1 research outputs found
Panic Xanax
- Author
- Abramson
- Abramson
- Acker
- Acker
- Acker
- Ahlgren
- Alexander
- Allport
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- Anderson
- Angell
- Artaud
- Ballenger
- Ballenger
- Ballenger
- Barondes
- Baudrillard
- Baudrillard
- Baudrillard
- Baudrillard
- Bayer
- Benjamin
- Bernays
- Bernays
- Bernays
- Bernheimer
- Blashfield
- Blumer
- Blumer
- Bogard
- Bowker
- Bowlby
- Boyle
- Brandt
- Breggin
- Breines
- Brown
- Butler
- Caldicott
- Cannon
- Cannon
- Cantor
- Cantril
- Cantril
- Cantril
- Caruth
- Caruth
- Castillo
- Cixous
- Clarke
- Clough
- Clough
- Clough
- Clynes
- Clynes
- Cobb
- Cobb
- Cobb
- Cockburn
- Cohen
- Cole
- Cole
- Cole
- Collier
- Collins
- Committee on Statistics of the American Medico-Psychological Association in Collaboration with the Bureau of Statistics of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene
- Connell
- Coser
- Cottrell
- Cotts
- Cvetkovich
- Daniels
- Danzinger
- de Tarde
- Dechert
- Deleuze
- Deleuze
- Denning
- Douvan
- Dreyfus
- Durkheim
- Dyer-Witheford
- Eaton
- Edwards
- Elsner
- Endicott
- Faber
- Farley
- Faust
- Faxon
- Feighner
- Felix
- Fink
- Fink
- Flaherty
- Fleiss
- Foreman
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Frances
- Frances
- Frances
- Freed
- Fremont-Smith
- Fremont-Smith
- French
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Freud
- Galdston
- Galdston
- Gallop
- Gary
- Gelder
- Gerard
- Gerovitch
- Gibson
- Gordon
- Gorman
- Gouldner
- Gray
- Gray
- Grinker
- Grinker
- Grinker
- Grinker
- Grinker
- Grob
- Grob
- Grob
- Guze
- Guze
- Guze
- Hamilton
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Hardt
- Hayles
- Hayles
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Heims
- Heims
- Herman
- Hettema
- Hollier
- Hyler
- Hyman
- Irigaray
- Irigaray
- Jablensky
- Janet
- Janis
- Janis
- Kaplan
- Karpf
- Katz
- Katz
- Kelley
- Kendell
- Kety
- Killam
- Kirk
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Kline
- Kline
- Kline
- Koch
- Kolb
- Kolb
- Kroker
- Kutchins
- LaPiere
- Lazarsfeld
- Le Bon
- Le Bon
- Leach
- Lemert
- Lettvin
- Lettvin
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Leys
- Lilienfeld
- Lindesmith
- Lindzey
- Lowe
- Lunbeck
- MacIsaac
- MacLeish
- MacLeish
- Macy
- Madge
- Malizia
- Margolis
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Maron
- Martin
- Maser
- McCulloch
- McCulloch
- McCulloch
- McCulloch
- McDougall
- McDougall
- McEnaney
- McNally
- Melley
- Menninger
- Menninger
- Merikangas
- Merton
- Merton
- Metzl
- Micale
- Milgram
- Miller
- Millon
- Millon
- Mills
- Mintz
- Mirken
- Morrison
- Murrow
- National Institute of Mental Health
- Noyes
- Oakes
- Office of Civil Defense Sacramento, Calif.
- Orr
- Orr
- Orr
- Orr
- Osborn
- Osborn
- Overholser
- Parisi
- Park
- Park
- Park
- Park
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Perley
- Peterson
- Pfohl
- Pfohl
- Pfohl
- Phelan
- Pickering
- Plant
- Plant
- Pollack
- Pollock
- Purtell
- Quarantelli
- Quarantelli
- Raines
- Regier
- Rich
- Richman
- Robins
- Robins
- Rogers
- Romanyshyn
- Ronnell
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rosenberg
- Rosenblueth
- Rosenblueth
- Ross
- Roth
- Ruesch
- Sainz
- Schacht
- Scheer
- Scheerer
- Schultz
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Sedler
- Seidman
- Seidman
- Seidman
- Selfridge
- Sheehan
- Sheehan
- Sheehan
- Sheehan
- Sherwood
- Shils
- Sidis
- Simpson
- Skerritt
- Smelser
- Smoller
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Spitzer
- Srole
- Stouffer
- Stouffer
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Sullivan
- Sulloway
- Swanson
- Swenson
- Szasz
- Taggart
- Taussig
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Tiryakian
- Trinh
- Turner
- Turner
- U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
- U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey Morale Division
- U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey Morale Division
- Ulet
- Upjohn Company
- Vaillant
- Virilio
- Wanger
- Waring
- Weart
- Weissman
- Weissman
- Weissman
- Weissman
- Wells
- Wheeler
- White
- White
- Widiger
- Wiener
- Wiener
- Wiener
- Wiener
- Wiener
- Wikler
- Williams
- Wilson
- Woodruff
- Wylie
- Young
- Zita
- Zubin
- Zubin
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study