221 research outputs found

    Wall Ceramics Products Based on Opoka and Coal Slurry

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    AbstractThe article shows high prospects of high-performance wall ceramics products with average density less than 700-800kg / m3 and thermal conductivity less than 0.15–0.20W/(m · °C) manufacturing with minimum costs. There is a brief description of siliceous opal-cristobalite rocks - opoka and by-products of coal processing - dehydrated coal slurries being valuable man-caused raw material. The results of studies on the production of ceramic stones of high efficiency compression molding based on clay and clay-carbonate opoka with the addition of coal slurry are shown. The main technological factors and regularities affecting the properties of products are defined. The results of research on the impact of the amount of coal slurry on the strength, density and water absorption of products taking into account the firing temperature are given. The phase-logical and mineralogical transformations occurring during firing were examined. The recommended process scheme for the production of highly efficient ceramic stones is given. The feasibility study for the products manufacturing of this type on the basis of opoka and coal slurry is give

    Local Optical Diagnostics of High-Temperature Gas Media Using Laser-Induced Gratings

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    Pathomorphological markers of blast-induced brain injury

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    Background. Recently, interest in blast-induced brain injuries has been increasing due to military events and the use of explosive devices in eastern Ukraine. Considering the diagnostic uncertainty regarding the specific signs of brain injury after the distant action of an blast shock wave, the danger of prognostic consequences, the increase of the cases of explosive injury number, we consider that selected for study topic is relevant. Objective. Purpose – determination of pathomorphological changes of the brain after the action of the blast wave. Methods. To solving this purpose, a retrospective analysis of 280 cases of fatal military blast injuries was conducted. We selected 6 cases for microscopic examination of the brain. For histological examination, samples were taken from different parts of the brain

    Покрытия на основе двумерно упорядоченного линейно-цепочечного углерода для защиты титановых имплантатов от микробной колонизации

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    Purpose of the study – to evaluate the antibacterial activity and biological compatibility of alloy coatings based on two-dimensionally ordered linear chain carbon (TDOLCC).Materials and Methods. Coatings based on TDOLCC were synthesized using alloying additions like nitrogen (TDOLCC+N) and silver (TDOLCC+Ag) on the surfaces of titanium plates and polystyrene plates by the ion-stimulated carbon condensation in a vacuum. The authors examined the superficial bactericidal activity of the coatings and its resistance to mechanical effects. Coated plates were evaluated in respect of rate of microbial biofilms formation by clinical isolates with multiple and extreme antibiotic resistance. Specimens were colored with crystal violet solution to visualize the biofilms. Cytotoxic effect of coatings was evaluated in respect of primary culture of fibroblasts and keratinocyte cell line HaCaT.Results. The authors observed pronounced superficial bactericidal effect of TDOLCC+Ag coating in respect of microorganisms of several taxonomic groups independently of their resistance to antibacterial drugs. TDOLCC+Ag coating proved capable to completely prevent microbial biofilm formation by antibiotic resistant clinical isolates of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. Silvercontaining coating demonstrated mechanical resistance and preservation of close to baseline level of superficial bactericidal activity even after lengthy abrasion treatment. TDOLCC based coatings did not cause any cytotoxic effects. Structure of monolayers formed in cavities coated by TDOLCC+N and TDOLCC+Ag was indistinguishable from the monolayers in cavities of control plates.Цель исследования — оценить антибактериальную активность и биологическую совместимость легированных покрытий металлоконструкций для остеосинтеза на основе двумерно упорядоченного линейно-цепочечного углерода (ДУ ЛЦУ).Материал и методы. Методом ионно-стимулированной конденсации углерода в вакууме на поверхностях титановых пластин и полистироловых планшетов синтезированы покрытия на основе ДУ ЛЦУ с легирующими добавками: азотом (ДУ ЛЦУ+N) и серебром (ДУ ЛЦУ+Ag). Изучена поверхностная бактерицидная активность покрытий и ее устойчивость к механическим воздействиям. На пластинах с покрытиями оценена интенсивность формирования микробных биопленок клиническими изолятами микроорганизмов со множественной и экстремальной антибиотикорезистентностью, для визуализации сформированных биопленок выполнено окрашивание образцов раствором кристаллического фиолетового. Оценка цитотоксичности покрытий выполнена в отношении первичной культуры фибробластов и клеточной линии кератиноцитов HaCaT.Результаты. Выявлен выраженный поверхностный бактерицидный эффект покрытий ДУ ЛЦУ+Ag в отношении микроорганизмов нескольких таксономических групп, не зависящий от их устойчивости к антибактериальным препаратам. Для покрытия ДУ ЛЦУ+Ag установлена способность полного предотвращения формирования микробных биопленок антибиотико-резистентными клиническими изолятами S. aureus и P. aeruginosa. Показана механическая устойчивость серебросодержащего покрытия с сохранением уровня поверхностной бактерицидной активности, близкого к исходному, даже после продолжительной абразивной обработки. Покрытия на основе ДУ ЛЦУ не вызывали цитотоксических эффектов. Структура монослоя, сформированного в лунках с покрытиями ДУ ЛЦУ+N и ДУ ЛЦУ+Ag, была неотличима от лунок контрольных планшетов

