6 research outputs found

    Maligna kataralna groznica (Coryza gangraenosa bovum)

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    Malignant catarrhal fever is a disease of cattle and other ruminants, which most often has a lethal outcome. The disease occurs sporadically and is very difficult to control. At a private mini cattle farm, the occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever was suspected on the grounds of anaemnestic data and results of clinical examinations. The owner said that, in addition to cattle, he also breeds sheep in a separate facility, but said these animals had not been in contact with the diseased cow. In the course of the disease, the characteristic symptoms developed so that the clinical diagnosis set earlier was subsequently confirmed. In addition to constantly elevated body temperature, changes in the eyes were observed very soon (congested blood vessels and capillaries of the white sclera with keratitis on both sides). In addition to photofobia and a copious discharge from the nasal cavities, the discharge was at first seromucous and later became mucopurrulent. In the later course of the disease, there was progressive loss of weight and exhaustion of the animal. Since therapy included, in addition to other medicines, also a glucocorticosteroid preparation, the animal aborted its fetus on the fifth day. A pathological-anatomical examination did not reveal any changes on the fetus. In spite of the applied therapy, the medical condition deteriorated from day to day, and the animal expired on the eighth day of the disease.Maligna kataralna groznica je oboljenje goveda i drugih preživara, koje se najčešće završava uginućem. Bolest se pojavljuje sporadično i veoma se teško kontroliše. Na privatnoj mini-farmi goveda na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka i rezultata kliničkog pregleda postavljena je sumnja na malignu kataralnu groznicu. Vlasnik je izjavio da pored goveda u posebnom objektu gaji ovce, ali kako je on naveo one nisu bile u kontaktu sa obolelom životinjom. U toku bolesti je došlo do razvoja karakterističnih simptoma tako da je prethodno postavljena klinička dijagnoza potvrđena. Pored stalno povišene telesne temperature, veoma brzo su uočene i promene na očima (kongestija krvnih sudova i kapilara beonjača sa obostranim keratitisom). Pored fotofobije i obilnog suženja, iz nosnih otvora slivao se u početku seromukozan, a kasnije i mukopurulentan iscedak. U kasnijem razvoju bolesti došlo je do progresivnog mršavljenja i iscrpljenosti životinje. Pošto je u terapiji, pored drugih lekova, korišćen preparat glukokortikosteroida, životinja je petog dana pobacila plod. Patološkoanatomskim pregledom nisu uočene promene na plodu. Uprkos primenjenoj terapiji, zdravstveno stanje životinje se pogoršavalo iz dana u dan i osmog dana bolovanja ona je uginula

    Identification and characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from artisanal white brined Golija cows' milk cheeses

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    The aim of this study was to identify and characterize the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of artisanal Golija raw and cooked cows' milk cheeses traditionally manufactured without the addition of starter culture. A total of 188 Gram-positive and catalase-negative isolates of Golija cheeses were obtained from seven samples of different ripening time. Phenotype-based assays as well as rep-PCR and 16S rDNA sequence analysis were undertaken for all 188 LAB strains. The most diverse species were isolated from 20-day-old BGGO8 cheese (Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei/paracasei, Lactobacillus sucicola, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis by. diacetylactis, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus durans and Leuconostoc mesenteroides). In other Golija cheeses Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus garvieae, Streptococcus thermophilus and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides were found. Pronounced antimicrobial properties showed enterococci (13/42) and lactococci (12/31), while the good proteolytic activity demonstrated lactococci (13/31) and lactobacilli (10/29)

    The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Performance of SME’s: Empirical Study from a Developing Country

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    This article explores the link between organizational culture and effectiveness for SMEs in transitional socio-economic environment in Serbia. By analyzing the data from the survey gathered from 760 senior executives and employees from 86 SMEs in Serbia this study empirically evaluates the dimensions of OCTAPACE model of organizational culture, and presents a multi method analysis of the link between culture and growth of SMEs in a transitional economy. This study also examines whether the level of organizational culture depends on the type of the industry that SMEs belong to (knowledge or capital intensive). Furthermore, as a legacy of economic transition we have workforce with a unique set of subcultures. By analyzing the data from the second survey gathered from 257 senior executives and employees from SMEs in Serbia and Southern California we explore the differences in cultures of SMEs from transitional economy and developed economy. Given that strong culture brings competitive advantage, the results of the second study provide basis for understanding competitive position of SMEs in Serbia, and could propose directions for development of culture in SMEs in Serbia that should help them overcome problems of the transition and reach better business results more quickly

    Malignant catarrhal fever (Coryza gangraenosa bovum)

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    Malignant catarrhal fever is a disease of cattle and other ruminants, which most often has a lethal outcome. The disease occurs sporadically and is very difficult to control. At a private mini cattle farm, the occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever was suspected on the grounds of anaemnestic data and results of clinical examinations. The owner said that, in addition to cattle, he also breeds sheep in a separate facility, but said these animals had not been in contact with the diseased cow. In the course of the disease, the characteristic symptoms developed so that the clinical diagnosis set earlier was subsequently confirmed. In addition to constantly elevated body temperature, changes in the eyes were observed very soon (congested blood vessels and capillaries of the white sclera with keratitis on both sides). In addition to photofobia and a copious discharge from the nasal cavities, the discharge was at first seromucous and later became mucopurrulent. In the later course of the disease, there was progressive loss of weight and exhaustion of the animal. Since therapy included, in addition to other medicines, also a glucocorticosteroid preparation, the animal aborted its fetus on the fifth day. A pathological-anatomical examination did not reveal any changes on the fetus. In spite of the applied therapy, the medical condition deteriorated from day to day, and the animal expired on the eighth day of the disease

    Two opposite dose-dependent effects of diazinon on the motor activity of the rat ileum

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    Acute poisoning with OPs may lead to a range of neurological effects, which cannot be explained by AChE inhibition alone. Several OPs interact directly with cholinergic receptors in mammals, but such data does not exist for invertebrates. The aim of current study was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of diazinon on the contractions of rat ileum and to compare those effects on the nervemuscle preparation of the Ascaris suum. In the presence of increasing concentrations of diazinon (3, 10 and 30 nM), EFS-induced ileal contractions were increased significantly. In the same preparation, diazinon 3 nM, significantly increased contractions induced by EFS, but did not affect the contractions caused by 5MFI. Contrarily, 1 mu M of diazinon significantly and reversibly inhibited the EFS-induced ileal contractions. Diazinon exhibited competitive and non-competitive inhibitions of 5MFI induced contractions. The control EC50 of 5MFI was 2.48 mu M with R-max = 1.88 g. In the presence of diazinon, EC50 was 12.45 mu M, while R-max was reduced to 0.43 g. After washing, the EC50 and R-max values were again closer to the control level (3.80 mu M and 1.04 g). Diazinon 1 mu M did not inhibit Ascaris suum contractions caused by ACh, but it increased the R-max. Diazinon in our study exhibits two opposite effects on the motor activity of the ileum. In low nanomolar concentrations the dominat is its effect on AChE and the stimulation of contractions. Furthermore, in concentrations that approach micromolar values diazinon has a direct inhibitory effect on muscarinic receptors. The direct inhibitory effect of diazinon on A. suum contractions was not found

    Diversity of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in autochthonous dairy products from Western Balkan Countries - Technological and probiotic properties

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