66 research outputs found

    Archaeological sites as markers of Neopleistocene-Holocene hydrological system transformation in the Kurai and Chuya basins, Southeastern Altai: Results of geomorphological and geoarchaeological studies

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    Multidisciplinary studies using geomorphological, geoarchaeological, and geochronological approaches indicate contrasting environmental changes in Southeastern Altai, beginning in the Late Pleistocene. 29 new radiocarbon dates from the subaerial complex overlying Late Neopleistocene sediments in the high-altitude Kurai and Chuya basins confirm the degradation of a single ice-dammed reservoir in that area before the Early Holocene. In the first half of the Holocene, those basins were filled with isolated lakes. At the mouth of the Baratal River in the western Kurai basin, a reservoir with a water-level of at least 1480 m a.s.l. emerged ca 10–6.5 ka cal BP; whereas in the Chuya depression, numerous residual lakes existed at least 8 ka cal BP. Landslide- and moraine-dammed lakes between the depressions in the Chuya River valley existed until 7–3 ka cal BP, when they drained away. The state of preservation of in situ archaeological sites, their cultural affiliation, and their locations within the depressions and along the main Chuya valley attest to spatial and temporal changes in the hydrological system. This evolution in the second half of the Holocene did not entail major consequences for humans. All cataclysmic flood events took place (occurred) before 10–8 ka cal BP. © 2016 A.R. Agatova, R.K. Nepop, I.Y. Slyusarenko, V.S. Myglan, V.V. Barinov.Geomorphological studies, including radiocarbon dating, were supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects No. 15-05-06028 and 16-05-01035); archaeological and dendrochronological studies were supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Projects No. 14-50-00036 and 15-14-30011 respectively)

    Абсолютный и относительный возраст морен стадий Актру и Историческая ледников Центрального Алтая по данным лихенометрии и дендрохронологии

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    Dendrochronology, and lichenometry were used to determine the relative and absolute age of the Late Holocene moraines of the glaciers of the Aktru, Maashei and Shavla valleys (North Chuya ridge, Central Altai). An array of 86dendrochronological dates, related to moraine deposits, is analyzed, 30 of which are published for the first time. Also, for the first time, data on the relative (lichenometric) age of the young deposits of the Aktru Valley, and data on the lichenometry of the moraines of the Maashey glacier and one of the glaciers of the Shavly valley were obtained. We used the capabilities of each method and the expediency of their combined use in the study area. It was confirmed that the growth rates of lichens on the moraines of the Aktru stage (XVIII–XIX centuries) are generally consistent with the previously published estimates. The moraines of the Historical stage, which date earlier than 1700–2300 years ago, supports the lichens as large as 120–160 mm, but the scattering of their diameters is too large and the assessment of the lichenometric ages of these moraines seems to be problematic, but not completely excluded. The Akkem stage of glacier advance according to the recent publications dates back to the Late Glacial or Early Holocene time; the lichenometry is obviously not applicably at such ancient surfaces. According to dendrochronological dating, the glaciers of the North Chuisky Ridge in the last millennium advanced at least twice up to their maximum extent in the XVII– early XIX and XII centuries. In the 8th century, the sizes of the glaciers possibly, approached modern ones. Aſter the XVII century, the cedar (Pinus Sibirica) in Central Altai significantly reduced its distribution area due to the climate cooling, retreating from the periglacial territories, where it was distributed earlier. All trees that grew near the glaciers, above 2300 m, died. The comparison of the dates of glacier advances in the past millennia with the tree-ring, ice-core, and palynological reconstructions of summer temperature and precipitation show a good correspondence.Методы дендрохронологии и лихенометрии применены для определения относительного и абсолютного возраста позднеголоценовых морен ледников Центрального Алтая (Северо-Чуйский хребет). Установлено, что скорости роста лишайников– индикаторов на моренах стадии Актру– в целом согласуются с опубликованными ранее оценками. По данным дендрохронологического датирования, ледники этого района в последнем тысячелетии имели два максимума наступания: в XII в. и в XVII– начале XIX вв. (максимум продвижения). В VIII в. площадь ледников приближалась к современной. Размеры лишайников подрода Rizocarpon на моренах стадии Актру варьируют от 20 до 41 мм, на моренах Исторической стадии– от 120 до 160 мм, что в спорных случаях позволяет однозначно идентифицировать морену