    Stratification of the equivalent for dental treatment cost estimation among victims with maxillofacial trauma injuries occurred after road-traffic accidents

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    Far-infrared vibrational properties of high-pressure-high-temperature C60 polymers and the C60 dimer

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    We report high-resolution far-infrared transmission measurements of the 2 + 2 cycloaddition C-60 dimer and two-dimensional rhombohedral and one-dimensional orthorhombic high-pressure high-temperature C60 polymers. In the spectral region investigated(20-650 cm(-1)), we see no low-energy interball modes, but symmetry breaking of the linked C-60 balls is evident in the complex spectrum of intramolecular modes. Experimental features suggest large splittings or frequency shifts of some IhC60-derived modes that are activated by symmetry reduction, implying that the balls are strongly distorted in these structures. We have calculated the vibrations of all three systems by first-principles quantum molecular dynamics and use them to assign the predominant IhC60 symmetries of observed modes. Pur calculations show unprecedentedly large downshifts of T-1u(2)-derived modes and extremely large splittings of other modes, both of which are consistent with the experimental spectra. For the rhombohedral and orthorhombic polymers, the T-1u(2)-derived mode that is polarized along the bonding direction is calculated to downshift below any T-1u(1)-derived modes. We also identify a previously unassigned feature near 610 cm(-1) in all three systems as a widely split or shifted mode derived from various silent IhC60 vibrations, confirming a strong perturbation model for these linked fullerene structures

    Exploring the sensitivity of current and future experiments to θ\theta_{\odot}

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    However the allowed range of θ\theta_{\odot} (θ12\theta_{12}) did not change much with the inclusion of the KamLAND results. In this paper we probe if future data from KamLAND can increase the accuracy of the allowed range in θ\theta_{\odot} and conclude that even after 3 kton-year of statistics and most optimistic error estimates, KamLAND {\it may} find it hard to significantly improve the bounds on the mixing angle obtained from the solar neutrino data. We discuss the θ12\theta_{12} sensitivity of the survival probabilities in matter (vacuum) as is relevant for the solar (KamLAND) experiments. We find that the presence of matter effects in the survival probabilities for 8B^8B neutrinos give the solar neutrino experiments SK and SNO an edge over KamLAND, as far as θ12\theta_{12} sensitivity is concerned, particularly near maximal mixing. Among solar neutrino experiments we identify SNO as the most promising candidate for constraining θ12\theta_{12} and make a projected sensitivity test for the mixing angle by reducing the error in the neutral current measurement at SNO. Finally we argue that the most accurate bounds on θ12\theta_{12} can be achieved in a reactor experiment, if the corresponding baseline and energy can be tuned to a minimum in the survival probability. We propose a new reactor experiment which can give the value of tan2θ12\tan^2\theta_{12} to within 14%. We also discuss the future Borexino and LowNu experiments.Comment: Treatment of KamLAND systematics includes the most optimistic estimates. Final conclusion unchanged. Version to appear in PR

    Search for a scalar or vector particle decaying into Zgamma in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

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    We present a search for a narrow scalar or vector resonance decaying into Zgamma with a subsequent Z decay into a pair of electrons or muons. The data for this search were collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron ppbar collider at a center of mass energy sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. Using 1.1 (1.0) fb-1 of data, we observe 49 (50) candidate events in the electron (muon) channel, in good agreement with the standard model prediction. From the combination of both channels, we derive 95% C.L. upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction (sigma x B) into Zgamma. These limits range from 0.19 (0.20) pb for a scalar (vector) resonance mass of 600 GeV/c^2 to 2.5 (3.1) pb for a mass of 140 GeV/c^2.Comment: Published by Phys. Lett.