529 research outputs found

    The Cluster of Galaxies Abell 970

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    We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 970 based on a new set of radial velocities measured at ESO, Pic du Midi and Haute-Provence observatories. Our analysis indicates that this cluster has a substructure and is out of dynamical equilibrium. This conclusion is also supported by differences in the positions of the peaks of the surface density distribution and X-ray emission, as well as by the evidence of a large scale velocity gradient in the cluster. We also found a discrepancy between the masses inferred with the virial theorem and with the X-ray emission, what is expected if the galaxies and the gas inside the cluster are not in hydrostatic equilibrium. Abell 970 has a modest cooling flow, as is expected if it is out of equilibrium as suggested by Allen (1998). We propose that cooling flows may have an intermittent behavior, with phases of massive cooling flows being followed by phases without significant cooling flows after the acretion of a galaxy group massive enough to disrupt the dynamical equilibrium in the center of the clusters. A massive cooling flow will be established again, after a new equilibrium is achieved.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, submitted to A&

    The cluster of galaxies Abell 376

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    We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 376 based on a set of 73 velocities, most of them measured at Pic du Midi and Haute-Provence observatories and completed with data from the literature. Data on individual galaxies are presented and the accuracy of the determined velocities is discussed as well as some properties of the cluster. We obtained an improved mean redshift value z=0.0478^{+0.005}_{-0.006} and velocity dispersion sigma=852^{+120}_{-76}km/s. Our analysis indicates that inside a radius of 900h_{70}^{-1}kpc (15 arcmin) the cluster is well relaxed without any remarkable feature and the X-ray emission traces fairly well the galaxy distribution. A possible substructure is seen at 20 arcmin from the centre towards the Southwest direction, but is not confirmed by the velocity field. This SW clump is, however, kinematically bound to the main structure of Abell 376. A dense condensation of galaxies is detected at 46 arcmin (projected distance 2.6h_{70}^{-1}Mpc) from the centre towards the Northwest and analysis of the apparent luminosity distribution of its galaxies suggests that this clump is part of the large scale structure of Abell 376. X-ray spectroscopic analysis of ASCA data resulted in a temperature kT = 4.3+/-0.4 keV and metal abundance Z = 0.32+/-0.08 Z_solar. The velocity dispersion corresponding to this temperature using the T_X-sigma scaling relation is in agreement with the measured galaxies velocities.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The structure and dynamics of the AC114 galaxy cluster revisited

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    We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster AC114 based on a catalogue of 524 velocities. Of these, 169 (32%) are newly obtained at ESO (Chile) with the VLT and the VIMOS spectrograph. Data on individual galaxies are presented and the accuracy of the measured velocities is discussed. Dynamical properties of the cluster are derived. We obtain an improved mean redshift value z= 0.31665 +/- 0.0008 and velocity dispersion \sigma= 1893+73-82 \kms. A large velocity dispersion within the core radius and the shape of the infall pattern suggests that this part of the cluster is in a radial phase of relaxation with a very elongated radial filament spanning 12000 \kms. A radial foreground structure is detected within the central 0.5/h Mpc radius, recognizable as a redshift group at the same central redshift value. We analyze the color distribution for this archetype Butcher-Oemler galaxy cluster and identify the separate red and blue galaxy sequences. The latter subset contains 44% of confirmed members of the cluster, reaching magnitudes as faint as R_{f}= 21.1 (1.0 magnitude fainter than previous studies). We derive a mass M_{200}= (4.3 \pm 0.7) x 10^15 Msun/h. In a subsequent paper we will utilize the spectral data presented here to explore the mass-metallicity relation for this intermediate redshift cluster.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Heat transport in Bi_{2+x}Sr_{2-x}CuO_{6+\delta}: departure from the Wiedemann-Franz law in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition

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    We present a study of heat transport in the cuprate superconductor Bi_{2+x}Sr_{2-x}CuO_{6+\delta} at subkelvin temperatures and in magnetic fields as high as 25T. In several samples with different doping levels close to optimal, the linear-temperature term of thermal conductivity was measured both at zero-field and in presence of a magnetic field strong enough to quench superconductivity. The zero-field data yields a superconducting gap of reasonable magnitude displaying a doping dependence similar to the one reported in other families of cuprate. The normal-state data together with the results of the resistivity measurements allows us to test the Wiedemann-Franz(WF) law, the validity of which was confirmed in an overdoped sample in agreement with previous studies. In contrast, a systematic deviation from the WF law was resolved for samples displaying either a lower doping content or a higher disorder. Thus, in the vicinity of the metal-insulator cross-over, heat conduction in the zero-temperature limit appears to become significantly larger than predicted by the WF law. Possible origins of this observation are discussed.Comment: 9 pages including 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Structure and dynamics of the supercluster of galaxies SC0028-0005

