clusters that enable the execution of these applications, in such a way that it will be impossible to run them in a single processor, or in a multi–processor

    Un acercamiento al sentimiento del miedo y su incidencia en la reconfiguración de los espacios sociales

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    Para desarrollar el presente trabajo, se partió del siguiente supuesto, el sentimiento del miedo está influenciando la configuración de los espacios sociales, al presentar construcciones encerradas, privatizando espacios que tradicionalmente habían sido considerados como públicos, como es el caso de calles, parques, jardines, sólo por mencionar algunos. En los espacios cerrados se hace presente fuertes dispositivos de seguridad, que van desde el pago de seguridad policíaca con carácter privada, hasta la construcción de altas murallas, la electrificación de bardas, la constante presencia de rejas en puertas y ventanas, como un sinónimo de seguridad y protección de su persona, familia y pertenencias de posibles ladrones o delincuentes. En torno a este supuesto, giran los argumentos que a continuación se presentan

    Enseñanza virtual y desempeño académico en estudiantes de arquitectura de una universidad pública, Huaraz, 2022

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    La presente investigación se planteó con el objetivo de determinar la correlación entre la enseñanza virtual y el desempeño académico en estudiantes de Arquitectura de una Universidad Pública, Huaraz, 2022. Con esa finalidad, se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo basado en el diseño no experimental de tipo transversal y correlacional. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 82 estudiantes y el tamaño de la muestra fue 68, siendo un muestreo de tipo probabilístico, aleatorio y simple. En relación a los resultados descriptivos, se ha podido identificar que 51.6% de estudiantes evidenciaron un nivel alto en la enseñanza virtual, respecto del 90.6% de estudiantes que lograron un nivel alto en su desempeño académico; y respecto de los resultados inferenciales, se logró obtener una significancia igual a 0.000 menor a 0.05 y un Rho de Spearman igual a 0.685 concluyendo que existe correlación significativa entre la enseñanza virtual y el desempeño académico en estudiantes