229 research outputs found

    Ukraina na kartach polskich podręczników historii XX wieku

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    Варто зауважити, що українське питання було представлене в польських підручниках ХХ століття в різних аспектах. Що стосується досліджень, польсько-українське питання було виражене по-різному в багатьох шкільних підручниках. Це значною мірою залежить від педагогічних ідей та школи догматики, що склалася в зазначеній системі освіти.Следует заметить, что украинский вопрос был представлен в польских учебниках ХХ века в разных аспектах. Что касается исследований, польско-украинский вопрос был выражен по-разному во многих школьных учебниках. Это в значительной степени зависит от педагогических идей и школы догматики, сложившейся в указанной системе образования.It is worth maintaining that Ukrainian issue was presented in the Polish textbooks in XX century in the various aspects. As it comes of research, Polish-Ukrainian issue was expressed in a different way in many school textbooks. It largely depended on pedagogical ideas and school dogmatics prevailing in the specified educational system

    Ukraina na kartach polskich podręczników historii XX wieku

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    Варто зауважити, що українське питання було представлене в польських підручниках ХХ століття в різних аспектах. Що стосується досліджень, польсько-українське питання було виражене по-різному в багатьох шкільних підручниках. Це значною мірою залежить від педагогічних ідей та школи догматики, що склалася в зазначеній системі освіти.Следует заметить, что украинский вопрос был представлен в польских учебниках ХХ века в разных аспектах. Что касается исследований, польско-украинский вопрос был выражен по-разному во многих школьных учебниках. Это в значительной степени зависит от педагогических идей и школы догматики, сложившейся в указанной системе образования.It is worth maintaining that Ukrainian issue was presented in the Polish textbooks in XX century in the various aspects. As it comes of research, Polish-Ukrainian issue was expressed in a different way in many school textbooks. It largely depended on pedagogical ideas and school dogmatics prevailing in the specified educational system

    Automated glycan assembly of galactosylated xyloglucan oligosaccharides and their recognition by plant cell wall glycan-directed antibodies

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    We report the automated glycan assembly of oligosaccharides related to the plant cell wall hemicellulosic polysaccharide xyloglucan. The synthesis of galactosylated xyloglucan oligosaccharides was enabled by introducing p-methoxybenzyl (PMB) as a temporary protecting group for automated glycan assembly. The generated oligosaccharides were printed as microarrays, and the binding of a collection of xyloglucan-directed monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to the oligosaccharides was assessed. We also demonstrated that the printed glycans can be further enzymatically modified while appended to the microarray surface by Arabidopsis thaliana xyloglucan xylosyltransferase 2 (AtXXT2)

    AtFUT4 and AtFUT6 are arabinofuranose-specific fucosyltransferases

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    The bulk of plant biomass is comprised of plant cell walls, which are complex polymeric networks, composed of diverse polysaccharides, proteins, polyphenolics, and hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs). Glycosyltransferases (GTs) work together to synthesize the saccharide components of the plant cell wall. The Arabidopsis thaliana fucosyltransferases (FUTs), AtFUT4, and AtFUT6, are members of the plant-specific GT family 37 (GT37). AtFUT4 and AtFUT6 transfer fucose (Fuc) onto arabinose (Ara) residues of arabinogalactan (AG) proteins (AGPs) and have been postulated to be non-redundant AGP-specific FUTs. AtFUT4 and AtFUT6 were recombinantly expressed in mammalian HEK293 cells and purified for biochemical analysis. We report an updated understanding on the specificities of AtFUT4 and AtFUT6 that are involved in the synthesis of wall localized AGPs. Our findings suggest that they are selective enzymes that can utilize various arabinogalactan (AG)-like and non-AG-like oligosaccharide acceptors, and only require a free, terminal arabinofuranose. We also report with GUS promoter-reporter gene studies that AtFUT4 and AtFUT6 gene expression is sub-localized in different parts of developing A. thaliana roots

    An analysis of protein patterns present in the saliva of diabetic patients using pairwise relationship and hierarchical clustering

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    Molecular diagnosis is based on the quantification of RNA, proteins, or metabolites whose concentration can be correlated to clinical situations. Usually, these molecules are not suitable for early diagnosis or to follow clinical evolution. Large-scale diagnosis using these types of molecules depends on cheap and preferably noninvasive strategies for screening. Saliva has been studied as a noninvasive, easily obtainable diagnosis fluid, and the presence of serum proteins in it enhances its use as a systemic health status monitoring tool. With a recently described automated capillary electrophoresis-based strategy that allows us to obtain a salivary total protein profile, it is possible to quantify and analyze patterns that may indicate disease presence or absence. The data of 19 persons with diabetes and 58 healthy donors obtained by capillary electrophoresis were transformed, treated, and grouped so that the structured values could be used to study individuals’ health state. After Pairwise Relationships and Hierarchical Clustering analysis were observed that amplitudes of protein peaks present in the saliva of these individuals could be used as differentiating parameters between healthy and unhealthy people. It indicates that these characteristics can serve as input for a future computational intelligence algorithm that will aid in the stratification of individuals that manifest changes in salivary proteins.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Flower-visitor communities of an arcto-alpine plant-Global patterns in species richness, phylogenetic diversity and ecological functioning

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    Pollination is an ecosystem function of global importance. Yet, who visits the flower of specific plants, how the composition of these visitors varies in space and time and how such variation translates into pollination services are hard to establish. The use of DNA barcodes allows us to address ecological patterns involving thousands of taxa that are difficult to identify. To clarify the regional variation in the visitor community of a widespread flower resource, we compared the composition of the arthropod community visiting species in the genus Dryas (mountain avens, family Rosaceae), throughout Arctic and high-alpine areas. At each of 15 sites, we sampled Dryas visitors with 100 sticky flower mimics and identified specimens to Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) using a partial sequence of the mitochondrial COI gene. As a measure of ecosystem functioning, we quantified variation in the seed set of Dryas. To test for an association between phylogenetic and functional diversity, we characterized the structure of local visitor communities with both taxonomic and phylogenetic descriptors. In total, we detected 1,360 different BINs, dominated by Diptera and Hymenoptera. The richness of visitors at each site appeared to be driven by local temperature and precipitation. Phylogeographic structure seemed reflective of geological history and mirrored trans-Arctic patterns detected in plants. Seed set success varied widely among sites, with little variation attributable to pollinator species richness. This pattern suggests idiosyncratic associations, with function dominated by few and potentially different taxa at each site. Taken together, our findings illustrate the role of post-glacial history in the assembly of flower-visitor communities in the Arctic and offer insights for understanding how diversity translates into ecosystem functioning.Peer reviewe