    Археологические памятники как маркер перестройки неоплейстоцен-голоценовой гидросети Курайской и Чуйской впадин (Юго-Восточный Алтай): результаты геолого-геоморфологических и геоархеологических исследований

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    Multidisciplinary studies using geomorphological, geoarchaeological, and geochronological approaches indicate contrasting environmental changes in southeastern Altai beginning from the Late Pleistocene. Twenty-eight new radiocarbon dates from the subaerial complex overlying Late Neopleistocene sediments in the high-altitude Kurai and Chuya basins confi rm the degradation of a single ice-dammed reservoir in that area during the Early Holocene. In the first half of the Holocene, those basins were filled with isolated lakes. At the Baratal River mouth in the western Kurai basin, a reservoir with a water level of at least 1480 m a.s.l. emerged ca 10-6.5 ka BP, whereas in the Chuya depression, numerous residual lakes had existed at least 8 ka BP. Landslide- and morainedammed lakes between the depressions in the Chuya valley had existed until 7-3 ka BP, when they drained away. The preservation state of in situ archaeological sites, their cultural affiliation, and their location within the depressions and along the main Chuya valley attest to spatial and temporal changes of the hydrological system. This evolution occurred in the second half of the Holocene and did not entail major consequences for humans. © 2016 Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Geomorphological studies, including radiocarbon dating, were supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects No. 15-05-06028 and 16-05-01035); archaeological and dendrochronological studies were supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Projects No. 14-50-00036 and 15-14-30011 respectively)

    Активность ледника Малый Актру (Центральный Алтай) и изменения границы леса в бассейне Актру за исторический период

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    Major problems of dating of the glaciers activity from the wood residues found in moraines are discussed by the example of Maly Aktru Glacier. First of all, these are the underestimation of the glacier development features, the age of the sample itself and its content as well as losses of some outer rings. The study proves that disagreements between dendrochronological and radiocarbon ages of the samples are caused by manifestation of the Suess effect and contents of the wood cells. The reconstruction of June–July temperatures in the Aktru valley for two thousand years was used to reconstruct the altitudinal variability of the tree line thermal potential. Existence of a climatic optimum (I–IV A.D.) had been revealed that brought to the higher position of the tree line in mid ages than its thermal potential could enable. On the basis of variability of growth indices for Siberian larch, it is shown that the medieval optimum stands out against a background of solely strong temperature depressions separating it from ancient and modern times, and the climate’s natural history is evidence that the current climate warming is an ordinary phenomenon.Рассматриваются проблемы датирования активности ледников по древесным остаткам, находящимся в морене, на примере ледника Малый Актру. Анализируются причины расхождения между дендрохронологическим и радиоуглеродным возрастом образцов. Реконструируется ход июньской и июльской температуры в долине р. Актру за две тысячи лет, и на базе этого восстанавливается картина высотной изменчивости термического потенциала границы леса. Основываясь на ходе естественной истории климата, показывается рядовой характер современного потепления

    The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions.

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    Tree-ring chronologies underpin the majority of annually-resolved reconstructions of Common Era climate. However, they are derived using different datasets and techniques, the ramifications of which have hitherto been little explored. Here, we report the results of a double-blind experiment that yielded 15 Northern Hemisphere summer temperature reconstructions from a common network of regional tree-ring width datasets. Taken together as an ensemble, the Common Era reconstruction mean correlates with instrumental temperatures from 1794-2016 CE at 0.79 (p < 0.001), reveals summer cooling in the years following large volcanic eruptions, and exhibits strong warming since the 1980s. Differing in their mean, variance, amplitude, sensitivity, and persistence, the ensemble members demonstrate the influence of subjectivity in the reconstruction process. We therefore recommend the routine use of ensemble reconstruction approaches to provide a more consensual picture of past climate variability

    Global wood anatomical perspective on the onset of the Late Antique Little Ice Age (LALIA) in the mid-6th century CE

