Activism and mathematics activities for social justice in migrational contexts


This recently started action research project is a collaboration between mathematicsactivists and researchers. The aim is to generate knowledge about how out-of schoolactivities can promote mathematics foregrounds that empower youth with migrationalbackgrounds with confidence in their mathematics skills, and thereby open gatewaysto social and economic mobility. As we see it, school of today has much to learn fromsuch non-formal contexts. The overarching question is; How may activism generatemathematics activities for social justice in migrational contexts?Youth being deprived of education may result in despair, ruined prospects andagony. Mathematics education plays a crucial role in this because mathematicsfunctions as a gatekeeper for advancement in the educational systems. This is whata group of volunteers in Malmö in the south of Sweden from a mathematicshomework support NGO, Mattecentrum, experienced and responded to when theydecided to move from being homework supporters to become activists who act forchange

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