141 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Persebaran Titik Api di Indonesia Menggunakan OpenGeo Suite 3.0

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    Kebakaran hutan merupakan masalah yang serius karena dapat mengakibatkan dampak buruk terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu upaya pencegahan kebakaran hutan adalah membangun sistem informasi geografis (SIG) berbasis web untuk mengelola data histori titik api sebagai indikator terjadinya kebakaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun SIG berbasis web menggunakan perangkat lunak OpenGeo Suite 3.0. OpenGeo Suite merupakan aplikasi yang mengemas sistem manajemen basis data PostgreSQL dengan ekstensi spasial PostGIS dan server peta Geoserver sehingga memberikan kemudahan dalam pembangunan dan pengelolaan SIG berbasis web. SIG yang dibangun menyediakan fitur utama yaitu menampilkan peta Indonesia, fungsi pan map, zoom in, zoom out, dan fungsi pencarian persebaran titik api berdasarkan wilayah dan waktu. Dengan adanya SIG berbasis web ini, pengelolaan data histori titik api dapat dilakukan dengan mudah sehingga dapat membantu pengguna dalam penyediaan data histori dan persebaran titik api untuk wilayah Indonesia

    Seat Interference Antar Penumpang Pada Model Boarding Pesawat Terbang

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    Ada dua keadaan untuk sebuah pesawat, keadaan pertama adalah pada saat pesawat tersebut sedang berada di darat dan keadaan kedua adalaha saat peswat tersebut sedang berada di udara. Maskapai penerbangan akan mendapat keuntungan pada saat pesawat mereka sedang terbang. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi lama pesawat berada di darat, antara lain : waktu penumpang turun, bongkar muat barang, pengisian bahan baker, boarding time, dll. Penelitian ini menyajikan beberapa model boarding untuk mengurangi seat interference dan untuk mengurangi waktu boarding. Mixed Integer Non Linier Programing digunakan untuk menghasilkan model boarding. ProModel digunakan untuk simulasi, hasil simulasi adalah waktu boarding dan seat interference. Airbus-320 digunakan untuk menerapkan model simulasi ini. Beberapa hal yang mempengaruhi strategi boarding adalah jumlah baris, jumlah grup dan jumlah penumpang yang dimasukkan untuk tiap grup. Hasil simulasi memperlihatkan bahwa model boarding dengan 6 grup dapat mengurangi jumlah seat interference sebesar 85,5% dan mengurangi waktu boarding sebesar 6,82% dibandingkan dengan menggunakan model tradisional back to front

    Respons Pemberian Coumarin Terhadap Produksi Mikro Tuber Planlet Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Varietas Granola

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    The objective of this experiment is to determine the response adding to the coumarin in to microtuber production of potato plantlets (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties of granola. The research wasconducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory Experiment Berastagi where the surface level is atapproximately at ± 1340 m above sea level. The experiment was started on October 2013 untilFebruary 2014 using a completely randomized factorial design with two factors. The concentrations ofcoumarin was (0,000; 0,025; 0,050; and 0,075 gram/l) and the volume of coumarin was (30, 60, 90,120 ml). Parameters observed were the percentage of plantlets which produces micro tubers, thepercentage of plantlets were dead, the number of tubers on each micro planlet, the weight of tuberson each micro planlet, weight of each micro tuber, and diametres of tuber in each planlet. Theresults showed that adding of coumarin concentration into micro-tuber production of potatoplantlets was significantly affected the percentage of plantlets which produces micro tubers (1 BSAand 2 BSA) and the diameter of micro tubers of each plantlet. Adding of coumarin volume intomicro-tuber production of potato plantlets significantly affect on the percentage of plantlets whichproduces micro tubers (1 BSA and 2 BSA), the number of tubers on each micro planlet, the weightof tubers on each micro planlet, weight of each micro tuber, and diametres of tuber in each planlet

    Scientific selective as a type of creative activity in spiritual and intellectual education and training of students

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    Topicality of the issues of education of foreign students in the higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine is growing, which is associated with the desire and ability of medical universities to strengthen and develop their economic basis.The article presents the main forms of research work conducted by students within the research groups of the departments of Ukrainian Language Studies, Latin and Medical Terminology, for their experience provides an opportunity to form stable skills of independent research work, as well as to improve the quality of mastering internal medicine, and to develop creative and analytical thinking. This helps students to expand their worldview, develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and modern research methods in practice, which is of great importance for career guidance and for their further research work after graduation. Attention is paid to the relationships and mutual influences (psychotherapy) of culture and art, religion and science. One of the means of supporting the student in his/her spiritual orientation development is participation in amateur art contests, brain-rings, as well as conducting country studies, preparing speeches with interdisciplinary links, creating poster-based presentations for the day of embroidery, analyzing symbols of Ukraine, its holidays and traditions, etc. Reading the "Canon of Medical Science" by Abu Ibn Sina, we prove that it is necessary to be interested in the life, culture and science of the people who study in higher education, thus stimulating knowledge not only in medicine but also developing intellectual and creative skills of the future specialist.The article analyzes the results of Ukrainian Internal Medicine competitions for medical students. It has been proved that the competition contributes to the development of creative clinical thinking of students and involves not only the traditional theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also the use of novel interactive computer technologies and visualizing techniques (photos and / or video protocols, video imaging, etc.)


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    Brown planthopper is one of the most destructive insect pest of rice in Indonesia and other Asian countries. Pyramiding some brown planthopper resistance genes is a valuable approach to create more durable resistance against the pest. The objective of this study was to identify polymorphisms of Brown Planthopper Resistance genes (Bph) on 20 genotypes of rice, and to obtain genetic relationship among genotypes tested. The experiment was conducted from June to September 2012 at Green House and Laboratory of Plant Analysis and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. Twenty genotypes were analyzed, and two of them were used as check varieties. Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers were applied to detect Bph3, Bph4, Qbph3, and Qbph4 genes. Polymorphic levels were analyzed by calculating PIC (Polymorphic Information Content). The grouping of rice genotypes were done based on principal components analysis (PCA) of SSR data, and the genetic relationship based on the presence of Bph genes was estimated using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group With Arithmetic mean). Results showed that RM313, RM8072, RM8213, RM5953, RM586, and RM589 markers were polymorphic. Rice genotypes PTB 33, Diah Suci, Cibogo, Cisantana, Digul, Ciherang, Inpari 13, Inpari 10, and Memberamo had Bph3, Qbph3, Bph4, and Qbph4. Meanwhile Bph3, Qbph3, and Bph4 were supposed to be belonged by IR 64, Aek Sibundong, Batang Gadis, IR 66, and Mekongga. Kalimas and Tukat Penatu had Bph3, Qbph3, dan Qbph4. IR 74 had Bph3 and Qbph3, and Fatmawati had Bph3 and Bph4. UPGMA clustering resulted in two main clusters, in which the first cluster consisted of 2 subclusters. PTB-33 was closely related with Memberamo, Tukat Penatu, Digul, Diah Suci, and Kalimas. The SSR markers used in this study were proven to be valuable in molecular detection of Bph genes and in estimating genetic relationsips of rice genotypes. PTB-33 was a good donor of resistance genes, as well as Memberamo, Tukat Penatu, Digul, Diah Suci, and Kalimas which were identified as promising donors in rice breeding resistance to brown planthopper.Keywords : Bph gene, Brown Planthopper, Genetic relationship, SSR markers

    Естери 4-формілпіразол-3-карбонових кислот

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    The scientific publications devoted to chemistry of the synthetically promising bifunctional derivatives of pyrazole – esters of 4-formylepyrazole-3-carbonic acids have been generalized and systematized. A special attention has been given to description of two main synthetic approaches: 1) processes of the conjugated formation of aldehyde and ester groups, on one hand, and the pyrazolic system, on the other; 2) synthetic strategies targeted on functionalization of the pyrazolic nucleus. It has been shown that the first approach is performed usually by the scheme [3+2] meaning in situ cyclojoining of the generated nitrilimines or esters of diazoacetic acid with formylacetylenes or their derivatives followed by cyclization with simultaneous formylation of hydrazones and semicarbazones of pyruvic acid by Wilsmaer-Haack reagent. The second approach deals with formylation of esters of pyrazole-3-carbonic acids according to Wilsmaer-Haack reaction. As seen from the analysis of chemical properties of esters of 4-formylpyrazole-3-carbonic acids, the aldehyde group is the most typical target of their chemical transformations. Such transformations are reactions with nitrogen-containing nucleophiles, alkenylation, oxidation, reduction and other multicomponent reactions that can be considered as usual approaches to structural functionalization of the pyrazolic nucleus. Cyclocondensations are also important in this context since these processes involve formyl, ester and other functional groups obtained from them. These substances appeared to be effective substrates for construction of some biologically active pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidine and pyrazolo [3,4-d]pyridazynic systems.Обобщены и систематизированы литературные источники, посвященные химии синтетически привлекательных бифункциональных производных пиразола – эфирам 4-формилпиразол-3-карбоновых кислот. Подробно освещены два основных подхода к получению такого типа структур: 1) реакции, в которых генерирование функциональных альдегидной и эфирной групп сопряжено с формированием пиразольной системы; 2) синтезы, основанные на целенаправленной функционализации пиразольного ядра. Показано, что первый вариант, как правило, осуществляется по схеме [3+2]-циклоприсоединения іn situ генерированных нитрилиминов или эфиров диазоуксусной кислоты с формилацетиленами или их производными, а также циклизацией с одновременным формилированием гидразонов и семикарбазонов эфиров пировиноградной кислоты реагентом Вильсмейера-Хаака. В основе второго варианта лежит формилирование эфиров пиразол-3-карбоновых кислот или 3-алкоксикарбонил-5-пиразолонов в условиях реакции Вильсмейера-Хаака. Анализ химических свойств эфиров пиразол-3-карбоновых кислот показал, что их превращения наиболее часто реализуются с участием альдегидной группы. Наиболее типичными среди них являются реакции с азотсодержащими нуклеофилами, алкенилирования, окисления, восстановления и поликомпонентные взаимодействия, которые следует рассматривать как удобные варианты структурной функционализации пиразольного ядра. Не менее важными также являются циклоконденсации, в которых задействованы формильная, эфирная и другие функциональные группы, полученные на их основе. Такие соединения оказались эффективными субстратами для конструирования биоперспективных пиразоло[4,3-d] пиримидиновых и пиразоло[3,4-d]пиридазиновых систем.Узагальнені та систематизовані літературні джерела, присвячені хімії синтетично привабливих біфункціональних похідних піразолу – естерів 4-формілпіразол-3-карбонових кислот. Детально висвітлено два основних підходи до отримання такого типу структур: 1) реакції, в яких генерування функціональних альдегідної та естерної груп супряжене із формуванням піразольної системи; 2) синтези, які базуються на цілеспрямованій функціоналізації піразольного ядра. Показано, що перший варіант зазвичай здійснюється за схемою [3+2]-циклоприєднання іn situ генерованих нітрилімінів або естерів діазооцтової кислоти із формілацетиленами або їх похідними, а також циклізацією з одночасним формілюванням гідразонів та семікарбазонів естерів піровиноградної кислоти реагентом Вільсмейєра-Хаака. В основі другого варіанту лежить формілювання естерів піразол-3-карбонових кислот або 3-етоксикарбоніл-5-піразолонів в умовах реакції Вільсмейєра-Хаака. Аналіз хімічних властивостей естерів 4-формілпіразол-3-карбонових кислот показав, що їх перетворення найчастіше реалізується за участю альдегідної групи. Найтиповішими серед них є реакції з нітрогеновмісними нуклеофілами, алкенілування, окиснення, відновлення та багатокомпонентні взаємодії, які варто розглядати як зручні варіанти структурної функціоналізації піразольного ядра. Не менш важливими також є циклоконденсації, в яких задіяні формільна, естерна та інші функціональні групи, отримані на їх основі. Такі сполуки виявились ефективними субстратами для конструювання біоперспективних піразоло[4,3-d] піримідинових та піразоло[3,4 d]піридазинових систем

    Estimation of Fish Biomass Using Environmental DNA

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) from aquatic vertebrates has recently been used to estimate the presence of a species. We hypothesized that fish release DNA into the water at a rate commensurate with their biomass. Thus, the concentration of eDNA of a target species may be used to estimate the species biomass. We developed an eDNA method to estimate the biomass of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) using laboratory and field experiments. In the aquarium, the concentration of eDNA changed initially, but reached an equilibrium after 6 days. Temperature had no effect on eDNA concentrations in aquaria. The concentration of eDNA was positively correlated with carp biomass in both aquaria and experimental ponds. We used this method to estimate the biomass and distribution of carp in a natural freshwater lagoon. We demonstrated that the distribution of carp eDNA concentration was explained by water temperature. Our results suggest that biomass data estimated from eDNA concentration reflects the potential distribution of common carp in the natural environment. Measuring eDNA concentration offers a non-invasive, simple, and rapid method for estimating biomass. This method could inform management plans for the conservation of ecosystems

    Clear Genetic Distinctiveness between Human- and Pig-Derived Trichuris Based on Analyses of Mitochondrial Datasets

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    The whipworm, Trichuris trichiura, causes trichuriasis in ∼600 million people worldwide, mainly in developing countries. Whipworms also infect other animal hosts, including pigs (T. suis), dogs (T. vulpis) and non-human primates, and cause disease in these hosts, which is similar to trichuriasis of humans. Although Trichuris species are considered to be host specific, there has been considerable controversy, over the years, as to whether T. trichiura and T. suis are the same or distinct species. Here, we characterised the entire mitochondrial genomes of human-derived Trichuris and pig-derived Trichuris, compared them and then tested the hypothesis that the parasites from these two host species are genetically distinct in a phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data. Taken together, the findings support the proposal that T. trichiura and T. suis are separate species, consistent with previous data for nuclear ribosomal DNA. Using molecular analytical tools, employing genetic markers defined herein, future work should conduct large-scale studies to establish whether T. trichiura is found in pigs and T. suis in humans in endemic regions