317 research outputs found

    Випадкові еволюції в схемі пуассонової апроксимації

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    The operator approach in the study of random evolutions allows us to obtain the following results in the Poisson approximation scheme: functional limit theorems at increasing time intervals and the solution of the large deviations problem. We will focus on the last task. To solve the problem, asymptotic analysis of nonlinear generators of random evolutions with Markov switching should be conducted in the series scheme. The specifics of asymptotic analysis is conditioned by the fact that the jump values of the stochastic system are split into two parts: a small jump taking values with probabilities close to one and a big jump taken values with probabilities tending to zero together with the series parameter ε0\varepsilon\to 0. So, in the Poisson approximation principle the probabilities (or intensities) of jumps are normalized by the series parameter \varepsilon >0. Having the limit nonlinear generator, we are able to construct the rate functional to solve the large deviations problem. Pages of the article in the issue: 69 - 77 Language of the article: UkrainianОператорний підхід при дослідженні випадкових еволюцій дозволяє отримувати наступні результати у схемі пуассонової апроксимації: функціональні граничні теореми на зростаючих інтерваліах часу та розв'язок проблеми великих відхилень. Ми зосередимось на останній задачі. Специфіка асимптотичного аналізу у схемі пуассонової апроксимації обумовлена тим, що значення стрибків стохастичної системи поділяються на дві частини: малі стрибки, що відбуваються з імовірностями, близькими до одиниці, і великі стрибки, що відбуваються з імовірностями які прагнуть до нуля разом з малим параметром серії

    Global innovations in tourism

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    The article is devoted to the increasing role of tourism in the world economy. The dynamics of international tourism indicators is investigated. The main global innovations in the tourism industry are identified: the growth of tourism types; the application of qualitatively new solutions of scientific and methodological and applied character; growing of tourism influence on the society; the existence of synergistic effect in the tourist industry as a result of combination of subjects efforts at all management levels; changing of the role of internal and external factors that encourage innovative tourism development. In the article, the interaction of global processes on tourism innovations is defined. These processes are: intellectualization, informatization, cooperation, formation of the global tourism market, liberalization of the national tourism markets, increased competition and the spread of transnationalization

    Oral piercing is a new challenge in the dentistry.

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    The number of the young adults undergoing oral piercing is increasing worldwide. Oral piercing leads to numerous complications, and it is possible that the incidence of complications may increase as the prevalence of oral piercing rises in Ukraine. However, not everyone is aware of its potential risks, local and systemic complications shortly after, or long after the piercing procedure. Dentists should educate patients with oral piercing or those who plan to have this type of body art performed about potential side effects and possible oral, dental, and systemic complications. However, data related to these complications in Ukrainian literature are limited. The purpose of this study – to assess the potential complications of the oral piercing; and to analyze awareness about the actual health risks linked to the practice of oral piercing by dental students. This study includes 37 cases of oral piercing in 36 young women attending the department of therapeutic dentistry of Dnipropetrovsk medical academy with and without complaints. The average subjects age was 22,3 years. Patients were examined clinically and radiographically. 200 students of Dnipropetrovsk medical academy answered a questionnaire about oral piercing knowledge. Immediate complications of oral piercing included pain (58.3% of cases), oedema (47,2%) and bleeding (11.1%) as the most representative. Prolong time of piercing wearing is associated with a greater prevalence of complications. Dental fractures or fissures (35,1%), gingival recession (29,7%) and mucosal atrophy (21,6%) are the most representative. The accumulation of dental plaque and calculus on piercing elements (43,2%) was an additional risk of infection. The results of the survey showed a high level (85,4%) of awareness of dental students about local oral piercing risks. At the same time, dental students (50,6%)  are not sufficiently aware of the risk of piercing on developing systemic complications. Approximately 60% of dental students do not have a negative attitude towards the new practice of oral piercing


