1,239 research outputs found

    I castelli delle Marche, un paesaggio rimosso

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    In questo contributo vengono presentati i risultati di una ricerca su Pitino, un noto sito castellano situato lungo la valle del fiume Potenza. Malgrado la rilevanza delle sue strutture difensive e l\u2019ampiezza della superficie da esse racchiusa, il castello non \ue8 mai stato oggetto indagini sistematiche. Utilizzando foto aeree realizzate oblique da amatori e riprese zenitali professionali scattati dalla Aerofotoconsult, l\u2019Autore propone una prima lettura topografica degli elementi riconoscibili: circuito murario, fossato, scarpate e tracce da micro rilievo riferibili agli edifici collocati entro la cerchia pi\uf9 intern

    Archeologia delle aree montane europee: metodi, problemi e casi di studio

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    Negli ultimi anni, a livello europeo, si \ue8 assistito a un rinnovato interesse per le \u201cquestioni ambientali\u201d che ha investito tutte le scienze sociali. In questo contesto, la montagna e, pi\uf9 in generale, le aree interne sono al centro dell\u2019attenzione di specialisti di varie discipline. Tale interesse sta producendo, anche in archeologia, una corposa bibliografia dalla quale emergono, da un lato, la variet\ue0 degli approcci e delle metodologie messe in campo dai diversi gruppi di ricerca e, dall\u2019altro, le notevoli potenzialit\ue0 informative di queste aree, che hanno meno risentito delle conseguenze distruttive dei processi di urbanizzazione successivi al secondo dopoguerra. Il numero monografico 13 de \u201cIl Capitale Culturale\u201d accoglie sia studi di carattere metodologico e teorico, sia resoconti articolati di ricerche in corso in Europa, senza alcuna limitazione di carattere cronologico o di approccio, sui seguenti temi: \u2022 Approcci metodologici e teorici allo studio delle aree montane e/o interne; \u2022 Survey nelle aree montane; \u2022 Archeologia delle risorse ambientali; \u2022 Visibilit\ue0/ invisibilit\ue0 dei paesaggi montani nelle diverse fonti; \u2022 I paesaggi montani e i sistemi di gestione delle risorse ambientali; \u2022 Economie della montagna ed economie nella montagna; \u2022 Caratteri delle produzioni ceramiche; \u2022 Archeologia della produzione ed eventuali peculiarit\ue0 dei cicli produttivi; \u2022 Archeologia dell'edificato rurale storico; \u2022 Archeologia pubblica, valorizzazione dei Beni Archeologici e archeologia preventiva nelle aree montane

    Surgical site infection after caesarean section. Space for post-discharge surveillance improvements and reliable comparisons

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    Surgical site infections (SSI) after caesarean section (CS) represent a substantial health system concern. Surveying SSI has been associated with a reduction in SSI incidence. We report the findings of three (2008, 2011 and 2013) regional active SSI surveillances after CS in community hospital of the Latium region determining the incidence of SSI. Each CS was surveyed for SSI occurrence by trained staff up to 30 post-operative days, and association of SSI with relevant characteristics was assessed using binomial logistic regression. A total of 3,685 CS were included in the study. A complete 30 day post-operation follow-up was achieved in over 94% of procedures. Overall 145 SSI were observed (3.9% cumulative incidence) of which 131 (90.3%) were superficial and 14 (9.7%) complex (deep or organ/space) SSI; overall 129 SSI (of which 89.9% superficial) were diagnosed post-discharge. Only higher NNIS score was significantly associated with SSI occurrence in the regression analysis. Our work provides the first regional data on CS-associated SSI incidence, highlighting the need for a post-discharge surveillance which should assure 30 days post-operation to not miss data on complex SSI, as well as being less labour intensive

    Haptic adaptation to slant: No transfer between exploration modes

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    Human touch is an inherently active sense: to estimate an object’s shape humans often move their hand across its surface. This way the object is sampled both in a serial (sampling different parts of the object across time) and parallel fashion (sampling using different parts of the hand simultaneously). Both the serial (moving a single finger) and parallel (static contact with the entire hand) exploration modes provide reliable and similar global shape information, suggesting the possibility that this information is shared early in the sensory cortex. In contrast, we here show the opposite. Using an adaptation-and-transfer paradigm, a change in haptic perception was induced by slant-adaptation using either the serial or parallel exploration mode. A unified shape-based coding would predict that this would equally affect perception using other exploration modes. However, we found that adaptation-induced perceptual changes did not transfer between exploration modes. Instead, serial and parallel exploration components adapted simultaneously, but to different kinaesthetic aspects of exploration behaviour rather than object-shape per se. These results indicate that a potential combination of information from different exploration modes can only occur at down-stream cortical processing stages, at which adaptation is no longer effective

    NtGNL1 Plays an Essential Role in Pollen Tube Tip Growth and Orientation Likely via Regulation of Post-Golgi Trafficking

