127 research outputs found

    Lights and Shadows in the Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Lung Inflammation, a Poorly Investigated Topic in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent non-hematopoietic stem cells residing in many tissues, including the lung. MSCs have long been regarded as a promising tool for cell-based therapy because of their ability to replace damaged tissue by differentiating into the resident cell and repopulating the injured area. Their ability to release soluble factors and extracellular vesicles has emerged as crucial in the resolution of inflammation and injury. There is a growing literature on the use of MSCs and MSC secretome to hamper inflammation in different lung pathologies, including: asthma, pneumonia, acute lung injury (ALI), pulmonary hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, their potential therapeutic role in the context of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) lung inflammation is still not fully characterized. CF morbidity and mortality are mainly due to progressive lung dysfunction. Lung inflammation is a chronic and unresolved condition that triggers progressive tissue damage. Thus, it becomes even more important to develop innovative immunomodulatory therapies aside from classic anti-inflammatory agents. Here, we address the main features of CF and the implications in lung inflammation. We then review how MSCs and MSC secretome participate in attenuating inflammation in pulmonary pathologies, emphasizing the significant potential of MSCs as new therapeutic approach in CF

    Salinity dynamics under different water management plans coupled with sea level rise scenarios in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

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    In recent years, saltwater intrusion in river estuaries has become more severe and frequent worldwide. The common reasons lie in increasing freshwater withdrawal, river flow regulation and sea level rise due to global warming. In particular, the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam is facing a strong population growth worsening the pressure on freshwater resources for drinking water and irrigation needs. During the dry season, increasing conflicts and constraints in freshwater availability have already been experienced. Adverse combinations of river flow regulations and high sea levels lead to severe upstream propagations of salinity. This study takes advantage of a statistical characterization of discharges released from Hoa Binh reservoir and observed at Son Tay station, the main river flow control upstream of the river delta, along with downscaled and updated sea level rise sce- narios to estimate the future extents of saltwater intrusion under different options of water release from reser- voirs in the dry season. To do so, a 1D hydraulic model of the river delta network was implemented using MIKE11 software. The hydraulic and the quality modules were calibrated and validated with respect to the present scenario by using water stages and salinity concentrations observed in estuary branches. Sea level rise projections for 2050 and 2100 referred to RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 AR5 emission scenarios were then considered. Results show that river flow regulation can provide an effective mitigation measure. A 20–30% increase in the discharge released from the Son Tay station would be beneficial to push downstream the saltwater intrusion in the main Red River branch during the dry season. For instance, in 2050 the 1‰ salt concentration front is ex- pected to be pushed back at least 6 km when the exceeding probability of the discharge released by Son Tay station decreases from 95% to 25%

    Natural Occurrence of Ochratoxin A in Blood and Milk Samples from Jennies and Their Foals after Delivery

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    An assessment of the natural ochratoxin A (OTA) exposure of seven Martina Franca jennies was carried out by analyzing blood and milk samples collected close to and after delivery. A total of 41 and 34 blood samples were collected from jennies and foals, respectively, and analyzed by ELISA. A total of 33 milk samples were collected from jennies and analyzed by the HPLC/FLD method based on IAC clean-up. Furthermore, 53 feed samples were collected from January to September and analyzed by a reference method (AOAC Official Method No. 2000.03) for OTA content. Feed samples showed OTA levels up to 2.7 ng/g with an incidence of 32%, while the OTA incidence rate in jennies' blood samples was 73%, with a median value of 97 ng/L and concentrations ranging fro

