17 research outputs found

    Size, Growth, Profitability and Capital Structure

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    This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the role of profitability, firm size and firm growth in explaining the variability of capital structure. The research sample was taken using purposive sampling method. The research sample that met the criteria was 34 companies in the consumer goods industry which were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2018 period. The independent variables consist of profitability, company size and company growth. In this study, hypothesis testing was carried out using linear regression processed through SPSS software. The coefficient of determination is 98.58%, meaning that the variability of the capital structure is influenced by the variables of profitability, company size and company growth. Based on the results of linear regression analysis with a significance level of 5%, the results provide evidence that there is a negative and significant relationship between profitability and capital structure and there is a positive and significant relationship between company growth and capital structure. This study also provides evidence that firm size has no role as a determinant of capital structure

    Kajian Perifiton di Ekosistem Lamun Pantai Puding Kabupaten Bangka Selatan

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    Periphyton play an important role in water productivity providers, as they can perform photosynthesis processes that can form organic substances from inorganic subtances. Periphyton attached to seagrass leaves is a factor supporting the primary productivity of seagrass area. This research was conducted in September 2018 at Puding beach south Bangka. The data collected consisted of community structure and abundance of periphyton, seagrass density, and aquatic chemical physics factors. Based on the analysis of seagrass density correlation with periphyton abundance obtained the value of coefficient of determinance (R2)= 0.9816 and correlation coefficient (r)= 0.9907 which indicates the relationship of seagrass density and periphyton abundance is positively correlated.Perifiton mempunyai peranan penting sebagai penyedia produktivitas perairan, karena dapat melakukan proses fotosintesis yang dapat membentuk zat organik dari zat anorganik. Perifiton yang menempel pada daun lamun merupakan faktor penunjang produktifitas primer kawasan lamun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2018 di Pantai Puding, Bangka Selatan. Adapun data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari struktur komunitas dan kelimpahan perifiton, kerapatan jenis lamun, dan faktor fisika kimia perairan. Berdasarkan analisis korelasi kerapatan lamun dengan kelimpahan perifiton diperoleh nilai koefisien determinansi (R2)= 0.9816 dan koefisien korelasi (r)= 0.9907 yang menunjukkan hubungan kerapatan lamun dan kelimpahan perifiton berkorelasi positif

    The Role of Financial Ratios on the Financial Distress Prediction

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    Predictions of financial distress has a central role for the company's going concern aspects. This research aims to empirically prove the role of profitability, leverage and liquidity in financial distress. The research population comprised all companies incorporated in the agricultural sector as well as basic industry and chemical sectors. The research sample obtained as many as 380 observations through the purposive sampling method. This study uses logistic regression analysis. This study provides evidence of significant role between profitability and liquidity on financial distress condition in the agricultural sector as well as the basic industry and chemical sectors. In the basic industry and chemical sectors, leverage has a significant role on financial distress condition


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    The quality of investment decisions made by companies has a central role in supporting the achievement of maximizing shareholder value. This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the role of business risk and efficiency in explaining the variability of investment decision quality. The sample in this study includes all companies in the property, real estate, and building construction sectors from 2014 to 2018. The number of samples in this study were 62 companies with a research period of 5 years so that the total observations in this study were 320 observations. The analytical tool used is linear regression. The results of the study provide evidence of the importance of the role of business risk and efficiency in explaining the quality of the company's investment quality. In this case the business risk variable has a negative and significant effect on the quality of investment decisions and the efficiency variable has a positive and significant effect on quality of investment decisions

    Pembuatan MOCAF (Modified Cassava Flour) Sebagai Upaya Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Singkong Pada Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Geres, Lombok Timur

