9 research outputs found

    2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis

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    Regular physical activity (PA) is increasingly promoted for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases as well as the general population. We evaluated if the public health recommendations for PA are applicable for people with inflammatory arthritis (iA; Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis) and osteoarthritis (hip/knee OA) in order to develop evidence-based recommendations for advice and guidance on PA in clinical practice. The EULAR standardised operating procedures for the development of recommendations were followed. A task force (TF) (including rheumatologists, other medical specialists and physicians, health professionals, patient-representatives, methodologists) from 16 countries met twice. In the first TF meeting, 13 research questions to support a systematic literature review (SLR) were identified and defined. In the second meeting, the SLR evidence was presented and discussed before the recommendations, research agenda and education agenda were formulated. The TF developed and agreed on four overarching principles and 10 recommendations for PA in people with iA and OA. The mean level of agreement between the TF members ranged between 9.8 and 8.8. Given the evidence for its effectiveness, feasibility and safety, PA is advocated as integral part of standard care throughout the course of these diseases. Finally, the TF agreed on related research and education agendas. Evidence and expert opinion inform these recommendations to provide guidance in the development, conduct and evaluation of PA-interventions and promotion in people with iA and OA. It is advised that these recommendations should be implemented considering individual needs and national health systems.EULA

    Turkish League Against Rheumatism (Tlar) Recommendations For The Pharmacological Management Of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 2018 Update Under Guidance Of Current Recommendations

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    Objectives: This study aims to report the assessment of the Turkish League Against Rheumatism (TLAR) expert panel on the compliance and adaptation of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2016 recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Turkey. Patients and methods: The EULAR 2016 recommendations for the treatment of RA were voted by 27 specialists experienced in this field with regard to participation rate for each recommendation and significance of items. Afterwards, each recommendation was brought forward for discussion and any alteration gaining >= 70% approval was accepted. Also, Turkish version of each item was rearranged. Last version of the recommendations was then revoted to determine the level of agreement. Levels of agreement of the two voting rounds were compared with Wilcoxon signed-rank test. In case of significant difference, the item with higher level of agreement was accepted. In case of no difference, the changed item was selected. Results: Four overarching principles and 12 recommendations were assessed among which three overarching principles and one recommendation were changed. The changed overarching principles emphasized the importance of physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists as well as rheumatologists for the care of RA patients in Turkey. An alteration was made in the eighth recommendation on treatment of active RA patients with unfavorable prognostic indicators after failure of three conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. Remaining principles were accepted as the same although some alterations were suggested but could not find adequate support to reach significance. Conclusion: Expert opinion of the TLAR for the treatment of RA was composed for practices in Turkish rheumatology and/or physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics.WoSScopu

    Turkish League Against Rheumatism (Tlar) Recommendations For The Pharmacological Management Of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 2018 Update Under Guidance Of Current Recommendations

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    Objectives: This study aims to report the assessment of the Turkish League Against Rheumatism (TLAR) expert panel on the compliance and adaptation of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2016 recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Turkey. Patients and methods: The EULAR 2016 recommendations for the treatment of RA were voted by 27 specialists experienced in this field with regard to participation rate for each recommendation and significance of items. Afterwards, each recommendation was brought forward for discussion and any alteration gaining >= 70% approval was accepted. Also, Turkish version of each item was rearranged. Last version of the recommendations was then revoted to determine the level of agreement. Levels of agreement of the two voting rounds were compared with Wilcoxon signed-rank test. In case of significant difference, the item with higher level of agreement was accepted. In case of no difference, the changed item was selected. Results: Four overarching principles and 12 recommendations were assessed among which three overarching principles and one recommendation were changed. The changed overarching principles emphasized the importance of physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists as well as rheumatologists for the care of RA patients in Turkey. An alteration was made in the eighth recommendation on treatment of active RA patients with unfavorable prognostic indicators after failure of three conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. Remaining principles were accepted as the same although some alterations were suggested but could not find adequate support to reach significance. Conclusion: Expert opinion of the TLAR for the treatment of RA was composed for practices in Turkish rheumatology and/or physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics.WoSScopu

    Is There A Role For Tnf-α Antagonists In The Treatment Of Ssc? Eustar Expert Consensus Development Using The Delphi Technique

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    Objective: To obtain experiences and expert opinion on treatment of SSc patients with TNF-α antagonists. Methods: An investigation was carried out among the EUSTAR centres into their expertise on use of TNF-α antagonists. Assessment forms on the frequency of TNF-α inhibitor use were distributed to EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research Group (EUSTAR) centres. Afterwards, a three round Delphi exercise was performed to obtain expert consensus on the use of TNF-α inhibitors in SSc. Results: Seventy-nine centres returned information on use of TNF-α antagonists in SSc patients. A total of 65 patients were treated with TNF-a inhibitors in 14 different centres. Forty-eight of the 65 patients treated with TNF-α inhibitors improved. Improvement was mainly seen in patients with arthritis, whereas the effects on fibrosis varied. In the first round of the subsequent Delphi approach, 71 out of 79 experts stated that they would use TNF-α antagonists in SSc. Arthritis was suggested as an indication for TNFa antagonists by 75% of the experts. However, after the third stage of the Delphi exercise, the acceptance for the off-label use of TNF-a antagonists decreased and 59% recommended that TNF-α antagonists should not be used or only used in clinical trials in SSc patients, while 38% of the experts suggested the use of TNF-a antagonists for arthritis associated with SSc. Conclusions: Most of the experts do not recommend the routine use of TNF-a antagonists in systemic sclerosis. Arthritis might be a potential indication in SSc, although controlled clinical trials with TNF-α antagonists are needed before general recommendations can be given. © Copyright Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2011.292 SUPPL. 65S40S45Keyser, F.D., Mielants, H., Veys, E.M., Current use of biologicals for the treatment of spondyloarthropathies (2001) Expert Opin Pharmacother, 2, pp. 85-93Olsen, N.J., Stein, C.M., New drugs for rheumatoid arthritis (2004) N Engl J Med, 350, pp. 2167-2179Chua, C.C., Chua, B.H., Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induces mRNA for collagenase and TIMP in human skin fibroblasts (1990) Connect Tissue Res, 25, pp. 161-170Mauviel, A., Daireaux, M., Redini, F., Galera, P., Loyau, G., Pujol, J.P., Tumor necrosis factor inhibits collagen and fibronectin synthesis in human dermal fibroblasts (1988) FEBS Lett, 236, pp. 47-52Liu, J.Y., Brass, D.M., Hoyle, G.W., Brody, A.R., TNF-alpha receptor knockout mice are protected from the fibroproliferative effects of inhaled asbestos fibers (1998) Am J Pathol, 153, pp. 1839-1847Piguet, P.F., Vesin, C., Treatment by human recombinant soluble TNF receptor of pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin or silica in mice (1994) Eur Respir J, 7, pp. 515-518Khan, S.B., Cook, H.T., Bhangal, G., Smith, J., Tam, F.W., Pusey, C.D., Antibody blockade of TNF-alpha reduces inflammation and scarring in experimental crescentic glomerulonephritis (2005) Kidney Int, 67, pp. 1812-1820Distler, J.H., Schett, G., Gay, S., Distler, O., The controversial role of tumor necrosis factor alpha in fibrotic diseases (2008) Arthritis Rheum, 58, pp. 2228-2235Varga, J., Abraham, D., Systemic sclerosis: A prototypic multisystem fibrotic disorder (2007) J Clin Invest, 117, pp. 557-567Gabrielli, A., Avvedimento, E.V., Krieg, T., Scleroderma (2009) N Engl J Med, 360, pp. 1989-2003Bosello, S., De Santis, M., Tolusso, B., Zoli, A., Ferraccioli, G., Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor therapy in erosive polyarthritis secondary to systemic sclerosis (2005) Ann Intern Med, 143, pp. 918-920Antoniou, K.M., Mamoulaki, M., Malagari, K., Infliximab therapy in pulmonary fibrosis associated with collagen vascular disease (2007) Clin Exp Rheumatol, 25, pp. 23-28Bargagli, E., Galeazzi, M., Bellisai, F., Volterrani, L., Rottoli, P., Infliximab treatment in a patient with systemic sclerosis associated with lung fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension (2008) Respiration, 75, pp. 346-349Denton, C.P., Engelhart, M., Tvede, N., An open-label pilot study of infliximab therapy in diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (2009) Ann Rheum Dis, 68, pp. 1433-1439Ellman, M.H., Macdonald, P.A., Katz, R.S., Open label use of etanercept in eight scleroderma patients (2003) Ann Rheum Dis, 62 (SUPPL. 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