416 research outputs found

    Remodeling Of The Bone Tissue Of Rats Of Different Lines After Melatonin Effect

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    The markers of remodeling of bone tissue (BT) were studied after the impact of pharmacologic dose of melatonin (5 mg/kg of the animal body weight) during 28 days for 3-months rats-males of Wistar and SHR lines. The studies were carried out in autumn. The aim of our work was to study the indices of bone tissue remodeling of rats of Wistar and SHR lines after introduction of pharmacologic dose of exogenous melatonin.Biochemical and immune-enzyme methods of analysis were used in the study. In rats of Wistar line was revealed a reliable increase of activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) by 43,9% (Р<0,05), hyaluronidase activity (HA) by 15,4% and free thyroxin concentration (fТ4) by 30%. There was also registered the decrease of pyridinoline (PYD) concentration by 48% and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) by 46,7%. In rats of SHR line under the same conditions the results essentially differed. The activity of acid phosphatase (ACP) has a tendency to increase by 11,6%, and PYD concentration decreased by 25%. The concentrations of free triiodothyronine (fТ3) and fТ4 reliably increased by 51,3% and 31,1% respectively.In the result of research we revealed that melatonin plays the main role among several main factors of regulation of bone tissue remodeling. It has stimulating influence on bone tissue and hormones of thyroid gland

    Karyology of the Bats from the Russian Far East

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    Recent studies based on morphologic and molecular genetic data have revealed quite a serious variety in the trans-Palearctic species, which brought about taxonomic status changes in 14 of 18 Russian Far Eastern bat species. Far Eastern bat status revisions resulted in species growth whose chromosome characteristics have been described either under other names or have not been studied at all. This paper has inventoried bat chromosome research in the Russian Far East and neighboring regions and has improved the accuracy of chromosome characteristics for 17 of 18 valid species today. For the first time, the karyotypes and their variation type for the valid bat species in the Russian Far East have been described

    Determination of 5-aminosalicylic acid in pharmaceutical formulations by square wave voltammetry at pencil graphite electrodes

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    An analytical method for the determination of the anti-inflammatory drug 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in pharmaceutical formulations using square wave voltammetry at pencil graphite electrodes was developed. After the optimization of the experimental conditions, calibration curves were obtained in the linear concentration range from 9.78 × 10-7 to 7.25 × 10-5 mol L-1 resulting in a limit of detection of 2.12 ± 0.05 x 10-8 mol L-1. Statistical tests showed that the concentrations of 5-ASA in commercial tablets and enemas obtained with the proposed voltammetric method agreed with HPLC values at a 95% confidence level.CNPqFAPES

    Кукурудза: параметри сівби

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    Aim. To highlight the results of the research conducted in 2020 – 2021 aiming at studying the  ffect of multi-depth and multifraction sowing of the  hybrid corn seeds of the DMS Sticker mid-early maturity group on the yield when grown in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine and determine the economic efficiency of the approaches.Materials and methods. Winter wheat was a predecessor crop in the study. Tillage methods and  related conditions are described in the article. Herbicides were used to protect against weeds. Sowing was carried out in the third decade of April at a soil temperature of +8 – 10 ºС. The experiment considered 2 factors, namely the depth of sowing seeds and the size of the seed fraction. The results obtained were processed using measurement, mathematical and statistical methods of research, as well as calculation and comparison approaches.Results and discussion. On average, depending on the factors studied, the height of the plants varied significantly, as a rule, the tallest plants were obtained from large seeds, which had the highest mass of 1000 seeds. Thus, in particular, on average over two years of research, the height of the plants was 250.4 cm when the weight of 1000 seeds was 255 g, and the seeds were wrapped by 4 – 5 cm; when the weight of 1000 seeds was 300 g, the height was 251.1 cm, while with the weight of 350 g it was 258.3 cm; with the wrapping depth of 7 – 8 cm the height was 252.1 cm, 255.8 and 268.5 cm, and with the wrapping depth of 10 – 11 cm it was 257.6 cm, 261.8 and 266.1 cm.Conclusions. The use of the large seed fraction provided an increase in the yield of the DMS Sticker corn hybrid by 1.09 – 1.79 t ha-1 compared to the use of the small seed fraction and was 8.70 t ha-1. When using the large seed fraction and the wrapping depth of 10 – 11 cm, the cost of production was 56,550 UAH ha-1. The cost price of 1 ton of production was the lowest and amounted to UAH 2,247.1, the conditional net profit was the highest – 37,000 UAH ha-1, and the level of profitability was 189.3 %.Мета. Висвітлити результати наукових досліджень 2020 – 2021 рр., метою яких було виявити вплив на врожайність різноглибинної та різнофракційної сівби насіння гібриду кукурудзи середньоранньої групи стиглості DMS Sticker за вирощування в умовах Північного Степу України та визначити економічну ефективність застосування такої сівби.Матеріали та методи. Культурою-попередником у дослідженні була озима пшениця. Способи обробляння ґрунту та супутні умови описано в статті. Для захисту від бур’янів використовували гербіциди. Посів здійснювали в третій декаді квітня за температури ґрунту +8 – 10 ºС. Експеримент враховував 2 фактори, а саме: глибину посіву насіння та розмір фракції насіння. Отримані результати обробляли, використовуючи вимірювальні, математичні і статистичні методи дослідження, а також розрахунковий та порівняльний підходи.Результати та їх обговорення. Залежно від досліджуваних факторів, висота рослин істотно змінювалася: як правило, найвищі рослини були отримані з крупного насіння, що мало найбільшу масу 1000 насінин. Так, зокрема, за маси 1000 насінин 255 г у разі загортання насіння на 4 – 5 см пересічно за два роки досліджень висота рослин становила 250,4 см, за маси 1000 насінин 300 г – 251,1 см, а у випадку маси 1000 насінин 350 г – 258,3 см; за глибини загортання 7 – 8 см – 252,1 см, 255,8 і 268,5 см, а за глибини загортання 10 – 11 см – 257,6 см, 261,8 і 266,1 см.Висновки. Використання великої фракції насіння проти дрібної забезпечило збільшення врожайності гібрида кукурудзи DMS Sticker на 1,09 – 1,79 т га-1 порівняно з використанням дрібної фракції насіння і становило 8,70 т га-1. За використання великої фракції насіння та глибини загортання 10 – 11 см собівартість продукції становила 56 550 грн га-1. Собівартість 1 т продукції була найнижчою і становила 2 247,1 грн, умовно чистий прибуток був найвищим – 37 000 грн га-1, а рівень рентабельності – 189,3 %

    The concept of "Tea" in the language picture of the world (based on Chinese and Russian languages)

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    This article presents a study of the “tea” concept and its representation in the language picture of the world based on the Russian and Chinese languages and identification of linguistic-cognitive and linguistic-cultural specification of its comprehension by Russian and Chinese people. The following issues were examined in the article: the cultural and historical background of the formation of the “tea” concept, the frequency of occurrence of the “tea” token and also the representation of the “tea” concept in both linguistic worlds. The results were as follows: the language representation of the “tea” concept was described and compared, and the similarities and differences in the content of the concept were revealed. The language representation of the “tea” concept in the Chinese and Russian languages was taken as the material of the study

    Characterisation of a developmentally regulated amino acid transporter gene from Leishmania amazonensis

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    The metabolism of protozoan parasites of the Leishmania genus is strongly based on amino acid consumption, but little is known about amino acid uptake in these organisms. In the present work, we identified a Leishmania amazonensis gene (La-PAT1) encoding a putative amino acid transporter that belongs to the amino acid/auxin permease family, a group of H +/amino acid symporters. This single copy gene is upregulated in amastigotes, the life cycle stage found in the mammalian host. La-PAT1 putative orthologous sequences were identified in Leishmania infantum, Leishmania donovani, Leishmania major and Trypanosoma.Fil: Geraldo, Murilo V.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Silber, Ariel Mariano. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Pereira, Claudio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Uliana, Silvia R.B.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Translingual Theory: Steven Kellman’s Studies

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    In the modern world under the conditions of globalization, interest in the phenomenon of transcultural text is steadily increasing. Familiar terms of monoculture become irrelevant for describing modern cultural phenomena, in this connection we found that the term “bilingual” is insufficient, not fully reflecting the essence of the processes occurring in the writer’s thinking and literary text. We concluded that the term “translingual” is the most preferable and succinct. It includes the notion of a mutually enriching dialog of cultures, not just a nominal distinction of languages. The study of various approaches to the research of the process of transculturation, which is most vividly reflected in translingual literature, is conditioned by the need to expand the paradigm from which the literary bi-, poly- and translingual experience of the Russian-speaking world is to be considered. This unique phenomenon cannot be studied only within the framework of the narratives of the new age that has established itself in Europe, or exclusively in the logic of European modernity. If we set a task to find scientific works on transculturalism or translingual literature in Russian, we will encounter a negligible number of them. However, the reason for this will not be the lack of researchers’ interest in the subject of study, but it will be due to a difference in wording. The fact is that the term “transcultural literature” has not yet taken root on the territory of, for example, the post-Soviet space: the term “bilingual” literature is more often used to designate the subject of study. That is why in this article we will first outline the boundaries and define the essence of the research: we will consider the term “bilingualism”, its types, the relevance of this concept in the modern world in general and in the post-Soviet space in particular, compare it with the term “transculturality”, etc.; then we will prove why the term “translingual” has certain and obvious advantages over the term “bilingual”, and after that we will turn to the figure of Stephen Kellman as an apologist of the theory of transcultural literature. Within the framework of this paper we will analyze some of the scientific works of Russian-speaking researchers who write articles, monographs devoted to this topic

    Компаративний аналіз підходів до реалізації конкурентних стратегій різними країнами світу

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    Щурко, У. В. Компаративний аналіз підходів до реалізації конкурентних стратегій різними країнами світу = Comparative analisis of approaches towards implementation of compatitive strategies in different countries / У. В. Щурко // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2019. – № 3 (477). – С. 63–69.Анотація. Процеси глобалізації та мега-регіоналізації, що охоплюють дедалі більше країн світу, ставлять перед ними завдання пошуку шляхів зміцнення конкурентоспроможності для відстоювання власних інтересів та ніші на світовому ринку. Вироблення системи та логіки створення конкурентних переваг спонукає до формування стратегії економічного розвитку, яка, проте, зважаючи на швидкоплинність суспільно-політичних процесів у сучасному світі, потребує постійного удосконалення та оновлення. Метою статті є виокремлення специфічних конкурентних рис стратегій провідних країн світу з характеристикою їх ключових позицій для вироблення рекомендацій з удосконалення української конкурентної стратегії. На основі аналізу моделей, що лягли в основу розробки стратегій, було здійснено групування країн за типами, які відповідали принципам цих моделей. Використання компаративного аналізу як методу, а також узагальнення та порівняння, забезпечило можливість пріоритизації напрямів розвитку, сфер і галузей економіки, розвиток яких забезпечує лідерство на глобальному економічному ринку. Аналіз новітніх економічних стратегій Сполучених Штатів, Німеччини та Японії дав змогу сформувати перелік напрямів, розвиток яких забезпечить посилення конкурентоспроможності української економіки. Новизною роботи є використання першоджерел і найновіших іноземних досліджень про сучасний стан втілення стратегій, розроблених за часів правління президента США Д. Трампа, канцлера ФРН А. Меркель та прем’єр-міністра Японії Ш. Абе, для розробки пропозицій удосконалення вітчизняної стратегії економічного розвитку. Результати дослідження можуть застосовуватися на різних рівнях ієрархії управління – національному, регіональному та локальному – для формування пріоритетів економічного розвитку, розробки програм та концепцій, що лягатимуть в основу новітньої стратегії економічного розвитку України.Abstract. Globalization and mega-regionalization processes, covering more and more countries around the world, challenged them to find ways to strengthen their competitiveness to protect their own interests and niche in the global market. Developing a system and logic for creating competitive advantages leads to the formation of an economic development strategy, which, however, in view of the rapid nature of socio-political processes in the modern world, requires constant improvement and renewal. The purpose of the article is to highlight the specific competitive features of the strategies of the leading world countries with the characteristics of their key positions to make recommendations for improving the Ukrainian competitive strategy. Based on the analysis of the models that formed the basis for the development of the strategies, countries were grouped by types that conformed to the principles of these models. The use of comparative analysis as a method, as well as generalization and comparison, has made it possible to prioritize the areas of development, spheres and sectors of the economy whose development provides leadership in the global economic market. The analysis of the latest economic strategies of the United States, Germany and Japan has made it possible to formulate a list of directions, the development of which will enhance the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The novelty of the work is the use of primary sources and the latest foreign studies on the current state of implementation of strategies developed during the reign of US President Donald Trump, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to develop proposals for improving the national strategy. The results of the study can be applied at different levels of the hierarchy of government – national, regional and local – to formulate economic development priorities, develop programs and concepts that will form the basis of Ukraine’s latest economic development strategy

    A study of lectin activity in buds of Sophora japonica L

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    Purpose: To identify lectins in Sophora japonica L. (green flower buds, fully formed flower buds, and flower buds as they begin to open) and to study their activity.Methods: Lectin activity was studied using rat hemagglutination method. The protein concentration of the extracts of the agglutinate was determined using Bradford assay.Results: Lectin activity of green flower buds was 1.61 ± 0.11 units/mg protein; fully formed flower buds, 1.81 ± 0.08 units/mg protein; flower buds as they began to open, and 2.05 ± 0.05 units/mg protein. The protein content of extracts from the buds of Sophora japonica L. collected at the stage of green flower buds, at the stage of formed buds, and at the stage of opening flower buds were 3.97 ± 0,04, 3.53 ± 0.07 and 3.13 ± 0.09 mg/ml respectively.Conclusion: This study shows the existence of lectins in Sophora japonica L. buds studied at three different stages of development. The highest lectin activity and protein content are found in the stage of green flower buds.Keywords: Lectins, Sophora japonica L, Flower buds, Ratuserytroagglutinatio

    Deformation and Damage Accumulation in a Ceramic Composite under Dynamic Loading

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    Methods of computer modelling were used to investigate the processes of deformation and microdamage formation in ceramic composite materials under intense dynamic loading. It was shown that there was no damage caused by dynamic compression in the vicinity of phase borders of a nanostructured aluminum oxide matrix and reinforcing particles of tetragonal zirconium dioxide. Also, the local origination of microdamages occurs only in the zones close to micropores