56 research outputs found

    Plant communities of field boundaries in Finnish farmland

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    To determine the importance of field boundary habitats for farmland biodiversity, we surveyed a total of 193 boundaries from four climatically and agriculturally dissimilar regions in Finland. We measured the current plant species richness and composition of the boundaries, and based on the differences in vegetation characteristics, we describe six boundary types. The observed plant species were mainly indicators of fresh to wet soils and moderate to rich mineral nitrogen content. The most frequent species were tall, perennial monocots and dicots indicating the high productivity of thevegetation. Moreove, herbicide-tolerant species were common. No species rare for Finland were found.In animal husbandry regions, the most frequent species were sown grassland species and typical grassland weeds. In cereal production regions, fast-spreading root weeds tolerant of herbicides were the most frequent. Mean species richness was highest in the cluster Ca-lamagrostis-Phalaris (24 species (s)/boundary (b)), which we considered as representative of moist sites with some disturbance by agricultural practices. Most species-poor were the clusters Elymus-Anthriscus (14 s/b)and Elymus-Cirsium (16 s/b),both found predominantly in cereal production regions in southern Finland. Our results suggest that the biodiversity value of boundaries is lowest in the most intensive cereal production areas and highest in areas of mixed farming

    Polttoturvesoiden jälkikäyttö: siirtonurmikon tuotanto Tohmajärven Valkeasuolla

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    vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikk

    Säädöksistä teoiksi: Ympäristötukiehtoja toteuttamassa

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    Ympäristötukiohjelman ensimmäinen kausi on päättymässä, ja uuden ohjelman luonnos on jo valmis. Ympäristön kannalta hyviksi katsottuja viljelytoimenpiteitä on vuosien 1995-99 aikana toteuttanut lähes 90 % suomalaisista viljelijöistä yhteensä noin 2 milj. hehtaarin suuruisella alalla. Toimenpiteiden toteuttamista, ympäristövaikutuksia ja taloudellisia vaikutuksia on selvitetty erilaisissa tutkimushankkeissa. Mitä muutoksia ympäristötuki on tuonut viljelijöiden arkeen ja miten he ovat kokeneet ohjelman toteuttamisen?Vo

    Selenium content of Finnish oats in 1997-1999: effect of cultivars and cultivation techniques

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    Se-supplemented fertilization is the main factor affecting the selenium (Se) contents of cereals in Finland. Soil and climatic conditions determine the activity of selenate added to soils and bioavailability to plants. In the present study the Se contents and its variation in Finnish oats, the differences between oat cultivars and cultivation techniques were examined. The selenium (Se) contents of oats (Avena sativa L.) in Finland were examined during 1997-1999 in 3 types of trial: official variety, organic cultivation variety and organic vs. conventional cultivation trials. Farm samples were also examined. The mean Se contents of oats in official variety trials were 0.110, 0.120 and 0.160 mg kg-1 dry weight (dw) range 0.016-0.460 mg kg-1dw in 1997-1999, respectively. The mean Se contents in farm samples were 0.050 and 0.130 mg kg-1dw in 1998 and 1999, ranging between < 0.010 and 0.330 mg kg-1 dw. Considerable regional and seasonal variations existed. The Se contents of oats were significantly higher in 1999 probably due to the combined effect of not increased fertilizer level (from 6 to 10 mg Se kg-1 fertilizer) and very low precipitation in 1999. The Se contents of oats were significantly lower in organic cultivation, due to the absence of Se-supplemented fertilization. Significant (P < 0.001) cultivar differences were detected in official variety trials. The cultivars Veli and Leila showed higher levels of Se

    ß-Glucan contents of groats of different oat cultivars in official variety, in organic cultivation, and in nitrogen fertilization trials in Finland

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    ß-Glucan is a beneficial chemical compound in the diet of humans by decreasing the levels of serum cholesterol and blood glucose. The ß-glucan contents of oat groats were studied in official variety trials (1997-1999), nitrogen fertilization trials (1997-1999) and organic variety trials (1997-1998) in Finland. Eight cultivars were studied in the organic variety trials. Two of them, cultivars Puhti and Veli, were cultivated also with a conventional method at the same fields. The years 1997 and 1999 were very warm and dry and 1998 very cool and rainy. The effects of year and cultivar on ß-glucan content were significant in all three trial series. The Kolbu oat cultivar had a significantly lower ß- glucan content than other cultivars in all trials. N fertilization did not increase the ß-glucan contents of oats in Finland. The effect of cultivation method (traditional vr organic cultivation) had no significant effect on the ß-glucan content. The year x cultivar interaction significantly affected the ß-glucan contents of oat groats in N fertilization trials. The reaction of different cultivars to weather conditions was different. Kolbu oat cultivar had significantly lower ß-glucan contents in 1998 than in warm years in all three trial series