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    Background: Tobacco GNOM LIKE 1 (NtGNL1), a new member of the Big/GBF family, is characterized by a sec 7 domain. Thus, we proposed that NtGNL1 may function in regulating pollen tube growth for vesicle trafficking. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test this hypothesis, we used an RNAi technique to down-regulate NtGNL1 expression and found that pollen tube growth and orientation were clearly inhibited. Cytological observations revealed that both timing and behavior of endocytosis was disrupted, and endosome trafficking to prevacuolar compartments (PVC) or multivesicular bodies (MVB) was altered in pollen tube tips. Moreover, NtGNL1 seemed to partially overlap with Golgi bodies, but clearly colocalized with putative late endosome compartments. We also observed that in such pollen tubes, the Golgi apparatus disassembled and fused with the endoplasmic reticulum, indicating abnormal post-Golgi trafficking. During this process, actin organization was also remodeled. Conclusions/Significance: Thus, we revealed that NtGNL1 is essential for pollen tube growth and orientation and it likel

    A protein methylation pathway in Chlamydomonas flagella is active during flagellar resorption

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Cell Biology, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Cell Biology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 19 (2008): 4319-4327, doi:10.1091/mbc.E08-05-0470.During intraflagellar transport (IFT), the regulation of motor proteins, the loading and unloading of cargo and the turnover of flagellar proteins all occur at the flagellar tip. To begin an analysis of the protein composition of the flagellar tip, we used difference gel electrophoresis to compare long versus short (i.e., regenerating) flagella. The concentration of tip proteins should be higher relative to that of tubulin (which is constant per unit length of the flagellum) in short compared with long flagella. One protein we have identified is the cobalamin-independent form of methionine synthase (MetE). Antibodies to MetE label flagella in a punctate pattern reminiscent of IFT particle staining, and immunoblot analysis reveals that the amount of MetE in flagella is low in full-length flagella, increased in regenerating flagella, and highest in resorbing flagella. Four methylated proteins have been identified in resorbing flagella, using antibodies specific for asymmetrically dimethylated arginine residues. These proteins are found almost exclusively in the axonemal fraction, and the methylated forms of these proteins are essentially absent in full-length and regenerating flagella. Because most cells resorb cilia/flagella before cell division, these data indicate a link between flagellar protein methylation and progression through the cell cycle.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant DK071720 (R.D.S.) and National Science Foundation Grant MCB 0418877 (R.D.S.)

    Material deprivation affects the management and clinical outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma in a high-resource environment

