1,417 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the Macarena Integral Consolidation Plan (PCIM)

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    This paper presents a description of the new strategy for the fight against drugs implemented in Colombia since the year 2007. The Strategic Leap Forward, as the Colombian government has called the program, or the Strategic Development Initiative, as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) calls it, is a step forward in the design of anti-drug policies that are more sustainable and effective in the mid-term. Currently, a pilot project is being implemented in the Macarena region, in the department of Meta (southeast of Bogotá), where coca crops and illicit activities were the norm just a few years ago. The Colombian State, partially financed by the United States governments and European countries, consolidates its presence in this region with the different instances and programs of the state apparatus to recover territorial control and combat the production of illicit drugs. But even more important is that this new approach in the fight against illegal drugs is based on a regional economic development plan, to avoid that peasants become involved in the first stages of cocaine production and trafficking process. The adequate functioning of this strategy can be a reference point to other countries that face similar problems of illicit drug production and conflict associated with these activities.Macarena, Consolidation Plan, Colombia, Anti-drug policies

    Tracing large-scale structures in circumstellar disks with ALMA

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    Planets are supposed to form in circumstellar disks. The gravitational potential of a planet perturbs the disk and leads to characteristic structures, i.e. spiral waves and gaps, in the disk's density profile. We perform a large-scale parameter study of the observability of these planet-induced structures in circumstellar disks with ALMA. On the basis of HD and MHD simulations, we calculated the disk temperature structure and (sub)mm images of these systems. These were used to derive simulated ALMA images. Because appropriate objects are frequent in Taurus, we focused on a distance of 140pc and a declination of 20{\deg}. The explored range of star-disk-planet configurations consists of 6 HD simulations (including magnetic fields and different planet masses), 9 disk sizes, 15 total disk masses, 6 different central stars, and two different grain size distributions. On almost all scales and in particular down to a scale of a few AU, ALMA is able to trace disk structures induced by planet-disk interaction or by the influence of magnetic fields on the wavelength range between 0.4 and 2.0mm. In most cases, the optimum angular resolution is limited by the sensitivity. However, within the range of typical masses of protoplanetary disks (0.1-0.001Msun) the disk mass has a minor impact on the observability. It is possible to resolve disks down to 2.67e-6Msun and trace gaps induced by a planet with M_p/M_s = 0.001 in disks with 2.67e-4Msun with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than three. The central star has a major impact on the observability of gaps, as well as the considered maximum grainsize of the dust in the disk. In general, it is more likely to trace planet-induced gaps in our MHD models, because gaps are wider in the presence of magnetic fields. We also find that zonal flows resulting from MRI create gap-like structures in the disk's re-emission radiation, which are observable with ALMA.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figure

    Planet-induced disk structures: A comparison between (sub)mm and infrared radiation

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    Young giant planets, which are embedded in a circumstellar disk, will significantly perturb the disk density distribution. This effect can potentially be used as an indirect tracer for planets. We investigate the feasibility of observing planet-induced gaps in circumstellar disks in scattered light. We perform 3D hydrodynamical disk simulations combined with subsequent radiative transfer calculations in scattered light for different star, disk, and planet configurations. The results are compared to those of a corresponding study for the (sub)mm thermal re-emission. The feasibility of detecting planet-induced gaps in scattered light is mainly influenced by the optical depth of the disk and therefore by the disk size and mass. Planet-induced gaps are in general only detectable if the photosphere of the disks is sufficiently disturbed. Within the limitations given by the parameter space here considered, we find that gap detection is possible in the case of disks with masses below 1043M\sim 10^{-4\dots-3} \, \rm M_\odot. Compared to the disk mass that marks the lower Atacama Large (Sub)Millimeter Array (ALMA) detection limit for the thermal radiation re-emitted by the disk, it is possible to detect the same gap both in re-emission and scattered light only in a narrow range of disk masses around 104M\sim 10^{-4} \, \rm M_\odot, corresponding to 16%16\% of cases considered in our study.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Fire-resistant bio-based polyurethane foams designed with two by-products derived from sugarcane fermentation process

