12 research outputs found

    Surgical treatment of patients with spinal neoplastic diseases

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    Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Republica Moldova Catedra Hematologie, Oncologie USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Republica Moldova Spitalul Clinic de Ortopedie si Traumatologie, Republica MoldovaSummary: Tumors of the spine is 4-7% of the musculoskeletal system tumors. This pathology bone oncology unlike somatic effect on children and young people under the age of 40 years and 50 years found in about 2.5-3% of the total number of cases of bone tumors. The diagnosis of vertebral tumors is difficult because of the emergence of late clinical manifestations. Surgical treatments for spinal tumor disease began to evolve relatively recently, along with modern techniques and methods of 3D CT imaging system development, anesthesiology and resuscitation, modern practical implementation of modern methods sitez, bioinert implants. Резюме: Опухоли позвоночника составляет 4-7% от опорно-двигательного аппарата новообразований. Эта патология костно онкология в отличие от соматической влияет на детей и молодых людей в возрасте до 40 лет и 50 лет обнаруживается примерно 2,5-3% от общего числа случаев опухолей костей. Диагноз позвоночных опухолей представляет трудности из-за появления поздних клинических проявлений. Хирургические методы лечения опухолевой болезни позвоночника стали развиваться сравнительно недавно наряду с современными техниками и методами визуализации системы КТ развитие 3D , анестезиологии и реаниматологии, современной практической реализации современных методов ситэз, биокосных имплантатов. Ключевые слова: опухоли позвоночника, опорно-двигательного аппарата, хирургическое лечение

    Клинические вопросы – диагноз метастазах опухолей позвоночника

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    Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Republica Moldova Catedra Hematologie, Oncologie USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Republica Moldova Spitalul Clinic De Ortopedie si Traumatologie, Republica MoldovaSummary: Decision on surgical option of pathological vertebral fractures depends on the character of outbreak metastatic tumor histology, its spread, severity of clinical signs of disease, somatic conditions of the patient and the technical possibilities on making radical spine surgery. Key - words: metastatic spinal tumors, neo-bone formation, tumors of locomotor apparatus Резюме: Решение о хирургической манипуляции патологических переломов позвоночника зависит от характера вспышки гистологии метастатической опухоли, ее распространения, тяжести клинических признаков заболевания, соматического состояния пациента и технических возможностей создания радикальной хирургии позвоночника. Ключевые слова: метастатические опухоли спинного мозга, формирование нео-образований, опухоли двигательного оппорного аппарат

    Effects of Probiotics on Colitis-Induced Exacerbation of Alzheimer\u27s Disease in

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by progressive cognitive decline and is a leading cause of death in the United States. Neuroinflammation has been implicated in the progression of AD, and several recent studies suggest that peripheral immune dysfunction may influence the disease. Continuing evidence indicates that intestinal dysbiosis is an attribute of AD, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been shown to aggravate cognitive impairment. Previously, we separately demonstrated that an IBD-like condition exacerbates AD-related changes in the brains of the AppNL-G-F mouse model of AD, while probiotic intervention has an attenuating effect. In this study, we investigated the combination of a dietary probiotic and an IBD-like condition for effects on the brains of mice. Male C57BL/6 wild type (WT) and AppNL-G-F mice were randomly divided into four groups: vehicle control, oral probiotic, dextran sulfate sodium (DSS), and DSS given with probiotics. As anticipated, probiotic treatment attenuated the DSS-induced colitis disease activity index in WT and AppNL-G-F mice. Although probiotic feeding significantly attenuated the DSS-mediated increase in WT colonic lipocalin levels, it was less protective in the AppNL-G-F DSS-treated group. In parallel with the intestinal changes, combined probiotic and DSS treatment increased microglial, neutrophil elastase, and 5hmC immunoreactivity while decreasing c-Fos staining compared to DSS treatment alone in the brains of WT mice. Although less abundant, probiotic combined with DSS treatment demonstrated a few similar changes in AppNL-G-F brains with increased microglial and decreased c-Fos immunoreactivity in addition to a slight increase in Aβ plaque staining. Both probiotic and DSS treatment also altered the levels of several cytokines in WT and AppNL-G-F brains, with a unique increase in the levels of TNFα and IL-2 being observed in only AppNL-G-F mice following combined DSS and probiotic treatment. Our data indicate that, while dietary probiotic intervention provides protection against the colitis-like condition, it also influences numerous glial, cytokine, and neuronal changes in the brain that may regulate brain function and the progression of AD

    the bifacial converter of solar energy in electrical on the base of isotype heterojunction

