393 research outputs found

    Selection for Drought Tolerance in Dry Bean Derived from the Mesoamerican Gene Pool in Western Nebraska

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    Dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is highly susceptible to drought stress, and drought affects 60% of global bean production. We evaluated elite exotic dry bean germplasm derived from the Mesoamerican gene pool for drought tolerance, yield, and adaptation to western Nebraska during 2006 and 2007 at three research sites. Seven tropical lines were evaluated with two great northern cultivars (Matterhorn and Beryl- R) and one pinto cultivar (Bill-Z) serving as checks. Adjacent nonstressed (NS) and droughtstressed (DS) blocks were evaluated. Within each block, the selected lines were assigned to experimental units using a randomized complete block design with four replications at each location. On average, yield was 60% less, 100-seed weight was 19.2% lower, and maturity occurred 4 d earlier under DS than under NS conditions. Beryl-R, SER 22, and Matterhorn had the greatest average yield under both NS (3564, 3347, and 3440 kg ha–1, respectively) and DS (1701, 1773, and 1584 kg ha–1, respectively). These genotypes were also the most drought tolerant based on the drought susceptibility index (0.9, 0.8, and 0.9, respectively) and geometric mean (2462, 2436, and 2335, respectively). Based on these results, Matterhorn, Beryl-R, and SER 22 show the most promise for use in breeding for drought tolerance

    Estimación de la evaporación/transpiración en un cultivo de viña mediante radiometría térmica

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    La estimación precisa de la evapotranspiración de cultivo (ETc), así como su partición en las componentes evaporativa (E) y transpirativa (T), resultan fundamentales para mejorar la eficacia en la gestión del riego de cultivos en hilera en regiones áridas y semiáridas. El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a un mejor entendimiento de la partición E/T sobre viña llevando a cabo un balance de energía por separado para las componentes de suelo y de vegetación. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un experimento llevado a cabo en la finca de Las Tiesas, Albacete, de junio a octubre de 2013. Se instalaron un conjunto de radiómetros de infrarrojo térmico, apuntando directamente a las plantas y al suelo entre hileras. Se tomaron medidas de las cuatro componentes de la radiación neta, del flujo de calor en el suelo, además de variables meteorológicas y parámetros biofísicos. Todas las medidas se almacenaron en intervalos de 15 minutos, y se promediaron después a escala horaria y diaria. El valor medio observado de ETc fue de 3,1 mm día-1. La evaporación se estimó en torno al 30%. Los resultados presentados en este trabajo ofrecen una primera impresión de la partición E/T, y muestran el potencial de la caracterización térmica de la viña con este finAn accurate estimation of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), and its partition into both components, soil evaporation (E) and canopy transpiration (T), is known to be critical for a more effective irrigation scheduling of row-crops in arid and semi-arid environments. Vineyards are the best example in Mediterranean countries. The aim of this work is to improve our understanding of the E/T partition in vineyards by establishing a separate energy balance for soil and canopy components. An experiment was conducted in Las Tiesas experimental farm, Albacete (Spain), from June to October of 2013. A set of thermal-infrared radiometers were assembled pointing directly to the plants and the soil between rows. Measurements of the four components of the net radiation over the canopy and soil heat fluxes, as well as meteorological variables and biophysical parameters were all collected and stored every 15-min. Hourly and daily averages were then computed and analyzed. An average daily ETc value of 3.1 mm day-1 was observed in both sites. Interrow soil evaporation reached as much as 30% of the total ETc. These results provide a first insight into the partition E/T and show the potential of the vine thermal characterization with this aim.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2013-46862-C2-1/2-PUnión Europea, AGL2014-54201-C4-4-RInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias RTA 2011-00100-C05-04Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias RTA 2014-00049-C05-03Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/2014/08

    Switching from a protease inhibitor-based regimen to a dolutegravir-based regimen : a randomized clinical trial to determine the effect on peripheral blood and ileum biopsies from antiretroviral therapy-suppressed human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals