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    There is a growing interest in replacing conventional fossil-based polymers and composites with waste-based materials and fillers for environmental sustainability. This study designed water-blown polyurethane rigid foams using two by-products from the Amyris fermentation process of producing β-farnesene. The distillation residue (FDR) served as the main polyol component in the foam’s formulation (PF), supplemented with 4.5% sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) as a fire-retardant filler (PFA). The study assessed the impact on foam properties. Based on the analysis of all compiled data (foam structure, mechanical, and thermal properties), it can be inferred that ash particles acted as nucleating points in the reaction media, leading to a reduction in foam density (from 134 to 105 kg/m3), cell size (from 496 to 480 nm), and thermal conductivity. The absence of chemical interaction between the ash filler and the polyurethane matrix indicates that the ash acts as a filler with a plasticizing effect, enhancing the polymer chain mobility. As a result, the glass transition temperature of the foam decreases (from 74 to 71.8 ºC), and the decomposition onset temperature is delayed. Although, the incorporation of 4.5% SCBA (grain size below 250 μm) was ineffective in the increment of the compressive strength, that small amount was enough to increase the foam’s specific strength from 1009 to 1149 m2/s2 suggesting that other factors (e.g. polyol feedstock, grain size, ash packing, etc.) are yet to be accounted. The flammability test results indicate that sugarcane bagasse ash improved the foam performance, reducing burning time from 251 to 90 s, time of extinguishment from 255 to 116 s, and burning length from 132 to 56.7 mm, meeting the fire protection standard UL 94, class HB. Despite the need for further improvement and detailed flammability evaluation, the results support the notion that polyurethane foams from renewable waste by-products offer a sustainable alternative to both edible and fossil-based sources. Additionally, sugarcane bagasse ash can be a suitable silica source for reinforcing composites with reduced flammability, potentially replacing harmful halogenated chemicals used for the same purpose.Work funded by AICEP (Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal, E. P. E) through Alchemy—Capturing High Value from Industrial Fermentation Bio Products. Granting agency: Portugal 2020, European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). UIDB/04708/2020 and Programmatic Funding—UIDP/04708/2020 of the CONSTRUCT—Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construções—funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC)

    Phylogenetic relationships of cone snails endemic to Cabo Verde based on mitochondrial genomes

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    Background: Due to their great species and ecological diversity as well as their capacity to produce hundreds of different toxins, cone snails are of interest to evolutionary biologists, pharmacologists and amateur naturalists alike. Taxonomic identification of cone snails still relies mostly on the shape, color, and banding patterns of the shell. However, these phenotypic traits are prone to homoplasy. Therefore, the consistent use of genetic data for species delimitation and phylogenetic inference in this apparently hyperdiverse group is largely wanting. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny of the cones endemic to Cabo Verde archipelago, a well-known radiation of the group, using mitochondrial (mt) genomes. Results: The reconstructed phylogeny grouped the analyzed species into two main clades, one including Kalloconus from West Africa sister to Trovaoconus from Cabo Verde and the other with a paraphyletic Lautoconus due to the sister group relationship of Africonus from Cabo Verde and Lautoconus ventricosus from Mediterranean Sea and neighboring Atlantic Ocean to the exclusion of Lautoconus endemic to Senegal (plus Lautoconus guanche from Mauritania, Morocco, and Canary Islands). Within Trovaoconus, up to three main lineages could be distinguished. The clade of Africonus included four main lineages (named I to IV), each further subdivided into two monophyletic groups. The reconstructed phylogeny allowed inferring the evolution of the radula in the studied lineages as well as biogeographic patterns. The number of cone species endemic to Cabo Verde was revised under the light of sequence divergence data and the inferred phylogenetic relationships. Conclusions: The sequence divergence between continental members of the genus Kalloconus and island endemics ascribed to the genus Trovaoconus is low, prompting for synonymization of the latter. The genus Lautoconus is paraphyletic. Lautoconus ventricosus is the closest living sister group of genus Africonus. Diversification of Africonus was in allopatry due to the direct development nature of their larvae and mainly triggered by eustatic sea level changes during the Miocene-Pliocene. Our study confirms the diversity of cone endemic to Cabo Verde but significantly reduces the number of valid species. Applying a sequence divergence threshold, the number of valid species within the sampled Africonus is reduced to half.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [CGL2013-45211-C2-2-P, CGL2016-75255-C2-1-P, BES-2011-051469, BES-2014-069575, Doctorado Nacional-567]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detección de limitantes reproductivas en una granja porcícola integral.

