22 research outputs found

    Therapeutic innovation: Inflammatory-reactive astrocytes as targets of inflammation

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    AbstractThis study aimed to test pharmaceutical compounds targeting astrocytes showing inflammatory dysregulation. The primary rat brain cultures were treated with different batches of serum with or without microglia added to make the cells inflammatory-reactive. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and tryptase were used as inflammatory inducers. Expression levels of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), Na+/K+-ATPase, and matrix metalloprotease-13 (MMP-13), as well as actin filament organization, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and intracellular Ca2+ release, were evaluated. LPS combined with tryptase upregulated TLR4 expression, whereas Na+/K+-ATPase expression was downregulated, ATP-evoked Ca2+ transients were increased, actin filaments were reorganized and ring structures instead of stress fibers were observed. Other aims of the study were to prevent astrocytes from becoming inflammatory-reactive and to restore inflammatory dysregulated cellular changes. A combination of the μ-opioid antagonist (−)-naloxone in ultra-low concentrations, the non-addictive μ-opioid agonist (−)-linalool, and the anti-epileptic agent levetiracetam was examined. The results indicated that this drug cocktail prevented the LPS- and tryptase-induced inflammatory dysregulation. The drug cocktail could also restore the LPS- and tryptase-treated cells back to a normal physiological level in terms of the analyzed parameters

    Cooperation in community care : A case study of Bibliotherapy in Norrköping

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    The aim of this bachelor-thesis is to study how the City Library in Norrköping, in collaboration with the outpatient centre, Gränden, has assisted people with substance abuse problems through a bibliotherapeutic reading circle known as, Människor mellan raderna (People between the lines). My theoretical framework is based upon Ruth M. Tews and Berth Danermark’s theories. Tew states that in order to create a well-functioning team consisting of various professional competences, each individual needs to possess certain character traits including the ability to contribute with their unique competence and an openness to receive and absorb the other participants’ contributions. According to Danermark, a collaborative project can be a stimulating and enriching process provided that the right conditions are created and adequate resources are made available. In order to answer the research questions, I conducted interviews with the librarian and the two therapy assistants who collaborated in hosting and facilitating ‘Människor mellan raderna’, as well as the chief librarian and the director of social services. I identified a common positive attitude towards collaboration among the informants/participants. One explanation for this may well lie in the fact that the different professional competencies found within the group complemented one another. The statements of the interviewees were found to be consistent with the theories postulated by Tew and Danermark concerning collaboratives of well-functioning teams. In conclusion, I can confidently recommend bibliotherapy as a way of improving and fortifying collaboration between different professional groups - provided that adequate resources are received, including the funding of research and development of bibliotherapeutic methods.Program: Bibliotekari

    Den diagnostiska problematiken och den problematiska diagnosen : En jämförelse av posttraumatiskt stressyndrom och svår depression vid tillämpning av diagnosinstrument

