33 research outputs found

    PalC, One of Two Bro1 Domain Proteins in the Fungal pH Signalling Pathway, Localizes to Cortical Structures and Binds Vps32

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    PalC, distantly related to Saccharomyces cerevisiaeperipheral endosomal sorting complexes required for transport III (ESCRT-III) component Bro1p and one of six Aspergillus nidulanspH signalling proteins, contains a Bro1 domain. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged PalC is recruited to plasma membrane-associated punctate structures upon alkalinization, when pH signalling is active. PalC recruitment to these structures is dependent on the seven transmembrane domain (7-TMD) receptor and likely pH sensor PalH. PalC is a two-hybrid interactor of the ESCRT-III Vps20/Vps32 subcomplex and binds Vps32 directly. This binding is largely impaired by Pro439Phe, Arg442Ala and Arg442His substitutions in a conserved region mediating interaction of Bro1p with Vps32p, but these substitutions do not prevent cortical punctate localization, indicating Vps32 independence. In contrast, Arg442Δ impairs Vps32 binding and prevents PalC-GFP recruitment to cortical structures. pH signalling involves a plasma membrane complex including the 7-TMD receptor PalH and the arrestin-like PalF and an endosomal membrane complex involving the PalB protease, the transcription factor PacC and the Vps32 binding, Bro1-domain-containing protein PalA. PalC, which localizes to cortical structures and can additionally bind a component of ESCRT-III, has the features required to bridge these two entities. A likely S. cerevisiaeorthologue of PalC has been identified, providing the basis for a unifying hypothesis of gene regulation by ambient pH in ascomycetes

    Consumption in Spain during the state of alert: an analysis based on payment card spending

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    Artículo de revistaIn recent years, information on the usage of cards as a means of payment has been increasingly used as an indicator of private consumption. The advantages of such information include its daily frequency and the short time lag from the moment of spending until it becomes available. This article uses this indicator to analyse Spanish household consumption since the state of alert was declared in mid-March and to explore the corresponding determinants. Indeed, the drop in consumption during the COVID-19 health crisis has been far greater than that suggested by the usual determinants, indicating that other factors could largely explain the developments observed. Included here are the greater uncertainty as to the course of the disease and its economic repercussions, and the restrictions on people’s movement and on various economic activities during the state of alert. Card payment data can be used to investigate the importance of social distancing measures when explaining the developments observed in consumption since midMarch. The article identifies that the indicators of payment card usage show a high correlation with the course of the restrictions on movement and activity. The information available also shows how in-person purchases were replaced by online shopping during lockdown

    Gerri distrofia muskularra Gipuzkoan

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    Gracias a los avances producidos en la genética molecular, el concepto de Distro a Muscular Lumbar (LGMD) estå cambiando råpidamente. Se han descrito diferentes loci y ha quedado probado que el síndrome de Distro a muscular Lumbar es heterogéneo. Hemos realizado un examen epidemiológico en Gipuzkoa y hemos encontrado la prevalencia mayor de LGMD descrita hasta la fecha: 69/106. La mutación en el gen Kalpaina3 que evidencian los afectados muestra características clínicas similares que son distintas a las características de otros grupos, lo cual posibilita un diagnóstico clínico preciso.Genetika molekularrean egindako aurrerapausoeri esker, Gerri Distro a muskularren (LGMD) kontzeptua azkar ari da aldatzen. Loci desberdinak deskribatu dira Gerri Distro muskularra sindrome heterogeneoa dela frogatuz. Azterketa epidemiologikoa burutu dugu Gipuzkoan eta gaurdaino deskribaturiko LGMD-en prebalentzirik altuena aurkitu dugu: 69/106. Kalpaina3 genean mutazioa duten gaisoek, antzeko ezaugarri klinikoak agertzen dituzte beste taldeen ezaugarriekiko desberdinak direlarik, horrela diagnostiko kliniko zehatza baimenduz.Grùce aux progrÚs qui ont été fait dans le domaine de la génétique moléculaire, le concept de Dystrophie Musculaire Lombaire (LGMC) est en train de changer rapidement. On a décrit différents loci et il a été prouvé que le syndrome de Dystrophie musculaire Lombaire est hétérogÚne. Nous avons réalisé un examen épidémiologique en Gipuzkoa et nous avons trouvé la plus importante prévalence de LGMD décrite jusqu'à cette date: 69/106. La mutation dans le gÚne Kalpaina3 que les personnes affectées mettent en évidence montre des caractéristiques cliniques similaires qui sont différentes des caractéristiques d'autres groupes, ce qui permet un diagnostique clinique précis.Thanks to the advances that have taken place in molecular genetics, the concept of Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) is rapidly changing. Various loci have been described and it has been proved that the Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy syndrome is heterogeneous. We have carried out an epidemiological examination in Gipuzkoa and we have found the highest LGMD prevalence described up to the present: 69/106. The mutation in gen Kalpaina3 displayed by those affected shows similar clinical characteristics to those of other groups, which makes a precise clinical diagnosis possible

