545 research outputs found

    Synonymy and granularity in the WordNet-like lexical data bases

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    In this paper we present a contribution to the transformation of PolNet, a Polish wordnet developed at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna, into a Lexicon Grammar of Polish. The current step consists in including verb-noun collocations and relations linking the verbal synsets to noun synsets. We focus on the concept of synonymy for two kinds of predicative entities: verbs and verb-noun collocations and on synset granularity problems that emerged at this stage of the project. This work was sponsored by the Polish National Program for Humanities (grant 0022/FNiTP/H11/80/2011).In this paper we present a contribution to the transformation of PolNet, a Polish wordnet developed at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna, into a Lexicon Grammar of Polish. The current step consists in including verb-noun collocations and relations linking the verbal synsets to noun synsets. We focus on the concept of synonymy for two kinds of predicative entities: verbs and verb-noun collocations and on synset granularity problems that emerged at this stage of the project. This work was sponsored by the Polish National Program for Humanities (grant 0022/FNiTP/H11/80/2011)

    Some examples of corpus analysis on the way of translation

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    Intensive works by (first) computer scientists and (then) linguists in order to obtain Automatic Translation Systems started already in the late 40-ties. Since that time many things have changed in the field of tools and methodologies like for example creation of basic electronic resources as corpora and dictionaries or the lexicon-grammar framework. This paper presents some language engineering tools recently developed (with participation of the Author) for Polish and claims their interest for the Translation Community

    Le rôle du verbe dans le réseau dérivationnel des prédicats nominaux

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    The paper focuses on the category of verb and more specifically on support verbs which form compound predicates with abstract nouns. We discuss various functions of verbs within the language system and the role of the support verb in compound predicative expressions. We observe numerous cases where different verbs may co-occur with one and the same abstract noun. The substitution of one support verb for another partially or totally changes the meaning of the whole compound predicative expression. Analysis of such cases may be useful for studying different meanings of nouns

    The Problem of Orphan Works in the EU. An overview of legislative solutions and main actions in this field

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    Digital and web-based information technology and media give the public new possibilities of exploiting cultural material. Works existing in analogue form can now be easily digitised and therefore reused for different purposes and by different users. Both industries and cultural institutions are taking advantage of the new opportunities opened up by digital technology. In the case of the activities carried out by cultural institutions, the purpose of digitisation is often not only to preserve cultural and scientific material but also to provide users with access to their resources, including access online. However, before digitising and further reutilising material that is still in copyright, the prospective user must often obtain consent from the copyright owner. The problem appears when it is impossible to find or locate right holders or when right holders remain unknown. This is the problem of so called ‘orphan works’. Without a suitable permission from the owner, digitisation and further exploitation of the material might not take place. Such a situation is to the detriment not only of the user, but often of the public, as no-one profits from cultural material left unexploited due to its orphan status. To promote digitisation, online accessibility and preservation of digital material of cultural institutions, the European Commission launched the "i2010: Digital Libraries" programme in September 2005. Discussions on how to deal with orphan works are currently being undertaken by stakeholders and cultural and collective management institutions at different levels and scopes. Some of them have been initiated by the stakeholders themselves, others by the European Commission or by Member States. The aim of these discussions is to find a solution to facilitate the use of orphan material without prejudice to copyright. The potential solution should provide legal certainty both to users and right holders, should the right holders reappear after the use of orphan works was made without their explicit consent. The objective of this report is to give a general overview of the situation of orphan works in the European Union. The report describes possible legislative solutions to the issue, as well as main actions that are currently underway in this field. Chapter I presents the nature and scope of the problem and describes existing and proposed legislative solutions both in Europe and abroad. It also focuses on the key issues, underlining the cross-border nature of the problem. Chapter II concerns actions undertaken by the European Commission in relation to the issue of orphan works. Firstly, it summarises the Commission Recommendation and Council conclusions on digitisation and online accessibility in relation to the orphan works’ issue. Secondly, it presents the work of the High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries and its subgroup dealing with copyright related issues within the digital libraries framework. Finally, it describes ongoing actions undertaken by institutions and stakeholders at the initiative of the European Commission. Chapter III presents voluntary actions undertaken independently by some institutions and stakeholders. It describes current practices of institutions and mechanisms that are already working in practice, then, solutions supported by different stakeholders are presented, and finally, it gives examples of more recent actions undertaken by institutions and stakeholders at their own initiative that are still under way. Chapter IV is about the approach of Member States to the orphan works problem. This chapter presents actions, if any, that have been undertaken by Member States in order to introduce mechanisms or measures to facilitate the exploitation of orphan works in their respective countries in response to the Commission Recommendation and Council conclusions. The last part of the report contains a set of conclusions that can be drawn at this stage and possible follow-up on this issue

    EU policy-making in the field of copyright. Problems of the consultation process and the stakeholders’ lobbying

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest omówienie sposobu prowadzenia polityki przez Komisję Europejską w zakresie prawa autorskiego. Jest to ważna kwestia z uwagi na szerokie działania Komisji w zakresie dostosowywania prawa autorskiego do potrzeb jednolitego rynku cyfrowego, a także na wyzwania dotyczące eksploatacji dóbr niematerialnych w związku z rozwojem nowych technologii oraz na kontrowersje, jakie budzą przyjmowane dyrektywy. Postawione pytanie dotyczy tego, jak wygląda proces konsultacji oraz zaangażowanie obywateli (w tym działania lobbingowe) w kreowanie polityki Unii Europejskiej w omawianym obszarze. Rozważania odnoszą się do procesu legislacyjnego dwóch przyjętych ostatnio dyrektyw, a mianowicie dyrektywy 2011/77/UE nowelizującej przepisy w zakresie czasu ochrony niektórych praw pokrewnych oraz dyrektywy 2012/28/UE, która dotyczy dozwolonych sposobów korzystania z utworów osieroconych. W pierwszej kolejności podjęty został problem sukcesu lobbingowego niektórych tylko grup interesu (analiza dotyczy czynników leżących po stronie grup oraz charakteru procesu konsultacyjnego), a następnie dokonana została ocena działań Komisji Europejskiej w zakresie regulowania procesu konsultacyjnego i działalności lobbingowej. Unijny proces legislacyjny ujęty jest z perspektywy politologicznej, ponieważ dotyczy działań instytucji unijnych w zakresie procesu konsultacyjnego oraz partycypacji obywateli w procesach legislacyjnych.The objective of this paper is to discuss the EU policy making in the field of copyright. This is an important issue in view of recent EU initiatives to adapt copyright law to the needs of the digital single market as well as of challenges of exploitation of immaterial goods in connection with the development of new technologies and controversies over the EU directives. The article focuses on the consultation process (conducted by the European Commission) and the stakeholders’ participation (including lobbies) in creation of the EU policy in a given field. It is discussed in relation to the legislative process of the following two, recently adopted directives: 2011/77/EU which extends the term of protection of certain related rights and 2012/28/EU which introduces certain permitted uses of orphan works. The first part refers to the question why some groups of interest are successful and some other fail (the analysis concerns factors resulting from groupactions and the character of a consultation process). Next, the article evaluates the Commission’s activity in the field of regulations of the consultation process and lobbying. The EU legislative process is discussed from the point of view of political sciences as it concerns the EU actions related to the consultation process and the participation of citizens in the legislative process

    N-Methyl­isosalsoline from Hammada scoparia

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    The title compound (systematic name: 1,2-dimethyl-6-meth­oxy-1,2,3,4-tetra­hydro­isoquinolin-7-ol), C12H17NO2, is a major alkaloid isolated from Hammada scoparia leaves. It belongs to the isoquinoline family and it was characterized by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallographic techniques. The absolute configuration could not be reliably determined. An intermolecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bond is present in the crystal structure

    Ks. Jan Fijałek. Historyk Kościoła polskiego

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    Problèmes d’acceptabilité des occurrences relevées dans les corpus informatisés : exemple des prédicats nominaux désignant une propriété ou un trait de caractère

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    In this paper, we present the problems encountered during our research in the field of nominal predication in Polish, in particular concerning nouns referring to properties and character traits. In a previous work on predicates referring to various activities and behaviors, carried out with the use of electronic corpora (the National Corpus of Polish Language, as well as electronic sources available on the Internet), we obtained a dictionary of verb-noun collocations with high lexical coverage comparing to traditional dictionaries (not based on electronic corpus research). Using the same corpus data and methodology as before, we conducted a study of the class of predicative nouns referring to properties and character traits. However, the results obtained following the application of this method proved to be unsatisfactory. In this article, we consider the reasons for this in order to optimize research methods later in our work.In this paper, we present the problems encountered during our research in the field of nominal predication in Polish, in particular concerning nouns referring to properties and character traits. In a previous work on predicates referring to various activities and behaviors, carried out with the use of electronic corpora (the National Corpus of Polish Language, as well as electronic sources available on the Internet), we obtained a dictionary of verb-noun collocations with high lexical coverage comparing to traditional dictionaries (not based on electronic corpus research). Using the same corpus data and methodology as before, we conducted a study of the class of predicative nouns referring to properties and character traits. However, the results obtained following the application of this method proved to be unsatisfactory. In this article, we consider the reasons for this in order to optimize research methods later in our work

    Próby formalizacji zdań opartych na predykatach rzeczownikowych języka polskiego

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    In view of the needs related to automatic language processing, we emphasize the necessity of applying formal methods in linguistics in general, and particularly in creation of dictionary entries. We present some of our research achievements pertaining to the creation of a dictionary of Polish predicative nouns. As the dictionary is intended to be computer consulted, its entries take into account polysemy and contain information about the syntactic relations between elements of an elementary sentence. The dictionary is a kind of the lexicon grammar.Z uwagi na potrzeby związane z automatycznym przetwarzaniem języka w niniejszym artykule zwracamy uwagę na konieczność stosowania metod formalnych w językoznawstwie, a w szczególności na wymóg kodowania opisów w słownikach. W szczególności przedstawiamy rezultaty prac własnych, które są związane z budowanym od pewnego już czasu słownikiem predykatów rzeczownikowych języka polskiego. Ponieważ słownik przeznaczony jest do zastosowań komputerowych, hasła słownikowe otrzymały formę sformalizowaną uwzględniającą polisemię formy oraz łączliwość elementów w zdaniu elementarnym. Słownik ma charakter leksykonu gramatycznego


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