85 research outputs found

    Aproveitamento energético do biogás da codigestão da fração orgânica de resíduos sólidos urbanos com lama de cal: uma avaliação econômica e ambiental

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    The generation of urban solid waste and its management still represent a problem of relevant dimensions in Brazil. The high presence of organic matter in these wastes can aggravate environmental problems, either by the emission of greenhouse gases, water or soil pollution. At the same time, the pulp and paper industry consumes large amounts of resources and produces important solid waste, including lime mud. By uniting urban and industrial reality, an alternative that has not yet been studied emerges, with which electrical energy is used from biogas from the co-digestion of the organic fraction of urban solid waste with lime mud. This intersection can reduce the environmental impacts associated with the inadequate management and impacts inherent to each of these wastes, providing savings in financial resources for the industry and also contributing to the diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix. To assess the environmental sustainability and economic viability of this alternative, the present work used economic-financial indicators and the life cycle assessment methodology. The results obtained showed a minimum population of 165,200 inhabitants to make a co-digestion proposal feasible. The sensitivity analysis showed that the energy tariff at R0.75,withapaybackof10years,wouldprovideapopulationof185,500inhabitantsforeconomicviabilityandattractiveness,withanetpresentvalueofR 0.75, with a payback of 10 years, would provide a population of 185,500 inhabitants for economic viability and attractiveness, with a net present value of R 125,552.74, the internal rate of return at 14.71% and a levelized energy cost of 0.55 R/kWh.Meanwhile,thelimemudlifecycleassessmentshowedthat,amongthe5proposedscenarios,codigestionissignificantlyadvantageous,avoidingenvironmentalimpactsespeciallyin8ofthe18assessedimpactcategories,namelyfreshwatereutrophication,ecotoxicitymarine,terrestrialacidification,fossilfueldepletion,freshwaterecotoxicity,climatechange,particulatematterformationandmarineeutrophication.Inaddition,digestatecontributedsignificantlytoavoidedimpacts.Thus,thestudymadeitpossibletocombineeconomicviabilityandenvironmentalbenefits,insuchawayastostructureadequatefoundationsforadeepeningoftheproposalandforarational,sustainableandeconomicallyviableuseofbiogasfromthecodigestionoftheorganicfractionofurbansolidwastewithlimemud.Agerac\ca~oderesıˊduossoˊlidosurbanoseoseugerenciamentoaindarepresentamumproblemadedimenso~esrelevantesnoBrasil.Aelevadapresenc\cademateˊriaorga^nicanessesresıˊduospodeagravarproblemasambientais,sejapelaemissa~odegasesdeefeitoestufa,poluic\ca~odeaˊguaoudossolos.Paralelamente,ainduˊstriadepapelecelulose,consomevolumosasquantidadesderecursoseproduzimportantesresıˊduossoˊlidos,entreeles,alamadecal.Aounirarealidadeurbanaeindustrial,surgeumaalternativaaindapoucoestudada,comaqualaproveitaseenergiaeleˊtricaapartirdobiogaˊsdacodigesta~odafrac\ca~oorga^nicadosresıˊduossoˊlidosurbanoscomalamadecal.Essaintersec\ca~opodereduzirosimpactosambientaisassociadosaˋgesta~oinadequadaeimpactosinerentesacadaumdessesresıˊduos,fornecendoeconomiaderecursosfinanceirosparaainduˊstriaeaindacontribuindocomadiversificac\ca~odamatrizenergeˊticabrasileira.Paraavaliarasustentabilidadeambientaleaviabilidadeecono^micadessaalternativa,opresentetrabalhoutilizouindicadoresecono^micofinanceiroseametodologiadeavaliac\ca~odociclodevida.Osresultadosobtidosapresentaramapopulac\ca~omıˊnimade165.200habitantesparaviabilizarumapropostadecodigesta~o.AanaˊlisedesensibilidadeapontouqueatarifadeenergiaemR/kWh. Meanwhile, the lime mud life cycle assessment showed that, among the 5 proposed scenarios, co-digestion is significantly advantageous, avoiding environmental impacts especially in 8 of the 18 assessed impact categories, namely freshwater eutrophication, ecotoxicity marine, terrestrial acidification, fossil fuel depletion, freshwater ecotoxicity, climate change, particulate matter formation and marine eutrophication. In addition, digestate contributed significantly to avoided impacts. Thus, the study made it possible to combine economic viability and environmental benefits, in such a way as to structure adequate foundations for a deepening of the proposal and for a rational, sustainable and economically viable use of biogas from the co-digestion of the organic fraction of urban solid waste with lime mud.A geração de resíduos sólidos urbanos e o seu gerenciamento ainda representam um problema de dimensões relevantes no Brasil. A elevada presença de matéria orgânica nesses resíduos pode agravar problemas ambientais, seja pela emissão de gases de efeito estufa, poluição de água ou dos solos. Paralelamente, a indústria de papel e celulose, consome volumosas quantidades de recursos e produz importantes resíduos sólidos, entre eles, a lama de cal. Ao unir a realidade urbana e industrial, surge uma alternativa ainda pouco estudada, com a qual aproveita-se energia elétrica a partir do biogás da codigestão da fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos com a lama de cal. Essa interseção pode reduzir os impactos ambientais associados à gestão inadequada e impactos inerentes a cada um desses resíduos, fornecendo economia de recursos financeiros para a indústria e ainda contribuindo com a diversificação da matriz energética brasileira. Para avaliar a sustentabilidade ambiental e a viabilidade econômica dessa alternativa, o presente trabalho utilizou indicadores econômico financeiros e a metodologia de avaliação do ciclo de vida. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram a população mínima de 165.200 habitantes para viabilizar uma proposta de codigestão. A análise de sensibilidade apontou que a tarifa de energia em R 0,75, com um payback de 10 anos, forneceria uma população de 185.500 habitantes para a viabilidade e atratividade econômica, tendo o valor presente líquido de R125.552,74,ataxainternaderetornoem14,71 125.552,74, a taxa interna de retorno em 14,71% e um custo nivelado de energia de 0,55 R/kWh. Enquanto isso, a avaliação do ciclo de vida da lama de cal demonstrou que, dentre os 5 cenários propostos, a codigestão é significativamente vantajosa, evitando impactos ambientais especialmente em 8 das 18 categorias de impactos avaliadas, sendo elas a eutrofização de água doce, ecotoxicidade marinha, acidificação terrestre, depleção de combustíveis fósseis, ecotoxicidade em água doce, mudanças climáticas, formação de material particulado e eutrofização marinha. Além disso, o digestato contribuiu significativamente com os impactos evitados. Assim, o estudo permitiu aliar a viabilidade econômica e os benefícios ambientais, de tal forma a estruturar alicerces adequados para um aprofundamento da proposta e para uma utilização racional, sustentável e economicamente viável do biogás da codigestão da fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos com a lama de cal

    Comparison of in vivo and in vitro models to evaluate pulp temperature rise during exposure to a Polywave® LED light curing unit

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    Objectives: To measure and compare in vivo and in vitro pulp temperature (PT) increase (ΔTEMP) over baseline, physiologic temperature using the same intact upper premolars exposed to the same Polywave® LED curing light. Methodology: After local Ethics Committee approval (#255,945), local anesthesia, rubber dam isolation, small occlusal preparations/minute pulp exposure (n=15) were performed in teeth requiring extraction for orthodontic reasons. A sterile probe of a temperature measurement system (Temperature Data Acquisition, Physitemp) was placed within the pulp chamber and the buccal surface was sequentially exposed to a LED LCU (Bluephase 20i, Ivoclar Vivadent) using the following exposure modes: 10-s low or high, 5-s Turbo, and 60-s high. Afterwards, the teeth were extracted and K-type thermocouples were placed within the pulp chamber through the original access. The teeth were attached to an assembly simulating the in vivo environment, being similarly exposed while real-time temperature (°C) was recorded. ΔTEMP values and time for temperature to reach maximum (ΔTIME) were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's post-hoc tests (pre-set alpha 0.05). Results: Higher ΔTEMP was observed in vitro than in vivo. No significant difference in ΔTIME was observed between test conditions. A significant, positive relationship was observed between radiant exposure and ΔTEMP for both conditions (in vivo: r2=0.917; p<0.001; in vitro: r2=0.919; p<0.001). Conclusion: Although the in vitro model overestimated in vivo PT increase, in vitro PT rise was close to in vivo values for clinically relevant exposure modes


