291 research outputs found

    A multimaterial based on metallic copper and spinel oxide made by powder bed laser fusion: A new nanostructured material for inert anode dedicated to aluminum electrolysis

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    Coherent 3D parts of cermets, made of spinel ferrite and metallic copper, are prepared in a nitrogen atmosphere by powder bed additive manufacturing of a mixture of oxide and metallic powders. The cermets obtained are constituted by the association of blocks of about 500 μm, which create between them, a relatively large porosity (# 35%). Each block is subdivided into intimately nested zones that are either predominantly metallic or predominantly oxide type. In the metal parts, a dispersion of oxide crystals is observed, whose size varies from ten nanometers to a few micrometers. A similar distribution of metal particles in the oxide zones is also demonstrated. The chemical compositions of metallic and oxide phases are slightly different from those in the initial powders. Due to the high energy density of the laser, the melting temperature of the metal and oxides could be reached and therefore this could explain the chemical composition variations in the phases and the shape of oxide and metallic nanometric grains. The process used can therefore be described as powder bed fusion. These nanostructured cermets have been used as "inert" anodes for the electrolysis of aluminum in molten cryolite. Although penalized by a high porosity, 5 mm in diameter anodes allowed to carry out an electrolysis for 4 h. Since Spark Plasma Sintering can greatly reduce their porosity, while retaining their specific microstructure, the implementation of additive manufacturing for producing "inert" anodes is therefore of real interest

    Topotecan-vincristine-doxorubicin in stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma patients failing to achieve a complete metastatic response to rapid COJEC : a SIOPEN study

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    Purpose : Metastatic response to induction therapy for high-risk neuroblastoma is a prognostic factor. In the International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe Neuroblastoma (SIOPEN) HR-NBL-1 protocol, only patients with metastatic complete response (CR) or partial response (PR) with <= three abnormal skeletal areas on iodine 123-metaiodobenzylguanidine ([I-123] mIBG) scintigraphy and no bone marrow disease proceed to high dose therapy (HDT). In this study, topotecan-vincristine-doxorubicin (TVD) was evaluated in patients failing to achieve these criteria, with the aim of improving the metastatic response rate. Materials and Methods : Patients with metastatic high-risk neuroblastoma who had not achieved the SIOPEN criteria for HDT after induction received two courses of topotecan 1.5 mg/m(2)/day for 5 days, followed by a 48-hour infusion of vincristine, 2 mg/m(2), and doxorubicin, 45 mg/m(2). Results : Sixty-three patients were eligible and evaluable. Following two courses of TVD, four (6.4%) patients had an overall CR, while 28 (44.4%) had a PR with a combined response rate of 50.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 37.9 to 63.6). Of these, 23 patients achieved a metastatic CR or a PR with <= 3 mIBG skeletal areas and no bone marrow disease (36.5%; 95% CI, 24.7 to 49.6) and were eligible to receive HDT. Toxicity was mostly haematological, affecting 106 of the 126 courses (84.1%; 95% CI, 76.5 to 90.0), and dose reduction was necessary in six patients. Stomatitis was the second most common nonhematological toxicity, occurring in 20 patients (31.7%). Conclusion : TVD was effective in improving the response rate of high-risk neuroblastoma patients after induction with COJEC enabling them to proceed to HDT. However, the long-term benefits of TVD needs to be determined in randomized clinical trials

    Life cycle in practice: capacity building aiming European SME’s

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    The application of life cycle approaches – including life cycle assessment, ecodesign and environmental labelling – is becoming an increasing reality for business, and a growing challenge in many economic sectors. Businesses are facing increasing legal and market requirements to enhance resource efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of their products & services. To significantly address this challenge, the Life Cycle in Practice (LCiP) project was conceived, aiming to promote the uptake of LC approaches particularly in SMEs. The LCiP project helps SMEs in France, Belgium, Portugal and Spain reduce the environmental impacts of their products and services across the entire Life Cycle in three sectors: Buildings & Construction, Waste Management and Energy Equipment. LCiP’s specific objectives are to foster the widespread uptake of these approaches by SMEs beyond the duration of the project, by (i) Demonstrating the environmental and business benefits of applying LC Approaches through practical application in 32 businesses; (ii) Providing physical and online resource centres to support regional application of LC approaches; (iii) Building capacity for on-going implementation of LC approaches through a network of Life Cycle Champions and (iv) (Re)designing practical tools & methods tailored to the needs of the three industrial sectors. This paper presents the project's activities and expected results, as well as the conclusions of a maturity assessment on life cycle approaches that has been performed in the three sectors and four partner regions, as a means to identify needs and gaps that LCiP should fulfil

    Comparaison de deux méthodes de sélection classique avec l'haplodiploïdisation pour la résistance à la mouche de Hesse chez le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum)