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    Linked to major volcanic eruptions around 536 and 540 CE, the onset of the Late Antique Little Ice Age has been described as the coldest period of the past two millennia. The exact timing and spatial extent of this exceptional cold phase are, however, still under debate because of the limited resolution and geographical distribution of the available proxy archives. Here, we use 106 wood anatomical thin sections from 23 forest sites and 20 tree species in both hemispheres to search for cell-level fingerprints of ephemeral summer cooling between 530 and 550 CE. After cross-dating and double-staining, we identified 89 Blue Rings (lack of cell wall lignification), nine Frost Rings (cell deformation and collapse), and 93 Light Rings (reduced cell wall thickening) in the Northern Hemisphere. Our network reveals evidence for the strongest temperature depression between mid-July and early-August 536 CE across North America and Eurasia, whereas more localised cold spells occurred in the summers of 532, 540–43, and 548 CE. The lack of anatomical signatures in the austral trees suggests limited incursion of stratospheric volcanic aerosol into the Southern Hemisphere extra-tropics, that any forcing was mitigated by atmosphere-ocean dynamical responses and/or concentrated outside the growing season, or a combination of factors. Our findings demonstrate the advantage of wood anatomical investigations over traditional dendrochronological measurements, provide a benchmark for Earth system models, support cross-disciplinary studies into the entanglements of climate and history, and question the relevance of global climate averages. © 2022 Science China PressFritz & Elisabeth Schweingruber FoundationNational Science Foundation, NSF, (1203749, 1902625, 2002454, 2112314, 2124885, RSF 18-14-00072P, RSF 21-14-00330)Engineering Research Centers, ERCEuropean Research Council, ERC, (AdG 882727, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000797)Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, SNF, (CRSII5 183571)Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, FONDECYT, (1201411, 1221307)Vetenskapsrådet, VR, (2018-01272)Universität BielefeldRussian Science Foundation, RSF, (RSF 21-17-00006)Fondo de Financiamiento de Centros de Investigación en Áreas Prioritarias, FONDAP, (15110009, BASAL FB210018)Neurosciences Foundation, NSFAgencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo, ANIDFunding text 1: Ulf Büntgen and Jan Esper received funding from the ERC Advanced Project MONOSTAR (AdG 882727). Ulf Büntgen, Jan Esper, and Mirek Trnka received funding from SustES: adaptation strategies for sustainable ecosystem services and food security under adverse environmental conditions (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000797). Ulf Büntgen, Jan Esper, and Clive Oppenheimer discussed many aspects of this study at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Alan Crivellaro received funding from the Fritz & Elisabeth Schweingruber Foundation. Duncan A. Christie and Carlos Le Quesne received funding from the ANID (FONDECYT 1201411, 1221307, FONDAP 15110009, BASAL FB210018). Olga V. Churakova (Sidorova) received funding from the Russian Science Foundation grant (RSF 21-17-00006). Rosanne D'Arrigo received funding from NSF Arctic Social Science 2112314 and NSF Arctic Natural Science 2124885, as well as the NSF P2C2 (Paleo Perspectives on Climatic Change) program (various grants). Rashit M. Hantemirov received funding from the Russian Science Foundation grant (RSF 21-14-00330). Alexander V. Kirdyanov received funding from the Russian Science Foundation grant (RSF 18-14-00072P). Fredrik C. Ljungqvist was supported by the Swedish Research Council (2018-01272). Patrick Fonti and Markus Stoffel received funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation through the SNSF Sinergia CALDERA project (CRSII5 183571). Matthew Salzer and Malcolm K. Hughes received funding from the National Science Foundation's P2C2 Program (1902625 and 1203749) and from the Malcolm H. Wiener Foundation. Greg Wiles was funded through NSF P2C2 Program (2002454). Ulf Büntgen designed the study and wrote the first draft of this manuscript with input from Jan Esper, Paul J. Krusic, and Clive Oppenheimer. Samples were processed and analysed by Alma Piermattei and Alan Crivellaro. All authors provided data and/or contributed to discussion and improving the article.Funding text 2: Ulf Büntgen and Jan Esper received funding from the ERC Advanced Project MONOSTAR (AdG 882727). Ulf Büntgen, Jan Esper, and Mirek Trnka received funding from SustES : adaptation strategies for sustainable ecosystem services and food security under adverse environmental conditions (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000797). Ulf Büntgen, Jan Esper, and Clive Oppenheimer discussed many aspects of this study at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Alan Crivellaro received funding from the Fritz & Elisabeth Schweingruber Foundation . Duncan A. Christie and Carlos Le Quesne received funding from the ANID ( FONDECYT 1201411 , 1221307, FONDAP 15110009 , BASAL FB210018). Olga V. Churakova (Sidorova) received funding from the Russian Science Foundation grant ( RSF 21-17-00006 ). Rosanne D’Arrigo received funding from NSF Arctic Social Science 2112314 and NSF Arctic Natural Science 2124885 , as well as the NSF P2C2 (Paleo Perspectives on Climatic Change) program (various grants). Rashit M. Hantemirov received funding from the Russian Science Foundation grant (RSF 21-14-00330). Alexander V. Kirdyanov received funding from the Russian Science Foundation grant (RSF 18-14-00072P). Fredrik C. Ljungqvist was supported by the Swedish Research Council (2018-01272). Patrick Fonti and Markus Stoffel received funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation through the SNSF Sinergia CALDERA project (CRSII5 183571). Matthew Salzer and Malcolm K. Hughes received funding from the National Science Foundation’s P2C2 Program (1902625 and 1203749) and from the Malcolm H. Wiener Foundation . Greg Wiles was funded through NSF P2C2 Program (2002454)

