72 research outputs found

    An optimized medium for clonal micropropagation of grapevine

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    The article provides an analytical assessment of the crisis condition of engineering industry business entities. As the assessment methods were used statistical method, establish causation, integral indicator for the models of bankruptcy probability, integrated indicator of crisis, cluster analysis by the level of adaptive capacity and discriminant analysis. As a result of the application of these methods the analytical conclusions were done. Established that the engineering industry is indeed in crisis due to a number of problems solution of which must occur at the national level. However, given the uncertainty about the length of the implementation and the effectiveness of government measures to overcome the industry crisis, business entities are offered to develop measures to adapt to the crisis conditions of operation.В статье проведена аналитическая оценка кризисного состояния субъектов предпринимательства машиностроительной отрасли и сделаны аналитические выводы. Установлено, что отрасль машиностроения действительно находится в кризисном состоянии из-за ряда проблем, решение которых должно происходить на государственном уровне. Однако учитывая неопределенность относительно продолжительности внедрения и результативности государственных мер по преодолению отраслевого кризиса, субъектам предпринимательства предложена разработка мер по адаптации к кризисным условиям функционирования.У статті проведено аналітичну оцінку кризового стану суб’єктів підприємництва машинобудівної галузі і зроблено аналітичні висновки. Встановлено, що галузь машинобудування дійсно знаходиться у кризовому стані через ряд проблем, вирішення яких повинно відбуватись на державному рівні. Однак враховуючи невизначеність щодо тривалості впровадження та результативності державних заходів з подолання галузевої кризи, суб’єктам підприємництва запропоновано розроблення заходів з адаптації до кризових умов функціонування


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    The article deals with theoretical aspects of correlation between integration and immigration processes. After the research of current theoretical background related to the international economic integration the authors believe that the so-called triad «integration processes - waves of innovation - migration processes» should be examined individually. That is to say, the dynamics of an inheriting wave of innovation is consistent with the mobility of correlation between scarcity and redundancy of labour supply. This implies expediency of the regulatory action on these processes, including the implementation of the selective immigration policy and reasonable emigration policy, which may be either confirmed or rejected in an econometric framework, making it possible to trace the correlation of the immigration processes and performance of GDP in individual countries, members of integration associations


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    The article deals with theoretical aspects of correlation between integration and immigration processes. After the research of current theoretical background related to the international economic integration the authors believe that the so-called triad «integration processes - waves of innovation - migration processes» should be examined individually. That is to say, the dynamics of an inheriting wave of innovation is consistent with the mobility of correlation between scarcity and redundancy of labour supply. This implies expediency of the regulatory action on these processes, including the implementation of the selective immigration policy and reasonable emigration policy, which may be either confirmed or rejected in an econometric framework, making it possible to trace the correlation of the immigration processes and performance of GDP in individual countries, members of integration associations

    Competence and Professional Skills in Training Future Specialists in the Field of Physical Education and Sports

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    The relevance of the problem is determined by the need to understand the further strategy of improving the training of physical education and sports specialists. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of correlation between the notions of “competence” and “professional skill” in the context of the formation of a specialist in the field of physical education and sports. The study of the relationship between the notions of “competence” and “professional skill” was conducted on the basis of an array of special literature on the competent approach to training of physical education and sports specialists, including more than 200 sources published in different countries. The article analyses negative trends in the content of training future specialists in the system of higher professional physical education based on a competence approach. The acme-culturological approach for improving the professional training of future specialists is proposed and tested, the stages of formation of professional skills of future specialists in the training process are presented. There is a need to focus on the identified features of professional training of young people to professions in the field of physical education and sports. The proposed system of professional training of future specialists of physical education and sports on acme-culturological bases directs teachers to improve the quality of training graduates in their future professional activities

    Spectroscopic investigations of dispersion-shifted fiber with thin active Bi-doped ring and high nonlinear refractive index

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    A germanium-doped silica-core fiber with an active region in the form of a thin ring of silica doped with bismuth ions was fabricated. Bismuth doping in the ring surrounding the core allows to stabilize bismuth in silica glass, and it does not impose any restrictions on the composition of the core. The bismuth concentration in the ring is less than 0.2 wt.%. The GeO2 concentration in the core is more than 15 mol.%. A high germanium concentration in the core allows to shift the zero dispersion wavelength to 1860 nm and to obtain a high nonlinear refractive index (n2 more than 3,2*10-20 m2/W). Spectroscopic investigations were carried out in the visible and near infrared (800-1700 nm) spectral range. Despite the small concentration of bismuth, we observed the absorption and luminescence characteristic bands, confirming the presence of bismuth active centers in silica glass. Upon pumping at 1350 nm the on/off gain spectrum was measured on a 20-m fiber. The gain was observed throughout investigated range of 1430-1530 nm. The maximal gain of ~9.5 dB was obtained near 1430 nm. The results of the spectroscopic investigations of the fiber with a thin active Bi-doped ring showed prospects of the creation and application of such fiber type for laser and nonlinear optics