12 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Numerik Untuk Delaminasi Tengah Pada Pelat Komposit Dengan Model Cohesive Zone

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    Semakin berkembangnya material komposit, menjadikan komposit sebagai material yang sering menjadi concern bahan penelitian. Namun, komposit juga bisa mengalami kegagalan,salah satunya adalah delaminasi. Delaminasi adalah fenomena kerusakan yang bisa menyebabkan kurangnya kekuatan, kekakuan, dan kemampuan menahan beban pada material. Oleh sebab itu, penulis mengulas beberapa pengaruh ukuran, lokasi, konfigurasi lay-up, dan distribusi initial crack terhadap respon delaminasi pada material komposit. Komposit yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah carbon/epoxy yang disimulasikan pada ANSYS Mechanical/APDL. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan bahwa semakin panjang initial crack, reaction force yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka interface element delaminasi tengah semakin kecil. Sebaliknya, semakin pendek initial crack, reaction force-nya semakin besar. Lokasi dan distribusi initial crack juga berhubungan dengan ketebalan, dimana nilai ketebalan menyebabkan perbedaan reaction force untuk membuka interface. Sementara itu, konfigurasi serat unsymetric lebih tahan terhadap fenomena delaminasi daripada konfigurasi symetric. ================================================================================================== Development of material composit in modern era, made composit as the concern of material research. However, composite may fail, one of the failure phenomena in composite material called delamination. Delamination is phenomenon of damage that cause reduction in strength, stiffness, and load carrying. Because of that, some effect of size, location, lay-up configuration, and distribution of initial crack on the respon to the delamination phenomenon discussed in this research. The composite material used in present study is carbon/epoxy lamina simulatied in ANSYS Mechanical/APDL. The result show that, more longer initial crack, reaction force needed to open interface element in the middle delamination is getting smaller. Cenversely, the shorter inititial crack, reaction force is getting higher. The location and distribution of initial crack is also related to the, where the value of thickness, causing differences in reaction force to open the interface. Meanwhile, unsymetric configuration are more resistant to delamination phenomena than symetric configuration

    Studi Numerik Dengan Model Empat Parameter Untuk Memprediksi Daya Luaran Dari Panel Surya

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    Solar panel is one of the most promising renewable energies technology that can be an alternative of the fossil fuel energy. Furthermore, an accurate model to simulate the solar panel efficiency and power output is required. In this study, four parameters model is used to simulate the power output of the solar panel. Four parameters are extracted from single diode equation by using Matlab software then validate with manufacturer datasheet and one-day experiment condition. The error value from datasheet and experiment are 0.03% and 3.54%, respectively. Findings show that four parameters model is accurate. In the future, this result can be taken as a valuable reference for researcher and industrial to modelling energy output of the solar panel

    Evaluasi Numerik Untuk Delaminasi Tengah pada Pelat Komposit dengan Model Cohesive Zone

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    Semakin berkembangnya material komposit, menjadikan komposit sebagai material yang sering menjadi concern bahan penelitian. Namun, komposit juga bisa mengalami kegagalan, salah satunya adalah delaminasi. Oleh sebab itu, penulis mengulas beberapa pengaruh ukuran, lokasi, konfigurasi lay-up, dan distribusi initial crack terhadap respon delaminasi pada material komposit. Komposit yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah carbon/epoxy yang disimulasikan pada ANSYS Mechanical/APDL. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan bahwa semakin panjang initial crack, reaction force yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka interface element delaminasi tengah semakin kecil. Sebaliknya, semakin pendek initial crack, reaction force-nya semakin besar. Lokasi dan distribusi initial crack juga berhubungan dengan ketebalan, dimana nilai ketebalan menyebabkan perbedaan reaction force untuk membuka interface. Sementara itu, konfigurasi serat unsymetric lebih tahan terhadap fenomena delaminasi daripada konfigurasi symetric

    Studi Eksperimental Performa Burner Biomassa Berbahan Bakar Arang Kayu dan Batok Kelapa sebagai Tungku Hemat Energi Ramah Lingkungan

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    Pertumbuhan penduduk yang cukup tinggi mengakibatkan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan penyediaan energi. Kebutuhan ini tidak sejalan dengan cadangan sumber energi minyak bumi dan gas yang semakin menipis. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan sumber energi alternatif yang terbarukan dan ramah lingkungan. Bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah arang kayu dan limbah tempurung kelapa. Jenis bahan bakar ini dipilih karena ketersediaanya yang melimpah, harga yang ekonomis dan nilai kalor yang cukup tinggi. Material tungku menggunakan pelat baja karbon rendah dengan ketebalan 3 mm. Suplai udara pada burner menggunakan bantuan blower ukuran 2 inchi. Pengujian dilakukan dengan memvariasikan bukaan intake blower untuk mencari pengaruh debit udara terhadap karakteristik pembakaran. Pembakaran pada burner arang kayu menghasilkan temperatur flame tertinggi 675°C pada debit udara 0,020 m3/s. Sedangkan burner arang kayu dan batok kelapa menghasilkan temperatur flame tertinggi 700°C pada debit udara 0,020 m3/s. Jumlah suplai udara mempengaruhi proses pembakaran dan temperatur nyala api. Semakin tinggi suplai udara, temperatur nyala api cenderung menurun


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    The amount of plastic waste each year will increase by 10% every year which is a problem for a country. Therefore, proper processing of plastic waste needs to be done. Before being processed into plastic waste processing, it is necessary to have a chopping process using a plastic chopping machine. The plastic chopping machine has an important component, namely the chopping knife. Before carrying out the knife manufacturing process, it is necessary to validate the design of the blade that is used with its loading. Model simulation using software is one way to quickly validate the model. This study aims to determine the effect of loading variations on stress, strain, deformation and safety factors of the model. The use of ANSYS R17.2 software is used to analyze the chopping machine knife model with a variation of 5kg / hour, 10kg / hour, 20kg / hour and 50kg / hour capacities. The result is that the stress, strain and deformation parameters have an increase in value with increasing loading variations. The greatest values of stress, strain and deformation are in the variation of 50kg / hour respectively 64.995 Pa; 336.76 and 56,358 x 10-11mm. The value of the safety factor for all variations of loading has a value of 15. The value of the safety factor means that the design of the plastic chopping knife is safe to use up to a loading of 50kg / hou

    Processing of Plastics Waste into Fuel Oil by Communal Scale Pyrolysis Method in Kedungringin Village, Muncar, Banyuwangi

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    Plastic waste is a big problem in society because it can pollute the environment. The purpose of this assisted village grant program is to apply plastic waste processing technology into fuels that can be used for household and small-scale industrial purposes for the residents of Kedungringin village. The activities of the assisted village grant program are carried out by observing partners, then identifying equipment needs and designing and fabricating pyrolysis equipment. After the fabrication process is complete, then it is continued with socialization and training for Kedungringin villagers. Reactor performing tests using 1.5 kg of polyethylene plastic waste were able to produce about ± 1.2 liters of oil and ± 200 grams of charcoal from plastic waste. We hoped that with this plastic waste processing tool, the problem of environmental pollution due to the accumulation of plastic waste can be solved without causing new problems


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    Solar panel is popular renewable energy technology because it is environmentally friendly, zero emissions, and environmentally clean.  However, the energy conversion value from solar radiation to electricity is quiet small, more than 70% of solar radiation is discharged into heat energy.  Therefore, a heat collector is needed to take advantage of the heat dissipation from solar panel. In this study, an air heat collector is placed at the bottom of the panel to indicating the potential energy, electrical efficiency and heat efficiency. It was found that solar panels with air heat collectors were able to increase the electrical efficiency of solar panels by 0.70%. The daily primary total energy efficiency value of solar panels with a heat collector is 17.47% higher than a solar panel without a collector. In the future, the results of this research can be a reference for academics and industry to develop their renewable energy potential

    Pendekatan FMEA dalam Analisa Risiko Perawatan Sistem Bahan Bakar Mesin Induk: Studi Kasus di KM. Sidomulyo

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    The fuel system is one of the main engine support systems which is very important in the operation of the KM Sidomulyo main engine. Main engine on ships are operated 24 hours a week or more. The operation main engine needs special treatment of the components on the main engine to prevent failure during operation. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a method that can be used to identify the priority scale in maintaining a machine by evaluating the risk of failure that occurs on the machine. This study applies FMEA to determine the priority scale for the maintenance of the KM Sidomulyo main engine fuel system. The results of the identification using FMEA, namely the injector and fuel filter components are components that must be prioritized for maintenance. The Risk Priority Number (RPN) values of the injector and fuel filter components are 192 and 168, respectively. Maintenance priority is based on the component RPN value is above the critical RPN value of the main engine fuel system and includes the priority component on the Pareto diagram. The type of maintenance applied to the injector component is checking dirty fuel which can cause the injector to operate less optimally. While the fuel filter component is cleaning the deposits on the fuel filter cartridge. It is recommended that the inspection of other components be carried out so that the condition of the main engine fuel system has good reliability


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    Heat exchanger (HE) is a component of the main engine cooling system that plays a very important role in the process of changing the fluid temperature by exchanging the amount of heat with other fluids. The use of HE in the main engine cooling system should be considered in controlling after operation. HE performance can be analyzed using heat transfer analysis in the form of heat absorbed by HE (Q), LMTD and heat transfer coefficient (U). This study aims to analyze heat transfer in the form of calculations of absorbed heat, LMTD and heat transfer coefficient on the main engine HE KM Sumber Mutiara. This study measures the temperatures of fresh water and sea water entering and leaving the HE. In addition, measurement of water discharge and determination of the dimensions of the HE used for the main engine cooling system of KM Sumber Mutiara. This research shows that the highest heat value absorbed by HE (Q) is at RPM 1200 at 44.85 kJ/s, for the LMTD value at RPM 1000 at 45.69 oC and for the U value at RPM 1100 at 824 W/m2. oC. HE main engine KM Sumber Mutiara has not maximized its performance due to the fouling factor from sea water. The need for preventive maintenance and additional filters on the KM Sumber Mutiara Main Machine Heat Exchanger to increase the effectiveness of the HE

    Pengenalan dan Penerapan Teknologi Penyulingan Air Payau Menjadi Air Tawar pada Masyarakat Pesisir Pantai Desa Grajagan Banyuwangi

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    Desa Grajagan, Kabupaten Banyuwangi terletak di ujung timur Pulau Jawa yang mayoritas penduduknya hidup di pesisir pantai. Letak geografis tersebut membuat banyak warga desa masih menggunakan air payau yang bersumber dari sumur untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti mencuci pakaian, mandi dan lain-lain. Hal ini dikarenakan belum adanya pasokan air tawar dari sumber air terdekat sehingga warga harus membeli air bersih dari jerigen untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu, pada program pengabdian masyarakat ini, melalui Program Hibah Desa Binaan, diadakanlah sebuah acara pengenalan dan penerapan teknologi penyulingan air payau menjadi air tawar pada masyarakat di Desa Grajagan. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi pembuatan alat, sosialisasai, presentasi, diskusi, demo dan penyerahan alat penyulingan air. Hasil penerapan teknologi ini membuktikan bahwa air payau telah mampu diubah dengan baik menjadi air tawar dengan kadar TDS 220 ppm. Diharapkan setelah diadakannya program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, masyarakat di desa Grajagan mampu mendapatkan air tawar dengan mudah dan cepat serta mengerti tentang cara kerja alat penyulingan air payau menjadi air bersih. Kedepannya, setelah program ini selesai masyarakat setempat akan mampu membuat alat penyulingan secara mandiri