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    none94Aim: This study investigated how material deprivation in Italy influences the stage of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at diagnosis and the chance of cure. Methods: 4114 patients from the Italian Liver Cancer database consecutively diagnosed with HCC between January 2008 and December 2018 were analysed about severe material deprivation (SMD) rate tertiles of the region of birth and region of managing hospitals, according to the European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. The main outcomes were HCC diagnosis modalities (during or outside surveillance), treatment adoption and overall survival. Results: In more deprived regions, HCC was more frequently diagnosed during surveillance, while the incidental diagnosis was prevalent in the least deprived. Tumour characteristics did not differ among regions. The proportion of patients undergoing potentially curative treatments progressively decreased as the SMD worsened. Consequently, overall survival was better in less deprived regions. Patients who moved from most deprived to less deprived regions increased their probability of receiving potentially curative treatments by 1.11 times (95% CI 1.03 to 1.19), decreasing their mortality likelihood (hazard ratio 0.78 95% CI 0.67 to 0.90). Conclusions: Socioeconomic status measured through SMD does not seem to influence HCC features at diagnosis but brings a negative effect on the chance of receiving potentially curative treatments. Patient mobility from the most deprived to the less deprived regions increased the access to curative therapies, with the ultimate result of improving survival.openCucchetti A.; Gramenzi A.; Johnson P.; Giannini E.G.; Tovoli F.; Rapaccini G.L.; Marra F.; Cabibbo G.; Caturelli E.; Gasbarrini A.; Svegliati-Baroni G.; Sacco R.; Zoli M.; Morisco F.; Di Marco M.; Mega A.; Foschi F.G.; Biasini E.; Masotto A.; Nardone G.; Raimondo G.; Azzaroli F.; Vidili G.; Brunetto M.R.; Farinati F.; Trevisani F.; Avanzato F.; Biselli M.; Caraceni P.; Garuti F.; Neri A.; Santi V.; Pellizzaro F.; Imondi A.; Sartori A.; Penzo B.; Sanmarco A.; Granito A.; Muratori L.; Piscaglia F.; Sansone V.; Forgione A.; Dajti E.; Marasco G.; Ravaioli F.; Cappelli A.; Golfieri R.; Mosconi C.; Renzulli M.; Cela E.M.; Facciorusso A.; Cacciato V.; Casagrande E.; Moscatelli A.; Pellegatta G.; de Matthaeis N.; Allegrini G.; Lauria V.; Ghittoni G.; Pelecca G.; Chegai F.; Coratella F.; Ortenzi M.; Missale G.; Olivani A.; Inno A.; Marchetti F.; Busacca A.; Camma C.; Di Martino V.; Maria Rizzo G.E.; Franze M.S.; Saitta C.; Sauchella A.; Berardinelli D.; Bevilacqua V.; Borghi A.; Gardini A.C.; Conti F.; Dall'Aglio A.C.; Ercolani G.; Adotti V.; Arena U.; Di Bonaventura C.; Campani C.; Dragoni G.; Gitto S.; Laffi G.; Coccoli P.; Malerba A.; Guarino M.; Capasso M.; Oliveri F.; Romagnoli V.Cucchetti, A.; Gramenzi, A.; Johnson, P.; Giannini, E. G.; Tovoli, F.; Rapaccini, G. L.; Marra, F.; Cabibbo, G.; Caturelli, E.; Gasbarrini, A.; Svegliati-Baroni, G.; Sacco, R.; Zoli, M.; Morisco, F.; Di Marco, M.; Mega, A.; Foschi, F. G.; Biasini, E.; Masotto, A.; Nardone, G.; Raimondo, G.; Azzaroli, F.; Vidili, G.; Brunetto, M. R.; Farinati, F.; Trevisani, F.; Avanzato, F.; Biselli, M.; Caraceni, P.; Garuti, F.; Neri, A.; Santi, V.; Pellizzaro, F.; Imondi, A.; Sartori, A.; Penzo, B.; Sanmarco, A.; Granito, A.; Muratori, L.; Piscaglia, F.; Sansone, V.; Forgione, A.; Dajti, E.; Marasco, G.; Ravaioli, F.; Cappelli, A.; Golfieri, R.; Mosconi, C.; Renzulli, M.; Cela, E. M.; Facciorusso, A.; Cacciato, V.; Casagrande, E.; Moscatelli, A.; Pellegatta, G.; de Matthaeis, N.; Allegrini, G.; Lauria, V.; Ghittoni, G.; Pelecca, G.; Chegai, F.; Coratella, F.; Ortenzi, M.; Missale, G.; Olivani, A.; Inno, A.; Marchetti, F.; Busacca, A.; Camma, C.; Di Martino, V.; Maria Rizzo, G. E.; Franze, M. S.; Saitta, C.; Sauchella, A.; Berardinelli, D.; Bevilacqua, V.; Borghi, A.; Gardini, A. C.; Conti, F.; Dall'Aglio, A. C.; Ercolani, G.; Adotti, V.; Arena, U.; Di Bonaventura, C.; Campani, C.; Dragoni, G.; Gitto, S.; Laffi, G.; Coccoli, P.; Malerba, A.; Guarino, M.; Capasso, M.; Oliveri, F.; Romagnoli, V

    Test beam performance measurements for the Phase I upgrade of the CMS pixel detector

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    A new pixel detector for the CMS experiment was built in order to cope with the instantaneous luminosities anticipated for the Phase I Upgrade of the LHC. The new CMS pixel detector provides four-hit tracking with a reduced material budget as well as new cooling and powering schemes. A new front-end readout chip mitigates buffering and bandwidth limitations, and allows operation at low comparator thresholds. In this paper, comprehensive test beam studies are presented, which have been conducted to verify the design and to quantify the performance of the new detector assemblies in terms of tracking efficiency and spatial resolution. Under optimal conditions, the tracking efficiency is (99.95 ± 0.05) %, while the intrinsic spatial resolutions are (4.80 ± 0.25) μm and (7.99 ± 0.21) μm along the 100 μm and 150 μm pixel pitch, respectively. The findings are compared to a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the pixel detector and good agreement is found.Peer reviewe

    Posters display III clinical outcome and PET

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    Selection of the silicon sensor thickness for the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker

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    During the operation of the CMS experiment at the High-Luminosity LHC the silicon sensors of the Phase-2 Outer Tracker will be exposed to radiation levels that could potentially deteriorate their performance. Previous studies had determined that planar float zone silicon with n-doped strips on a p-doped substrate was preferred over p-doped strips on an n-doped substrate. The last step in evaluating the optimal design for the mass production of about 200 m2^{2} of silicon sensors was to compare sensors of baseline thickness (about 300 μm) to thinned sensors (about 240 μm), which promised several benefits at high radiation levels because of the higher electric fields at the same bias voltage. This study provides a direct comparison of these two thicknesses in terms of sensor characteristics as well as charge collection and hit efficiency for fluences up to 1.5 × 1015^{15} neq_{eq}/cm2^{2}. The measurement results demonstrate that sensors with about 300 μm thickness will ensure excellent tracking performance even at the highest considered fluence levels expected for the Phase-2 Outer Tracker