121 research outputs found


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    The main problem in this study is the low reading ability of the first graders of SD Negeri Heuleut II in Indonesian subjects. One of the factors that cause low students' reading ability is that the learning process still uses conventional media, namely by using the blackboard and learning is only teacher-centered and makes students passive. The purpose of the research to be achieved is to find out whether letter card media can improve early reading skills in grade I SD Negeri Heuleut II, Leuwimunding District, Majalengka Regency. The variable that is the target of change in this classroom action research is to improve the early reading ability of first grade elementary school students, while the action variable used in this research is letter card media. This Classroom Action Research was carried out in two cycles with a total of 25 students, each cycle consisting of action planning, observation and reflection. From the results of the first cycle of action, the students' initial reading learning outcomes were obtained with an average value of 69 with a student percentage of 52%. The results of the second cycle of action obtained were the students' initial reading learning outcomes with an average value of 78.67 with a student percentage of 92%. Thus, it can be concluded that learning Indonesian (preliminary reading) by using letter card media can improve early reading skills in grade I SD Negeri Heuleut II, Leuwimunding District, Majalengka Regency


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    Education is important for the future. Education is absorbed from childhood, even from the womb, to adulthood. Education lasts a lifetime, although formally, education starts from kindergarten or elementary school to university. However, the learning process in classrooms sometimes becomes less enjoyable due to several reasons, such as internal and external obstacles. To create fun learning, several techniques are feasible to apply. One of the steps that can be taken is to apply a game (in this case a guessing game). This study aims to analyze the effect of games and teacher performance on the acquisition of new vocabulary in elementary school children in Serang city. This research applies a quantitative approach by taking into account the principles of scientific research. The results of the analysis show that the 't-observation' is higher than the 't-table', namely 13.48 for 't-observation' and 2,04 for 't-table'. This study proves that guessing games can improve students' vocabulary mastery. In addition, it cannot be denied that the role of the teacher is very important. The results show that the teacher's performance when implementing the guessing game is also very high. This relates to the teacher's central role when implementing games in the classroom. Thus, the guessing game technique and teacher performance have a significant influence on students' vocabulary mastery


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    Education is important for the future. Education is absorbed from childhood, even from the womb, to adulthood. Education lasts a lifetime, although formally, education starts from kindergarten or elementary school to university. However, the learning process in classrooms sometimes becomes less enjoyable due to several reasons, such as internal and external obstacles. To create fun learning, several techniques are feasible to apply. One of the steps that can be taken is to apply a game (in this case a guessing game). This study aims to analyze the effect of games and teacher performance on the acquisition of new vocabulary in elementary school children in Serang city. This research applies a quantitative approach by taking into account the principles of scientific research. The results of the analysis show that the 't-observation' is higher than the 't-table', namely 13.48 for 't-observation' and 2,04 for 't-table'. This study proves that guessing games can improve students' vocabulary mastery. In addition, it cannot be denied that the role of the teacher is very important. The results show that the teacher's performance when implementing the guessing game is also very high. This relates to the teacher's central role when implementing games in the classroom. Thus, the guessing game technique and teacher performance have a significant influence on students' vocabulary mastery