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    According to the standard cosmological scenario, superclusters are objects that have just passed the turn around point and are collapsing. The dynamics of very few superclusters have been analysed up to now. In this paper we study the supercluster SC0028-0005, at redshift 0.22, identify the most prominent groups and/or clusters that make up the supercluster, and investigate the dynamic state of this structure. For the membership identification, we have used photometric and spectroscopic data from SDSS-DR10, finding 6 main structures in a flat spatial distribution. We have also used a deep multi-band observation with MegaCam/CFHT to estimate de mass distribution through the weak-lensing effect. For the dynamical analysis, we have determined the relative distances along the line of sight within the supercluster using the Fundamental Plane of early-type galaxies. Finally, we have computed the peculiar velocities of each of the main structures. The 3D distribution suggests that SC0028-005 is indeed a collapsing supercluster, supporting the formation scenario of these structures. Using the spherical collapse model, we estimate that the mass within r=10r = 10~Mpc should lie between 4 and 16×1015M⊙16 \times 10^{15} M_\odot. The farthest detected members of the supercluster suggest that within ∌60\sim 60~Mpc the density contrast is Ύ∌3\delta \sim 3 with respect to the critical density at z=0.22z=0.22, implying a total mass of ∌4.6\sim 4.6--16×1017M⊙16 \times 10^{17} M_\odot, most of which in the form of low-mass galaxy groups or smaller substructures.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Competing types of quantum oscillations in the 2D organic conductor (BEDT-TTF)8Hg4Cl12(C6H5Cl)2

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    Interlayer magnetoconductance of the quasi-two dimensional organic metal (BEDT-TTF)8Hg4Cl12(C6H5Cl)2 has been investigated in pulsed magnetic fields extending up to 36 T and in the temperature range from 1.6 to 15 K. A complex oscillatory spectrum, built on linear combinations of three basic frequencies only is observed. These basic frequencies arise from the compensated closed hole and electron orbits and from the two orbits located in between. The field and temperature dependencies of the amplitude of the various oscillation series are studied within the framework of the coupled orbits model of Falicov and Stachowiak. This analysis reveals that these series result from the contribution of either conventional Shubnikov-de Haas effect (SdH) or quantum interference (QI), both of them being induced by magnetic breakthrough. Nevertheless, discrepancies between experimental and calculated parameters indicate that these phenomena alone cannot account for all of the data. Due to its low effective mass, one of the QI oscillation series - which corresponds to the whole first Brillouin zone area - is clearly observed up to 13 K.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Electron-Phonon Dynamics in an Ensemble of Nearly Isolated Nanoparticles

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    We investigate the electron population dynamics in an ensemble of nearly isolated insulating nanoparticles, each nanoparticle modeled as an electronic two-level system coupled to a single vibrational mode. We find that at short times the ensemble-averaged excited-state population oscillates but has a decaying envelope. At long times, the oscillations become purely sinusoidal about a ``plateau'' population, with a frequency determined by the electron-phonon interaction strength, and with an envelope that decays algebraically as t^-{1/2} We use this theory to predict electron-phonon dynamics in an ensemble of Y_2 O_3 nanoparticles.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Physics of the Merging Clusters Cygnus A, A3667, and A2065

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    We present ASCA gas temperature maps of the nearby merging galaxy clusters Cygnus A, A3667, and A2065. Cygnus A appears to have a particularly simple merger geometry that allows an estimate of the subcluster collision velocity from the observed temperature variations. We estimate it to be ~2000 km/s. Interestingly, this is similar to the free-fall velocity that the two Cygnus A subclusters should have achieved at the observed separation, suggesting that merger has been effective in dissipating the kinetic energy of gas halos into thermal energy, without channeling its major fraction elsewhere (e.g., into turbulence). In A3667, we may be observing a spatial lag between the shock front seen in the X-ray image and the corresponding rise of the electron temperature. A lag of the order of hundreds of kiloparsecs is possible due to the combination of thermal conduction and a finite electron-ion equilibration time. Forthcoming better spatial resolution data will allow a direct measurement of these phenomena using such lags. A2065 has gas density peaks coincident with two central galaxies. A merger with the collision velocity estimated from the temperature map should have swept away such peaks if the subcluster total mass distributions had flat cores in the centers. The fact that the peaks have survived (or quickly reemerged) suggests that the gravitational potential also is strongly peaked. Finally, the observed specific entropy variations in A3667 and Cygnus A indicate that energy injection from a single major merger may be of the order of the full thermal energy of the gas. We hope that these order of magnitude estimates will encourage further work on hydrodynamic simulations, as well as more quantitative representation of the simulation results.Comment: Corrected the Cyg-A figure (errors shown were 1-sigma not 90%); text unchanged. ApJ in press. Latex, 5 pages, 3 figures (2 color), uses emulateapj.st
