81 research outputs found

    Vocabulário controlado e indexação social de imagens de arquitetura: um sistema de organização do conhecimento em ambiente colaborativo

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    This paper aims to report the research carried out for the development of a controlled vocabulary in a collaborative web environment, which allows social indexing by tagging the images posted by both the personal user and the institutional user. Created for the preservation and dissemination of Brazilian architecture images, Arquigrafia is also a social network formed by students, teachers, researchers, professionals and others interested in architecture and urban spaces photography. Thus, it was necessary to analyze the list of tags to improve the consistency of indexing, seeking a conceptual organization of domain terms from the application of terminological methodology, aiming at the alignment of vocabulary terms under construction with other knowledge organization systems.El objetivo de este trabajo es informar la investigación realizada para el desarrollo de un vocabulario controlado en un entorno web colaborativo, que permite la indexación social al etiquetar las imágenes publicadas tanto por el usuario personal como por el usuario institucional. Creado para la preservación y difusión de imágenes de la arquitectura brasileña, el Arquigrafia es también una red social formada por estudiantes, profesores, investigadores, profesionales y aquellos interesados en fotografías de Arquitectura y Espacios Urbanos. Por lo tanto, fue necesario analizar la lista de etiquetas para mejorar la consistencia de la indexación, buscando una organización conceptual de los términos del dominio a partir de la aplicación de la metodología terminológica, y también con el objetivo de alinear los términos del vocabulario en construcción con otros sistemas de organización del conocimiento.Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar a pesquisa realizada para o desenvolvimento de um vocabulário controlado em ambiente colaborativo web, o qual permite a indexação social pelo tagueamento das imagens postadas tanto pelo usuário pessoal quanto pelo usuário institucional. Criado para preservação e divulgação de imagens de arquitetura brasileira, o Arquigrafia é também uma rede social formada por estudantes, professores, pesquisadores, profssionais e interessados em fotografias de Arquitetura e Espaços Urbanos. Assim, foi necessária a análise da lista de tags para melhoria da consistência da indexação, buscando-se uma organização conceitual dos termos do domínio a partir da aplicação de metodologia terminológica, visando ainda o alinhamento dos termos do vocabulário em construção com outros sistemas de organização do conhecimento

    Processo de produção de polímeros em fibras

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    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulEngenhariaDepositad


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    A utilização dos princípios ativos de plantas medicinais para fabricação de fármacos tem crescido muito ultimamente. O presente estudo consistiu do levantamento etnobotânico das plantas medicinais de uso popular comercializadas no município de Muritiba, Bahia. Amostraram-se as plantas medicinais utilizadas no comércio local, através de entrevistas realizadas em farmácias, supermercados, casa de produtos naturais e feiras livres. Com base na literatura foram comparados os usos das plantas medicinais catalogadas no município de Muritiba, com o uso terapêutico em outras regiões brasileiras. Registrou-se no estudo etnobotânico 49 espécies, distribuídas em 28 famílias. As famílias com maior predominância em número de espécie foram: Lamiaceae e Asteraceae, Fabaceae (05), Apiaceae, Solanaceae (03) e Rutaceae e Theaceae (04), seguidas por Alismataceae, Dillenaceae e Monimiaceae, ambas representadas por duas espécies e as demais com uma única espécie cada. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho evidenciam um considerável número de espécies vegetais utilizadas na cura de afecções, principalmente das vias respiratórias, circulatórias e digestivas, com ação depurativa, expectorante, antisséptica, analgésica e vermífuga. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que a população muritibana, faz uso de uma variedade de espécies de plantas medicinais como paliativo ou cura para os males que lhes acometem. Desta forma, torna-se evidente a necessidade de pesquisas desta natureza, pois deve haver uma preocupação com a qualidade, a forma de comercialização e manutenção do consumo dessas drogas pela população. Constatou-se que várias espécies medicinais utilizadas pela população muritibana, também são utilizadas para os mesmos fins terapêuticos por várias regiões brasileiras

    Overview of managed entry agreements : an integrative review towards policy making in Brazil

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    Resuminho (60 palavras): In order to provide legal and scientific embasement for policy making in Brazil, the aim of this study was to provide a panorama of Managed Entry Agreements around the world. A systematic review was conducted and the information about the agreements were summarized. It was included 25 studies, which described 446 agreements performed in 29 countries. Introduction (100 palavras): Managed Entry Agreements (MEA) are a reality in many countries. They are used as a tool to reduce the impact of uncertainty and the high cost of new drugs by providing access to new technologies under pre-established conditions. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health approved a high-cost technology under performance evaluation, being the first experience in the country. The aim of this study was to conduct a review to identify MEA performed worldwide to provide embasement to inform public health policy making in Brazil, as well as critical considerations surrounding the implementation of performance based agreements. Methods (75 palavras): A review of MEA for health technologies was conducted, using the question ‘What are the health technology managed entry agreements that have being performed around the world?’. The searches were conducted in april 2019, through PUBMED, EMBASE, LILACS and Cochrane Library databases, as well as manual search and gray literature. The selection of studies was performed by two independent reviewers and, in cases of disagreement, solved by a third reviewer. Results (75 palavras): A total of 25 studies were included, describing 446 agreements in 29 countries, being Australia (122), Italy (96), the United States (48) and Scotland (42) more frequent. Financial risk-sharing agreements were the most prevalent (43%). About 95% of the agreements involved medicines - more than half antineoplastic agents. The outcomes assessed and the impact of the agreements were not addressed in most studies, which may be due to the confidentiality character of them. Conclusions (100 palavras): We are likely to see a growth in MEA in the future with the continual launch of new high priced and complex treatments, coupled with increasing demands on available resources. They are an important tool to improve access to innovative and high cost medicines to achieve universal health coverage, although there are critical issues to consider. Besides the embedded confidentiality of most of the agreements, learning from already stablished knowledge, experiences and practices across countries can be a crucial strategy to guide Brazil’s initial experiences in this area

    a hospital-based cohort study

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    Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVES: Healthcare workers (HCWs) were the first to be prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination. This study aims to estimate the COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) against SARS-CoV-2 symptomatic infection among HCWs in Portuguese hospitals. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We analysed data from HCWs (all professional categories) from three central hospitals: one in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region and two in the central region of mainland Portugal, between December 2020 and March 2022. VE against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection was estimated as one minus the confounder adjusted HRs by Cox models considering age group, sex, self-reported chronic disease and occupational exposure to patients diagnosed with COVID-19 as adjustment variables. RESULTS: During the 15 months of follow-up, the 3034 HCWs contributed a total of 3054 person-years at risk, and 581 SARS-CoV-2 events occurred. Most participants were already vaccinated with a booster dose (n=2653, 87%), some are vaccinated with only the primary scheme (n=369, 12.6%) and a few remained unvaccinated (n=12, 0.4%) at the end of the study period. VE against symptomatic infection was 63.6% (95% CI 22.6% to 82.9%) for HCWs vaccinated with two doses and 55.9% (95% CI -1.3% to 80.8%) for HCWs vaccinated with one booster dose. Point estimate VE was higher for individuals with two doses taken between 14 days and 98 days (VE=71.9%; 95% CI 32.3% to 88.3%). CONCLUSION: This cohort study found a high COVID-19 VE against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in Portuguese HCWs after vaccination with one booster dose, even after Omicron variant occurrence. The small sample size, the high vaccine coverage, the very low number of unvaccinated individuals and the few events observed during the study period contributed to the low precision of the estimates.publishersversionpublishe

    Avaliação do desenvolvimento ponderal e rendimento de carcaça entre pacas (Cuniculus paca) submetidas a diferentes manejos alimentares / Evaluation of weight development and carcass yield between paca (Cuniculus paca) submitted to different food management

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    A paca (Cuniculus paca) é um roedor silvestre que possui grande pressão de caça devido a sua carne ser muito apreciada dentre as carnes de caça. A pressão de caça associada com a baixa taxa reprodutiva e ao desmatamento dos habitats são fatores que comprometem a preservação da espécie em algumas regiões do país. Essas informações são importantes para permitir que criatórios de pacas tenham embasamento de maneira que, diversifiquem ou alternem a dieta desses animais, ponderando o custo benefício do criatório e dos próprios animais O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o desenvolvimento ponderal e o rendimento de carcaça de pacas submetidas a dois tipos de manejos alimentares. O grupo 1 foi submetido a alimentação com ração para coelho com banana comprida (musa sp.), carambola (Averrhoa carambola), and couve manteiga (Brassica oleracea). O grupo 2 foi submetido à dieta alimentar com frutos, grãos, tubérculos e folhas. As medidas corporais e a pesagem dos animais deram-se ao nascimento e, posteriormente ao desmame, uma vez na semana, até completarem oito meses de idade. As carcaças quentes, vísceras, cabeça e patas foram pesadas para obtenção do rendimento de carcaça. A análise estatística no ganho de peso foi realizada pelo teste de Tukey, fatorial 2x2 e o peso ao abate por análise de variância. Houve para o ganho médio de peso e peso médio final. Foi observado maior rendimento de carcaça no grupo 1. Pode-se inferir que o grupo 1 teve melhores resultados para ganho de peso e peso final devido a alimentação. Há a necessidade de mais pesquisas para padronizar dados referentes ao rendimento de carcaça e ganho de peso em pacas, principalmente direcionada para faixa etária adulta

    The Role of Salivary and Intestinal Complement System Inhibitors in the Midgut Protection of Triatomines and Mosquitoes

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    Saliva of haematophagous arthropods contain biomolecules involved directly or indirectly with the haematophagy process, and among them are encountered some complement system inhibitors. The most obvious function for these inhibitors would be the protection of the midgut against injury by the complement. To investigate this hypothesis, Triatoma brasiliensis nymphs were forced to ingest human serum in conditions in which the protection of midgut by the inhibitors is bypassed. In these conditions, the anterior midgut epithelium was injured by the complement, causing cell death. Once some insects such as Aedes aegypti have no salivary inhibitors, we hypothesized the existence of intestinal inhibitors. The inhibitory activity was investigated in the intestine of A. aegypti as well as in the saliva and intestine of other three triatomine species (T. brasiliensis, T. infestans and Rhodnius prolixus) using an immunological method able to determine the level of deposition of some complement factors (C1q, C3b, or C4b) on the surface of complement activator molecules linked to microplates. This methodology permitted to identify which points along the activation phase of the complement cascade were inhibited. As expected, soluble contents of A. aegypti's intestine was capable to inhibit C3b deposition by the classical and alternative pathways. Saliva or soluble intestinal contents, obtained from triatomines were unable to inhibit C1q deposition by the classical pathway. C4b deposition by the classical pathway was inhibited by the intestinal contents from the three triatomines. On the other hand, only T. brasiliensis saliva inhibited C4b deposition. Both, saliva and intestinal contents from all triatomines were able to inhibit C3b deposition in the classical and alternative pathways. None of the material extracted from the intestinal cell membranes from the triatomines inhibited C3b deposition in the classical pathway. The existence of complement inhibitors may have important biological consequences which are discussed in detail

    Effects of piezocision in orthodontic tooth movement : a systematic review of comparative studies

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    The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effects of piezocision in accelerating orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) and its possible adverse effects. The Databases Medline, Embase, CENTRAL and LILACS were searched until March 2019, for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs) that used piezocision associated with orthodontic treatment. A manual search was also performed. The search, studies selection, assessment of risk of bias and data collection were carried out by two independent reviewers. Eleven publications were included in this review (4 CCTs and 7 RCTs). No study presented low risk of bias. Different types of tooth movement were evaluated: lower anterior alignment, en-masse retraction, overall orthodontic treatment and canine distalization. A total of 240 participants were analyzed in the included studies. Seven studies found significant acceleration in the piezocision group, while two studies found no differences. Adverse effects regarding patient?s satisfaction, pain perception, or worsening of periodontal parameters were not observed. There was no consensus concerning anchorage loss and root resorption. The literature does not provide high-quality evidence to confirm that Piezocision results in significant OTM acceleration. Therefore, high-quality RCTs should be conducted to allow reliable conclusions about the effects of piezocision in orthodontics

    Dados sociodemográficos, condições de saúde e sinais de violência contra idosos longevos

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    Este estudo objetivou identificar a relação entre dados sociodemográficos, condições de saúde e sinais de violência e maus tratos contra idosos longevos. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em cinco unidades básicas de saúde de Vitória da Conquista/ BA, amostra de 310 idosos com idade superior a 80 anos. O instrumento foi constituído de dados sócios demográficos, condições de saúde e índice de avaliação de maus-tratos e abuso a idosos. No grupo Indicadores de Possível Abuso, encontrou-se diferença estatística significativa entre evidências possíveis de fraturas relacionada com a renda referente a aposentado (p=0,002), evidência possíveis de fraturas e estado civil relativo a viúvo (p=0,033); no grupo Indicadores de Possível Negligência, entre evidência possível de diarreia e estado civil referente a viúvo (p=0,001), evidência possível de desidratação e estado civil referente a viúvo (p=0,001);e, no grupo Indicadores de Possível Exploração, entre incapacidade de controlar dinheiro/bens e profissão aposentado (p=0,001), incapacidade de controlar dinheiro/bens e estado mental referente à alteração cognitiva sugestiva de déficit (p=0,001). Constatou-se no presente estudo que houve relação entre os sinais de violência e maus tratos nos idosos avaliados com a capacidade funcional, a nutrição baixa com o estado civil viúvo, a qualidade da pele com o comprometimento da capacidade funcional, a existência de fraturas com o estado civil viúvo e aposentado, diarreia e desidratação com estado civil viúvo, a incapacidade de controlar dinheiro e bens com aposentado e alteração cognitiva sugestiva de déficit nos achados.AbstractThis study aimed to identify the relationship between sociodemographic data, health and signs of violence and abuse against the elderly. This is a descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach, carried out in five basic health units from Victory da Conquista/BA, sample of 310 elderly aged over 80 years. The instrument consisted of sociodemographic data, health and evaluation index mistreatment and abuse against the elderly. In the Possible Abuse Indicators group, a statistically significant difference was found between possible evidence of fractures and income related to retirees (p=0.002), possible evidence of fractures, and widow marital status (p=0.033). In the group Indicators of Possible Neglect between possible evidence of diarrhea and widowed marital status (p=0.001), possible evidence of dehydration and widowed marital status (p=0.001). And in the group Possible Exploitation Indicators between inability to control money/goods and retired profession (p=0.001), inability to control money/goods and mental state regarding cognitive impairment suggestive of deficit (p=0.001). It was found in the present study that there was a relationship between signs of violence and abuse in the elderly evaluated with functional capacity, low nutrition with widowed marital status, skin quality with impairment of functional capacity, the existence of fractures with widowed and retired marital status, diarrhea and dehydration with widowed marital status, inability to control money and assets with retirement, and cognitive impairment suggestive of deficit in the finding