164 research outputs found

    Kultūriniai-skaitmeniniai literatūros žinomumo tyrinėjimai pasitelkiant „Google knygas“: bandomasis tyrimas

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    The availability of databases of digitised literary materials, such as Google Books, Europeana and historical newspaper databases, has revolutionised many disciplines, e.g., linguistics and history. So far, the use of digitised materials has not been very frequent in the history of books and the history of reading. This article presents tools, methodologies and practices that offer new possibilities in the study of book history and the history of reading. The use of these tools makes it possible to study vast amounts of data quickly and effectively, to present results in helpful visualisations, to make it possible to follow the line of reasoning and, if necessary, to check the reliability of the research by presenting the data for control. The examples presented are drawn from the Google Books database using a simple piece of software that exploits the API of the Google Books Ngram Viewer tool that is available free of charge.Suskaitmenintų literatūros duomenų bazių tokių kaip „Google knygos“, „Europeana“ ir istorinių laikraščių duomenų bazių prieinamumas sukėlė revoliuciją daugelyje disciplinų, pvz., kalbotyroje ir istorijoje. Iki šiol knygų istorijoje ir skaitymo istorijoje suskaitmenintos medžiagos naudojimas nebuvo ypač dažnas. Šiame straipsnyje pristatomos priemonės, metodikos ir praktikos, kurios suteikia naujas knygų istorijos ir skaitymo istorijos tyrimo galimybes. Šių įrankių naudojimas leidžia greitai ir efektyviai ištirti didžiulius duomenų kiekius, pateikti rezultatus pasitelkiant naudingas vizualizacijas, suteikia galimybę remtis argumentavimu ir, prireikus, nustatyti tyrimo patikimumą pateikiant duomenis patikrinimui. Surinkti pavyzdžiai yra paimti iš duomenų bazės „Google knygos“, naudojant paprastą programinę įrangą ir pasitelkiant nemokamo „Google Books Ngram Viewer“ įrankio aplikacijų programavimo sąsają (angl. API)

    Changing Structures and Women’s Role as Labor Force

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze changes in the development of women’s role as labor force over a 40-year period. This is done by presenting research results that concern the restructuring of the labor market over different time periods. The empirical material is from the 1960s, the heyday of the Swedish model; from the 1980s, the period that economic historians label the third industrial revolution; and from the 1990s, a period labeled the new working life that is covering the reorganization of the public sector. For the first period results from restructuring in the shipyard industry are presented as well as employment outcomes for single individuals. This industry was male dominated with very few women employed, but regional policy measures were implemented to reach a latent female labor force. The second period is covered by a study of closures and cutbacks in different industries in Sweden during 1982–1983. The proportion of women employed in the industries studied was around one third and employment outcomes had a specific gendered pattern. Women did to a lower extent than men get new permanent jobs. Permanent temporariness was introduced as a concept to describe their labor market situation. The recession that one decade later hit both female- and male-dominated sectors is illustrated by a study of the relations between labor market attachment, working life, and family conditions. The material comes from a regional research program based on a questionnaire and on register data on incomes from 1990 to 1999. The paper analyzes several areas related to work and outside of work that indicate a gendered pattern of multidimensional subordination and an increased polarization in terms of both gender and class. In conclusion, the 40 years has been a period of dramatic change in women’s situation as labor force. In times of restructuring they often entered into precarious job situations or unemployment. Women’s double burden proved remarkably resilient when explaining gender differences in employment and working conditions

    Challenges of combining structured and unstructured data in corpus development

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    Special issue, Challenges of Combining Structured and Unstructured Data in Corpus Development, ed. by Tanja Säily & Jukka Tyrkkö.Recent advances in the availability of ever larger and more varied electronic datasets, both historical and modern, provide unprecedented opportunities for corpus linguistics and the digital humanities. However, combining unstructured text with images, video, audio as well as structured metadata poses a variety of challenges to corpus compilers. This paper presents an overview of the topic to contextualise this special issue of Research in Corpus Linguistics. The aim of the special issue is to highlight some of the challenges faced and solutions developed in several recent and ongoing corpus projects. Rather than providing overall descriptions of corpora, each contributor discusses specific challenges they faced in the corpus development process, summarised in this paper. We hope that the special issue will benefit future corpus projects by providing solutions to common problems and by paving the way for new best practices for the compilation and development of rich-data corpora. We also hope that this collection of articles will help keep the conversation going on the theoretical and methodological challenges of corpus compilation.Non peer reviewe

    Investigating colloquialization in the British parliamentary record in the late 19th and early 20th century

