4,977 research outputs found

    Supranational policy of education: a new field of knowledge for addressing the educational policies in a global world

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    El presente artículo trata de explicar la aparición de la Política Educativa Supranacional como área del saber pedagógico, en íntima conexión con la Política Educativa, la Educación Comparada y la Educación Internacional, tratando de acotar su objeto de estudio y apuntar sus áreas de interés propio. Se estudian también los fenómenos que han propiciado su aparición y se destacan algunas de las políticas más significativas que desde los diferentes organismos internacionales se han generado, atendiendo a la naturaleza de las mismas como posibles unidades de comparación.This article tries to illustrate the emergence of Supranational Policy of Education as an area of the pedagogical sciences, standing in deep connection with Educational Policies, Comparative Education and International Education. It also defines the field of study and the areas of interest for this subject. Moreover, this article explores the phenomena which contributed to its appearance and points out some of the most important educational policies generated by International Organisms. The focus lies on the nature of these policies as units of comparison

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2017/201

    A caloritronics-based Mott neuristor

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    Machine learning imitates the basic features of biological neural networks to efficiently perform tasks such as pattern recognition. This has been mostly achieved at a software level, and a strong effort is currently being made to mimic neurons and synapses with hardware components, an approach known as neuromorphic computing. CMOS-based circuits have been used for this purpose, but they are non-scalable, limiting the device density and motivating the search for neuromorphic materials. While recent advances in resistive switching have provided a path to emulate synapses at the 10 nm scale, a scalable neuron analogue is yet to be found. Here, we show how heat transfer can be utilized to mimic neuron functionalities in Mott nanodevices. We use the Joule heating created by current spikes to trigger the insulator-to-metal transition in a biased VO2 nanogap. We show that thermal dynamics allow the implementation of the basic neuron functionalities: activity, leaky integrate-and-fire, volatility and rate coding. By using local temperature as the internal variable, we avoid the need of external capacitors, which reduces neuristor size by several orders of magnitude. This approach could enable neuromorphic hardware to take full advantage of the rapid advances in memristive synapses, allowing for much denser and complex neural networks. More generally, we show that heat dissipation is not always an undesirable effect: it can perform computing tasks if properly engineered

    Key competences as a trend in the supranational educational policies of the European Union

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    Las competencias clave propuestas por la Unión Europea suponen una de las políticas educativas más importantes que se derivan del trabajo realizado por esta organización supranacional por dos motivos: En primer lugar, por tratarse de una medida con repercusiones reales en las políticas nacionales de los Estados miembros. En segundo lugar, sobre todo, porque mediante este nuevo enfoque educativo se pretende responder de forma más adecuada a los retos propios de la sociedad contemporánea, algo en lo que años antes ya venían insistiendo otras organizaciones e instituciones internacionales. El análisis de la documentación original de la Unión Europea a este respecto ofrece, en sí mismo, muchos aspectos para la reflexión que en pocas ocasiones se han visto reflejados en discusiones educativas, académicas o políticas. En este sentido, el presente artículo ofrece una síntesis reflexiva en torno a la conceptualización y las implicaciones del aprendizaje por competencias, en general, y de las competencias clave, en particular. Enmarcar este nuevo enfoque en la sociedad actual y en el planteamiento del aprendizaje permanente será la primera de las tareas que se propone el artículo: esto facilita una compresión más profunda del enfoque de aprendizaje por competencias, de su importancia y su pertinencia y, sobre todo, ayuda a superar la idea generalizada en el ámbito educativo de que este planteamiento no introduce grandes novedades respecto a lo ya existente. Por otra parte, también parece necesario evitar caer en un idealismo pedagógico: existen riesgos y retos derivados de esta nueva propuesta educativa que se deben abordar. Con todo, en este artículo se defiende la necesidad de no perder más oportunidades para adecuar de forma real nuestro sistema educativo al aprendizaje por competencias y, en especial, a la adquisición de las competencias clave por parte de todos los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea al término de su educación obligatoria.The key competences proposed by the European Union are one of the most important education policies stemming from the work done by this supranational organization, first, because the key competences measure has a real impact on the educational policies of Member States and, secondly and more importantly, because this new educational approach aims to respond more adequately to the main challenges of contemporary society (something that other international organizations and institutions have been insisting on for years). Analysis of the original EU documents on this topic provides much food for thought that has only rarely been reflected in educational, academic and political discussions. This paper offers a thoughtful synthesis of the concept and implications of competence-based learning in general and the key competences in particular. Placing this new approach within the framework of today’s society and the lifelong learning approach is the first objective the authors propose; this would facilitate a deeper understanding of the competence-based learning approach, its significance and its relevance and above all would help to overcome the widespread idea in education that the competence-based approach involves no major changes from the status quo. The authors warn again pedagogical idealism: There are risks and challenges in this new educational proposal that must be considered. Altogether, the authors argue that we must not waste any further opportunities to really adjust our educational system to competence-based learning and, above all, the acquisition of key competences by all citizens of the European Union at the end of their compulsory education

    Supranational Education: a new field of knowledge to address educational policies in a global world

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    This paper has been published in Spanish in Revista Española de Educación Comparada, nº 20, 2012, pp. 109-144. The original version can be read at http://www.uned.es/reec/espanol.html Publication here is under permissionThe purpose of this article is to illustrate the emergence of Supranational Policy of Education (from a more holistic perspective, it may also be referred to as Supranational Education) as an area of the pedagogical sciences, which is closely connected with Educational Policy, Comparative Education and International Education. The article also aims to define the field of study and the areas of interest for this subject. Moreover, it explores the phenomena that contributed to its appearance and points out some of the most important educational policies generated by international organizations. The focus is placed on the nature of these policies as units of comparisonEl presente artículo trata de abordar la Política Educativa Supranacional (a la que, desde una perspectiva más holística, podríamos referirnos sencillamente como Educación Supranacional) como un área emergente del saber pedagógico, en íntima conexión con la Política Educativa, la Educación Comparada y la Educación Internacional, tratando de acotar su objeto de estudio y apuntar sus áreas de interés propio. Se estudian también los fenómenos que han propiciado su aparición y se destacan algunas de las políticas más significativas que desde los diferentes organismos internacionales se han generado, atendiendo a la naturaleza de las mismas como posibles unidades de comparació