    Inflammatory role of extracellular sphingolipids in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Ceramide is emerging as one of the players of inflammation in lung diseases. However, data on its inflammatory role in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) as part of the extracellular machinery driven by lung mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) are missing. We obtained an in vitro model of CF-MSC by treating control human lung MSCs with a specific CFTR inhibitor. We characterized EVs populations derived from MSCs (ctr EVs) and CF-MSCs (CF-EVs) and analyzed their sphingolipid profile by LC-MS/MS. To evaluate their immunomodulatory function, we treated an in vitro human model of CF, with both EVs populations. Our data show that the two EVs populations differ for the average size, amount, and rate of uptake. CF-EVs display higher ceramide and dihydroceramide accumulation as compared to control EVs, suggesting the involvement of the de novo biosynthesis pathway in the parental CF-MSCs. Higher sphingomyelinase activity in CF-MSCs, driven by inflammation-induced ceramide accumulation, sustains the exocytosis of vesicles that export new formed pro-inflammatory ceramide. Our results suggest that CFTR dysfunction associates with an enhanced sphingolipid metabolism leading to the release of EVs that export the excess of pro-inflammatory Cer to the recipient cells, thus contributing to maintain the unresolved inflammatory status of CF

    Hybrid video quality prediction: reviewing video quality measurement for widening application scope

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    A tremendous number of objective video quality measurement algorithms have been developed during the last two decades. Most of them either measure a very limited aspect of the perceived video quality or they measure broad ranges of quality with limited prediction accuracy. This paper lists several perceptual artifacts that may be computationally measured in an isolated algorithm and some of the modeling approaches that have been proposed to predict the resulting quality from those algorithms. These algorithms usually have a very limited application scope but have been verified carefully. The paper continues with a review of some standardized and well-known video quality measurement algorithms that are meant for a wide range of applications, thus have a larger scope. Their individual artifacts prediction accuracy is usually lower but some of them were validated to perform sufficiently well for standardization. Several difficulties and shortcomings in developing a general purpose model with high prediction performance are identified such as a common objective quality scale or the behavior of individual indicators when confronted with stimuli that are out of their prediction scope. The paper concludes with a systematic framework approach to tackle the development of a hybrid video quality measurement in a joint research collaboration.Polish National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD) SP/I/1/77065/10, Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova

    Mottness at finite doping and charge instabilities in cuprates

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    The intrinsic instability of underdoped copper oxides towards inhomogeneous states is one of the central puzzles of the physics of correlated materials. The influence of the Mott physics on the doping-temperature phase diagram of copper oxides represents a major issue that is subject of intense theoretical and experimental effort. Here, we investigate the ultrafast electron dynamics in prototypical single-layer Bi-based cuprates at the energy scale of the O-2p\u2192Cu-3d charge-transfer (CT) process. We demonstrate a clear evolution of the CT excitations from incoherent and localized, as in a Mott insulator, to coherent and delocalized, as in a conventional metal. This reorganization of the high-energy degrees of freedom occurs at the critical doping pcr 430.16 irrespective of the temperature, and it can be well described by dynamical mean field theory calculations. We argue that the onset of the low-temperature charge instabilities is the low-energy manifestation of the underlying Mottness that characterizes the p<pcr region of the phase diagram. This discovery sets a new framework for theories of charge order and low-temperature phases in underdoped copper oxides. ArXI

    “I Look in Your Eyes, Honey”: Internal Face Features Induce Spatial Frequency Preference for Human Face Processing

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    Numerous psychophysical experiments found that humans preferably rely on a narrow band of spatial frequencies for recognition of face identity. A recently conducted theoretical study by the author suggests that this frequency preference reflects an adaptation of the brain's face processing machinery to this specific stimulus class (i.e., faces). The purpose of the present study is to examine this property in greater detail and to specifically elucidate the implication of internal face features (i.e., eyes, mouth, and nose). To this end, I parameterized Gabor filters to match the spatial receptive field of contrast sensitive neurons in the primary visual cortex (simple and complex cells). Filter responses to a large number of face images were computed, aligned for internal face features, and response-equalized (“whitened”). The results demonstrate that the frequency preference is caused by internal face features. Thus, the psychophysically observed human frequency bias for face processing seems to be specifically caused by the intrinsic spatial frequency content of internal face features