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    Se identificaron las limitantes reproductivas de una granja porcícola de Risaralda, dada la importancia de esta industria en la región, con los objetivos siguientes: determinar reactividad serológica a brucelosis, pseudorabia, parvovirosis, encefalomiocarditis viral (EMC), leptospirosis y síndrome de infertilidad respiratoria (SIRS), elaborar programas de control para las limitantes halladas, analizar los parámetros reproductivos y evaluar el efecto de las medidas, y contribuir al fomento de una asistencia técnica integral. La porcícola reunía 115 cerdas de cría y un total de 1228 animales de varias razas y sus cruces. El trabajo se efectuó durante 22 meses, en una fase retrospectiva de 12 meses en la cual se analizaron datos de 176 nulíparas y 237 multíparas, y una fase prospectiva de 10 meses, en la cual se analizaron datos de 87 nulíparas y 215 multíparas, siguiendo el diagnóstico e implementación de medidas de control. Se analizaron 11 parámetros reproductivos, para clasificarlos como limitantes o no. Se correlacionaron buscando causalidad común, y se concluyó que la parvovirosis, la leptospirosis y la encefalomiocarditis fueron la causa de las fallas reproductivas halladas en esta explotación. Algunas de las medidas recomendadas no fueron implementadas, o lo fueron tardíamente, por lo cual no se obtuvo el cambio deseado en los parámetros limitantes. El efecto de la EMC se desconoce, y podría ser la causa de una proporción no conocida del problema. Los resultados del trabajo son válidos para esta porcícola y la metodología empleada puede usarse en cualquier explotación simila

    Somatically acquired hypomethylation of IGF2 in breast and colorectal cancer

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    The imprinted insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) gene is expressed predominantly from the paternal allele. Loss of imprinting (LOI) associated with hypomethylation at the promoter proximal sequence (DMR0) of the IGF2 gene was proposed as a predisposing constitutive risk biomarker for colorectal cancer. We used pyrosequencing to assess whether IGF2 DMR0 methylation is either present constitutively prior to cancer or whether it is acquired tissue-specifically after the onset of cancer. DNA samples from tumour tissues and matched non-tumour tissues from 22 breast and 42 colorectal cancer patients as well as peripheral blood samples obtained from colorectal cancer patients [SEARCH (n=case 192, controls 96)], breast cancer patients [ABC (n=case 364, controls 96)] and the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer [EPIC-Norfolk (n=breast 228, colorectal 225, controls 895)] were analysed. The EPIC samples were collected 2–5 years prior to diagnosis of breast or colorectal cancer. IGF2 DMR0 methylation levels in tumours were lower than matched non-tumour tissue. Hypomethylation of DMR0 was detected in breast (33%) and colorectal (80%) tumour tissues with a higher frequency than LOI indicating that methylation levels are a better indicator of cancer than LOI. In the EPIC population, the prevalence of IGF2 DMR0 hypomethylation was 9.5% and this correlated with increased age not cancer risk. Thus, IGF2 DMR0 hypomethylation occurs as an acquired tissue-specific somatic event rather than a constitutive innate epimutation. These results indicate that IGF2 DMR0 hypomethylation has diagnostic potential for colon cancer rather than value as a surrogate biomarker for constitutive LOI

    Vigilancia virológica de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti y Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus como apoyo para la adopción de decisiones en el control del dengue en Medellín