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    Background: Optimization of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) can impact the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reservoir. We evaluated the effect on the HIV reservoir in peripheral blood and ileum biopsies in patients switching from boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r)-based therapy to dolutegravir (DTG)-based therapy. Methods: Impact of Integrase-inhibitor DOlutegravir On the viral Reservoir (INDOOR) is a phase 4 open-label clinical trial that randomly included 42 HIV type 1-infected individuals on effective cART: 20 who switched from PI/r-based to DTG-based cART (switch group), and 22 who remained in PI/r-based regimens (control group). We analyzed blood and ileum biopsies to quantify episomal, total, and integrated HIV DNA, cell-associated HIV RNA, residual plasma viremia, T-cell subsets, cell activation, and inflammation markers. Results: There were no related adverse events or treatment discontinuations due to drug intolerance. The HIV reservoir was consistently larger in ileal than in peripheral CD4(+) T cells in both groups (P <.01). Residual viremia in plasma decreased in the switch group (P =.03). However, we did not observe significant longitudinal changes in low-level viral replication, total and integrated HIV reservoir, HIV transcription, T-cell maturation subsets, immunoactivation markers, inflammatory soluble proteins, or cellular markers of latently infected cells. Conclusions: The INDOOR study is the first evaluation of changes in HIV reservoir size in ileum biopsies and in peripheral blood in individuals switched from PI/r- to DTG-based cART. Although this switch was safe and well tolerated, it had no impact on a large array of immunological and inflammatory markers or on HIV reservoir markers in peripheral or in ileal CD4(+) T cells

    Novel aerobic perchloroethylene degradation by the White-Rot Fungus trametes versicolor

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    Premi a l'excel·lència investigadora. Àmbit de les Ciències Tecnològiques. 2008Perchloroethylene (PCE) is one of the most important groundwater pollutants around the world. It is a suspected carcinogen and is believed to be rather recalcitrant to microbial degradation. We report here, for the first time, aerobic degradation of PCE by the white rot fungus, Trametes versicolor, to less hazardous products. Aerobic degradation rate of PCE was 2.04 to 2.75 × 10-4 μmol h-1 mg dry weight of fungal biomass. Trichloroacetyl chloride (TCAC) was identified as the main intermediate using [2-13C]PCE as the substrate. Chloride release was stoichiometric with PCE degradation. Re-oxygenation of the cultures resulted in increased PCE degradation as well as a corresponding increase in chloride release. These results suggest that better degradation rates can be achieved by appropriate optimization of culture conditions. Additionally, our studies using 1-aminobenzotriazole (ABT), an inhibitor of cytochrome P-450, suggested that cytochrome P-450 system is involved in PCE degradation by T. versicolor. These results are of particular interes

    El acceso a los servicios de salud bucodental para la población adulta mayor en la red hospitalaria pública de Medellín (Colombia)

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    Antecedentes/Objetivos: La población adulta mayor es un grupo poblacional significativo teniendo en cuenta los cambios demográficos de las últimas décadas. En el país y en la ciudad de Medellín, este grupo presenta alta vulnerabilidad social, así mismo se observan necesidades en salud bucal, descritas en los estudios nacionales y regionales en el tema. Aunque se han realizado investigaciones que tratan de identificar determinantes que afectan el acceso y la utilización de los servicios de salud, los estudios en salud bucal son más escasos y en especial en la población adulta mayor. Objetivo: identificar barreras y facilitadores de acceso a los servicios de salud bucal en población adulta mayor atendida en la red hospitalaria pública de Medellín desde la perspectiva del personal de salud. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo. Se realizaron 34 entrevistas semiestructuradas en personal que presta servicios de salud en la red Metrosalud de Medellín. Se identificaron barreras y facilitadores según el modelo de Tanahashi sobre cobertura en los servicios de salud a través de 4 categorías: disponibilidad (D), accesibilidad (A), aceptabilidad (P) y contacto con el servicio (C). Se utilizó la herramienta informática AtlasTi. Resultados: Se identificaron barreras relacionadas con: dificultades en la implementación de políticas sociales debido a que la salud bucal no es una prioridad; se han priorizado otras poblaciones para dar atención en salud bucal y existe insuficiente recurso humano para prestar los servicios de salud (D); la situación de discapacidad de los adultos mayores (A); aspectos educativos, culturales y de género (P); y la crisis del sector salud como una barrera estructural del sistema (C). En cuanto a los facilitadores se mencionan: la existencia de programas que facilitan la demanda inducida a programas de salud bucal y de mecanismos para hacer valer los derechos en salud a través de instancias gubernamentales y otras (D); la ubicación de las unidades y centros de salud en zonas de fácil acceso (A); la capacidad de los profesionales para atender esta población (P) y la articulación de la odontología con otras áreas (C). Conclusiones: Se identificaron determinantes que afectan el acceso a servicios sanitarios en la población adulta mayor, por lo que se requieren estrategias para mejorar la calidad de la atención en salud bucal en este grupo socialmente vulnerable.E.S.E Metrosalud. Medellín (Código: C02-E11-L3-01)