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    L'efficacité des méthodes classiques et alternatives d'amélioration génétique repose sur l'évolution de la variabilité génétique des populations ségrégatives sous sélection. L'objectif de cette étude est de comparer l'évolution de la fréquence des gènes de résistance à la mouche de Hesse (Mayetiola destructor) sous deux méthodes classiques de sélection en comparaison avec la méthode de l'haplodiploïdisation. Les distributions et les proportions observées du caractère "résistance à la mouche de Hesse" ont été évaluées pour des lignées produites par la méthode de filiation unipare (FUP), la méthode " bulk " et l'haplodiploïdisation (DH) de quatre populations hybrides de blé tendre (Triticum aestivum). Ces populations sont issues des croisements entre des parents résistants à la mouche de Hesse marocaine et des parents sensibles mais adaptés aux conditions marocaines. Les résultats ont montré un effet marqué de la méthode d'amélioration génétique. En effet, malgré leur avancement à la génération F6, les lignées produites par les méthodes FUP et " bulk " présentent toujours un taux non négligeable d'hétérozygotie pour ce caractère alors que la méthode DH a abouti à une homozygotie parfaite. Les proportions de résistance observées chez les lignées FUP et haploïdes doublées sont approximativement les mêmes que celles théoriquement attendues. Cependant, la méthode " bulk " a permis une sélection naturelle au champ qui a favorisé le caractère résistant de manière significativeThe relative usefulness of conventional and alternative breeding methods relies on the evolution of genetic variability in segregating populations undergoing selection. The objective of this study was to compare the frequencies of genetic resistance to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) in populations generated by two conventional breeding methods in comparison with lines advanced through doubled haploid method. Distribution and proportions of Hessian fly resistance were evaluated in four populations of bread wheat lines advanced through 'Single Seed Descent' (SSD), 'Bulk', and doubled-haploid (DH) methods. These populations were all derived from crosses involving resistant parents and susceptible lines adapted to Moroccan conditions. The results of this study have shown a clear effect of the breeding method. The Bulk and SSD (F6) derived lines have shown a substantial residual heterozygocity while DH method has produced completely homozygous material. The observed proportions of resistance did not deviate from expected in the populations of lines derived through SSD and DH methods while evidence of natural selection for resistance was significant in the lines derived through the Bulk method

    Downregulation of Glutamine Synthetase, not glutaminolysis, is responsible for glutamine addiction in Notch1-driven acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    The cellular receptor Notch1 is a central regulator of T-cell development, and as a consequence, Notch1 pathway appears upregulated in > 65% of the cases of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). However, strategies targeting Notch1 signaling render only modest results in the clinic due to treatment resistance and severe side effects. While many investigations reported the different aspects of tumor cell growth and leukemia progression controlled by Notch1, less is known regarding the modifications of cellular metabolism induced by Notch1 upregulation in T-ALL. Previously, glutaminolysis inhibition has been proposed to synergize with anti-Notch therapies in T-ALL models. In this work, we report that Notch1 upregulation in T-ALL induced a change in the metabolism of the important amino acid glutamine, preventing glutamine synthesis through the downregulation of glutamine synthetase (GS). Downregulation of GS was responsible for glutamine addiction in Notch1-driven T-ALL both in vitro and in vivo. Our results also confirmed an increase in glutaminolysis mediated by Notch1. Increased glutaminolysis resulted in the activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway, a central controller of cell growth. However, glutaminolysis did not play any role in Notch1-induced glutamine addiction. Finally, the combined treatment targeting mTORC1 and limiting glutamine availability had a synergistic effect to induce apoptosis and to prevent Notch1-driven leukemia progression. Our results placed glutamine limitation and mTORC1 inhibition as a potential therapy against Notch1-driven leukemia.This work was supported by funds from the followinginstitutions: Agencia Estatal de Investigacion/Euro-pean Regional Development Fund, European Union(PGC2018-096244-B-I00, SAF2016-75442-R), Ministryof Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain,Spanish National Research Council—CSIC, InstitutNational de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale—INSERM, Ligue Contre le Cancer—Gironde, Univer-site de Bordeaux, Fondation pour la Recherche Medi-cale, the Conseil Regional d’Aquitaine, SIRIC-BRIO,Fondation ARC and Institut Europeen de Chimie etBiologie. MJN was supported by a bourse d’excellencede la Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles (WBI) and a post-doctoral fellowship from Fondation ARC. We thankVincent Pitard (Flow Cytometry Platform, Universitede Bordeaux, France) for technical assistance in flowcytometry experiments. We thank Diana Cabrera(Metabolomics Platform, CIC bioGUNE, Spain) fortechnical assistance in metabolomics analysi

