285 research outputs found


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    This thesis entitle : the Change of Pattern of Leadership Pesantren Darul Hidayah Subdistrict Rasau Jaya of Kubu Raya Regency". Pesantren, a traditional education institute typically Indonesia. This Research use the approach qualitative. because accurate problem represent the social symptom found on relation kyai, ustadz and santri from a lot of ethnical manner. Focus its solution is directional at relevant problem by respon is pesantren to modernism. Sosiologic-Anthropologic approach in very diffuse congeniality, specially model the Weberian, applied to analyse and interpret the existence, leadership, assess, and phenomenon pesantren and also various link of between religious factors, inclusive of opinion, the practice institute, social process and authority. Further solution in this thesis is aimed at by a question hit how pesantren take care of its autonomy, x'self identity, and spirit of his traditional when dealing with modern life influence, and also how pesantren anticipate the role sosial-budayanya in modern world context. Under consideration, this thesis pare about description of concerning leadership pesantren in contemporary context and its effort to make balance to the social change. In this case, its solution is relied on case of Change of Pattern of Leadership Pesantren Darul Hidayah Subdistrict Rasau Jaya of Kubu Raya Regency. Relevant Important Issue with the Change of Pattern of leadership pesantren in social transformation studied by: function pesantren as institute missionize, pesantren as " life school", pesantren as cultural custodian, pesantren as environment of spiritual and Sufism, and also social role of pesantren. Keyword: Leadership Kyai, pesantren, social rol


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    Kelompok tani Elok Mekar Sari ialah salah satu kelompok tani yang berada di kelurahan Semolowaru Kota Surabaya yang menerapkan program pertanian perkotaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan implementasi program pertanian perkotaan pada Kelompok Tani Elok Mekar Sari Kelurahan Semolowaru Kota Surabaya. Pada penelitian ini digunakan model implementasi menurut van Meter van Horn guna mendeskripsikan implementasi program pertanian pada kelompok tani Elok Mekar Sari. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) tujuan kebijakan serta standar yang jelas dari program pertanian perkotaan ini sudah tercapai; (2) sumber daya kebijakan yang berupa sumber daya manusia dan finansial telah terimplementasi tetapi belum optimal pada sumber daya manusia; (3) komunikasi antar organisasi dan kegiatan pelaksanaan sudah terimplementasi dengan optimal; (4) karakteristik badan pelaksana telah terimplementasi dengan baik; (5) kondisi lingkungan politik, sosial dan ekonomi telah terimplementasi akan tetapi belum optimal dari segi lingkungan sosialnya; (6) kecenderungan pelaksana telah terimplementasi, tetapi masih terdapat hal yang perlu ditegaskan, yaitu pemahaman implementator terhadap kebijakan pada implementasi pertanian perkotaan di kelompok tani Elok Mekar Sari masih kurang terhadap pendalaman mengenai tujuan dari adanya pertanian perkotaa

    Penerapan Good Corporate Governnace dalam Optimalisasi Tata Kelola Pelayanan Perum Damri Cabang Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the application of good corporate governance in optimizing service governance in the perum damri branch of the City of Surabaya. This research method uses a descriptive type of qualitative research with data collection techniques carried out through observation techniques, interviews, documentation, and previous research. The results showed that the Perum damri Branch of Surabaya City has not fully applied the principles of good corporate governance as a whole from the 5 principles of achieving goals, there is still 1 principle that is well implemented, namely the principle of independency. Transparency has not been carried out due to the absence of operational information services, accountability has not been fully implemented, there is still no guarantee of employee competence and the company governance system has not run optimally, responsibility has not been fully relaxed due to the absence of social impact programs for the community in the company environment,  fairness has not been fully implemented because the community complaint box facility is still not available and there are still many fleets for rejuvenation and fleets are carried out for people with disabilities


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact in various fields, especially in the tourism sector which also has an impact on the country's economy. The central and local governments are currently doing various methods, including the Sekapuk Village Government. In the midst of the current pandemic, Sekapuk Village has succeeded in increasing village income as a source of economic resilience from tourism. Sekapuk Village has also achieved various achievements. This is inseparable from the support from the community. The purpose of this research is to see the application of the principles of Community Based Tourism (CBT) in the Development of Tourism Villages in Sekapuk Village, Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. This type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of CBT in Sekapuk Village has not been implemented as a whole. In the planning principle, the community has not played an active role. Then on the principle of implementation, the community has played an active role and participated in tourism ownership. Furthermore, the impact and benefits have been felt by the community significantl

    Efektivitas Pelayanan Program Keluarga Berencana Melalui Mobil Pelayanan Keliling Desa Bersama Bidan Desa

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    Access to family planning services is limited, which cannot reach the entire community due to the remote areas and the lack of socialization facilities to reach people in remote villages. Also, there are still sub-districts where health facilities have not been reached. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of family planning program services through a car service around the village with the village midwife. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the service of the family planning program through the car around the village service with the village midwife was effective in terms of: 1) Achievement of goals, the goal of the mobile service was achieved by observing the addition of KB MKJP acceptors and there was already a schedule for implementing and program objectives that were clear but still constrained by a lack of funding. 2) Adaptation, in this mobile service the infrastructure uses existing facilities, filling in the workforce comes from official employees and CTU training has been given to village midwives. 3) Integration, the PPKB Office has provided socialization through extension workers in each sub-district. Service procedures already exist and are clear but can be conditional depending on conditions in the field and coordination has been carried out with the Health Office, IBI and IDI regarding the assignment of medical personnelAccess to family planning services is limited, which cannot reach the entire community because the area is far enough away and there is a lack of socialization facilities to reach people in remote villages. Also, there are still sub-districts where health facilities have not been reached. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of family planning program services through a car service around the village with the village midwife. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out through data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that the family planning program services through village mobile services with village midwives were effective in terms of: 1) Achievement of Goals, mobile services had achieved their objectives by seeing that there was already a clear implementation schedule and program objectives but were still constrained by budget savings. 2) Adaptation, in this mobile service the infrastructure uses existing facilities, staffing comes from official employees and CTU training has been given to village midwives. 3) Integration, socialization has been carried out through extension workers in each sub-district. Service procedures already exist but can be conditional depending on conditions in the field and coordination has been carried out with the Health Office, IBI and IDI regarding the assignment of medical personne

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Masyarakat Menunggak Membayar Retribusi Surat Izin Pemakaian Tanah di Kecamatan Gubeng Kota Surabaya

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    Penerimaan dari hasil retribusi merupakan salah satu pemasukan dana yang dapat diandalkan bagi daerah karena besarnya retribusi seiring dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk, perekonomian, teknologi, dan stabilitas nasional. Agar tetap dapat meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Surabaya, dibutuhkan kepatuhan masyarakat dalam membayar retribusi IPT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat menunggak membayar surat Izin Pemakaian Tanah di Kecamatan Gubeng Kota Surabaya. Tujuan Dalam penelitian ini populasi yang digunakan adalah objek tunggakan retribusi IPT di Kecamatan Gubeng Kota Surabaya yang terdata di Dinas Pengelolaan Bangunan dan Tanah Kota Surabaya. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode Simpel Random Sampling. Jumlah sampel ditentukan 300 responden masyarakat wajib retribusi IPT. Metode pengumpulan data primer yang dipakai adalah dengan metode angket (kuesioner). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis Koefisien Spearman Rank. Hasil analisis yang dilakukan maka diperoleh koefisien korelasi variabel X1 sebesar 0,90 yang berarti tingkat hubungan sangat tinggi. Koefisien korelasi variabel X2 sebesar 0,12 yang berarti tingkat hubungan sangat rendah dan koefisien korelasi variabel X3 sebesar 0,13 yang berarti tingkat hubungan sangat rendah. Variabel X1, X2, X3 telah dinyatakan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap tingkat penunggak retribusi IPT. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat penunggak retribusi IPT yakni faktor kesadaran (81%), faktor kualitas pelayanan (1,44 %) dan faktor sanksi denda (1,69 %)

