33,689 research outputs found

    The Non-Parametric Model for Linking Galaxy Luminosity with Halo/Subhalo Mass

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    We present a non-parametric, empirically based, model for associating galaxy luminosities with halo/subhalo masses, based on a self-consistent treatment of subhalo mass loss and the subhalo mass function. We find that, at high mass, the mass-luminosity relation is almost independent of the actual luminosity function considered, when luminosity is scaled by the characteristic luminosity L*. Additionally, the shape of the total halo luminosity depends on the slope of the subhalo mass function. For these high mass, cluster sized haloes, we find that total luminosity scales as L_tot ~ M^0.88, while the luminosity of the first brightest galaxy has a much weaker dependence on halo mass, L_1 ~ M^0.28, in good agreement with observations and previous results. At low mass, the resulting slope of the mass-luminosity relation depends strongly of the faint end slope of the luminosity function, and we obtain a steep relation, with approximately L ~ M^4.5 in the K-band. The average number of galaxies per halo/cluster is also in very good agreement with observations, scaling as M^0.9. In general, we obtain a good agreement with several independent sets of observational data. We find that, when comparing with observations and for a flat cosmology, the model tends to prefer lower values for Omega_m and sigma_8. Within the WMAP+SDSS concordance plane of Tegmark et al. (2004), we find best agreement around Omega_m=0.25 and sigma_8=0.8, also in very good agreement with the results of the CMB+2dF study of Sanchez et al. (2005). We also check on possible corrections for observed mass based on a comparison of the equivalent number of haloes/clusters. Additionally, we include further checks on the model results based on the mass to light ratio, the occupation number, the group luminosity function and the multiplicity function. (abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The Mass Function and Average Mass Loss Rate of Dark Matter Subhaloes

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    We present a simple, semi-analytical model to compute the mass functions of dark matter subhaloes. The masses of subhaloes at their time of accretion are obtained from a standard merger tree. During the subsequent evolution, the subhaloes experience mass loss due to the combined effect of dynamical friction, tidal stripping, and tidal heating. Rather than integrating these effects along individual subhalo orbits, we consider the average mass loss rate, where the average is taken over all possible orbital configurations. This allows us to write the average mass loss rate as a simple function that depends only on redshift and on the instantaneous mass ratio of subhalo and parent halo. After calibrating the model by matching the subhalo mass function (SHMF) of cluster-sized dark matter haloes obtained from numerical simulations, we investigate the predicted mass and redshift dependence of the SHMF.We find that, contrary to previous claims, the subhalo mass function is not universal. Instead, both the slope and the normalization depend on the ratio of the parent halo mass, M, and the characteristic non-linear mass M*. This simply reflects a halo formation time dependence; more massive parent haloes form later, thus allowing less time for mass loss to operate. We analyze the halo-to-halo scatter, and show that the subhalo mass fraction of individual haloes depends most strongly on their accretion history in the last Gyr. Finally we provide a simple fitting function for the average SHMF of a parent halo of any mass at any redshift and for any cosmology, and briefly discuss several implications of our findings.Comment: Replaced to match version accepted for publication in MNRAS. Small section added that discusses higher-order moments of subhalo occupation distribution (including a new figure). Otherwise, few small change

    Satellite Luminosities in Galaxy Groups

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    Halo model interpretations of the luminosity dependence of galaxy clustering assume that there is a central galaxy in every sufficiently massive halo, and that this central galaxy is very different from all the others in the halo. The halo model decomposition makes the remarkable prediction that the mean luminosity of the non-central galaxies in a halo should be almost independent of halo mass: the predicted increase is about 20% while the halo mass increases by a factor of more than 20. In contrast, the luminosity of the central object is predicted to increase approximately linearly with halo mass at low to intermediate masses, and logarithmically at high masses. We show that this weak, almost non-existent mass-dependence of the satellites is in excellent agreement with the satellite population in group catalogs constructed by two different collaborations. This is remarkable, because the halo model prediction was made without ever identifying groups and clusters. The halo model also predicts that the number of satellites in a halo is drawn from a Poisson distribution with mean which depends on halo mass. This, combined with the weak dependence of satellite luminosity on halo mass, suggests that the Scott effect, such that the luminosities of very bright galaxies are merely the statistically extreme values of a general luminosity distribution, may better apply to the most luminous satellite galaxy in a halo than to BCGs. If galaxies are identified with halo substructure at the present time, then central galaxies should be about 4 times more massive than satellite galaxies of the same luminosity, whereas the differences between the stellar M/L ratios should be smaller. Therefore, a comparison of the weak lensing signal from central and satellite galaxies should provide useful constraints. [abridged]Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Matches version accepted by MNRA

    Properties of Dark Matter Haloes in Clusters, Filaments, Sheets and Voids

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    Using a series of high-resolution N-body simulations of the concordance cosmology we investigate how the formation histories, shapes and angular momenta of dark-matter haloes depend on environment. We first present a classification scheme that allows to distinguish between haloes in clusters, filaments, sheets and voids in the large-scale distribution of matter. This method is based on a local-stability criterion for the orbits of test particles and closely relates to the Zel'dovich approximation. Applying this scheme to our simulations we then find that: i) Mass assembly histories and formation redshifts strongly depend on environment for haloes of mass M<M* (haloes of a given mass tend to be older in clusters and younger in voids) and are independent of it for larger masses; ii) Low-mass haloes in clusters are generally less spherical and more oblate than in other regions; iii) Low-mass haloes in clusters have a higher median spin than in filaments and present a more prominent fraction of rapidly spinning objects; we identify recent major mergers as a likely source of this effect. For all these relations, we provide accurate functional fits as a function of halo mass and environment. We also look for correlations between halo-spin directions and the large-scale structures: the strongest effect is seen in sheets where halo spins tend to lie within the plane of symmetry of the mass distribution. Finally, we measure the spatial auto-correlation of spin directions and the cross-correlation between the directions of intrinsic and orbital angular momenta of neighbouring haloes. While the first quantity is always very small, we find that spin-orbit correlations are rather strong especially for low-mass haloes in clusters and high-mass haloes in filaments.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Version accepted for publication in MNRAS (references added). Version with high-resolution figures available at http://www.exp-astro.phys.ethz.ch/hahn/pub/HPCD06.pd

    Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and the Mass-to-Number Ratio of Galaxy Clusters

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    We place constraints on the average density (Omega_m) and clustering amplitude (sigma_8) of matter using a combination of two measurements from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: the galaxy two-point correlation function, w_p, and the mass-to-galaxy-number ratio within galaxy clusters, M/N, analogous to cluster M/L ratios. Our w_p measurements are obtained from DR7 while the sample of clusters is the maxBCG sample, with cluster masses derived from weak gravitational lensing. We construct non-linear galaxy bias models using the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) to fit both w_p and M/N for different cosmological parameters. HOD models that match the same two-point clustering predict different numbers of galaxies in massive halos when Omega_m or sigma_8 is varied, thereby breaking the degeneracy between cosmology and bias. We demonstrate that this technique yields constraints that are consistent and competitive with current results from cluster abundance studies, even though this technique does not use abundance information. Using w_p and M/N alone, we find Omega_m^0.5*sigma_8=0.465+/-0.026, with individual constraints of Omega_m=0.29+/-0.03 and sigma_8=0.85+/-0.06. Combined with current CMB data, these constraints are Omega_m=0.290+/-0.016 and sigma_8=0.826+/-0.020. All errors are 1-sigma. The systematic uncertainties that the M/N technique are most sensitive to are the amplitude of the bias function of dark matter halos and the possibility of redshift evolution between the SDSS Main sample and the maxBCG sample. Our derived constraints are insensitive to the current level of uncertainties in the halo mass function and in the mass-richness relation of clusters and its scatter, making the M/N technique complementary to cluster abundances as a method for constraining cosmology with future galaxy surveys.Comment: 23 pages, submitted to Ap

    The Build-Up of the Hubble Sequence in the COSMOS Field

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    We use ~8,600 >5e10 Msol COSMOS galaxies to study how the morphological mix of massive ellipticals, bulge-dominated disks, intermediate-bulge disks, bulge-less disks and irregular galaxies evolves from z=0.2 to z=1. The morphological evolution depends strongly on mass. At M>3e11 Msol, no evolution is detected in the morphological mix: ellipticals dominate since z=1, and the Hubble sequence has quantitatively settled down by this epoch. At the 1e11 Msol mass scale, little evolution is detected, which can be entirely explained with major mergers. Most of the morphological evolution from z=1 to z=0.2 takes place at masses 5e10 - 1e11 Msol, where: (i) The fraction of spirals substantially drops and the contribution of early-types increases. This increase is mostly produced by the growth of bulge-dominated disks, which vary their contribution from ~10% at z=1 to >30% at z=0.2 (cf. the elliptical fraction grows from ~15% to ~20%). Thus, at these masses, transformations from late- to early-types result in disk-less elliptical morphologies with a statistical frequency of only 30% - 40%. Otherwise, the processes which are responsible for the transformations either retain or produce a non-negligible disk component. (ii) The bulge-less disk galaxies, which contribute ~15% to the intermediate-mass galaxy population at z=1, virtually disappear by z=0.2. The merger rate since z=1 is too low to account for the disappearance of these massive bulge-less disks, which most likely grow a bulge via secular evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Embedding realistic surveys in simulations through volume remapping

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    Connecting cosmological simulations to real-world observational programs is often complicated by a mismatch in geometry: while surveys often cover highly irregular cosmological volumes, simulations are customarily performed in a periodic cube. We describe a technique to remap this cube into elongated box-like shapes that are more useful for many applications. The remappings are one-to-one, volume-preserving, keep local structures intact, and involve minimal computational overhead.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Companion material at http://mwhite.berkeley.edu/BoxRemap
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