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    Psykisk hälsa/ohälsa är ett svårdefinierat begrepp som sätter fingret på ett av de största folkhälsoproblemen i vårt land, där depression är en av de vanligaste diagnoserna. Manualerna DSM-IV TR och ICD-10 används inom stora delar av sjukvården, världen över, i syfte att ge kunskap om lämpligast behandling till patienter med psykiska besvär. Denna studie syftar till att, genom en kvalitativ analys, undersöka vilka grunder som finns bakom de vanligast använda diagnosmanualerna och vilka kriterier som krävs för att uppfylla två vanligt förekommande diagnoser, PTSD och svår depression. Vidare syftar studier till att belysa eventuella likheter och olikheter mellan dessa diagnoser och vad det kan föra med sig. Såväl psykologisk forskning som klinisk praktik utgår idag mestadels från psykiatriska diagnoser, vilket kan ha såväl fördelar som nackdelar, men samtidigt diskuteras huruvida man istället ska lägga fokus på en annan mer underliggande nivå, nämligen processerna som sträcker sig över diagnosernas gränser. Fördelarna med ett transdiagnostiskt perspektiv är att det delvis kan ge en förklaring till den höga komorbiditet som finns i kliniska grupper och som skulle kunna iakttas även i de sjukdomsbilder som denna studie fokuserar på. Unified Protocol är en annan behandlingsmodell som tas upp i studien, vilken baseras på en betydande fenotypisk över-lappning mellan olika ångeststörningar hos patienter, där personer med subkliniska nivåer av symtom ändå kan ha en nedsatt funktionsnivå och ett subjektivt lidande, fastän de inte uppfyller alla de diagnostiska kriterierna för en specifik störning. Resultatet visar på möjligheten att se över diagnosgränser, för att öka chanserna för ett tillfrisknande hos patienten. Människans upplevelser av olika situationer den befinner sig i formas av personens egen uppfattning om sin förmåga, eller oförmåga, att påverka resultatet. Att uppleva sig ha mist kontroll över sitt eget liv kan i sig leda till såväl depression som suicidala tankar/-handlingar. Om symtomen för depression jämförs med kriterierna som står att finna under diagnosbilden “Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom” under kapitlet “ångestsyndrom”, kan många likheter konstateras. Slutsatsen blir att likheterna i symtombild skulle ge patienter med PTSD en behandlingsrekommendation som inte alls överensstämmer med de rekommenderade riktlinjer som är utformade för PTSD. Trots diagnosernas likheter rekommenderas olikartad behandling, och även olika förutsättningar för att fungera i kombination med förvärvsarbete påvisas. Vid så lika symtombilder, men ändå så skilda rekommenderade behandlingsplaner utifrån de olika diagnoserna, torde risken för en felaktig rehabiliteringsplan vara över-hängande.Mental health/illness is complex to define and this highlight of the biggest public health problems in our country, in which depression is one of the most common diagnoses. The manuals DSM-IV TR and ICD-10 is used in much of health care, worldwide, in order to provide knowledge of appropriate treatment for patients with mental disorders. This study aims to, through a qualitative analysis, examine the grounds behind the most commonly used diagnostic manuals and the criteria required to meet two common diagnoses, PTSD and severe depression. Further studies aimed to highlight any similarities and differences between these diagnoses and what it can bring. Both psychological research and clinical practice today is based mostly from psychiatric diagnoses, which can have both advantages and disadvantages, but also discussed whether they should instead focus on another more underlying level, namely the processes that extend across the diagnostic boundaries. The advantages of a trans-diagnostic perspective are that it may partly explain the high co-morbidity found in clinical groups and that could be observed even in those syndromes which this study focuses on. Unified Protocol is a different treatment model that is entered in the study, which is based on a significant phenotypic overlap between anxiety disorders in patients, where individuals with subclinical levels of symptoms still can have a reduced level of functionality and a subjective suffering, although they do not meet all the diagnostic criteria for a specific disorder. The result shows at the opportunity to review the diagnostic boundaries, to increase the chances for a recovery of the patient. The human experiences of different situations it is in the form of personal self-perception of their ability, or inability, to influence the outcome. To experience they have lost control over his own life in itself can lead to both depression that suicidal thoughts / actions. If the symptoms of depression compared with criteria that are to be found during diagnostic image "Post-traumatic stress disorder" in the chapter "disorder" can be found many similarities. The discourse comes to that the similarities in symptoms would provide patients with PTSD, a treatment recommendation, which did not conform to the recommended guidelines that are designed for PTSD. Despite the diagnosis, the similarities are recommended disparate treatment, and also different conditions to work in conjunction with work shown. At this same symptom pictures, yet so different recommended treatment plans based on the different diagnoses, would risk a false rehabilitation plan to be imminen

    Barn gör så gott de kan : Men när de inte kan, hur hjälper skolan dem då?

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    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om lärare ser sig ha det stöd och de resurser som krävs för att åstadkomma en inkluderande skola. Vi vill även undersöka synen på inkludering. För att möta elevers olikheter i en skola för alla krävs att lärare skapar goda relationer till elever och föräldrar. Läraren måste även ha goda kunskaper om arbetet med elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Det är också viktigt att resurser tillsätts.  Våra frågeställningar har varit vilket stöd lärarna får i sitt inkluderingsarbete, vilka insatser som görs och vilka som skulle vara önskvärda. Ytterligare en frågeställning har varit vad skolpersonal har för syn på inkludering.  Klassläraren och dennes arbete med elever i behov av särskilt stöd står i fokus för vår studie. Undersökningen genomfördes genom intervjuer. Vi har intervjuat fyra klasslärare, två skolledare, en specialpedagog och en speciallärare på tre grundskolor i Stor-Stockholm. Dessutom har vi intervjuat en rådgivare på Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten samt en tjänsteman på Skolverket. Tidigare forskning ligger också till grund för vår studie. Vi belyser tidigare studier på goda exempel av inkluderingsarbete. Vi har valt att lyfta fram det relationella perspektivet. Denna undersökning visar att synen på inkludering inte skiljer sig markant bland våra respondenter. Det finns en vilja bland lärarna att arbeta inkluderande. Det som hindrar dem handlar till stor del om organisation och tillgång till rätt resurser. Svårigheter som lärarna upplever är brist på tid och brist på stöd. Dessa upplevelser kan se olika ut. Lärarna i vår studie efterlyser utbildning och utökad kunskap, handledning och stöd från skolledningen. Samarbete mellan kollegor och mellan skola – föräldrar framhålls som betydelsefullt i inkluderingsarbetet. Vikten av att lyssna på barnet och att utgå från varje enskild elevs behov uppmärksammades också som framgångsfaktorer för att lyckas inkludera elever i behov av särskilt stöd