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    Special issue "New perspectives on democratization: Evidence from English(es)" edited by Turo Hiltunen and Lucía Loureiro-PortoIn this paper, we explore how sociocultural changes were reflected in the parliamentary record, a genre that combines elements of spoken, written and written-to-be-spoken discourses. Our main interests are in the processes of linguistic colloquialization and democratization, understood broadly as tendencies towards greater informality and equality in language use. Previous diachronic studies have established that written language has increasingly adopted features associated with spoken language, although genre and register differences are considerable. Our starting point is that as Parliament has become more demographically representative and as prescriptive norms have loosened in society on the whole, the relative frequency of informal features in parliamentary language may have increased. At the same time, profound changes took place in the practices of recording parliamentary proceedings, most importantly the introduction of the official report in 1909. Our data on British parliamentary debates come from the Hansard Corpus (Alexander and Davies, 2015). We investigate the 60-year-period 1870-1930, which includes reports of parliamentary debates and, after 1909, verbatim reports (in total ca. 40 million words). Adopting a pattern-driven approach, we focus on n-gram frequencies. The analysis first identifies major shifts in the language of the reports using unsupervised grouping methods, and then investigates in more detail the frequency trends of individual n-grams associated with spoken language, as well as their function in parliamentary debates. The findings indicate that the introduction of the official report resulted in clear changes in n-gram frequencies, which can be linked to democratization and colloquialization. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Chapter 1 Intersections of Modalities from Medieval to Modern Times

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    This paper argues that the integration of the multimodal and the multilingual which pre-exists modern digital media is all but haphazard. Thus their dynamics and trends that have endured and developed over the centuries call for a systematic scholarly exploration. For instance, in historical texts and contemporary social media alike preattentive engagement techniques are implemented by content producers in order to guide processing. Other manifestations of the multimodal and multilingual interplay involve orthographic aesthetics which encodes social evaluations and commentary of (linguistic) otherness in the late modernity, while visual diamorphs, brevigraphs and non-alphabetic symbols embody the prestige of medieval de luxe manuscripts. Bilingualism in contemporary social media is as purposeful and commercially devised a tool as the graphics and photos placed in blogs and vlogs by microinfluencers. The paper offers an approach that paves the way for generalisations and extension to cover further data representing other languages and periods


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    Henkilöbrändi on yksi tämän päivän kiehtovimmista teemoista ja sen merkitys on vain kasvanut somekanavien nousun myötä. Henkilöbrändäyksen tarkoituksena on löytää yksilön vahvuudet ja uniikit piirteet, joita voidaan markkinoida halutulle kohdeyleisölle. Alun perin henkilöbrändäys kuului ainoastaan julkisuudenhenkilöille, mutta tänä päivänä kuka vaan voi alkaa rakentamaan omaa henkilöbrändiään. Jokaisella meistä on brändi, mutta se on itsestä kiinni, haluaako sitä hyödyntää. Henkilöbrändin rakentaminen vaatii paljon työitä ja sitoutumista. Urheilijoiden henkilöbrändäys on kiehtovaa, sillä he kantavat valmiiksi symbolisia piirteitä, joista ihmiset pitävät. Lisäksi urheilijat voivat hyödyntää arvokasta brändiään myös urheilijauransa jälkeen. Somekanavat ovat erinomaisia paikkoja henkilöbrändin rakentamiseen ja ylläpitämiseen. Somen avulla voidaan tuottaa sitouttavaa sisältöä ja se tarjoaa myös oivan paikan olla vuorovaikutuksessa seuraajien kanssa vaivattomasti. Somessa kuitenkin on kiinnitettävä huomiota tiettyihin käytänteisiin, jotta sisällöntuotanto on mahdollisimman toimivaa. Tinze, Hatsolo ja Focus ovat suomalaisia tanssijoita, jotka ovat onnistuneet rakentamaan itselleen vahvat hekilöbrändit rakkaan harrastuksen ympärille. Tanssijat ovat rakentaneet sekä ylläpitävät omaa brändiään sosiaalisen median välityksellä, missä he myös pitävät yhteyttä seuraajiinsa sekä tanssijaystäviinsä

    Publication practices in the Humanities: An in-depth case study of a Swedish Arts and Humanities Faculty 2010-2018

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    This paper is a case study of research publication practices at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Linnaeus University, a young, mid-sized university in the south-east of Sweden. Research output was measured from publications in the local institutional repository following the guidelines of local research policy as defined in university documentation. The data collection comprised 3,316 metadata records of publications self-registered by authors affiliated with the faculty during the period of 2010–2018. A statistical analysis of research output was conducted, focusing on preferred publication types, disciplinary specificity, level of co-authorship, and the language of the publication as registered in the local repository. The analysis focused on two main research questions: 1) how do the local research practices stand in relation to traditional publication patterns in the humanities? 2) how do the observed publication patterns relate to local university policy on publication and research evaluation? The empirical results suggest a limited correlation between publication practices and research incentives from university management, a finding that is corroborated by previous research on the scholarly character of the humanities and university policies. Overall, traditional humanities publication patterns were largely maintained throughout the period under investigation