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    Purpose: to study providing and needs of Dneprospetsstal plant’s staff in dental prosthetic care. Materials and Methods. To achieve the goal of the study, 913 factory workers were examined: 675 (73.9 %) men and 238 (26.1 %) women. All examined were divided into four age groups. Results. In age of 21–30 a requirement in prosthetic treatment among the inspected contingent makes (73.9±0.35) %. In age 31–40 a necessity makes (85.3±0.47) % and arrives at 100 % in the age-related group 41–50. On the whole, need prosthetic treatment of (91.1±0.06) % inspected (96.2±0.04) % men and (88.5±0.08) % women). From data of our inspection, fully provided with the dentures of 37.1 % workers of plant, partly provided and need additional prosthetic treatment – 33.7 %, have a requirement in prosthetic treatment – 29.2 %. Analyzing the results of our research, we have revealed the features of potential necessity of workers of plant in a prosthetic treatment in the different age-related groups. Percent of workers that is fully provided with dentures, with age increases from 30.7 % in the age-related group 31–40 to 58.2 % in age 51–60. Percent of inspected, that have dentures, but need additional prosthetic treatment, arrives at maximal values in age 41–50 minimum – in the age-related group 51–60. For women these indexes more than for men (Р<0.05) in every age-related group. Part of workers that does not have dentures, with age goes down from 69.7 % in the age-related group 21–30 to 18.2 % in age 51–60. On the whole the requirement of the inspected workers in single prosthetic crowns makes (64.3±0.35) %, in dental bridges – (66.0±0.34) %, in partial removable dentures – (25.0±0.15) %, in complete dentures – (7.7±0.53) %. Conclusions. Thus, from data of our inspection, (91.1±0.06) % of the inspected workers of the plant need prosthetic treatment. Fully provided with the dentures of 37.1 %, partly provided – 33.7 %, and 29.2 % workers had absolute requirement in prosthetic treatment. At the age of 21–40 years old they need non-removable dentures, at 41–50 years old – in combined ones, at 51–60 years old – in removable dentures.Мета: вивчити потенційну потребу в ортопедичному лікуванні, види зубних протезів та забезпечення працівників заводу «Дніпроспецсталь» стоматологічною ортопедичною допомогою. Матеріали і методи. Оглянуто 913 працівників: 675 (73,9 %) чоловіків та 238 (26,1 %) жінок. Усіх обстежених поділено на чотири вікові групи. Результати. У віці 21–30 років потреба у ортопедичному лікуванні серед обстеженого контингенту в середньому складає (73,9±0,35) %, 31–40 років – (85,3±0,47) % та сягає 100 % у віковій групі 41–50 років. Загалом потребують ортопедичного лікування (91,1±0,06) % обстежених ((96,2±0,04) % чоловіків та (88,5±0,08) % жінок). За даними обстеження, серед працівників заводу повністю забезпечені зубними протезами 37,1 %, частково забезпечені та потребують додаткового протезування – 33,7 %. Частка  працівників, які мають потребу в протезуван­ні, – 29,2 %. Відсоток працівників, які повністю забезпечені зубними протезами, з віком збільшується з 30,7 % у віковій групі 31–40 років до 58,2 % у віці 51–60 років. Відсоток обстежених, які мають зубні протези, але потребують додаткового лікування, сягає максимальних значень у віці 41–50 років, мінімальних – у віковій групі 51–60 років. У жінок ці показники в кожній віковій групі більші, ніж у чоловіків (р<0,05). Частка працівників, які не мають зубних протезів, з віком знижується з 69,7 % у віковій групі 21–30 років до 18,2 % у віці 51–60 років. Потреба обстежених працівників у поодиноких коронках складає (64,3±0,35) %, в мостоподібних протезах – (66,0±0,34) %, у часткових знімних протезах – (25,0±0,15) %, в повних знімних протезах – (7,7±0,53) %. Висновки. За даними обстеження, потребують ортопедичного лікування (91,1±0,06) % обстежених працівників заводу. Повністю забезпечені зубними протезами 37,1 %, частково забезпечені – 33,7 %, а 29,2 % працівників мають абсолютну потребу в протезуванні. Обстежені у віці 20–40 років потребують лікування незнімними зубними протезами, у віці 41–50 років – комбінованими зубними протезами, а працівники у віці 51–60 років потребують відновлення цілісності зубних рядів знімними пластинковими протезами

    Demand-side management efficiency estimation in microgrids performed by smart metering systems

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    The ongoing implementation of the energy accounting tariffs with differentiated rates, which depend upon the market conditions and may change in a short-term perspective, provide the possibility to use it as a financial incentive base of the Demand-Side Management (DSM). On the other hand, modern hi-technology energy metering and accounting systems with a large number of functions and consumer feedback are the good means of DSM. Existing systems of Smart Metering (SM) and consumer feedback are usually not fully used. So, the efforts to combine the market principle, Smart Metering and a consumer feedback are essential. The paper presents multi-purpose system of mathematical statistics and algorithms of DSM efficiency estimation useful for both the consumers and the energy companies. The estimation is performed by SM Data processing systems. The system is focused primarily on a retail market support in Microgrids due to clear and simple framework without the necessity of making large-scale calculations. It contributes to the energy efficiency and a distribution process improvement by the motivation (manual management) or by the Smart Appliances interaction (automated management). © 2014, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    Measurement of the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay form factors in the OKA experiment

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    A precise measurement of the vector and axial-vector form factors difference FVFAF_V-F_A in the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay is presented. About 95K events of K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} are selected in the OKA experiment. The result is FVFA=0.134±0.021(stat)±0.027(syst)F_V-F_A=0.134\pm0.021(stat)\pm0.027(syst). Both errors are smaller than in the previous FVFAF_V-F_A measurements.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure