308 research outputs found

    Toxic metals from atmospheric particulate matter in food species of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) used in urban gardening. A closed chamber study

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    In this work, two plant foods, strawberry and tomato, were subjected to exposure to metals from synthetic airborne particles in a closed chamber experiment. The synthetic particles were obtained in the laboratory. Within the closed chamber, particles were added and recirculated for 4 days in a turbulent air stream, causing deposition on the different parts of the plants. They were evaluated because of their increasingly frequent cultivation in urban gardens of cities. The main objectives were to determine whether the species accumulate metals significantly, which species accumulate the most, and in which parts of the plant. Finally, an attempt was made to differentiate the accumulation of pollutants by surface deposition on leaves and fruits from the adsorbed metals into the leaf or the fruit by their stomata or cuticles. The concentration of heavy metals was quantified in fruits, leaves and the soil after exposure. Metals were evaluated as a whole and individually, both in dry and fresh weight basis. The decrease of particulate matter and metals in the air inside the chamber was also studied in order to evaluate the use of both food species as air purifier by vertical gardens. The concentration of metals in plants (mg kg− 1 ) and airborne particles (mg m− 3 ) was measured by microwave plasma optical emission spectroscopy (MP-AES). For the sake comparison of total amount of metals in the samples concentrations were normalized. Strawberries was the food species that accumulated the largest amount of metals. In a dry weight basis, tomato leaves and strawberry fruits were the parts of the plants with higher accumulation capacity of particles and metals. The potential toxic elements Cd, Ni and Cr in tomato leaves and in strawberry fruits had a higher presence in the interior of the plant system. In a fresh weight basis, the strawberry fruit had the most accumulation capacity for metals.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - UNSE15-CE-2845, P2016/70

    Consentimiento de Zelen y autonomía del paciente: una revisión narrativa

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    La obtención del consentimiento informado previo a la inclusión de los participantes en un ensayo clínico es un requisito ético-jurídico. En el diseño de Zelen la aleatorización es previa al consentimiento. En esta revisión se describen los estudios con aleatorización de Zelen y se analizan según lo establecido en España por la Ley 41/2002 Básica de Autonomía del Paciente, el RD 1090/2015 y la Ley 14/2007 de Investigación Biomédica. Se encontraron 78 estudios y se seleccionaron 23. El 61% eran “doble consentimiento”. En el 17,3% se justificaba el uso de este consentimiento porque incrementaba el reclutamiento de pacientes. El diseño de Zelen tiene varias limitaciones éticas. En los estudios revisados no aparecen argumentos claros para su utilización

    Consentimiento de Zelen y autonomía del paciente: una revisión narrativa

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    Obtaining informed consent (CI) prior to the inclusion of participants in a clinical trial is an ethical-legal requirement. In the Zelen design randomization of subjects is prior to the application for consent to participate. In this review the studies with random of Zelen are described and analyzed according to the established in Spain by the Law 41/2002 Basic of Autonomy of the Patient, the RD 1090/2015 and the Law 14/2007 of Biomedical Investigation. 78 studies were found and 23 were selected. 61% was a "double assent". In 17,3% there was justifying itself the use of this consent because it was increasing the patients' recruitment. Zelen's design has several ethical limitations. In the studies analysed are no clear arguments for his utilization.La obtención del consentimiento informado previo a la inclusión de los participantes en un ensayo clínico es un requisito ético-jurídico. En el diseño de Zelen la aleatorización es previa al consentimiento. En esta revisión se describen los estudios con aleatorización de Zelen y se analizan según lo establecido en España por la Ley 41/2002 Básica de Autonomía del Paciente, el RD 1090/2015 y la Ley 14/2007 de Investigación Biomédica. Se encontraron 78 estudios y se seleccionaron 23. El 61% eran “doble consentimiento”. En el 17,3% se justificaba el uso de este consentimiento porque incrementaba el reclutamiento de pacientes. El diseño de Zelen tiene varias limitaciones éticas. En los estudios revisados no aparecen argumentos claros para su utilización

    Influence of Fruit Ripening on the Total and Individual Capsaicinoids and Capsiate Content in Naga Jolokia Peppers (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)

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    "Naga Jolokia" (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) is a hot pepper variety native to India which has received the attention of the global scientific community due to its high capsaicinoid concentration. The present study evaluated the influence of fruit ripening on the total and individual capsaicinoids, as well as capsiate content. The aim was to determine the optimal moment to harvest the peppers depending on their pungent properties. Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) using methanol as the extraction solvent and reverse-phase ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC-photodiode array (PDA)) were employed. Capsaicinoids gradually accumulated in the peppers from the moment they started growing until they reached a maximum concentration (7.99 +/- 0.11 mg g(-1) of fresh weight (FW)) at 33 days postanthesis (dpa). For this reason, based on its content of pungent compounds, as it is one of the main attributes of this variety, the optimal time for collection would be on day 33. From then on, there was a sharp decrease (96.35% of the total concentration) due to the peroxidase enzymes. The evolution of the principal capsaicinoids in "Naga Jolokia" peppers had a different behavior with respect to literature reports. After this investigation, these changes in content can be attributed to each pepper genotype. Capsiate content reached it maximum value at 19 dpa (0.27 +/- 0.01 mg g(-1) of FW). Then, there was a gradual drop due to the activities of different peroxidases. Given the important biological activity of capsaicinoids and capsinoids, the information described here allows for determining the ideal time to harvest "Naga Jolokia" peppers

    Optimization and Comparison of Ultrasound and Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Cotton-Lavender (Santolina chamaecyparissus L.)

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    The interest in natural phenolic compounds has increased because of their attractive use especially as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents in foods. The large content in phenolic compounds of interest in Santolina chamaecyparissus L. (S. chamaecyparissus) makes this plant a target source that is worthy of note. In this work, new extraction technologies comprising ultrasound (UAE) and microwave (MAE) assisted extraction of the phenolic compounds in S. chamaecyparissus have been developed, optimized, and compared. Several extraction factors have been optimized based on a Box-Behnken design. Such optimized factors include the percentage of methanol in water (25-75%), the temperature (10-70 degrees C), the ultrasound amplitude (20-80%), the ultrasound cycle (0.2-1 s), the solvent pH (2-7) and the solvent-sample ratio (5/0.2-15/0.2 mL/g) with regard to UAE, while the percentage of methanol in water (50-100%), the temperature (50-100 degrees C), the pH (2-7) and the solvent-sample ratio (5/0.2-15/0.2 mL/g) were optimized for MAE. The solvent composition was the most influential parameter both on MAEs (64%) and UAEs (74%). The extraction optimum time was established as 15 min for MAE and 25 min for UAE. Five major phenolic compounds were detected and identified by Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-QToF-MS) in the extracts: chlorogenic acid, quercetin 3-O-galactoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, isoorientin, and cynarin. With the exception of chlorogenic acid, the other four compounds have been identified for the first time in S. chamaecyparissus. The findings have confirmed that MAE is a significantly more efficient extraction method than UAE to extract phenolic compounds from S. chamaecyparissus

    Ultrasound-assisted extraction of betalains from opuntia fruit pulp of different color varieties

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    Betalains are water-soluble pigments that have exhibited important pharmacological properties such as antioxidant, anticancer, antilipidemic and antimicrobial activity. These compounds have been isolated in numerous purple plants or fruits, as is the case of the wild species under the Opuntia genus. The fruits of these species are often disregarded because of their small size as well as the frequent presence of prickles. Based on this, this research has as its objective the optimization of a method based on ultrasound-assisted extraction to obtain extracts enriched with betalains from a wild Opuntia species (Opuntia dillenii (Ker Gawl.) Haw.). Four variables (%EtOH in the solvent, temperature of extraction, ultrasound amplitude and cycle) were selected using a Box-Behnken design. The quadratic interaction of %EtOH and the interaction of %EtOH-cycle have proven to be influential variables at 95% confidence. The conditions to obtain the highest betalain concentration were 100 mg of pulp with 20 mL (60%:40% EtOH:H2O) solvent at 20 degrees C at 24% amplitude and 0.2 cycle for 10 min. The suitability and reliability of the method were evaluated with repeatability and intermediate precision tests obtaining CVs <5%. Finally, the developed method has been employed in the analysis of five Opuntia commercial samples and obtained significant antioxidant activity of the extracts, confirming its applicability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterización Físico-Química Y Organoléptica De Un Licor A Base De Piñuela

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    La piñuela es una baya agridulce y jugosa, su pulpa es de color blanco. En la península de Yucatán, la población maya la conoce con distintos nombres, sin embargo, también ha sido registrado para al menos 13 estados del país. Esta especie crece en las regiones tropicales de ambos litorales en México, así como en Centroamérica y las islas del Caribe, presentando mayor abundancia en la zona costera y en la selva baja caducifolia. Los usos que se le da a la piñuela son diversos (ornamental, medicinal, fines alimenticios, decorativos y ceremonial). Por lo anterior, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue elaboración y caracterización de un licor del fruto de la piñuela (Bromelia pinguin L) de forma artesanal en el municipio de Escárcega, Campeche. Para el logro de la investigación se hizo la recolección del fruto en localidades rurales del municipio de Candelaria, las cuales fueron trasladas a las instalaciones del Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega para la elaboración del licor, en donde después de tres meses se procedió a la evaluación de aceptabilidad ante un panel semientrenado. Los resultados indican que presenta una alta concentración de alcohol (31). Los panelistas valoraron el licor de piñuela satisfactoriamente (más del 80%). Como conclusión del estudio es importante considerar a este fruto como parte de un crecimiento en la industria alimentaria de la región, ya que por sus características naturales se le considera como un fuerte producto potencial para ser aprovechado por la comunidad local. The piñuela is a bittersweet and juicy berry, its pulp is white in color. In the Yucatan Peninsula, the Mayan population knows it by different names, however, it has also been recorded for at least 13 states in the country. This species grows in the tropical regions of both coasts in Mexico, as well as in Central America and the Caribbean islands, presenting greater abundance in the coastal zone and in the low deciduous forest. Piñuelas are used for a variety of purposes (ornamental, medicinal, food, decorative, and ceremonial). Therefore, the objective of this research was to elaborate and characterize a liqueur made from the fruit of the piñuela (Bromelia pinguin L) in an artisanal way in the municipality of Escárcega, Campeche. For the achievement of the research, the fruit was collected in rural localities of the municipality of Candelaria, which were transferred to the facilities of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega for the elaboration of the liquor, where after three months the evaluation of acceptability was made before a semi-trained panel. The results indicate that it has a high alcohol concentration (31). The panelists rated the piñuela liqueur satisfactorily (more than 80%). As a conclusion of the study, it is important to consider this fruit as part of a growing food industry in the region, since its natural characteristics make it a strong potential product to be exploited by the local community

    Errores frecuentes en la redacción del artículo científico.

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    It was performed a reiterative research about the main mistakes that are made at the time of writing an original scientific article  in  the Teaching-Methodological  Staff from the Medical Science Province Information Center, during the last semester of 2008. The object of each section or chapter of this type of document is pointed out as well as the most frequent faults attending each of them. Its identification may help the novel author to avoid these mistakes, favouring the publication of the article.Se realizó un estudio referativo sobre los principales errores que se hacen al escribir un artículo científico original en el departamento Metodológico – Docente del Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas, durante el último semestre de 2008. Se señala el objeto de cada una de las secciones o capítulos de este tipo de documento y las faltas frecuentes correspondientes a cada una de ellas. Su identificación puede auxiliar al autor novel a no incurrir en ellos, posibilitando que su trabajo pueda publicarse

    Mil millones de árboles de navidad aserrados, el saldo de un sincretismo religioso

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    La aplicación de la historia ambiental a los fenómenos religiosos es una de las más nuevas aportaciones epistemológicas al área de la adaptación ambiental, puesto que esta relación, ahora importante e inteligible, entre ecología y religión aparece en un momento crucial en la historia de la crisis ambiental que atraviesa el mundo en su conjunto. Bajo ese marco, el objetivo de la presente investigación es dar a conocer la necesaria historia del árbol de Navidad, sus hitos que la han guiado por el mercado de adviento, haciendo especial hincapié en el impacto ambiental que dicha práctica ha tenido sobre el mundo entero, para así estar en situación de comprender y quizá cambiar esta y otras prácticas suntuarias, que, dada la masificación, involuntariamente se han convertido en problemas ambientales. El resultado más apremiante señala que en el último siglo se ha talado una superficie de alrededor de 20 mil km2

    Sistema de tareas para favorecer el aprendizaje de la Geografía en 10mo grado (Original)

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    Presently article the scientific results are exposed obtained as part of a master thesis, titled: "System of tasks to favor the learning of the Geography in 10MO grade" For their realization different scientific methods were used, of the mathematical theoretical, empiric and statistical level. It contains activities with a productive character - creative, those that, when being applied in the educational practice, through a pre experiment, they contributed to reach superior levels in the learning of the students, what corroborates their effectiveness. It constitutes additional bibliographical source that can be consulted in a general way by the educational of this teaching.En el presente artículo se exponen los resultados científicos obtenidos como parte de una tesis de maestría, titulada: “Sistema de tareas para favorecer el aprendizaje de la Geografía en 10MO grado”. Para su realización se emplearon diferentes métodos científicos, del nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico matemáticos. Contiene actividades con un carácter productivo – creativo, las que, al ser aplicadas en la práctica educativa, a través de un pre experimento, contribuyeron a alcanzar niveles superiores en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, lo que corrobora su efectividad. Constituye fuente bibliográfica adicional que puede ser consultada de forma general por los docentes de la enseñanza preuniversitaria