    Pengembangan Objek Wisata Sawah Sumber Gempong Oleh Badan Usaha Milik Desa

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    Sumber Gempong Rice Field Tourism is a tourist destination that has great natural potential and is located in Ketapanrame Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency. In the development, management and development of tourism is carried out jointly as managers and investors. Even though it was only inaugurated in December 2021, this tour is capable of becoming the largest producer of the Mutiara Welirang Village-Owned Enterprise. This is inseparable from the development carried out by the management. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the Sumber Gempong Rice Field Tourism object carried out by a business entity owned by Mutiara Welirang Village. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the development of tourist objects carried out by the Mutiara Welirang Village-Owned Enterprise has been carried out quite well and according to existing theory, but further improvement and development is needed on the indicators of facilities, accessibility and brand image. There needs to be more development related to the addition of facilities and means of ease of access and increased security so that tourism can adapt to current trends in order to achieve the goal of tourism development, namely to attract visitors.  Sumber Gempong Rice Field Tourism is a tourist destination that has great natural potential and is located in Ketapanrame Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency. In the development, management and development of tourism is carried out jointly as managers and investors. Even though it was only inaugurated in December 2021, this tour is capable of becoming the largest producer of the Mutiara Welirang Village-Owned Enterprise. This is inseparable from the development carried out by the management. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the Sumber Gempong Rice Field Tourism object carried out by a business entity owned by Mutiara Welirang Village. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the development of tourist objects carried out by the Mutiara Welirang Village-Owned Enterprise has been carried out quite well and according to existing theory, but further improvement and development is needed on the indicators of facilities, accessibility and brand image. There needs to be more development related to the addition of facilities and means of ease of access and increased security so that tourism can adapt to current trends in order to achieve the goal of tourism development, namely to attract visitors


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    Abstract Rural communities as poor people have complex complexes; namely the factor of being economically poor, socially marginalized, and forgotten by function and dignity. Further education factors At present the level of education of the people of the Region is still largely low. Education is important because of empowerment, the community will improve their personal or group abilities. One of the rural communities in Trenggalek district is a group of women farmers (KWT) in the village of Dompyong. In the discussion about increasing the income of farming families, among them were a group of farmer women who sought additional assistance, both in the activities of making cassava chips and banana chips, banana floss in the village. , especially knowledge about increasing production as well as marketing, the abon heart banana home industry in the village of Trompalek Dompyong has not been maximized and cannot be processed properly. The health benefits for our body are to prevent the risk of stroke, prevent cholesterol, can make the stomach healthy, and can be consumed for diabetics and many more benefits provided by the heart of this banana. The purpose of this dedication activity is to provide knowledge and insights on how to make a banana heart floss that is good and truly flavored, and provides insight into marketing management so that an appropriate marketing network development model can be obtained. While the target of this community service activity is the empowerment of women farmer groups (KWT) in the development of the banana heart floss business as an additional source of assistance for family women farmer groups (KWT) in Dompyong Village, Bendungan District, so that it can be used to find out how to process the production of jatung banana floss. including effective and correct marketing methods. Keywords: Empowerment, KWT, banana heart floss Abstrak Masyarakat pedesaan sebagai masyarakat miskin memiliki permasalahan yang kompleks; yakni faktor miskin secara ekonomi, terpinggir secara sosial, dan terlupakan secara fungsi dan martabat.  Selanjutnya faktor pendidikan dimana tingkat pendidikan masyarakat wilayah pedesaan sebagian besar masih rendah.  Pendidikan menjadi penting karena dengan pemberdayaan, masyarakat akan meningkatkan kapasitas pribadi maupun kelompok. Salah satu masyarakat pedesaan di kabupaten Trenggalek adalah kelompok wanita tani (KWT) di desa Dompyong. Dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga petani antara lain adalah peran serta kelompok wanita tani dalam mencari penghasilan tambahan, baik dalam kegiatan pembuatan kripik singkong dan kripik pisang, abon jantung pisang di desa ini mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan, namun karena keterbatasan kemampuan sumber daya manusia (kurang berdaya) terutama menyangkut pengetahuan peningkatan produksi maupun pemasaran maka, home industri abon jantung pisang di desa Dompyong Trenggalek belum bisa dimaksimalkan dan tidak dapat diolah dengan baik. Padalah Manfaat untuk kesehatan pada tubuh kita adalah untuk mencegah resiko stroke, mencegah kolestrol, bisa menyehatkan perut, dan bisa dikonsumsi untuk penderita diabetes dan masih banyak lagi manfaat yang dimiliki oleh jantung pisang ini. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada mitra tentang pembuatan abon jantung pisang yang baik dan benar serta bercitra rasa, dan memberikan wawasan tentang manajemen pemasaran sehingga dapat diperoleh model pengembangan jaringan pemasaran yang sesuai. Sedangkan Target dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah pemberdayaan kelompok wanita tani (KWT) dalam pengembangan usaha abon jantung pisang sebagai sumber penghasilan tambahan bagi keluarga kelompok wanita tani (KWT) di Desa Dompyong Kecamatan Bendungan, sehingga dapat dicapai pengetahuan yang lebih komprehensif tentang bagaimana mengolah produksi abon jatung pisang termasuk bagaimana cara pemasaran yang efektif dan benar. Kata kunci : Pemberdayaan, KWT, abon jantung pisan