    Hyperglycosylated hCG activates LH/hCG-receptor with lower activity than hCG

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    While human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) appears to have an essential role in early pregnancy, it is controversial whether the hyperglycosylated form of hCG (hCG-h), which is the major hCG isoform during the first 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, is able to activate LH/hCG receptor (LHCGR). To address this, we utilized different extensively characterized hCG and hCG beta reference reagents, cell culture- and urine-derived hCG-h preparations, and an in vitro reporter system for LHCGR activation. The WHO hCG reference reagent (99/688) was found to activate LHCGR with an EC50-value of 3.3 +/- 0.6 pmol/L (n = 9). All three studied hCG-h preparations were also able to activate LHCGR, but with a lower potency (EC50-values between 7.1 +/- 0.5 and 14 +/- 3 pmol/L, n = 5-11, for all P <0.05 as compared to the hCG reference). The activities of commercial urinary hCG (Pregnyl) and recombinant hCG (Ovitrelle) preparations were intermediate between those of the hCG reference and the hCG-h. These results strongly suggest that the hCG-h is functionally similar to hCG, although it has lower potency for LHCGR activation. Whether this explains the reduced proportion of hCG-h to hCG reported in patients developing early onset pre-eclampsia or those having early pregnancy loss remains to be determined.Peer reviewe

    Kauran ytimestä löytyy öljyä

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    Kaura sisältää hyvälaatuista öljyä enemmän kuin muut viljat. Öljy lisää kauran energia-arvoa, mutta terveysvaikutteisissa elintarvikkeissa öljyä toivotaan kuitenkin olevan vähän. Öljyn määrä vaihtelee lajikkeittain - Roopesta sitä löytyy vähän ja Belindasta runsaasti.vokKV

    Luomukaura - terveellistäkö?

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    Kuluttaja arvostaa elintarvikkeissa hyvää makua, terveellisyyttä, turvallisuutta, puhtautta ja luonnonmukaisuutta. Luomutuotteissa kuluttajat arvostavat ravitsevuutta, terveellisyyttä, ympäristöystävällisyyttä ja vähäistä lisäaineiden määrää. Mutta miten terveellistä on luomukaura?vokKV

    Tilastollisen laadun arviointi liiketalouden koulutusohjelman opinnäytetöissä

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    Kehittämishankkeen päätavoitteena oli selvittää Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun liiketalouden koulutusohjelman opinnäytetöiden tilastollista laatua vuonna 2006 valmistuneissa opinnäytetöissä. Toisaalta hankkeen tavoitteena oli myös muodostaa laadun arvioimiseksi tilastollisen laadun peruskriteeristö, jota voitaisiin jatkossa pitää suosituksena opinnäytetöiden sisältöön. Laaditun kriteeristön mukaisesti arvioitiin 24 opinnäytetyötä; noin 80 % liiketalouden koulutusohjelmasta vuonna 2006 valmistuneista tilastollisen tutkimuksen sisältäneistä töistä. Opinnäytetöiden arviointi osoitti töiden tilastollisessa laadussa olevan suuria eroja. Opinnäytetöistä 42 % sai tilastollisen laadun kokonaisarvioinnissa hyvän tai erinomaisen arvosanan. Tyydyttävän kokonaisarvosanan sai 46 % töistä. Nämä tyydyttäviksi arvioidut työt olivat tutkimukselliselta osuudeltaan toteutettu muutoin kohtuullisen hyvin, mutta niissä esiintyi melko runsaasti pieniä puutteita ja virheitä. Opinnäytetöistä 12 % arvioitiin tilastolliselta osuudeltaan sisältävän ”erittäin suuria puutteita/virheitä” tai ”melko suuria puutteita/virheitä”. Yleisesti eniten puutteita havaittiin tulosten käsittelyssä, esittämisessä ja tulkinnassa, mutta usein myös aineiston hankintaan liittyvissä asioissa. Luonteenomaista tilastolliselta laadultaan puutteellisille töille oli kriittisen tarkastelun puuttuminen tilastollisen tutkimusosion eri vaiheissa, erityisesti johtopäätöksiä tehtäessä. Lisäksi, mikäli töissä oli käytetty tilastollisia analyysimenetelmiä tai testejä, oli niiden käytössä yleensä karkeita virheitä tai epäselvyyksiä. Opinnäytetöiden arviointi osoitti melko suuressa osassa Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun liikealan opiskelijoiden opinnäytetöitä olevan tilastollisessa laadussa ja siten koko työn laadussa selkeästi parannettavaa. Kehittämishankkeen tulosten pohjalta on mahdollista kehittää opinnäytetöiden sisältöä huomioimalla ohjauksessa paremmin tilastollisen laadun peruskriteerejä.The main purpose of this development project was to study statistical quality of theses in the business management of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences within the year 2006. On the other hand, the purpose of this project was also to form an idea of the criterions of statistical quality. These criterions could be kept as recommendations for theses. In this project 24 theses were evaluated based on the formulated criterions. In the evaluation of statistical quality there were found out to be big differences between the theses. In this evaluation 42 % of the theses were given “excellent” or “good” grade. Correspondingly, 46 % of thesis got “quite good” or “gratifying” total grade. Those theses were found out to be carried out quite well, however, quite many mistakes and weaknesses were found in statistical parts of those theses. “Very bad mistakes or weaknesses were found in 12 percent of theses. Commonly, the weaknesses were mostly in processing the data and in demonstrating and interpreting the results, but very often in supplying the data too. These with weaknesses in statistical quality often failed in critical examinations particularly at drawing conclusions. In addition, if statistical analyses or tests were used, there were very often found to be big mistakes or lack of clarity in those theses. The evaluation of theses proved, that the statistical quality and so the quality of the whole thesis was not good at all in big part of theses in the business management of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. It is possible to improve the contents of the theses based on the results of this developing project by paying attention to the basic criterions of statistical quality while directing students’ thesis research