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    [EN] This work shows the application of a two-source energy balance model, together with surface temperature measurements, to derive hourly and daily values of land surface energy fluxes of wheat, crop evapotranspiration (ETc) included. An experiment was carried out during the spring of 2014 in a wheat field located in the experimental farm of “Las Tiesas” in Barrax, Albacete. Soil and canopy radiometric temperatures were measured, as well as meteorological variables and biophysical parameters, from plantation to senescence. Results were compared to measurements in a weighing lysimeter installed within the wheat field. Estimation errors of ±0.10 mm h-1 and ±0.9 mm d-1 were obtained at hourly and daily scales, respectively. Cumulated value of ETc for the whole campaign was only 4% over that registered in the lysimeter. Furthermore, a percentage 30% - 70% between evaporation (E) and transpiration (T) components was obtained for the full campaign. Modeled values of the wheat crop coefficients were also retrieved and compared to those proposed by FAO56.[ES] En este trabajo se propone la aplicación de un modelo de balance de energía de dos fuentes que, junto con medidas de la temperatura de la superficie, proporcione valores horarios y diarios de los flujos energéticos en superficie, incluyendo la evapotranspiración real del cultivo de trigo (ETc). Para mostrar la aplicación y utilidad del método se realizó un experimento en la primavera de 2014 sobre una plantación de trigo situada dentro de la finca experimental “Las Tiesas” en el término de Barrax, Albacete. Se midieron temperaturas del suelo y de la vegetación, además de variables meteorológicas y parámetros biofísicos, desde el momento de la siembra hasta la recolección. Los resultados se compararon con las medidas de un lisímetro de pesada instalado en la parcela, obteniendo unos errores de estimación de ±0,10 mm h-1 y ±0,9 mm d-1 a escalas horaria y diaria, respectivamente. Por su parte el valor de ETc acumulado para toda la campaña fue solo el 4% mayor que el valor medido en el lisímetro. Además, el porcentaje entre la componente evaporativa (E) y transpirativa (T) fue de 30%-70% para el total de la campaña. El modelo también permite estimar los coeficientes de cultivo del trigo, y compararlos con los propuestos por FAO56.Sánchez, J.; López-Urrea, R.; Doña, C.; Caselles, V.; González-Piqueras, J. (2015). ESTIMACIÓN DE LA EVAPORACIÓN/TRANSPIRACIÓN EN UN CULTIVO DE TRIGO MEDIANTE RADIOMETRÍA TÉRMICA. En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1504OCS

    Distinct dual C-Cl isotope fractionation patterns during anaerobic biodegradation of 1,2-dichloroethane: potential to characterize microbial degradation in the field

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    This study investigates, for the first time, dual C-Cl isotope fractionation during anaerobic biodegradation of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) via dihaloelimination by Dehalococcoides and Dehalogenimonas-containing enrichment cultures. Isotopic fractionation of 1,2-DCA (εbulkC and εbulkCl) for Dehalococcoides (−33.0 ± 0.4¿ and −5.1 ± 0.1¿) and Dehalogenimonas-containing microcosms (−23 ± 2¿ and −12.0 ± 0.8¿) resulted in distinctly different dual element C-Cl isotope correlations (Λ = Δδ13C/Δδ37Cl ≈ εbulkC/εbulkCl), 6.8 ± 0.2 and 1.89 ± 0.02, respectively. Determined isotope effects and detected products suggest that the difference on the obtained Λ values for biodihaloelimination could be associated with a different mode of concerted bond cleavage rather than two different reaction pathways (i.e., stepwise vs concerted). Λ values of 1,2-DCA were, for the first time, determined in two field sites under reducing conditions (2.1 ± 0.1 and 2.2 ± 2.9). They were similar to the one obtained for the Dehalogenimonas-containing microcosms (1.89 ± 0.02) and very different from those reported for aerobic degradation pathways in a previous laboratory study (7.6 ± 0.1 and 0.78 ± 0.03). Thus, this study illustrates the potential of a dual isotope analysis to differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation pathways of 1,2-DCA in the field and suggests that this approach might also be used to characterize dihaloelimination of 1,2-DCA by different bacteria, which needs to be confirmed in future studies

    Identification of QTLs Associated with Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Barley Accession CIho 4196

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB), incited by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe [teleomorph Gibberella zea (Schwein)], reduces quality of harvested barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) because of blighted kernels and the presence of deoxynivalenol (DON), a mycotoxin produced by the pathogen. CIho 4196, a two-rowed type, is one of the most resistant accessions known in barley; however, it possesses many undesirable agronomic traits. To better understand the genetics of reduced FHB severity and DON accumulation conferred by CIho 4196, a genetic map was generated using a population of recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between Foster (a six-rowed malting cultivar) and CIho 4196. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses were performed using data obtained from 10 field environments. The possible associations of resistance QTLs and various agronomic and morphological traits in barley also were investigated. The centromeric region of chromosome 2H flanked by the markers ABG461C and MWG882A (bins 6–10) likely (P\u3c0.001) contains two QTLs contributing to lower FHB severity and plant height, and one QTL each for DON accumulation, days to heading, and rachis node number. The QTL for low FHB severity in the bin 8 region explained from 3 to 9% of the variation, while the QTL in the bin 10 region explained from 17 to 60% of the variation. A QTL for DON accumulation that explained 9 to 14% of the variation was found in the bin 2 region of chromosome 4H. This may represent a new QTL not present in other FHB resistant sources. Resistance QTLs in the bin 8 region and bin 10 region of chromosome 2HL were provisionally designated Qrgz-2H-8 and Qrgz-2H-10, respectively. The QTL for DON accumulation in chromosome 4H was provisionally named QDON-4H-2

    Rapid gains in yield and adoption of new maize varieties for complex hillside environments through farmer participation. II. Scaling-up the adoption through community-based seed production (CBSP)

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    Participatory varietal selection (PVS) led to the identification of Population-22 and its later release as Manakamana-3. Subsequently further mother–baby trials tested five unreleased open-pollinated varieties (OPVs), ZM-621, Shitala, Population-45, Hill Pool White, and Hill Pool Yellow to compare them with Manakamana-3. Farmers again preferred Manakamana-3 as well as ZM-621 for their stable, higher grain yield, and for other traits such as stay-green, non-lodging, large white grains, and tolerance to foliar diseases. However, Manakamana- 3 and ZM-621 both had late maturity, open husks and dented grain. Both were tested with farmers on-farm coordinated farmers field trials (CFFTs) and had not been identified as this was more contractual type of participatory research. Individual traits were measured but overall farmers’ preferences were not elicited. In the more collaborative participation of the mother– baby trials the overall preference was determined and farmers traded-off the late maturity and dented grains of Manakamana-3 and ZM-621 against other favorable traits. Depending on location, these genotypes yielded 15–45% more grain than the local varieties in the mother–baby trials. These results led to the release of ZM-621 as Deuti in 2006. Farmers had adopted Manakamana-3 (released in 2002) and ZM-621 (Deuti) as a direct result of PVS trials and increased area under them year after year. Farmers awareness of the varieties has increased and seeds of these varieties are under community-based seed production (CBSP). Involving farmers through a collaborative mode of participation in varietal selection overcame bottlenecks to finding new varieties that had occurred with more contractual on-farm research