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    Kayutangan Heritage Village is a tourism village that presents the authenticity of the village with all the historical relics in the form of buildings with Dutch colonial pattern, culinary, and socio-cultural people in it that become an attraction to be visited and enjoyed so as to bring up memories of the past. Kayutangan Heritage Village is managed and developed independently by The Tourism Conscious Group (Pokdarwis). This study aims to know, describe and analyze the Development of Tourism Villages through a Community Based Tourism (CBT) Approach in Kayutangan Heritage Village, Malang. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Sampling techniques used are purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The results of this study show that Kayutangan Heritage Village has fulfilled all dimensions of CBT development, namely economic dimension, social dimension, cultural dimension, environmental dimension and political dimension as has been conveyed through the theory of CBT development dimension by Suansri quoted by Sunaryo (2013:142). However, the implementation of the development of Kayutangan Heritage Village through CBT has not been optimal, because there are some things that are still not considered in the economic and environmental dimensions


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    ABSTRAK PENENTUAN JENIS DAN TEBAL BAHAN PER/SA/  MENGGUNAKAN SUMBER GAMMA Cs-137. Telah dilakukan penentuan jenis  bahan penahan radiasi dengan menggunakan sumber gamma Cs-137 aktivitas 74 GBq.  Pemilihan bahan perisai radiasi  diperlukan untuk mendapatkan bahan  yang  tepat,   karena  setiap  bahan  mempunyai  tebal  paruh  yang berbeda. Tebal paruh  merupakan tebal bahan yang  dapat menyerap setengah intensitas paparan radiasi sehingga paparan yang tersisa menjadi setengah dari intensitas awalnya. Sampel yang digunakan unfuk pengujian adalah beton,  kayu dan timbal dengan ketebalan bervariasi. Dari  data  percobaan dan hasil perhitungan didapatkan kesimpulan,  bahwa jenis bahan perisai dari timbal mempunyai daya serap radiasi dan nilai HVT yang tepat untuk penahan radiasi gamma : tebal paruh  timbal  0.732 cm.  Dibandingkandengan bahan   dari kayu  dengan tebal  paruh: 11. O cm dan beton  3.164 cm. Kata kunci:   Jenis bahan, tebal paruh, ,  bahan perisai.  ABSTRACTDETERMINATION OF MATERIAL AND ITS THICKNESS FOR Cs-137 GAMMA SOURCE SHIELDING. Its has been determined the shielding material and its thickness necessarily conducted due to every material will have different half-thickness characteristics, and by the selection a suitable material and its thickness  will be obtained. Half-thickness of any material is the ability of the material  at a certain thickness to absorb any radiation intensity-so that the intensity becomes half of its source. Sample materials to be used are concrete,  wood, and lead with their thickness varied. From experiment data and theoretical computation can be concluded that lead is the suitable material for shielding with the value of HVT for gamma radiation 0.732 cm. For wood and concrete will give half-thicknessof 11.0 cm and 3.164 cm respectively. Keywords: shielding  material, half-thickness, shieldin