    In silico methods in prediction of drug metabolism, mass fragmentation, and chromatographic behavior : Application to toxicological drug screening by liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    Drug analysis in forensic and clinical toxicology has traditionally relied on the use of primary reference standards (PRSs). However, the availability of PRSs for new drugs, new psychoactive substances (NPSs), and their metabolites is often limited. Full metabolite data of pharmaceutical drugs can be unpublished, and the metabolism of NPSs is often unknown. Knowledge of drug metabolism is highly important for toxicological risk assessment, analytical method development and forensic or clinical interpretation. Accurate mass measurement using liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry allows determination of the compound s elemental composition, which facilitates structural elucidation. Computer systems, i.e. simulation in silico, are available to speed up and assist with the interpretation of analytical data. In this thesis, current in silico systems were evaluated for their usefulness within accurate mass based toxicological drug screening. The aim was to produce supportive information for tentative compound identification without the necessity of possessing PRSs. Meteor software (Lhasa Limited) was employed to predict human metabolism of the antipsychotic drug quetiapine and four NPSs: 2-desoxypipradrol (2-DPMP), 3,4-dimethylmethcathinone (3,4-DMMC), α-pyrrolidinovalerophenone (α-PVP), and methiopropamine (MPA). The in vivo human metabolites were identified in urine samples. The metabolism of the NPSs was also studied in vitro in human liver microsomes. Two software tools for in silico mass fragmentation - ACD/MS Fragmenter (ACD/Labs) and SmartFormula3D (Bruker Daltonik) - were used for the structural elucidation of the compounds studied. The retention time prediction software ACD/ChromGenius (ACD/Labs) was used to calculate chromatographic retention times for a large set of compounds included in a target database for toxicological drug screening. The software systems proved to be useful in analytical toxicology procedures, especially with accurate mass data. In silico tools predicted most of the known metabolites of the compounds studied, and aided in the identification of new metabolites as well. The fragment assignment software facilitated the structural elucidation of unknown compounds, and they aided in the differentiation of structural isomers, which cannot be accomplished by accurate molecular mass alone. In silico retention time calculation offered information to be used with data from other software systems and accurate mass data. The in silico systems assist preliminary compound identification in cases where no respective PRS is obtainable. The present thesis demonstrates how in silico data can be applied to toxicological drug screening in support of compound identification from authentic urine samples.Oikeuskemian ja kliinisen toksikologian tutkimuksissa lääke- ja huumausaineiden tunnistaminen perustuu yleensä vertailuaineiden käyttöön. Tutkittavalle yhdisteelle saatua analyysitulosta, kuten massaspektriä ja kromatografista retentioaikaa, verrataan vastaavalla vertailuaineella saatuihin tuloksiin. Uusien tai harvinaisten yhdisteiden, kuten uusien lääkeaineiden, muokattujen huumeiden, tai näiden aineenvaihduntatuotteiden eli metaboliittien, vertailuaineiden saatavuus on usein rajoitettu. Tietoa uusien lääkeaineiden ja muokattujen huumeiden metaboliasta voi olla niukasti saatavilla tai niiden metaboliaa ei ole tutkittu lainkaan. Lääke- ja huumausaineiden metabolian tunteminen on tärkeää toksikologisten riskien arvioinnin ja tulosten tulkinnan lisäksi myös analyysimenetelmien kehityksessä. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin, kuinka erilaisia tietokoneohjelmia voidaan hyödyntää simuloimaan lääke- ja huumausaineiden metaboliaa, yhdisteiden massaspektrometristä pilkkoutumista sekä niiden kromatografista retentiota. Tietokoneavusteista päättelyä, in silico simulointia, on käytetty muun muassa lääkkeen keksimis- ja kehitysprosesseissa jo vuosia. Tässä työssä in silico menetelmiä hyödynnettiin ensimmäistä kertaa analyyttisen toksikologian tutkimusalalla. Käytetyillä ohjelmilla saatuja tuloksia sovellettiin yhdisteen tarkan molekyylimassan mittaustekniikkaan, lentoaikamassaspektrometriaan, sekä siihen perustuvaan toksikologiseen lääkeaineseulontaan. Määrittämällä tuntemattoman yhdisteen massa riittävällä tarkkuudella, voidaan sille laskea teoreettinen alkuainekoostumus, mikä helpottaa yhdisteen rakenteen selvittämistä. Tietokoneavusteinen metabolian päättely ennusti suurimman osan tutkittavien yhdisteiden tunnetuista metaboliiteista, ja ohjelman avulla voitiin tunnistaa myös uusia metaboliitteja. Yhdisteiden massaspektrometristä pilkkoutumista simuloivien ohjelmien avulla voitiin tunnistaa tutkittaville molekyyleille ominaiset rakenteet. Laskennallisesti määritetty retentioaika tukee aineiden tunnistusta tarkan massan mittaamisen ja muilla simulointiohjelmilla hankitun tiedon rinnalla. Väitöstutkimuksessa saadut tulokset osoittivat, että tietokoneavusteisia menetelmiä voidaan soveltaa analyyttisen toksikologian menetelmiin. Ohjelmat osoittautuivat erityisen toimiviksi yhdessä tarkan massan analyysitekniikan kanssa käytettynä. Ohjelmistoilla saadun tiedon avulla voitiin alustavasti tunnistaa yhdisteitä, joille ei ollut saatavilla vertailuaineita. Toksikologisessa lääkeaineseulonnassa in silico menetelmät tukevat aineiden tunnistamista myös todellisista virtsanäytteistä