18 research outputs found

    Organization and training at national level of antimicrobial stewardship and infection control activities in Europe: an ESCMID cross-sectional survey

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    Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and Infection prevention and control (IPC) are two key complementary strategies that combat development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. The ESGAP (ESCMID Study Group for AMS), EUCIC (European Committee on Infection Control) and TAE (Trainee Association of ESCMID) investigated how AMS and IPC activities and training are organized, if present, at national level in Europe. From February 2018 to May 2018, an internet-based cross-sectional survey was conducted through a 36-item questionnaire, involving up to three selected respondents per country, from 38 European countries in total (including Israel), belonging to the ESGAP/EUCIC/TAE networks. All 38 countries participated with at least one respondent, and a total of 81 respondents. Education and involvement in AMS programmes were mandatory during the postgraduate training of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases specialists in up to one-third of countries. IPC was acknowledged as a specialty in 32% of countries. Only 32% of countries had both guidance and national requirements regarding AMS programmes, in contrast to 61% for IPC. Formal national staffing standards for AMS and IPC hospital-based activities were present in 24% and 63% of countries, respectively. The backgrounds of professionals responsible for AMS and IPC programmes varied tremendously between countries. The organization and training of AMS and IPC in Europe are heterogeneous and national requirements for activities are frequently lacking

    Basicity of Systems of Sines with Linear Phase in Weighted Sobolev Spaces

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    The perturbed systems of sines, which appear when solving some partial differential equations by the Fourier method, are considered in this paper. Basis properties of these systems in weighted Sobolev spaces of functions are studied

    Experience with the use of highly refractory concrete in slit heat-treatment furnaces

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    Антибіотикорезистентність нозокоміальних штамів Enterococcus faecalis в хірургічних стаціонарах України у 2008 р.

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    2689 nosocomial E.faecalis strains, isolated in 2008 from patients, hospitalized in 97 surgical department of common hospitals in different regions of Ukraine were studied. E.faecalis sensibility to 36 antibiotics was studied. Most active antibiotics were imipenem, meropenem, ampicillin/sulbactam, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, vancomycin, linezolid. E.faecalis high resistance to clindamycin (64.7%), clarithromycin (55.6%), cefoperazone (54.5%), ceftazidime (51.2%), tetracyclin (49%), penicillin (48.6%), cefepim (43.7%), doxycyclinum (43.7%), azithromycin (41.3%) and to ciprofloxacin (40.3%) was found out.Исследованы 2689 нозокомиальных штаммов E.faecalis, выделенных в 2008 г. у пациентов, госпитализированных в хирургические отделения 97 многопрофильных стационаров различных регионов Украины. Изучена чувствительность E.faecalis к 36 антибиотикам. Наиболее активными антибиотиками оказались имипенем, меропенем, ампициллин/сульбактам, амоксициллин/клавуланат, ванкомицин, линезолид. Высокая резистентность возбудителя отмечена в отношении клиндамицина (64,7%), кларитромицина (55,6%), цефперазона (54,5%), цефтазидима (51,2%), тетрациклина (49%), пенициллина (48,6%), цефепима (43,7%), доксациклина (43,7%), азитромицина (41,3%), ципрофлоксацина (40,3%).Досліджені 2689 нозокоміальних штамів E.faecalis, виділених у 2008 р. у пацієнтів, госпіталізованих до хірургічні відділень 97 багатопрофільних стаціонарів різних регіонів України. Визначали чутливість штамів E.faecalis до 36 антибіотиків. Найбільш активними антибіотиками виявилися іміпенем, меропенем, ампіцилін/сульбактам, амоксицилін/клавуланат, ванкоміцин, лінезолід. Високу резистентність збудника спостерігали до кліндамиціну (64,7%), кларитроміцину (55,6%), цефперазону (54,5%), цефтазидиму (51,2%), тетрацикліну (49%), пеніциліну (48,6%), цефепіму (43,7%), доксацикліну (43,7%), азитромиціну (41,3%), ципрофлоксаціну (40,3%)

    Testing blocks of refractory concrete in the walls of soaking pits

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