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    Por meio deste artigo, objetivamos  provocar reflexões sobre a função social da escola, bem como contribuir com as discussões acerca da educação, no sentido de revelar a indissociável relação entre os conteúdos científicos, artísticos e filosóficos e a gradativa emancipação humana. Para este intento, expomos considerações históricas sobre o acesso ao conhecimento e a finalidade da educação como instrumento de luta, considerando a significação das apropriações e objetivações produzidas historicamente e como os conhecimentos nas suas potencialidades máximas estão articulados politicamente. O trabalho prioriza a perspectiva metodológica de revisão bibliográfica e estabelece levantamentos de autores que possuem receptividade no que tange a proposta em tela

    The Effects of Short Term Intracanal Medicaments on the Fracture Resistance of Root in Pulp Revitalization Procedure

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of short term intracanal medicaments on the fracture resistance of root in simulated necrotic immature teeth in pulp revitalization procedure. Methods and Materials: Bovine teeth (n=180) were selected, sectioned coronally and apically and then, internally fragilized. Intracanal medicament groups were arranged as follows: “Triple Antibiotic Paste” (TAP) group (n=60), “Calcium Hydroxide” (CH) group (n=60) and the control group (n=60). No medication was used in the control group. Fracture resistance tests were performed after 7, 14, and 21 days. At allocated intervals, 20 teeth from each group had fractured. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were performed to verify the effects of the employed medicaments at each time point. Friedman test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were also performed to verify the association between time and fracture resistance. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: After 7 days, there was no statistical difference between groups (P=0.376). Intragroup analysis revealed that, after 21 days, the TAP group (P=0.015) and the CH group (P=0.006) presented a statically significant reduction in fracture resistance comparison with 7 days. Statistical difference was not verified for the control group after 7, 14 and 21 days (P=0.25). There was no statistical difference between CH group and the control group after 7, 14 and 21 days (P>0.05). The reduction was significant for TAP after 14 and 21 days (P=0.018, P=0.033 Respectively). Conclusions: This in vitro study showed that the duration at which TAP and CH remained in the root canal influenced the fracture resistance of bovine teeth with simulated incomplete root formation.Keywords: Calcium Hydroxide; Endodontics; Regeneration; Triple Antibiotic Past

    OrtSuite: from genomes to prediction of microbial interactions within targeted ecosystem processes

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    Published Online: 27 September, 2021The high complexity found in microbial communities makes the identification of microbial interactions challenging. To address this challenge, we present OrtSuite, a flexible workflow to predict putative microbial interactions based on genomic content of microbial communities and targeted to specific ecosystem processes. The pipeline is composed of three user-friendly bash commands. OrtSuite combines ortholog clustering with genome annotation strategies limited to user-defined sets of functions allowing for hypothesis-driven data analysis such as assessing microbial interactions in specific ecosystems. OrtSuite matched, on average, 96% of experimentally verified KEGG orthologs involved in benzoate degradation in a known group of benzoate degraders. We evaluated the identification of putative synergistic species interactions using the sequenced genomes of an independent study that had previously proposed potential species interactions in benzoate degradation. OrtSuite is an easy-to-use workflow that allows for rapid functional annotation based on a user-curated database and can easily be extended to ecosystem processes where connections between genes and reactions are known.This work was funded by the Helmholtz Young Investigator grant VH-NG-1248 Micro “Big Data.”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Introduction: Violence against women is characterized by damage to physical and mental health of the victim, and is not linked solely to the use of physical force, but also the idea of submission, culturally ingrained in gender relations, in which man behaves itself as being dominant and women an inferior being. As result of violence, women are hindered in their social life, repressed and psychologically shaken. It is a public health problem of great magnitude in the world. It is known that women are more vulnerable to health problems and has unique needs, differentiated from other groups in society, such as prevention, control and combat to physical and mental illnesses. According to the National Policy for Integral Attention to Women’s Health, these injuries are more linked with gender issues such as the situation of discrimination in society than to biological factors. Gender inequalities, historically produced and legitimated by culture and society, put women in inferiority and depreciation position. In this context, violence is used as a mechanism of maintenance and confirmation of male power over women. Objective: Investigating the health problems resulting from domestic violence against women. Methods: An exploratory study with a qualitative approach, in the city of João Pessoa, involving 406 women who met the inclusion criteria. The speeches made by the interviewees were coded as analysis technique of speech. Results: The main diseases cited were headache, nausea, feeling of insecurity, stress, depression, difficulty with new relationships. Conclusion: The grievances caused from domestic violence in women who suffer permeate the physical damage, interfere with quality of life and surpass. It is important to give visibility to the phenomenon and insert gender concepts in the training of health professionals, providing tools for them to meet in a humane way and emancipatory approach to this population segment

