80 research outputs found

    Metallography of Al-Si Alloys with Alloying By Fe up to 1%

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    Metallographic analysis of aluminum-silicon alloys with different silicon content from 0 to 12% carried out. All alloys were differed in 2% by silicon amount from each other and all of them were additionally alloyed with iron in an amount of up to 1% in order to improve the technological properties in a die casting process. The paper shows the distribution of structural components of alloys made by electronic microscopy.     Keywords: aluminum-silicon alloys, metallography analysis, eutectic, structure, cast alloy, alloying, electron microscop

    Electron transport in a two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm ring with impurities

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    Electron transport in a two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm ring with a few short-range scatterers is investigated. An analytical expression for the conductance as a function of the electron Fermi energy and magnetic flux is obtained using the zero-range potential theory. The dependence of the conductance on positions of scatterers is studied. We have found that the conductance exhibits asymmetric Fano resonances at certain energies. The dependence of the Fano resonances on magnetic field and positions of impurities is investigated. It is found that collapse of the Fano resonances occurs and discrete energy levels in the continuous spectrum appear at certain conditions. An explicit form for the wave function corresponding to the discrete level is obtained.Comment: 25 pages (one-column), 8 figure

    To the fiftieth anniversary of the KIPT torsatron program

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    The paper is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of controlled thermonuclear fusion studies performed at the KIPT on the specific stellarator-type experimental installations commonly referred to as “the torsatron”. Detailed data are reported on the operating thermonuclear facility “Uragan-2M”, the research results obtained with it, and also, the prospects for its use as a reactor. The advantages of the torsatron of this type are described, among them being the wide-range parameter variation capability. This is of importance for finding out the regularities related to plasma stability, heating and confinement.Робота присвячена 50-річчю досліджень у ХФТІ з проблеми керованого термоядерного синтезу на експериментальних установах спеціальної конструкції, яку прийнято називати торсатроном. Детально освітлені особливості конструкції діючої термоядерної установки торсатрона “Ураган-2М”, результати досліджень на ній та її реакторні перспективи. Відзначені достоїнства такого типу пристрою, що виражаються в можливостях широкої зміни параметрів, що важливо для встановлення закономірностей, пов’язаних із стійкістю, нагрівом і утриманням плазми.Работа посвящена 50-летию исследований в ХФТИ по проблеме управляемого термоядерного синтеза на экспериментальных установках специальной конструкции, которую принято называть торсатроном. Подробно освещены особенности конструкции действующей термоядерной установки торсатрона “Ураган- 2М”, результаты исследований на ней и ее реакторные перспективы. Отмечены достоинства такого типа устройства, выражающиеся в возможностях широкого изменения параметров, что важно для установления закономерностей, связанных с устойчивостью, нагревом и удержанием плазмы

    Linear in-plane magnetoconductance and spin susceptibility of a 2D electron gas on a vicinal silicon surface

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    In this work we have studied the parallel magnetoresistance of a 2DEG near a vicinal silicon surface. An unusual, linear magnetoconductance is observed in the fields up to B=15B = 15 T, which we explain by the effect of spin olarization on impurity scattering. This linear magnetoresistance shows strong anomalies near the boundaries of the minigap in the electron spectrum of the vicinal system.Comment: (accepted to Phys. Rev. B

    Study of BaTiO₃ ceramics doped with Mn and Ce or Nb and Sr

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    ESR study of BaTiO₃ ferroelectrics doped with cerium or with niobium and strontium, both types of samples being doped with manganese, was performed at room temperature. In the samples of the first type the most intensive line with g-factor 1.9612 was shown to originate from paramagnetic center Ti³⁺–Ce³⁺. The small intensity line was related to Fe³⁺–Vo center, which can be unavoidable impurity in BaTiO₃. In the samples doped with strontium, the six lines intensive spectrum, which corresponds to hyperfine structure of Mn²⁺, was observed. The intensity of the spectrum was shown to decrease with strontium concentration increase. This effect was supposed to be related to the decrease of the grain sizes that results in migration of manganese and, possibly, niobium ions. The influence of these impurities, of their charge states and positions in crystalline lattice of BaTiO₃ on the PTCR effect is discussed.Представлено результати ЕПР досліджень сегнетоелектричної кераміки BaTiO₃ двох серій: легованої церієм та марганцем або ніобієм, стронцієм та марганцем, при кімнатній температурі. Показано, що у зразках першої серії найбільш інтенсивна лінія з g-фактором 1.9612 належить до парамагнітного центру Ti³⁺–Ce³⁺. Лінії малої інтенсивності належать до центру Fe³⁺–Vo (пов’язаного з неконтрольованою домішкою заліза у зразках) та до іону Mn²⁺. В другій серії зразків спостерігався спектр, який відповідає надтонкій структурі іону Mn²⁺. Інтенсивність цього спектру зменшувалась із збільшенням концентрації стронцію. Можливо цей ефект пов’язаний із зменшенням розмірів зерен та міграцією марганцю та, можливо ніобію, у міжзерновий простір. Обговорюється вплив домішок, їх зарядового стану та позиції у кристалічній ґратці на ефект позитивного температурного коефіцієнту опору

