1,494 research outputs found

    Migration, nostalgia and the building of a food imaginary: Mexican migrants at "La Pulga" market in San Joaquin Valley, California

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    In the context of transnational migration, ethnic markets function as segmented spaces where migrants as a group may be observed on many levels. Provisioning in the market (as much by immigrants as by natives or long-term residents) as well as the consumption of prepared food in situ compel a multiplicity of social interactions that facilitate knowledge and social relations, including recipes, memories, nostalgia, circulation of products and culinary techniques. In addition, a market can acquire a role as a meaningful transnational space of confluence for a system of relations and representations that help to decipher the complex social reality of subjects involved in a transnational migration phenomenon. With this paper we aim to highlight how a migratory context as well as the collectivization of a sensory experience as seen in an itinerant Mexican food market in California lead to the construction of a food imaginary related to Mexican food when it is disassociated from the original context in which it is produced. Thus, by means of an ethnographic approach, this paper aims to demonstrate how the collectivization of a sensory experience, framed under culinary nostalgia and triggered by the performativity and reflexivity of the subjects that take part in market activity, enables the construction of a food imaginary for the Mexican migrants that are regular clients of an itinerant market in California. (author's abstract

    Internal models (IRB) in Basel II: an approach to determining the probability of default

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    The New Accord of Basel, known as Basel II, opens the way for and encourages the implementation of credit entities' own models for measuring their financial risks. In this paper, we focus on the internal models for the assessment of credit risk (IRB), and specifically on the approach to one of their components: the probability of default (PD). Our paper is structured in three sections. In the first section, we present the most significant aspects of the credit risk treatment in Basel II. In the second part, the available financial literature is reviewed. And finally, we undertake an empirical application with the object of determining what is or are the variables that are able to explain why a company defaults. Furthermore, this would serve as a preventive "warning system" for financial entities

    The probability of default in internal ratings based (IRB) models in Basel II: an application of the rough sets methodology

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    El nuevo Acuerdo de Capital de junio de 2004 (Basilea II) da cabida e incentiva la implantación de modelos propios para la medición de los riesgos financieros en las entidades de crédito. En el trabajo que presentamos nos centramos en los modelos internos para la valoración del riesgo de crédito (IRB) y concretamente en la aproximación a uno de sus componentes: la probabilidad de impago (PD). Los métodos tradicionales usados para la modelización del riesgo de crédito, como son el análisis discriminante y los modelos logit y probit, parten de una serie de restricciones estadísticas. La metodología rough sets se presenta como una alternativa a los métodos estadísticos clásicos, salvando las limitaciones de estos. En nuestro trabajo aplicamos la metodología rought sets a una base de datos, compuesta por 106 empresas, solicitantes de créditos, con el objeto de obtener aquellos ratios que mejor discriminan entre empresas sanas y fallidas, así como una serie de reglas de decisión que ayudarán a detectar las operaciones potencialmente fallidas, como primer paso en la modelización de la probabilidad de impago. Por último, enfrentamos los resultados obtenidos con los alcanzados con el análisis discriminante clásico, para concluir que la metodología de los rough sets presenta mejores resultados de clasificación, en nuestro caso.The new Capital Accord of June 2004 (Basel II) opens the way for and encourages credit entities to implement their own models for measuring financial risks. In the paper presented, we focus on the use of internal rating based (IRB) models for the assessment of credit risk and specifically on the approach to one of their components: probability of default (PD). In our study we apply the rough sets methodology to a database composed of 106 companies, applicants for credit, with the object of obtaining those ratios that discriminate best between healthy and bankrupt companies, together with a series of decision rules that will help to detect the operations potentially in default, as a first step in modelling the probability of default. Lastly, we compare the results obtained against those obtained using classic discriminant análisis. We conclude that the rough sets methodology presents better risk classification results.Junta de Andalucía P06-SEJ-0153

    Estructura de la propiedad y poblamiento en Milpa Alta 1917-1960

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    Proyecto Terminal (Licenciatura en Sociología) -- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Sociología, 2006. UAMADCSHDS 1 archivo PDF (95 páginas

    Affect and Embodiment in Laia Jufresa’s Umami (2015)

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    El presente artículo aborda la interrelación entre lo corporal y lo afectivo en Umami (2015), la primera novela de la escritora mexicana Laia Jufresa. Se discute la riqueza de la imaginería sensorial en el texto y su rol al articular las subjetividades de los personajes. Se propone, asimismo, que el efecto de dicha dimensión sensorial, que en la novela va de la mano con lo afectivo, es invitar a una experiencia corporeizada de lectura. Si ello acrecienta la empatía narrativa por parte del lector, la novela de Jufresa complica cualquier posibilidad de un simple mimetismo afectivo entre personaje y lector mediante la disonancia dada por elementos que complejizan la textura narrativa y la dimensión afectiva del texto. Me refiero, en concreto, a una veta de suspenso que se desarrolla orgánicamente a lo largo del relato, entrelazándose con la pena y el duelo experimentados por los personajes. A partir del diálogo con un aparato teórico ecléctico, se arguye que Umami permite imaginar al sujeto –personaje y lector— como construido en la conjunción de las dimensiones corporal, afectiva y cognitiva.This article focuses on the interrelation between embodiment and affect in Umami (2015), the first novel authored by Mexican writer Laia Jufresa. I start by exploring the richness of sensory perception in the narrative, as well as its role in the articulation of characters’ subjectivities. I argue that such an emphasis on sensory perception, which goes hand in hand with the affective dimension of the text, invites an embodied reading experience that elicits narrative empathy on the part of the reader. Jufresa’s novel, however, complicates any affective mimicry between character and reader through the introduction of an element of suspense that jars with the commanding affect at the core of the narrative, which centres on grief. Through the dialogue with an eclectic theoretical apparatus, I argue that Umami subscribes to an idea of the subject – both character and reader— as existing in the conjunction between the corporeal, affective and cognitive realms

    Elecciones y segregación de población extranjera en Andalucía: Indicadores ante un nuevo panorama político

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    The reality of migration is a global challenge to today’s societies, posing social, economic and political challenges. In recent years, a politicisation of these issues is being observed, leading to “anti-immigrant” political discourses and the defence of ethnocentric and assimilationist values. This has led to an increase in support for populist radical right political formations, which was reflected in Spain in the last elections with the irruption of VOX in April 2019, increasing their support in November 2019. Faced with this situation, the media, networks and social researchers have linked the presence of the foreign population with this fact, studying the population dynamics and segregation in their influence on the vote for right-wing parties. This paper aims to understand this type of relationship in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, doing so from a municipal territorial approach and broken down by census tracts.La realidad migratoria supone un desafío global a las sociedades actuales, planteando retos sociales, económicos y políticos. En los últimos años se está observando una politización de estos asuntos, derivando en discursos políticos “anti-inmigrantes” y la defensa de valores etnocéntricos y asimilacionistas. Esto ha conllevado un aumento del respaldo a formaciones políticas de derecha radical populista, que se ha reflejado en España en las últimas elecciones con la irrupción de VOX en abril de 2019, incrementando sus apoyos en noviembre de 2019. Ante esta situación, medios de comunicación, redes e investigadores sociales han puesto en relación la presencia de población extranjera con este hecho, estudiando las dinámicas poblacionales y de segregación en su influencia en el voto a partidos de derecha. Este artículo pretende conocer este tipo de relaciones en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, haciéndolo desde una aproximación territorial municipal y desagregada por sección censal

    Caracterización fisicoquímica, microbiológica y organoléptica del aguamiel y pulque del Alto Mezquital, Hidalgo

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    The production of pulque in the Alto Mezquital region, Hidalgo, represents an important source of economic income among the producers of maguey xamini (Agave salmiana). This drink is mainly made by adults in a traditional way. Aguamiel (Agave sap) has high protein content and pulque, due to its composition, enables the growth of probiotic bacteria that has both high nutritional and even medicinal value. The objective of this study was to carry out physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic characterization of aguamiel and pulque from the Alto Mezquital region, and to document the process used for the extraction of aguamiel and the elaboration of pulque. Producers who make pulque in a traditional way were identified, and an interview was applied in order to learn about the processes for making the drink; then samples were taken for laboratory analysis. As part of the results, the process of making pulque in the study region was documented. Physicochemical analyzes allowed pulque to be classified according to the quality standards with reference NMX-V-037-1972. In the case of aguamiel, the reference was NMX-V-022-1972, which meant it was categorized as quality I. The amount of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria in aguamiel, seed (pulque starter), punta (first extraction) and commercial pulque was evaluated. Finally, sensory evaluation made it possible to characterize the organoleptic properties of the pulque from Alto Mezquital. It has thus been concluded that aguamiel and pulque from the study region have high nutritional value, with ideal characteristics for use in the food, biotechnological and medicinal industries.La producción de pulque en la región del Alto Mezquital, Hidalgo, representa una fuente importante de ingresos económicos entre los productores de maguey xamini (Agave salmiana). Esta bebida es elaborada principalmente por personas adultas de forma tradicional. El aguamiel tiene un alto contenido de proteínas y el pulque por su composición permite el crecimiento de bacterias probióticas, ambos, con alto valor nutricional e inclusive medicinal. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar la caracterización fisicoquímica, microbiológica y organoléptica del aguamiel y pulque de la región del Alto Mezquital, y documentar el proceso para la extracción del aguamiel y elaboración del pulque. Se identificaron productores que elaboran de forma tradicional el pulque, se aplicó una entrevista a fin de conocer los procesos para la elaboración de la bebida, posteriormente, se tomaron muestras para realizar los análisis en laboratorio. Como parte de los resultados, se documentó el proceso de la elaboración del pulque para la región de estudio. Los análisis fisicoquímicos, permitieron clasificar al pulque con los estándares de calidad de acuerdo a la NMX-V-037-1972, para el caso del aguamiel la referencia fue la NMX-V-022-1972, lo anterior permitió identificarla dentro de la calidad I. Se evaluó el contenido de levaduras y bacterias lácticas en aguamiel, semilla, punta y pulque comercial, finalmente, la evaluación sensorial permitió caracterizar las propiedades organolépticas del pulque del Alto Mezquital. Por lo tanto, se concluye que el aguamiel y pulque de la región de estudio, presentan un alto valor nutrimental, con características ideales para su aprovechamiento en la industria alimentaria, biotecnológica y medicinal

    A taxonomy design for mobile applications in the Spanish political communication context

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    The new mobile ecosystem that now defines the so-called mobile society and the mobile culture is already a key territory for contemporary political communication. Within this culture, mobile applications have become a common ground for the meeting between organisations and citizens interested in participating in political matters through the direct experience that these platforms allow. Despite this development, it is difficult to find a complete and reliable taxonomy of apps in the academic or professional literature that analyses how these relationships impact the field of political communication.This study tries to address this gap, introducing the first systematic taxonomy of political communication apps in Spain based on the development of a self-produced taxonomical model that gathers in detail all the variables required to understand the nature of these applications that are available for any smartphone. This rigorous taxonomy comprises political communication applications available at the main app stores (about 316 found in Play Store and App Store). Specifically, the methodological classification was elaborated based on the following categories: promoter agent, app objective, level of interaction, level of autonomy and predominant tone. A very complete picture was obtained from the empirical analysis, which defines and explains the landscape of political communication applications for mobile devices in Spain.