    Comparação entre as idades óssea, dentária e cronológica por meio de método radiográfico simplificado

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    The aim of this study is a comparison between bone age, chronologic age and dental age, with the purpose of to obtain a guideline for the choice of the treatment time more convenient. Were analyzed 140 patients both genre, in the age group from 7 to 13 year. For the determination of the bone age those same patients were submitted to radiographic exam of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the first finger of the left hand using radiographic oclusal film, for the technique of the long cone (40 cm), with time of exhibition of 0,9 seconds, for the evaluation of the development of the sesamoid adutor bone. The conclusions of this study were that the radiographic method used is a easy application, mainly in cities that do not have radiological centers. The ossification of sesamoid adutor bone can be utilized as an indicator of the beginning of Pubertal Growth Spurt (PGS), being more precocious in the individuals of feminine gender; the dental pattern is variable than for bone age than for chronologic age in both genres.O objetivo deste estudo é a comparação entre a idade óssea, idade cronológica e o padrão de desenvolvimento dentário, com a finalidade de obter uma diretriz para a escolha da época de tratamento ortodôntico mais conveniente. Foram analisados clinicamente 140 pacientes, na faixa etária de 7 a 13 anos, de ambos os gêneros. Para a determinação da idade óssea esses mesmos pacientes foram submetidos a exame radiográfico da região da articulação metacarpofalangeana do primeiro dedo da mão esquerda, utilizando película radiográfica oclusal, pela técnica de cone longo (40 cm), com tempo de exposição de 0,9 segundo, para avaliação do desenvolvimento do osso sesamóide adutor. Conclui-se que o método radiológico empregado é de fácil aplicação, principalmente em cidades que não possuem centros radiológicos. A ossificação do osso sesamóide adutor pode ser utilizado como indicador do início do Surto de Crescimento Puberal (SCP) sendo mais precoce nos indivíduos de gênero feminino; o padrão dentário é variável tanto para a idade óssea como para a cronológica em ambos os gêneros


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    Objetivo: analisar a aderência bacteriana à superfície de bráquetes ortodônticos de 3 marcas comerciais nacionais, Morelli (MO) , Abzil (AB), Aditek Brackets Axis (AD), sendo 20 bráquetes de cada marca comercial, todos para a técnica Edgewise e com slot .022. Metodologia: cada bráquete foi colocado em um tubo de ensaio contendo 2 mL de caldo Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) e 0,1 mL de saliva do pesquisador. Após a incubação de 72 horas a 37ºC, este procedimento foi repetido e os bráquetes novamente incubados. Decorridas 72h/37ºC, os bráquetes foram lavados em solução fisiológica esterilizada e transferidos para tubos tubo de ensaio contendo 10mL de soro fisiológico. Após agitação vigorosa por 1 minuto, alíquotas de 0,1 mL da suspensão obtida foram semeadas, em duplicata, em ágar BHI, e incubadas a 37ºC/48h. Após este período, determinou-se o número de unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC/mL), recuperado de cada bráquete. Resultados: por meio do teste Kruskal-Wallis, seguido por Student-Neuman-Keuls demonstrou-se haver diferença estatística significante entre os grupos MO-AB; AB-AD (