    What’s Queer and New in Apocalyptic Times

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    This issue of lambda nordica began from a familiar framing in these times: What is “new” in queer studies? As editors, we eagerly awaited submissions in the form of surprising, interesting, bold, and new research from queer scholars. The present issue, as long and late in it’s making as the Swedish government, is the outcome and it presents a number of emerging scholars and topics that are being pursued in PhD theses and postdoctoral projects in a range of disciplines, as well as reflections on new queer art. In this editorial, we want to briefly reflect on the past year and on what we, with José Esteban Muñoz’ words above, might call the “mess we are in” tells us about queer studies and the politics of newness. Do we need to bracket queer in order to let queer do new work

    Activism and mathematics activities for social justice in migrational contexts

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    This recently started action research project is a collaboration between mathematicsactivists and researchers. The aim is to generate knowledge about how out-of schoolactivities can promote mathematics foregrounds that empower youth with migrationalbackgrounds with confidence in their mathematics skills, and thereby open gatewaysto social and economic mobility. As we see it, school of today has much to learn fromsuch non-formal contexts. The overarching question is; How may activism generatemathematics activities for social justice in migrational contexts?Youth being deprived of education may result in despair, ruined prospects andagony. Mathematics education plays a crucial role in this because mathematicsfunctions as a gatekeeper for advancement in the educational systems. This is whata group of volunteers in Malmö in the south of Sweden from a mathematicshomework support NGO, Mattecentrum, experienced and responded to when theydecided to move from being homework supporters to become activists who act forchange

    Activism and mathematics activities for social justice in migrational contexts

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    This recently started action research project is a collaboration between mathematicsactivists and researchers. The aim is to generate knowledge about how out-of schoolactivities can promote mathematics foregrounds that empower youth with migrationalbackgrounds with confidence in their mathematics skills, and thereby open gatewaysto social and economic mobility. As we see it, school of today has much to learn fromsuch non-formal contexts. The overarching question is; How may activism generatemathematics activities for social justice in migrational contexts?Youth being deprived of education may result in despair, ruined prospects andagony. Mathematics education plays a crucial role in this because mathematicsfunctions as a gatekeeper for advancement in the educational systems. This is whata group of volunteers in Malmö in the south of Sweden from a mathematicshomework support NGO, Mattecentrum, experienced and responded to when theydecided to move from being homework supporters to become activists who act forchange

    Anti-inflammatory effects induced by pharmaceutical substances on inflammatory active brain astrocytespromising treatment of neuroinflammation

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    Background: Pharmaceutical treatment with probable anti-inflammatory substances that attack cells in various ways including receptors, ion channels, or transporter systems may slow down the progression of inflammatory conditions. Astrocytes and microglia are the most prominent target cells for inflammation in the central nervous system. Their responses upon inflammatory stimuli work through the NO/cyclic GMP/protein kinase G systems that can downregulate the ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling, as well as G protein activities which alter Na+ transporters including Na+/K+-ATPase pump activity, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), glutamate-induced Ca2+ signaling, and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The rationale for this project was to investigate a combination of pharmaceutical substances influencing the NO and the G(i)/G(s) activations of inflammatory reactive cells in order to make the cells return into a more physiological state. The ATP-evoked Ca2+ signaling is important maybe due to increased ATP release and subsequent activation of purinergic receptors. A balance between intercellular Ca2+ signaling through gap junctions and extracellular signaling mediated by extracellular ATP may be important for physiological function. Methods: Astrocytes in primary cultures were incubated with lipopolysaccharide in a physiological glucose concentration for 24h to induce inflammatory reactivity. The probable anti-inflammatory substances sildenafil and 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 together with endomorphin-1, naloxone, and levetiracetam, were used in the presence of high glucose concentration in the medium to restore the cells. Glutamate-, 5-HT-, and ATP-evoked intracellular Ca2+ release, Na+/K+-ATPase expression, expression of inflammatory receptors, and release of tumor necrosis factor alpha were measured. Results: Sildenafil in ultralow concentration together with 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 showed most prominent effects on the ATP-evoked intracellular Ca2+ release. The -opioid agonist endomorphin-1, the -opioid antagonist naloxone in ultralow concentration, and the antiepileptic agent levetiracetam downregulated the glutamate-evoked intracellular Ca2+ release and TLR4. The combination of the pharmaceutical substances in high glucose concentration downregulated the glutamate- and ATP-evoked Ca2+ signaling and the TLR4 expression and upregulated the Na+/K+-ATPase pump. Conclusion: Pharmaceutical treatment with the combination of substances that have potential anti-inflammatory effects, which attack different biochemical mechanisms in the cells may exert decisive effects to downregulate neuroinflammation in the nervous system