    Functional "Purinergic" Innervation of the Intestine

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    ABSTRAK. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian singkat mengenai fenomenologi dalam teori arsitektur.Fenomenologi dikenal sebagai sebuah metode yang mempelajari bagaimana gejala arsitektur menjadi kesadaran yang bermakna.Tulisan ini bertujuan memahami peta pemahaman fenomenologi pada kajian filsafat dan fenomenologi pada kajian ilmu arsitektur.  Tulisan ini berusaha memberi orientasi bagaimana fenomenologi dipergunakan oleh beberapa teoritisi dan sejarawan arsitektur untuk menyusun pengetahuan dan pemahaman akan bentuk, ruang dan makna arsitektur terutama kaitannya dengan konsep tempat, ruang dan tubuh. Dengan mempelajari beberapa pemikiran kunci dari para pemikir, teoritisi dan sejarawan arsitektur yang menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, diharapkan tulisan ini dapat memberi arah pengembangan pendekatan ini. Kata Kunci: fenomenologi, teori arsitektur ABSTRACT. This article is an overview of the phenomenology in architectural theory. Phenomenology has been known as a method of studying how the tendency of architecture into meaningfull consciousness. This paper aims to understand the map of understanding the phenomenology of philosophy study and phenomenology of the architectural study. This article tries to give the orientation of how the phenomenology had been used by several theorists and historians of architecture to develop knowledge and understanding of shape,space and architectural meaning, particularly which related to the concept of place, space and body. By learning a few key ideas of thinkers, theorists and historians of architecture phenomenological approach, this paper is expected to give direction of development of this approach. Keywords: phenomenology, architectural theor


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    Undi Asri Cahyani. Analisis Model Atlman, Springate, dan Ohlson Dalam Memprediksi Financial Distress Pada Perusahaan Kompas 100 Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2014-2018. Skripsi : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Pancasakti Tegal 2019 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan hasil perhitungan antara model Altman, Springate dan Ohlson dalam memprediksi financial distress pada perusahaan Kompas100 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2014-2018. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah 1) terdapat perbedaan hasil antara model Altman Z-Score dengan model Springate dalam memprediksi financial distress, 2) terdapat perbedaan hasil antara model Altman Z-Score dengan model Ohlson dalam memprediksi financial distress, 3) terdapat perbedaan hasil antara model Springate dengan model Ohlson dalam memprediksi financial distress, 4) model Springate merupakan model prediksi yang paling akurat dibandingkan dengan model Altman dan model Ohlson dalam memprediksi financial distress didasari oleh beberapa penelitian terdahulu yang menyatakan bahwa model Springate merupakan model yang paling unggul. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan Kompas100 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode tahun 2014-2018. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 19 perusahaan yang diseleksi dengan kriteria tertentu dengan purposive sampling method. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan tahunan yang dipublikasikan dari Bursa Efek Indonesia periode tahun 2014-2018. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif, uji normalitas, pengujian hipotesis dengan uji paired sample t-test dan uji keakuratan model prediksi, maka diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara model Altman, Springate dan Ohlson dan tingkat akurasi tertinggi dicapai oleh model Altman sebesar 57,89%. Kata kunci : Altman Z-score, Springate, Ohlson, Financial Distress

    Penggunaan Metode Sosiodrama dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Siswa Kelas V SD.

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    Abstract: Application of Sociodrama Method in Increase of Indonesia Language Learning for Fifth Grade Student Elementary School. The purposes of the research are: describe application of sociodrama method, to increase learning, and identify problems and solutions in the application of sociodrama method to increase Indonesia language learning especially speak skill and literature appreciation (drama) for fifth grade student elementary school. Subject of this research are students in fifth grade consist of 16 students elementary school. This study is a Collaborative Classroom Action Research that was held in three cycle. Each cycle consist of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results show that the application of steps sociodrama method to increase Indonesia language learning especially speak skill and literature appreciation (drama) for fifth grade student elementary school. Keywords: sociodrama method, Indonesia language learning Abstrak: Penggunaan Metode Sosiodrama dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Siswa Kelas V SD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: mendeskripsikan penggunaan metode sosiodrama, meningkatkan pembelajaran dan menemukan kendala serta solusi dalam peningkatan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia khususnya keterampilan berbicara dan apresiasi sastra (drama) di kelas V SD. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD berjumlah 16 siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Kolaboratif yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Tiap siklus mencakup tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode sosiodrama dapat meningkatan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia khususnya keterampilan berbicara dan apresiasi sastra (drama) di kelas V SD.   Kata Kunci: metode sosiodrama, pembelajaran bahasa Indonesi