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    Introduction: Dengue represents an important public health problem in Colombia. No treatment is available and the vaccine has not been approved in all countries, hence, actions should be strengthened to mitigate its impact through the control of Aedes aegypti, the vector mosquito. In Colombia, surveillance is done using entomological indexes and case notification, which is usually informed late, leading to untimely interventions. Viral detection in urban mosquitoes using molecular techniques provides more accurate entomological information for decision-making.Objective: To report results of virological surveillance in Aedes specimens collected during routine entomological activities of the Secretaría de Salud de Medellín.Materials and methods: Specimens were collected during two periods in each of which we selected 18 dwellings around each one of the 250 larva traps arranged for mosquitoe surveillance, as well as 70 educational institutions and 30 health centers. Specimens were identified morphologically, and divided in pools for viral detection using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We calculated the minimum infection rate and the adult infestation index for each group.Results: We collected 1,507 adult mosquitoes, 10 of which were identified as A. albopictus. Out of the 407 pools, 132 (one of them Ae. albopictus) were positive, and 14.39% were A. aegypti males. The minimum infection rates for Ae. aegypti were 120.07 and 69,50 for the first and second periods, respectively, and the adult infestation index was higher in educational institutions (23.57%).Conclusions: Using RT-PCR we identified natural infectivity and vertical transmission of dengue virus in A. aegypti and A. albopictus. We suggest the use of molecular techniques in arbovirosis surveillance and control programs in Colombia.Introducción. El dengue en Colombia representa un grave problema de salud y, dado que no existe un tratamiento efectivo para la enfermedad y la vacuna no se ha aprobado en todos los países, se deben fortalecer acciones para mitigar su impacto mediante el control de Aedes aegypti, el mosquito vector. La vigilancia en el país se hace con base en los índices entomológicos y en la notificación de casos, la cual es frecuentemente tardía y por ello conduce a falta de oportunidad en las intervenciones. La detección viral en mosquitos urbanos mediante técnicas moleculares proporciona información entomológica más precisa para la adopción de decisiones.Objetivo. Reportar los resultados de la vigilancia virológica de especímenes de Aedes spp. recolectados durante actividades entomológicas rutinarias de la Secretaría de Salud de Medellín.Materiales y métodos. Los ejemplares se recolectaron durante dos periodos, en cada uno de los cuales se seleccionaron 18 viviendas alrededor de cada una de las 250 trampas para larvas dispuestas para la vigilancia entomológica, así como 70 instituciones educativas y 30 centros de salud. Los ejemplares se identificaron y se conformaron grupos para la detección viral mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcripción inversa (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction, RT-PCR). Se calculó la tasa mínima de infección y el índice de infestación en adultos.Resultados. Se recolectaron 1.507 mosquitos, 10 de los cuales eran Ae. albopictus. De los 407 grupos conformados, 132 (uno de ellos de Ae. albopictus) fueron positivos, y 14,39 % correspondió a machos de Ae. aegypti. La tasa mínima de infección para Ae. aegypti fue de 120,07 y 69,50 en el primer y segundo períodos, respectivamente, y el índice de infestación en adultos fue mayor en las instituciones educativas (23,57 %).Conclusión. Mediante la RT-PCR se detectaron la infección natural y la transmisión vertical del virus del dengue en Ae. aegypti y en Ae. albopictus. Se propone considerar la incorporación de estas técnicas moleculares en los programas de vigilancia y control de las arbovirosis en el país

    5-hydroxymethylcytosine marks promoters in colon that resist DNA hypermethylation in cancer

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the support of The University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK (CRUK SEB-Institute Group Award A ref10182; CRUK Senior fellowship C10112/A11388 to AEKI) and Hutchison Whampoa Limited. The Human Research Tissue Bank is supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. FF is a ULB Professor funded by grants from the F.N.R.S. and Télévie, the IUAP P7/03 programme, the ARC (AUWB-2010-2015 ULB-No 7), the WB Health program and the Fonds Gaston Ithier. Data access: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?token=jpwzvsowiyuamzs&acc=GSE47592Background : The discovery of cytosine hydroxymethylation (5hmC) as a mechanism that potentially controls DNA methylation changes typical of neoplasia prompted us to investigate its behaviour in colon cancer. 5hmC is globally reduced in proliferating cells such as colon tumours and the gut crypt progenitors, from which tumours can arise. Results : Here, we show that colorectal tumours and cancer cells express Ten-Eleven-Translocation (TET) transcripts at levels similar to normal tissues. Genome-wide analyses show that promoters marked by 5hmC in normal tissue, and those identified as TET2 targets in colorectal cancer cells, are resistant to methylation gain in cancer. In vitro studies of TET2 in cancer cells confirm that these promoters are resistant to methylation gain independently of sustained TET2 expression. We also find that a considerable number of the methylation gain-resistant promoters marked by 5hmC in normal colon overlap with those that are marked with poised bivalent histone modifications in embryonic stem cells. Conclusions : Together our results indicate that promoters that acquire 5hmC upon normal colon differentiation are innately resistant to neoplastic hypermethylation by mechanisms that do not require high levels of 5hmC in tumours. Our study highlights the potential of cytosine modifications as biomarkers of cancerous cell proliferation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe