13 research outputs found

    Android Application for Children with Easy Content Expansion

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací projektu, díky kterému mohou rodiče sami tvořit obsah aplikací pro své děti. Tyto aplikace jsou v naprosté většině hry, které podporují děti předškolního věku v jejich mentálním vývoji a vzdělávají je v práci s dotykovými zařízeními. Tento projekt, nazvaný Tamaty (pozn. TÁta, MÁma a TY), se skládá z webového frameworku, který umožňuje rodičům nahrát na server mediální soubory, vytvořit z nich balík s obsahem, a poté ze samotných aplikací pro platformu Android, které tento obsah dovolují stáhnout a vytvořit z něj hru pro děti. Pro potřeby této práce jsou implementovány variace na známé hry pexeso a puzzle.The bachelor thesis deals with draft and implementation of the project, thanks to which parents can themselves create content of applications for their children. These applications are mostly games which support mental development of preschool children and teach them how to work with touch devices. This project, called Tamaty (note: the name is made from Czech words for Dad, Mom and You), consists of a web framework that allows parents to upload media files at server, create a package, then download the package to Android applications which will make a children game from it. For the purposes of this thesis I've implemented variations on the well-known games pexeso and puzzle.

    Comparison of methods for the microbiological identification and profiling of cronobacter species from ingredients used in the preparation of infant formula

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    Cronobacter spp. (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) can be isolated from a wide range of foods and environments, and its association with neonatal infections has drawn considerable attention from regulatory authorities. The principle route of neonatal infection has been identified as the ingestion of contaminated infant formula. A number of methods have been developed to identify Cronobacter spp., however these were before the most recent (2012 ) taxonomic revision of the genus into seven species. In this study, phenotyping, protein profiling and molecular methods were used to identify Cronobacter strains which had been recently isolated from ingredients used in the preparation of infant formula. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis revealed that different Cronobacter strains had been recovered from the same food products. All isolates were identified as C sakazakii according to four genus specific PCR-probes and protein profiling using MALDI-TOF analysis. However, 16S rDNA sequence analyses and fusA allele sequencing gave more accurate identification: four strains were C sakazakii, one strain was C malonaticus and the remaining strain was C universalis. Multilocus sequence typing showed the strains were different sequence types. These results demonstrate the presence of different Cronobacter species in food ingredients used in the preparation of infant formula, and also the need for molecular identification and profiling methods to be revised according to taxonomic revisions

    Cronobacter spp. as emerging causes of healthcare-associated infection

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    Background: Until recently, members of the Cronobacter genus (formerly known as Enterobacter sakazakii) were a relatively unknown cause of nosocomial infections. However, their association with infant infections, particularly through the consumption of contaminated reconstituted infant formula in neonatal intensive care units, has resulted in international efforts to improve neonatal health care. Aim: To investigate current understanding of this emergent group of bacterial pathogens and the steps taken to reduce neonatal infection. Methods: A literature review was undertaken to determine current knowledge of the Cronobacter genus with respect to recent taxonomic revisions, sources and clinical relevance. Findings: The majority of severe neonatal meningitis infections are associated with one of the 10 Cronobacter spp., the clonal complex known as C. sakazakii sequence type 4. International efforts by the Food and Agriculture Organization–World Health Organization (WHO) to reduce the risk of neonatal infection by this organism have resulted in improved microbiological safety of powdered infant formula (PIF), but revised guidelines for feeding practices have been problematic. In addition, the majority of infections occur in the adult population and the sources are unknown. Conclusion: International improvements in the microbiological safety of PIF and advice on feeding practices have focused on improving neonatal health care following the heightened awareness of Cronobacter infections in this particular age group. These measures are also likely to reduce neonatal exposure to other opportunistic bacterial pathogens, but a number of unresolved issues remain with respect to the practicalities of feeding premature neonates safely while following WHO advice

    HOUSE ON THE EDGE – Valašské Meziříčí, Sokolská Street

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    The project respects and follows local environment. Clearly defines urban space which is characterized with relationships in locality. In own creative and functional way creates two separate objects that are connected between each other with interspace. Square continuously integrates and expand space for community

    Sales Returns System for K24.cz Company

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    Import 04/07/2011Tato bakalářská práce vznikla za účelem tvorby informačního systému pro evidenci reklamovaného zboží společnosti K24.cz. Systém umožňuje evidovat zákazníky, reklamované produkty a servisní střediska pro budoucí dohledání a použití v následně vytvořených záznamech. Systém spravuje údaje potřebné k reklamaci produktu prodaného společností K24.cz, informuje uživatele o stavu, v jakém se reklamovaný produkt nachází a umožňuje tisk veškerých protokolů potřebných ke kladnému vyřízení zakázky. Informační systém dále ulehčuje uživateli systému práci automaticky odesílanými emailovými zprávami o změně stavu zakázky na adresu zákazníka. Pro vytvoření systému byl použit programovací jazyk Java. Před implementací systému bylo nutné provést analýzu požadavků zadavatele, která probíhala se servisním oddělením společnosti. Po zanalyzování těchto požadavků mohla být provedena vlastní implementace a testování vytvořeného systému v reálném chodu společnosti.The purpose of this work was to create an information system for registration of in-warranty goods returns to K24.cz. The system enables to record customers´ details, returned products and repair centres and creates records which can be traced in anytime. The system records all necessary information for in-warranty return process of goods sold by K24.cz. The system informs users about current status of claimed product and enables printing of all related documents. The system reduces workload of users by sending automatic e-mails about any status change to customers. The system was created in Java programming language. Prior to implementation of the system it was necessary to analyze requirements of K24.cz ´s service department. After the analysis the system could be created and after further testing implemented into a real life operation.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Revitalization of Castle Jasenov with and Surroundings

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    Celkový koncept práce naväzuje na stávajúci stav a bohatú historickú, umeleckú, miestnu hodnotu. Vychádza s dvoch hlavných reprezentantov života a histórie Jasenova (Jasenovský prameň, Jasenovský hrad) a je doplnená o novú formu, ktoré je reprezentovaná regionálnym múzeom. Prvá časť obsahuje analýzy okolia, širších vzťahov, histórie a pamiatok, statika Jasenovského hradu a vyvodenie dôsledkov pre koncept. Druhá časť pojednáva o Jasnenovskom prameni. Miesto je historicky významne viazané k dedine ako takej. Povesti a legendy popisujú jeho priam dramatický vplyv na vývoj histórie. Na tomto mieste je navrhnuté „spirituálne“ miesto, miesto pre relax , odpočinok, oddych. Hlavnou časťou je forma, ktorá sa odvoláva na klasické kaplnky a kostolíky na území Zemplína. Okolo sa nachádza 23 skál na sedenie, ktoré reprezentujú 23 rodín (vo svojom čase predstavovali hlavný stavebný kameň Jasenova.). Miesto komunikuje, žije s okolitou prírodou a jemne doplňuje okolie. Tretia časť pojednáva o múzeu tohto regióna. Múzeum slúži nielen ako reprezentácia histórie tohto regiónu, ale aj ako miesto pre odpočinok, výstavy, vystúpenia ( amfiteáter pre 250 ľudí), reprezentáciu tradičnej výroby a folklóru. Koncept sa skladá zo 7 samostatných objektov, v ich centre sa nachádza amfiteáter/ park. Hmoty organicky naväzujú na topografiu a georeliéf krajiny, koncepčne vychádzajú z klasickej dobovej výstavby Zemplína. Múzeum je taktiež hlavnou križovatkou turistických tras ( Humenné- Jasenovský hrad, Hubková- Chlmec, Jasenovský hrad- Krivoštianka).Hole idea of this design connects to existing situation and state, to historical, artistic significance of this region. The concept coming out of two main representants of life and history of Jasenov (Jasenov castle, Jasenov healing spring) and is coupled with new form, that is represented in form of Regional museum. First part includes analysis of area and surroundings, wider relationships, history and landmarks nad memories, static analysis of state of Jasenov castle and it's consequences on concept. Second part includes design of Jasenov healing spring. This place is historically significant because of effect on historical progress. For this place I designed „spiritua“ place, place for relaxation. Main part is represented by particular form, form that is inpired by classical chapels and churches of this region of Zemplin. Around main design, there are 23 rocks for sitting, that represents 23 families ( These families were really significant for hole progress and history of this village). Hole place communicates with it's surroundings, nature and gently complement this area. Third part deals with Museum of Region. Museum serves not only for representation of history, but also like place for relax, exibitions, performances ( amphiteather for 250 people), representation of traditional manufacturing and folklor. Concept consist of 7 main houses, in center of area si amphiteather/ park. Forms organicly conncets with nature, terrain in similar style like traditional architecture of Zemplin. Museum is alcou main crossroad of turistic paths (Humenné- Jasenov castle, Húbková- Chlmec, Jasenov castle- Krivoštianka).

    HOUSE ON THE EDGE – Valašské Meziříčí, Sokolská Street

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    Projekt rešpektuje a naväzuje na dané prostredie. Jasne definuje miesto, charakterizované vzťahmi v okolí. Výtvarne a funkčne vytvára dve samostatné hmoty, ktoré sú však navzájom prepojenené medzipriestorom. Námestie plynule zjednocuje a rozširuje mestský priestor, slúžiaci pre komunitu.The project respects and follows local environment. Clearly defines urban space which is characterized with relationships in locality. In own creative and functional way creates two separate objects that are connected between each other with interspace. Square continuously integrates and expand space for community.

    Diversity of the Cronobacter genus as revealed by multilocus sequence typing

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    Cronobacter (previously known as Enterobacter sakazakii) is a diverse bacterial genus consisting of seven species: C. sakazakii, C. malonaticus, C. turicensis, C. universalis, C. muytjensii, C. dublinensis, and C. condimenti. In this study, we have used a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) approach employing the alleles of 7 genes (atpD, fusA, glnS, gltB, gyrB, infB, and ppsA; total length, 3,036 bp) to investigate the phylogenetic relationship of 325 Cronobacter species isolates. Strains were chosen on the basis of their species, geographic and temporal distribution, source, and clinical outcome. The earliest strain was isolated from milk powder in 1950, and the earliest clinical strain was isolated in 1953. The existence of seven species was supported by MLST. Intraspecific variation ranged from low diversity in C. sakazakii to extensive diversity within some species, such as C. muytjensii and C. dublinensis, including evidence of gene conversion between species. The predominant species from clinical sources was found to be C. sakazakii. C. sakazakii sequence type 4 (ST4) was the predominant sequence type of cerebral spinal fluid isolates from cases of meningitis