64 research outputs found

    Tietze Extension Theorem for Ordered Fuzzy Gδ-extremally Disconnected Spaces

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    In this paper, a new class of fuzzy topological spaces called ordered fuzzy G -extremally disconnected spaces is introduced. Tietze extension theorem for ordered fuzzy Gδ-extremally disconnected spaces has been discussed as in [10] besides proving several other propositions and lemmas

    Unique Regulation of Enterocyte Brush Border Membrane Na-Glutamine and Na-Alanine Co-Transport by Peroxynitrite during Chronic Intestinal Inflammation

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    Na-amino acid co-transporters (NaAAcT) are uniquely affected in rabbit intestinal villus cell brush border membrane (BBM) during chronic intestinal inflammation. Specifically, Na-alanine co-transport (ASCT1) is inhibited secondary to a reduction in the affinity of the co-transporter for alanine, whereas Na-glutamine co-transport (B0AT1) is inhibited secondary to a reduction in BBM co-transporter numbers. During chronic intestinal inflammation, there is abundant production of the potent oxidant peroxynitrite (OONO). However, whether OONO mediates the unique alteration in NaAAcT in intestinal epithelial cells during chronic intestinal inflammation is unknown. In this study, ASCT1 and B0AT1 were inhibited by OONO in vitro. The mechanism of inhibition of ASCT1 by OONO was secondary to a reduction in the affinity of the co-transporter for alanine, and secondary to a reduction in the number of co-transporters for B0AT1, which were further confirmed by Western blot analyses. In conclusion, peroxynitrite inhibited both BBM ASCT1 and B0AT1 in intestinal epithelial cells but by different mechanisms. These alterations in the villus cells are similar to those seen in the rabbit model of chronic enteritis. Therefore, this study indicates that peroxynitrite may mediate the inhibition of ASCT1 and B0AT1 during inflammation, when OONO levels are known to be elevated in the mucosa

    Modified helix-loop-helix motifs of calmodulin: the influence of the exchange of helical regions on calcium-binding affinity

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    The four calcium-binding sites, called the helix-loop-helix, or the EF-hand motifs, of calmodulin differ in their ion-binding affinities; this has been thought to arise due to the variations in the sequences of the loop regions where the ion binds. We focus attention here on the role of the flanking helical regions on the calcium-binding affinities. Peptides were synthesized in a manner that simulates the E and F helical flanks of site 4 (the strongest calcium-binding site of the calmodulin) to sandwich the loop sequences of sites 1, 2, 3 and 4 so as to produce peptides named 414, 424, 434 and 444, as well as using the helical flanks of site 1 (the weakest site) to produce peptides 111, 121, 131 and 141. Calcium binding was monitored using the calcium-mimic dye Stains-all (4,4,4',5'-dibenzo-3,3'-diethyl-9-methyl-thiacarbocya-nine bromide). Binding abilities were seen to increase several-fold when the E and F helices of site 1 were replaced by those of site 4 (i.e., 111-414). In contrast, the intensity of circular dichroism induced in the absorption bands of the bound achiral dye decreased significantly when the helical flanks of site 4 were replaced with those of site 1 (i.e., 444-141). The helical flanks of site 4 impart greater binding ability to a given loop region, while the helical flanks of site 1 tend to weaken it


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    Stock assessment of seerfishes in the Indian seas

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    The annual average catch of seerfishes from the Indian seas was 45,0601 during 1995-'99, which constituted 1.8% of the total marine fish catch in India. State-wise Gujarat (28.5%) was the major producer followed by Tamilnadu (15.8%), Maharashtra (15.4%), Andhra Pradesh (11.4%) and Kerala (10.5%). Gill net is the dominant gear in exploiting seerfish followed by trawl, hooks & line, boat seines, shore seines and purse seines. Among the five species, the kingseer Scomberomorus commerson (59.0%) and the spotted seer S. guttatus (35.1%) sustained the fishery, while the streaked seer S.lineolatus and the wahoo Acanthocybium solandri formed only a negligible portion of the fisher

    Status of exploitation of seerfishes in the Indian seas

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    Seerfish production from the Indian seas during the past five decades from 1950s to 1990s, showed an increasing trend. The annual catch increased from 4,505 t in 1953 to 54,8761 in 1998. The average annual catch during the five decadal periods k-aried from 7,278 t in 1950-'59 to 41,575 t in 1990-'99 contributing 1.5% and 1.75% respectively to the total marine fish catch of India. However, the rate of increase through the successive decades decreased indicating the attainment of op- ;imum level of production currently. During 1950-'59, the east coast contributed more (60%) than the west coast (40%), which changed to 36:64 during 1990-'99. iVmong the maritime states of India, Gujarat (25.88%), Maharashtra (16.09%), familnadu (13.59%), Kerala (13.07%) and Andhra Pradesh (12.68%) were the prime seerfish producers during 1990-'99. Gill net (64.8%) was the dominant gear, folowed by trawl (17.4%) and hooks and line (4%) with an average catch rate of 8.1 <g/unit, 0.24 kg/hr and 3.7 kg/unit respectively during 1995-'99. Among the five species, the fishery was sustained only by two species viz., the king seer Scomberomorus commerson and the spotted seer S.guttatus

    Strategy for Treating Motor Neuron Diseases Using a Fusion Protein of Botulinum Toxin Binding Domain and Streptavidin for Viral Vector Access: Work in Progress

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    Although advances in understanding of the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) have suggested attractive treatment strategies, delivery of agents to motor neurons embedded within the spinal cord is problematic. We have designed a strategy based on the specificity of botulinum toxin, to direct entry of viral vectors carrying candidate therapeutic genes into motor neurons. We have engineered and expressed fusion proteins consisting of the binding domain of botulinum toxin type A fused to streptavidin (SAv). This fusion protein will direct biotinylated viral vectors carrying therapeutic genes into motor nerve terminals where they can enter the acidified endosomal compartments, be released and undergo retrograde transport, to deliver the genes to motor neurons. Both ends of the fusion proteins are shown to be functionally intact. The binding domain end binds to mammalian nerve terminals at neuromuscular junctions, ganglioside GT1b (a target of botulinum toxin), and a variety of neuronal cells including primary chick embryo motor neurons, N2A neuroblastoma cells, NG108-15 cells, but not to NG CR72 cells, which lack complex gangliosides. The streptavidin end binds to biotin, and to a biotinylated Alexa 488 fluorescent tag. Further studies are in progress to evaluate the delivery of genes to motor neurons in vivo, by the use of biotinylated viral vectors

    Sex‑specific differences in systemic immune responses in MIS‑C children

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    Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) is a rare manifestation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-CoronaVirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection that can result in increased morbidity and mortality. Mounting evidence describes sex disparities in the clinical outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, there is a lack of information on sex-specific differences in immune responses in MIS-C. This study is an observational and cross-sectional study and we wanted to examine immune parameters such as cytokines, chemokines, acute phase proteins (APPs), growth factors, microbial translocation markers (MTMs), complement components and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in MIS-C children, based on sex. Male children were associated with heightened levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines—IFNγ, IL-2, TNFα, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, G-CSF and GM-CSF, chemokines-CCL2, CCL11, CXCL1, CXCL8 and CXCL10, acute phase proteins-α-2M, CRP,growth factors VEGF and TGFα, microbial translocation markers- iFABP, LBP, EndoCAb, complement components—C1q, MBL and C3 and matrix metalloproteinases MMP-8 and MMP-9 compared to female children with MIS-C. These results indicate that the heightened immune response in males is a characteristic feature of MIS-C. These findings might explain the differential disease pathogenesis in males compared to females with MIS-C and facilitate a deeper understanding of this disease

    Role of matrix metalloproteinases in multi-system inflammatory syndrome and acute COVID-19 in children

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    INTRODUCTION: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a serious inflammatory sequela of SARS-CoV2 infection. The pathogenesis of MIS-C is vague and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may have an important role. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are known drivers of lung pathology in many diseases. METHODS: To elucidate the role of MMPs in pathogenesis of pediatric COVID-19, we examined their plasma levels in MIS-C and acute COVID-19 children and compared them to convalescent COVID-19 and children with other common tropical diseases (with overlapping clinical manifestations). RESULTS: Children with MIS-C had elevated levels of MMPs (P < 0.005 statistically significant) in comparison to acute COVID-19, other tropical diseases (Dengue fever, typhoid fever, and scrub typhus fever) and convalescent COVID-19 children. PCA and ROC analysis (sensitivity 84–100% and specificity 80–100%) showed that MMP-8, 12, 13 could help distinguish MIS-C from acute COVID-19 and other tropical diseases with high sensitivity and specificity. Among MIS-C children, elevated levels of MMPs were seen in children requiring intensive care unit admission as compared to children not needing intensive care. Similar findings were noted when children with severe/moderate COVID-19 were compared to children with mild COVID-19. Finally, MMP levels exhibited significant correlation with laboratory parameters, including lymphocyte counts, CRP, D-dimer, Ferritin and Sodium levels. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest that MMPs play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of MIS-C and COVID-19 in children and may help distinguish MIS-C from other conditions with overlapping clinical presentation

    Unique cellular immune signatures of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

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    The clinical presentation of MIS-C overlaps with other infectious/non-infectious diseases such as acute COVID-19, Kawasaki disease, acute dengue, enteric fever, and systemic lupus erythematosus. We examined the ex-vivo cellular parameters with the aim of distinguishing MIS-C from other syndromes with overlapping clinical presentations. MIS-C children differed from children with non-MIS-C conditions by having increased numbers of naïve CD8(+) T cells, naïve, immature and atypical memory B cells and diminished numbers of transitional memory, stem cell memory, central and effector memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, classical, activated memory B and plasma cells and monocyte (intermediate and non-classical) and dendritic cell (plasmacytoid and myeloid) subsets. All of the above alterations were significantly reversed at 6–9 months post-recovery in MIS-C. Thus, MIS-C is characterized by a distinct cellular signature that distinguishes it from other syndromes with overlapping clinical presentations. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov clinicaltrial.gov. No: NCT04844242