    Telomere Length of Circulating Leukocyte Subpopulations and Buccal Cells in Patients with Ischemic Heart Failure and Their Offspring

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to find support for the hypothesis that telomere length (TL) is causally involved in the pathogenesis of ischemic heart failure (IHF). We measured TL in IHF patients and their high-risk offspring and determined whether mean leukocyte TL reflects TL in CD34+ progenitor. We additionally measured TL of offspring of patients and controls to examine heritability throughout different cell types. METHODS AND RESULTS: TL was measured by qPCR in overall leukocytes, CD34+ progenitor cells, mononuclear cells (MNCs), and buccal cells in 27 IHF patients, 24 healthy controls and 60 offspring. TL in IHF patients was shorter than healthy controls in leukocytes (p = 0.002), but not in CD34+ cells (p = 0.39), MNCs (p = 0.31) or buccal cells (p = 0.19). Offspring of IHF patients had shorter TL in leukocytes than offspring of healthy subjects (p = 0.04) but not in other cell types. Controls and offspring showed a good within person correlation between leukocytes and CD34+ cells (r 0.562; p = 0.004 and r 0.602; p = 0.001, respectively). In IHF patients and offspring the correlation among cell types was blunted. Finally, we found strong correlations between parent and offspring TL in all four cell types. CONCLUSIONS: Reduced leukocyte TL in offspring of IHF subjects suggests a potential causal link of TL in ischemic heart disease. However, this causality is unlikely to originate from exhaustion of TL in CD34+ progenitor or MNC cells as their lengths are not well captured by overall leukocyte TL. Additionally, we found strong correlations between parent and offspring TL in all examined cell types, suggesting high heritability of TL among cell types

    Low-dose adenosine stress echocardiography: Detection of myocardial viability

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic potential of low-dose adenosine stress echocardiography in detection of myocardial viability. BACKGROUND: Vasodilation through low dose dipyridamole infusion may recruit contractile reserve by increasing coronary flow or by increasing levels of endogenous adenosine. METHODS: Forty-three patients with resting dyssynergy, due to previous myocardial infarction, underwent low-dose adenosine (80, 100, 110 mcg/kg/min in 3 minutes intervals) echocardiography test. Gold standard for myocardial viability was improvement in systolic thickening of dyssinergic segments of ≥ 1 grade at follow-up. Coronary angiography was done in 41 pts. Twenty-seven patients were revascularized and 16 were medically treated. Echocardiographic follow up data (12 ± 2 months) were available in 24 revascularized patients. RESULTS: Wall motion score index improved from rest 1.55 ± 0.30 to 1.33 ± 0.26 at low-dose adenosine (p < 0.001). Of the 257 segments with baseline dyssynergy, adenosine echocardiography identified 122 segments as positive for viability, and 135 as necrotic since no improvement of systolic thickening was observed. Follow-up wall motion score index was 1.31 ± 0.30 (p < 0.001 vs. rest). The sensitivity of adenosine echo test for identification of viable segments was 87%, while specificity was 95%, and diagnostic accuracy 90%. Positive and negative predictive values were 97% and 80%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Low-dose adenosine stress echocardiography test has high diagnostic potential for detection of myocardial viability in the group of patients with left ventricle dysfunction due to previous myocardial infarction. Low dose adenosine stress echocardiography may be adequate alternative to low-dose dobutamine test for evaluation of myocardial viability

    The Necrotic Signal Induced by Mycophenolic Acid Overcomes Apoptosis-Resistance in Tumor Cells

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    The amount of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), a pivotal enzyme for the biosynthesis of the guanosine tri-phosphate (GTP), is frequently increased in tumor cells. The anti-viral agent ribavirin and the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA) are potent inhibitors of IMPDH. We recently showed that IMPDH inhibition led to a necrotic signal requiring the activation of Cdc42.Herein, we strengthened the essential role played by this small GTPase in the necrotic signal by silencing Cdc42 and by the ectopic expression of a constitutive active mutant of Cdc42. Since resistance to apoptosis is an essential step for the tumorigenesis process, we next examined the effect of the MPA–mediated necrotic signal on different tumor cells demonstrating various mechanisms of resistance to apoptosis (Bcl2-, HSP70-, Lyn-, BCR-ABL–overexpressing cells). All tested cells remained sensitive to MPA–mediated necrotic signal. Furthermore, inhibition of IMPDH activity in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia cells was significantly more efficient at eliminating malignant cells than apoptotic inducers.These findings indicate that necrosis and apoptosis are split signals that share few if any common hub of signaling. In addition, the necrotic signaling pathway induced by depletion of the cellular amount of GTP/GDP would be of great interest to eliminate apoptotic-resistant tumor cells
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