    Siberian silkmoth in the Republic of Tyva, the history of studies

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    Siberian silkmoth (eggar) Dendrolimus sibiricus Tsch., (1908) is one of the most dangerous forest pests in the Republic of Tyva. Outbreaks of this phytophage in the republic occur frequently and cause significant damage to forests. Studies in Tyva were initiated by A. I. Cherepanov, N. G. Kolomiets, N. F. Reimers and others in the 50–70s of the XX century. They described the phenology of the Siberian silkmoth, the biological and ecological aspects of its life activity. In this paper we tried to summarize all the accumulated knowledge of the Siberian silkmoth in Tyva. The chronology of the Siberian silkmoth outbreaks was restored using the collected and analyzed data. We demonstrate that outbreaks of the Siberian silkmoth in the Republic of Tyva are most frequently observed in the forests of Shagonarsky, Chadansky and Turan forestry districts. On the whole, five outbreaks were registered: in 1954–1966, 1969–1975, 1979–1985, 1997–2000, and in 2009–2011. Duration of the outbreaks was 13–7–7–4–3 years and the intervals without outbreaks were 2–1–2–1 years. The fragmented character of the obtained data on outbreaks shows the need for their verification by dendrochronological methods. Valid analysis of data is possible with the use of control tree species not susceptible to the Siberian moth damage and some parameters of the annual rings, for example, optical density of the wood

    A Millennium-Long Tree-Ring Chronologies Koksu and Tara on Altay

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    В статье представлены две новые тысячелетние древесно-кольцевые хронологии по лиственнице сибирской (Larix sibirica Ldb.) на верхней границе леса: Tara (для периода с 795 по 2011 г., Южно-Чуйский хребет) и Koksu (для периода с 588 по 2011 г., Катунский хребет). Расчет функции отклика показал, что основное воздействие на радиальный прирост древесно-кольцевой хронологии Koksu оказывают температуры июня и июля, а древесно-кольцевой хронологии Tara – только июня. Древесно-кольцевая хронология Koksu характеризуется наличием устойчивой и значимой связи с рядами наблюдений метеостанций, расположенных в Северной Монголии и Китае, т.е. она отражает изменчивость раннелетней температуры как минимум регионального масштаба. Древесно-кольцевая хронология Tara менее чувствительна к изменению летних температур и может быть пригодна для дендроиндикации геоморфологических, исторических и климатических событий (определение времени повреждения деревьев в ходе обвалов, селей, датировка древесины археологических памятников и т.п.). Анализ выявленных аномальных структур и выпавших колец на образцах позволил определить даты экстремальных событий для каждой хронологииThe work presents two new 1000-year tree-ring chronologies: Tara (AD 795-2011, the South Chui Range) and Koksu (AD 588-2011, the Katun Range). The calculation of the response function shows that the dominating factor affecting the radial growth of the tree-ring chronology Koksu is June and July temperatures and for Tara it is June temperature. The strong correlation between Koksu chronology and records of meteorological stations placed in the Northern Mongolia and China at a distance of 300 or more kilometers from the sites of sample collection illustrates that the chronology reflects summer temperature changes at least on a regional scale. At the same time Tara chronology is weakly sensitive to changes in summer temperatures and may be used for dating of geomorphologic, historical and climatic events. The analysis of abnormal structures and missing rings detected on the samples revealed the dates of extreme events for each chronolog