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    The method of n+Si/nSi/SiO2 /n+ITO bifacial solar cells fabrication by pyrolitical spraying was elaborated. This structure contains only isotype junctions. The spectral sensitivity is situated in the 350–1200nm wavelength region and is independent on the illumination direction. The photoelectrical parameters of solar cells obtained on silicon wafer (4,5 Ohm.cm) are following: at frontal illumination Voc=0,425V, Isc=32,63mA/cm2 , FF=68,3%, Eff=9,47%; at rear illumination Voc=0,392V, Isc =13,20mA/cm2 , FF=69,3%, Eff=3,60%

    Nonclostridial anaerobic infections to patients with severe comorbidities

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr.1 ,,Nicolae Anestiadi”, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemitanu”, Spitalul ”Sf. Arhanghel Mihail”, Chișinau, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Infecția necrotico-gangrenoasă expansivă continuă să fie o problemă severă chirurgicală prin tratamentul dificil și mortalitate înaltă. Material și metode: Studiul vizează 60 pacienți cu afectarea țesuturilor moi tratați în perioada 2006-2016. Repartiție pe sex: barbați-22, femei-38, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 26 și 71 ani. Durata medie de tratament a constituit 14.9 zile. Morfologic s-au stabilit: fasceite (13), flegmoane (26), gangrene gazoase (5), pantisulite (7), abcese (9). În structura comorbidităților a predominat diabetul zaharat. Flora patogenă combinată a fost stabilită în 30% cazuri. Antibioticoterapia a vizat atît flora aerobă cît şi flora anaerobă constituind o asociere a 2-3 preparate. Intervenţia primară a constat în debridarea largă, necrectomii până la ţesuturile viabile, urmate de debridări ulterioare sub anestezii generale. Rezultate: Vindecare completă prin suturi tardive secundare s-a efectuat la 36 pacienţi. Defecte cutanate cu plastii ulterioare la 7 pacienţi. Evoluţia postoperatorie în secţia ATI (anestezie și terapie intensivă) prin sindromul MODS (Sindrom de disfuncție multiplă de organe) instalat s-a înregistrat la 12 pacienţi, cu o durată de aflare în secţia ATI de 4,3 zile. Mortalitatea a constituit 5 cazuri (11,7%), cauza nemijlocită fiind MODS septic. Concluzii: Infecţiile necrotico–gangrenoase grave survin la pacienţii cu tare asociate, imunocompromişi, cu predominanță în diabetul zaharat, patologia cardio-vasculară, hepato-renală. Tratamentul chirurgical trebuie să includă operația primară radicală, urmată de reintervenții seriate obligatorii. Antibioticoterapia contemporană completează tratamentul chirurgical. Succesul tratamentului depinde de stabilirea precoce a diagnosticului, agresivitatea debridărilor chirurgicale și de aplicarea tratamentului complex în secția ATI. * * * Introduction: Extensive necrotic-gangrene infection continues to be a severe surgical problem due to its difficult treatment and high mortality. Materials and methods: The study covers 60 patients with soft tissues damages treated between 2006-2016. Distribution by gender: male-22, female-38, aged 26 to 71 years. The average duration of treatment was 14.9 days. Morphological findings have been established: fasciitis (13), phlegmons (26), gas gangrenes (5), pantisulitis (7), abscesses (9). Diabetes prevailed in the structure of comorbiditities. The combined pathogenic flora was established in 30% of cases. Antibiotic therapy targeted both aerobic flora and anaerobic flora, constituting an association of 2-3 medicines. Primary intervention consisted of extensive debridement, necrectomy to viable tissues, followed by subsequent debridements under general anesthesia. Results: Complete healing with secondary late sutures was performed in 36 patients. Skin defects followed by cutaneous scarring in 7 patients. The postoperative progression in the ATI (anesthesia and intensive care) department through MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome) syndrome was recorded in 12 patients with a duration of 4.3 days in the ATI department. Mortality - 5 cases (11.7%), the septic MODS being the direct cause. Conclusions: Severe necrotic-gangrenic infections occur in patients with associated, immunocompromised, predominantly diabetic, cardiovascular, hepato-renal pathology. Surgical treatment should include the primary surgery, followed by compulsory repeated interventions. Contemporary antibiotic therapy completes surgical treatment. The success of treatment depends on the early diagnosis, the aggressiveness of surgical debridations, and the complex treatment in the ATI department


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    The method of n+Si/nSi/SiO2 /n+ITO bifacial solar cells fabrication by pyrolitical spraying was elaborated. This structure contains only isotype junctions. The spectral sensitivity is situated in the 350–1200nm wavelength region and is independent on the illumination direction. The photoelectrical parameters of solar cells obtained on silicon wafer (4,5 Ohm.cm) are following: at frontal illumination Voc=0,425V, Isc=32,63mA/cm2 , FF=68,3%, Eff=9,47%; at rear illumination Voc=0,392V, Isc =13,20mA/cm2 , FF=69,3%, Eff=3,60%