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    Cassava is one of the biggest commodities produced by the people of Geres (East Lombok). The high yield of cassava is not matched by the lack of utilization, so the selling value in the market is subordinate. The effort needed to enhance the selling value of cassava in the market is by making MOCAF. MOCAF is modified cassava flour with the principle of modifying cassava cells by fermentation. Regarding the development of the MOCAF business which rare and has great potential, so that the KKN Geres 2021/2022 with the theme of using cassava as MOCAF to support food diversity in Geres Village and expand the selling power of cassava. The purpose of the first activity is providing an explanation concerning MOCAF which is expected to increase public understanding due to the processing of cassava into MOCAF. The second activity is through direct training on the manufacture and packaging of MOCAF with the local community. The results of the activity are upgrading community knowledge and skills in processing cassava into MOCAF, as well as media like pamphlet to guide for making MOCAF

    Prevalence of Streptococcus Pneumonia and Haemophillus Influenza in primary school children that diagnosed acute otitis media

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    Acute otitis media (AOM) remains a disease that cause major public health problem worldwide. Less information about its prevalence in Indonesia, especially in Java.  The most common bacterial causes of AOM are Streptococcus pneumoniae, non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. There is increasing evidence that the predominant causative pathogen in AOM is changing from Streptococcus pneumoniae to non-typeable Haemophilus influenza since the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. This study aims to determine the prevalence of Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophillus influenzae in AOM in primary school children in Banyumas Regency. The design of this study was cross sectional and we conducted multistage random sampling to recruit the subject. Approximately 3,574 school children in Urban Banyumas Regency were screened based on the diagnose of AOM by Otolaryngologist. The resultof this study showed that the prevalence of AOM was 4,64 % (166 children were diagnosed with AOM).  In AOM samples, the prevalence of  Streptococcus pneumonia  was found in 78,4 % by optochin test, while that of Haemophillus influenzae was found in 70,4% based on the need of  X and V facto


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    Libraries, museums and archives hold valuable collections in a variety of media, presenting a vast body of knowledge rooted in the history of human civilisation. These form the repository of the wisdom of great works by thinkers of past and the present. The holdings of these institutions are priceless heritage of the mankind as they preserve documents, ideas, and the oral and written records. To value the cultural heritage and to care for it as a treasure bequeathed to us by our ancestors is the major responsibility of libraries. The past records constitute a natural resource and are indispensable to the present generation as well as to the generations to come. Libraries preserve the documentary heritage resources for which they are primarily responsible. Any loss of such materials is simply irreplaceable. Therefore, preserving this intellectual, cultural heritage becomes not only the academic commitment but also the moral responsibility of the librarians/information scientists, who are in charge of these repositories. The high quality of the papers and the discussion represent the thinking and experience of experts in their particular fields. The contributed papers also relate to the methodology used in libraries in Asia to provide access to manuscripts and cultural heritage. The volume discusses best practices in Knowledge preservation and how to collaborate and preserve the culture. The book also deals with manuscript and archives issues in the digital era. The approach of this book is concise, comprehensively, covering all major aspects of preservation and conservation through libraries. The readership of the book is not just limited to library and information science professionals, but also for those involved in conservation, preservation, restoration or other related disciplines. The book will be useful for librarians, archivists and conservators. We thank the Sunan Kalijaga University, Special Libraries Association- Asian Chapter for their trust and their constant support, all the contributors for their submissions, the members of the Local and International Committee for their reviewing effort for making this publication possible

    Leverage dan Profitabilitas dalam Memprediksi Financial Distress Perusahaan Pertambangan Periode 2016-2018

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    Financial distress merupakan suatu kondisi di mana sebuah perusahaan mengalami kesulitan keuangan. Adanya fenomena perusahaan yang ter-delisting dari Bursa Efek Indonesia menjadi dasar untuk mengkaji ulang model prediksi kesulitan keuangan yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti secara empiris mengenai pengaruh leverage dan profitabilitas dalam memprediksi financial distress. Sampel penelitianĀ  diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 40 perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2016-2018. Dalam penelitian ini, pengelompokkan perusahaan yang mengalami financial distress menggunakan model Altman Z-score. Pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi logistik dengan tingkat signifikansi 5%, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa leverage memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap prediksi financial distress serta profitabilitas memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prediksi financial distress. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan mempertimbangkan aspek makroekonomi dalam memprediksi kondisi financial distress perusahaan