    Исследования коллектива кафедры общей фармацевтической и биомедицинской технологии в области биоинженерии растительных продуцентов биологически активных веществ

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    Article is devoted to the complex researches of various morphological groups of raw materials, a cellular biomass and a productive part of metaboloms of vegetative superproducers of a natural and biotechnological origin. All investigations were carried out according to the Federal special purpose program «Scientific and scientific and pedagogical shots of innovative Russia» for 2009-2013, action item № 1.2.1"Carrying out of scientific researches by scientific groups under the direction of doctors of sciences», Project: «Bioengineering as a basis of mobilization of adaptive potential of bioobjects - superproducers BAS» GK П555/05.08.2009 - НК-97П.Статья посвящена комплексным исследованиям различных морфологических групп сырья, клеточной биомассы и продуктивной части метаболома растительных суперпродуцентов природного и биотехнологического происхождения. Все исследования выполнялись в соответствии с Федеральной целевой программой «Научные и научно-педагогические кадры инновационной России» на 2009-2013 гг., в рамках реализации мероприятия № 1.2.1 «Проведение научных исследований научными группами под руководством докторов наук». Проект: «Биоинженерия как основа мобилизации адаптивного потенциала биообъектов - суперпродуцентов БАВ» ГК П555/05.08.2009 - НК-97П

    Particle acceleration mechanisms

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    We review the possible mechanisms for production of non-thermal electrons which are responsible for non-thermal radiation in clusters of galaxies. Our primary focus is on non-thermal Bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton scattering, that produce hard X-ray emission. We briefly review acceleration mechanisms and point out that in most astrophysical situations, and in particular for the intracluster medium, shocks, turbulence and plasma waves play a crucial role. We consider two scenarios for production of non-thermal radiation. The first is hard X-ray emission due to non-thermal Bremsstrahlung by nonrelativistic particles. Non-thermal tails are produced by accelerating electrons from the background plasma with an initial Maxwellian distribution. However, these tails are accompanied by significant heating and they are present for a short time of <10^6 yr, which is also the time that the tail will be thermalised. Such non-thermal tails, even if possible, can only explain the hard X-ray but not the radio emission which needs GeV or higher energy electrons. For these and for production of hard X-rays by the inverse Compton model, we need the second scenario where there is injection and subsequent acceleration of relativistic electrons. It is shown that a steady state situation, for example arising from secondary electrons produced from cosmic ray proton scattering by background protons, will most likely lead to flatter than required electron spectra or it requires a short escape time of the electrons from the cluster. An episodic injection of relativistic electrons, presumably from galaxies or AGN, and/or episodic generation of turbulence and shocks by mergers can result in an electron spectrum consistent with observations but for only a short period of less than one billion years.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 11; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    Nonthermal radiation mechanisms

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    In this paper we review the possible radiation mechanisms for the observed non-thermal emission in clusters of galaxies, with a primary focus on the radio and hard X-ray emission. We show that the difficulty with the non-thermal, non-relativistic Bremsstrahlung model for the hard X-ray emission, first pointed out by Petrosian (2001) using a cold target approximation, is somewhat alleviated when one treats the problem more exactly by including the fact that the background plasma particle energies are on average a factor of 10 below the energy of the non-thermal particles. This increases the lifetime of the non-thermal particles, and as a result decreases the extreme energy requirement, but at most by a factor of three. We then review the synchrotron and so-called inverse Compton emission by relativistic electrons, which when compared with observations can constrain the value of the magnetic field and energy of relativistic electrons. This model requires a low value of the magnetic field which is far from the equipartition value. We briefly review the possibilities of gamma-ray emission and prospects for GLAST observations. We also present a toy model of the non-thermal electron spectra that are produced by the acceleration mechanisms discussed in an accompanying paper.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 10; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    Clusters of galaxies: setting the stage

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    Clusters of galaxies are self-gravitating systems of mass ~10^14-10^15 Msun. They consist of dark matter (~80 %), hot diffuse intracluster plasma (< 20 %) and a small fraction of stars, dust, and cold gas, mostly locked in galaxies. In most clusters, scaling relations between their properties testify that the cluster components are in approximate dynamical equilibrium within the cluster gravitational potential well. However, spatially inhomogeneous thermal and non-thermal emission of the intracluster medium (ICM), observed in some clusters in the X-ray and radio bands, and the kinematic and morphological segregation of galaxies are a signature of non-gravitational processes, ongoing cluster merging and interactions. In the current bottom-up scenario for the formation of cosmic structure, clusters are the most massive nodes of the filamentary large-scale structure of the cosmic web and form by anisotropic and episodic accretion of mass. In this model of the universe dominated by cold dark matter, at the present time most baryons are expected to be in a diffuse component rather than in stars and galaxies; moreover, ~50 % of this diffuse component has temperature ~0.01-1 keV and permeates the filamentary distribution of the dark matter. The temperature of this Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) increases with the local density and its search in the outer regions of clusters and lower density regions has been the quest of much recent observational effort. Over the last thirty years, an impressive coherent picture of the formation and evolution of cosmic structures has emerged from the intense interplay between observations, theory and numerical experiments. Future efforts will continue to test whether this picture keeps being valid, needs corrections or suffers dramatic failures in its predictive power.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 2; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke