4,778 research outputs found

    Self-referenced fibre-optic sensor for liquid detection and/or measurement

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    The optical technology developed by the Spanish University Carlos III of Madrid is related with carrying out measurements on liquid tanks. It allows detecting the liquid level using light, in an intrinsically safe way, without the risk of explosion of the electronic type techniques. We are looking for the collaboration of companies devoted to the development of instrumentation systems, specifically instrumentation for the storage and distribution of flammable liquids, fuel tanks manufacturers, as well as instrumentation for aircrafts and vehicles.Contrato Programa de Comercialización e Internacionalización. Sistema Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica. (Comunidad de Madrid; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Contabilidad y estereotipos: Un análisis comparativo de las percepciones de estudiantes Mexicanos

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    Both research and statements by stakeholders have notice the existence of the so called expectation performance gap, a divergence between the skills requirements to succeed in the accounting profession and the skills exhibited by graduates. Some authors point to a misinterpretation of required competencies by students, based on a stereotyped image of accounting that could lead to a possible self-selection bias. The main objective of this paper is study the perceptions on accounting in a sample of Mexican students enrolled in different degrees and courses. Our results, contrariwise to previous research, suggest that entry level students do not present a stereotyped perception on accounting and that those views do not differ substantially from other students at business of law degrees. Furthermore, our results do not support the negative effects of accounting education on students’ perceptions, at least for Mexican students.Tanto los posicionamientos de instituciones contables como los resultados de la investigación recogen la existencia del llamado gap de expectativas, una divergencia entre los requisitos en capacidades para tener éxito en la profesión contable y las capacidades que tienen los recién graduados. Algunos autores apuntan a una interpretación errónea de los requisitos profesionales por parte de los estudiantes, basada en una visión estereotipada de la contabilidad, lo que puede llevar a un sesgo de autoselección. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las percepciones sobre la contabilidad de una muestra de estudiantes mexicanos matriculados en distintas carreras y cursos. Nuestros resultados, al contrario de los obtenidos por otros trabajos sugieren que los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso no tienen una visióin estereotipada de la contabilidad y que esta visión no difiere sustancialmente de la de sus compañeros en carreras cercanas (administración de empresas y derecho). Aún más, los resultados no evidencian un empeoramiento de esta imagen debido al efecto de los primeros cursos en contabilidad, al menos para los alumnos en Méxic

    The Lending Channel in Emerging Economics: Are Foreign Banks Different?

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    This paper assembles a dataset comprising 1,565 banks in 20 Asian and Latin American countries during 1989-2001 and compares the response of the volume of loans, deposits, and bank-specific interest rates on loans and deposits, to various measures of monetary conditions, across domestic and foreign banks. It also looks for systematic differences in the behavior of domestic and foreign banks during periods of financial distress and tranquil times. Using differences in bank ownership as a proxy for financial constraints on banks, the paper finds weak evidence that foreign banks have a lower sensitivity of credit to monetary conditions relative to their domestic competitors, with the differences driven by banks with lower asset liquidity and/or capitalization. At the same time, the lending and deposit rates of foreign banks tend to be smoother during periods of financial distress, albeit the differences with domestic banks do not appear to be strong. These results provide weak support to the existence of supply-side effects in credit markets and suggest that foreign bank entry in emerging economies may have contributed somewhat to stability in credit markets.

    The Teacher: another Variable in the Use of Foreign Language Learning Strategies?

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    The Bologna process aims to create the European Higher Education Framework (EHEF) by making academic degree and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe. The EHEF has different implications for university students, representing a change in emphasis from ‘teaching’ to ‘learning’, from a teacher-centred approach to a student-centred approach. In the last thirty years, researchers have discussed the role of teachers and students in the language learning-teaching process. Until then, the acquisition of a foreign language was focused on the teacher’s methodology. In the 80s and 90s, a series of student-centred approaches emerged, with the aim of making students more autonomous and independent in their learning. Language learning strategies are part of the tools used to improve language learning. There are different definitions and taxonomies of language learning strategies (Chamot (2001), Cohen (1998), Oxford (1990), O'Malley (1990) and Wenden & Rubin (1987) and there have been extensive descriptive studies on the different variables affecting the use of learning strategies including gender, previous linguistic knowledge, motivation, learning styles and/or second language versus foreign language acquisition. This paper aims to explore the instructor’s conscious or unconscious influence students’ use of learning strategies. To undertake this study, a group of teachers was asked to assess the 50 strategies presented in an adapted version of the Strategies Inventory Language Learning (Oxford 1990) according to their suitability and practicality for their students. The participants were lecturers from the French and English Department at Cádiz University. The languages included in the study were English, French and German for specific and general purposes

    Temporal projection of an input-output tables series for the region of Asturias

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    The interest on regional economics has strongly developed in the lastest decades; however, and in spite of the great extension of the information that statistical sources of data offer to economic researchers, one of the major problems arising with these kind of studies still keep being the lack of data. Regional studies can be focused from several points of view, one of these is the input-output framework. This method allows the economic researcher to analyze the intersectorial relationship underlying on a economy in a joint way, as well as the aggregate demand, so it makes feasible to get a integrated knowledge of economic activity. This technique is a key part on the konwledge of a region, because supplies the necesary information to study the economic situation of the mentioned region. However, its use now at days is quite restricted because the discontinuity in the publications of the input-output (IO) tables by statistical agencies, as well as the long time is necessary to wait between each published table. Specifically, focusing the problem on the region of Asturias (north of Spain), the last available input-output table was made for 1995, having been published in 1999. Having account this situation, we believe that for an effective and rigorous application of this kind of analysis a previous step we must take is the input-output tables series estimation. The input-output table elaboration is a work that implies a great effort to get statistical information, as well as a very high cost on every kind of resources. So, the IO tables obtaining by the use of indirect (semidirect) methods of estimation would reduce the needs for information and material and human resources. The information theory is being applied in the latest decades as a very flexible tool that allows to estimate the IO tables coeficients when the available data are not perfectly consistent. Our aim in this work is to make a comparison between the cross entropy method, an information theory derivated thecnique, and the biproportional RAS method, with a long tradition on applied works (Robinson et al. 1998, Mc Dougall, 1999). On a second stage, and basing on the conclusions for the previous comparison and our information availabilities, we will estimate the the input-output tables series corresponding to the region of Asturias for the years 1995-2000. For this estimation, we will apply a cross-time analysis taking as starting point the IOT for Asturias in 1995.

    Novel tuneable filter based on MZ and an amplified ring resonator for OFDM networks

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    IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. 1999 Annual Meeting. 8-11 November 1999. San Francisco, CAA novel reconfigurable fibre based tuneable filter is proposed. The module relies on a cascaded connection of Mach-Zehnders and an amplified fibre ring resonator. MHz range adjustable FHWM bandwidths and high crosstalk are achieved.Publicad

    Al principio (y ahora) fue la palabra

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    La palabra es el eje vertebrador de mis intereses. Con la palabra se expresa el pensamiento y por eso la disciplina a la que me dedico, la Filología, se ocupa de la crítica de los textos y de la información que se extrae de ellos. Como lingüista estudio el significado de las palabras. Mis ámbitos de investigación son la semántica, el teatro, la literatura y la dramaturgia, desde la cual he llegado al análisis cinematográfico. Durante unos años cultivé los estudios de Humanismo y, con ellos, la historia del Descubrimient

    Las escuelas normales del XIX: la formación del profesorado en Cádiz

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    En este texto se realiza un acercamiento a las Escuelas Normales de Cádiz desde su creación hasta finales del siglo XIX. Para comprender mejor el momento de su nacimiento se exponen algunas claves del contexto histórico que nos permiten explicar el comienzo de una institución encargada de la formación reglada de los maestros. Se estudia sucesivamente la legislación educativa en las que surgen las Escuelas Normales en España, las características de la población del Cádiz decimonónico, la creación de las Escuelas, el profesorado, los primeros planes de estudios y la evolución del alumnado

    Conclusiones de la mesa de comunicaciones número 1

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    En este documento se presentan las conclusiones de las comunicaciones de la mesa número 1 presentadas en las XII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria 2014: “El reconocimiento docente: innovar e investigar con criterios de calidad” celebradas los días 3 y 4 de julio en la Universidad de Alicante. Fueron 9 las ponencias presentadas por profesores de diferentes departamentos de la Universidad de Alicante, de la Universidad Miguel Hernández, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y de la Politécnica de Cartagena. Se ofrece una pequeña descripción de cada ponencia junto con las conclusiones más relevantes obtenidas en cada una de ellas. Los temas fueron muy diversos así como su enfoque, aunque un rasgo común a todos ellos podría ser la aplicación, con más o menos éxito de las nuevas tecnologías en la docencia universitaria. El debate posterior a cada una de las ponencias fue enriquecedor y aclaratorio para todos los presentes