    Evolución del consumo en España durante la vigencia del estado de alarma: un anålisis a partir del gasto con tarjetas de pago

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    ArtĂ­culo de revistaLa informaciĂłn acerca de la utilizaciĂłn de las tarjetas como medio de pago constituye un indicador del consumo privado de uso creciente en los Ășltimos años. Entre sus ventajas se incluyen su frecuencia diaria y su disponibilidad con escaso retraso respecto al momento en el que se incurre en el gasto. En el artĂ­culo se utiliza este indicador para analizar la evoluciĂłn del consumo de los hogares españoles desde la declaraciĂłn del estado de alarma (mediados de marzo) y para explorar sus factores explicativos. En efecto, la caĂ­da del consumo durante la crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 ha sido muy superior a la que sugerirĂ­an sus determinantes habituales, lo que apunta a que otros factores —como el aumento de la incertidumbre en torno al curso de la enfermedad y a sus repercusiones econĂłmicas, y las restricciones a la movilidad personal y a diversas actividades econĂłmicas durante el perĂ­odo de vigencia del estado de alarma— explicarĂ­an en gran medida los desarrollos observados. El empleo de los datos acerca del uso de las tarjetas como medio de pago permite indagar en la relevancia de las medidas de distanciamiento social a la hora de explicar los desarrollos observados en el consumo desde mediados de marzo. El artĂ­culo encuentra que los indicadores del uso de tarjetas de pago muestran una elevada correlaciĂłn con la evoluciĂłn de las limitaciones a la movilidad y a la actividad. La informaciĂłn disponible muestra ademĂĄs cĂłmo se produjo una sustituciĂłn de compras presenciales por compras por Internet durante el confinamiento

    Role of Postbiotics in Diabetes Mellitus: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives

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    In the last decade, the gastrointestinal microbiota has been recognised as being essential for health. Indeed, several publications have documented the suitability of probiotics, prebiotics, and symbiotics in the management of different diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM). Advances in laboratory techniques have allowed the identification and characterisation of new biologically active molecules, referred to as “postbiotics”. Postbiotics are defined as functional bioactive compounds obtained from food-grade microorganisms that confer health benefits when administered in adequate amounts. They include cell structures, secreted molecules or metabolic by-products, and inanimate microorganisms. This heterogeneous group of molecules presents a broad range of mechanisms and may exhibit some advantages over traditional “biotics” such as probiotics and prebiotics. Owing to the growing incidence of DM worldwide and the implications of the microbiota in the disease progression, postbiotics appear to be good candidates as novel therapeutic targets. In the present review, we summarise the current knowledge about postbiotic compounds and their potential application in diabetes management. Additionally, we envision future perspectives on this topic. In summary, the results indicate that postbiotics hold promise as a potential novel therapeutic strategy for DM

    Epilepsia eta Genetika

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    El aislamiento de determinados genes que intervienen en el origen de la epilepsia idiopåtica ha permitido una mejor clasi cación de la epilepsia. En el presente trabajo se da cuenta del examen clínico de dos familias con síndrome epiléptico. La primera muestra una epilepsia nocturna asociada al cromosoma 20q, que presenta una mutación en el gen (CHRNA4) de la subunidad 4 del receptor nicotínico de la acetilcolina. La segunda muestra una epilepsia lateral temporal autosómica dominante asociada al cromosoma 10q.Epilepsia idiopatikoen sorreran parte hartzen duten zenbait geneen isolaketak epilepsiaren sailkapena hobetzea baimendu du. Lan honetan sindrome epileptikoa duten bi sendiren ikerketa kliniko eta genetikoa aurkezten da. Lehenak, 20q kromosomari loturiko gau epilepsia frontala agertzen du, azetil kolinaren errezeptore nikotinikoaren 4 azpiunitatearen genean (CHRNA4) mutazio bat agertzen duelarik. Bigarrenak, 10q kromosomari loturiko autosomiko gainartzailea den epilepsia albo-tenporala agertzen du.L'isolement de certains gÚnes qui interviennent dans l'origine de l'épilepsie idiopathique a permis une meilleure classi cation de l'épilepsie. Dans ce travail on rend compte de l'examen clinique de deux familles qui souffrent du syndrome épileptique. La premiÚre montre une épilepsie nocturne associée au chromosome 20q, qui présente une mutation dans le gÚne (CHRNA4) de la sous-unité 4 du récepteur nicotinique de l'acétylcholine. La seconde montre une épilepsie latérale temporelle autosomique dominante associée au chromosome 10q.The isolating of certain genes that intervene in the origin of idiopathic epilepsy has allowed for a better classification of epilepsy as a whole. This work is about the clinical analysis of two families with an epileptic syndrome. The first family displays a nocturnal epilepsy associated to chromosome 20q, which has a mutation in gen (CHRNA4) of sub-unit å4 of the acetylcoline nicotinic receptor. The second family displays a dominant lateral temporal lobe and autosomal epilepsy associated to chromosome 10q