3 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Quality of Combination Gun's Firing Mechanism

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    Diplomov prca sa zaober hodnoten­m kvality bicieho mechanizmu pre guÄov hlave guÄobrokovej kozlice Brno Combo. Obsahuje nvrh krit©ri­ na hodnotenie kvality bic­ch mechanizmov. Äalej sa sstred­ na vyuitie merania deformcie zpaliek ako prostriedku posdenia kvality bicieho mechanizmu. Na zklade merania Focus Variation mikroskopom boli analyzovan© r´zne geometrick© parametre odplench i zlyhanch zpaliek. Vsledky meran­ boli spracovan© analzou rozptylu a regresnou analzou. Na zklade vstupov tchto analz boli formulovan© odporÄania pre prax a nvrhy pre Äal­ vskum.This Masterâs thesis deals with evaluation of quality of Brno Combo combination rifle shotgun rifled barrelâs firing mechanism. It contains a proposal of criteria for evaluation of quality of firearm firing mechanisms. It further focuses on using measurement of primer deformation as a means of assessing the quality of a firing mechanism. Based on measurements made using a Focus Variation microscope, various geometrical parameters of fired and failed primers were analysed. The measurement results were processed using ANOVA and regression analysis. Based on output of these analyses, practical recommendations and further research proposals were formulated.

    Development of a flexible intra- and intermolecular empirical potential function for large molecular systems

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